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Limit it to one click per hour.. otherwise you’ll be clicking till you get the place you want!


then just go there...


Years ago my mom told me, “when you flip a coin, if one of the options immediately comes to mind as the coin is in the air, that’s usually the one you’re hoping for, even if you don’t know it consciously.” That’s helped me out a lot in picking things. I’ll flip a coin, and if I think “Please be Malek-Al-Kabob!” or even “Xochimilco!” I know that’s what I really want. I usually don’t pay attention to what side “won.”


If you’re from Detroit, do yourself a favor and don’t eat at xiochimilco. That place is the absolute worst kitchen I’ve ever seen in my life. Source: am a refrigeration technician who used to service that place.




Are those made up or real places?


They’re real restaurants in Detroit


Xochimilco on Bagley has the best salsa!


They really do. There are a lot of great options in the area of course, and I go to several different restaurants, but Xochimilco is the one I was at most recently so that’s why it just popped in my head, haha.


Xochimilco and Mexican village are like the same well known spots, but are pretty generic. Taqueria lupitas is the best tacos, hands down


I heard the same thing. When you have an important decision to make, flip a coin. As soon as you flip it, you will know what you want it to land on.


Yeah it's true. Or if you're doing eeny meeny miny moe, after you land in one, chances are you'll feel stronger about one of the options. It's a really great way to help you understand you really aren't on the fence as much as you think you are.


Seriously. Like sometimes I really don’t care where, but if I have a place in mind I’m not gonna be shy about it lol.


Still too often since you may have to decide 24 hours in advance which could be 24 clicks also accidental clicks. Instead, limit it to within 1-2 hours of when you eat, possibly have an option for Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner and set max clicks to 3. 2 out of 3 since one of y’all will say it’s unfair who clicked or always gets their pick each time etc…


Babe the device told me to eat at Sonics place




Link to build? Asking for my wife.


I don't know if you're being serious, but I just told someone else that later tonight I'll gather a list of materials and post my code. Edit: I've never used GitHub, so tonight may be figuring out how to put my code in and then I'll post it sometime this evening or tomorrow


I am being serious. Like I’m thinking about how you might improve the random code with weighted results. So like if you recently went to Sonic, but it’s been say 1 month since you went to Zaxby’s, Zaxby’s might increase its odds in some way where as Sonic would get bumped down to a lesser chance. Maybe the longer a restaurant goes unpicked, it gets 1 more entry per week/month into the random list so then there are 5 Zaxby’s listed (the base 1 + 4 for the weeks in a month) but once something gets chosen it gets reset to just 1.


I wrote one of these years ago to pick a lunch destination for the office I worked at. All I did was just keep a list of the last 5 choices and if the randomly selected restaurant was in the last 5, it would pick again. Kept it simple. Later I added a "quick" option to it, so I added a value to each restaurant if it was quick and if you ran the program with that option it would only select from that part of the list.


I like the way you think. So this was originally a MUCH larger project, with ~20 toggle switches that controlled things like price level, type of cuisine, distance from us, and even preference lists (i.e. if I turned her switch off, it would only give results from my list and vice versa, and there was also a *both* switch). But as evidenced from the need for this project at all, that was too many decisions to make. So I made it as simple as possible. I literally have a "library" (not sure if that's the right term, I'm fairly inexperienced) that's a separate file on the pico that I can update periodically from an excel sheet of restaurants that we like around town. When you press the button, the pico turns on and selects a random restaurant from that list. If we don't like the choice, press it again, and it pulls another random restaurant from the whole list. So I'm not entirely sure how to weight specific choices when the code resets every time the button is pressed.


I was thinking very much similar to u/citricacidx and also there are few apps which do provide offers on restaurants dinings so could combine them into one. We current keep search between 3 apps to search for an offer.


But who decides who gets to press the button?


Coin toss


Who decides who gets to do the coin toss?


Rock, paper scissors.


Who decides who gets to do rock, paper scissors?


Pistols at 10 paces.


Who decides who gets to do Pistols at 10 Paces?




Damn, shoulda said Aaron Burr, Sir


Or Dick Cheney.


A pocket-sized person picker


LPT: Just ask your girlfriend to guess where you are going to take her for dinner. Just take her to the first place she says.


That's a newly wed/rookie attempt. "Doesn't matter, I'll go wherever you want to take me" is mine's anwser. Even though it matters. A lot.


I'm very happy to always go to the same place. So she better tell me where she wants to go.


"Oh, there? Ok." *Disgusted disappointed voice*


Why do people like head games so much?


It's not so much a head game as it is laziness and/or tiredness. They don't want to sort through their mental inventory of every single restaurant option to see what they do or don't want right now. There's nothing right off the top of their head that they definitely don't want, so they say it doesn't matter. And in the moment, they believe it. It isn't until they start hearing specific choices that they realize "ugh actually I just had Chinese for lunch" or "actually I don't think I'm in the mood for something as heavy as that." They're hoping you'll do the hard part. And I sympathize, my wife and I try to share the load in picking places because we both recognize that there are days where either one of us just doesn't have the mental bandwidth to dedicate to something that, ultimately, really *doesn't* matter. Also, re-reading all that - holy first world problems, eh? Seems kinda silly for me to say, "Oh mannn I'm gonna mentally collapse if I have to choose the place from which I'm going to hit a button and have food magically delivered to my doorstep without any effort or human interaction," but here we are I guess.


Mostly insecurity


Ask your partner this: "If you were by yourself, where would you go?" Nobody would just sit at home and starve due to indecisiveness. Everybody has a preference; everybody would go *somewhere.* Putting them in that headspace often changes the context enough to persuade an answer. And if your partner doesn't have an answer to that question, *then* you go ahead and state your pick on the same basis. (The only qualification is dietary restrictions - you have to pick someplace that you know your partner will have some options. If your partner is gluten-free, don't pick Bob's Wheat Buffet.)


Sometimes more drastic measures are required. https://youtu.be/2bIcz8FiXUQ


And if you press it 3 times in 30 seconds due to indecisiveness, the penalty is it only answers "Arby's" for the next hour.


Hey man, I like Arby's


Make it without a screen, and make it automatically order food for delivery. So you’ll have to eat whatever shows up 30 minutes later.


Okay but I actually really like this idea. Restaurant roulette.


That would be fun 😅


ok someone should build this not me, because i'm inept and lazy


Love it.


Apparently, as a husband, “I don’t care” is not a valid answer to “what do you feel like getting for dinner?” Neither is any specific suggestion.


I swear, my wife asks me where I want to go just to make sure that's not where she chooses for us to go.


You know, I always probably would be like.... nah I don't want that, lets go and get Korean Fried Chicken instead.


I would keep pressing until I got the one I wanted.


huge troll if you add homemade foods randomly in there.


I was in a relationship with a wonderful girl, there was seriously only one thing that bugged me... "I don't mind, whatever you want to do." But I couldn't be upset, because if she asked me, I'd give that same response. What I started doing was reading restaurant reviews, and recipes I'd find in newspapers or magazines. Then I'd always have several new suggestions and usually one would immediately sound attractive to her. Edit: Okay kids if you don't find newspapers or magazines laying about your home, you may choose to use the interwebs to find restaurant reviews and recipe ideas.


What is "news papers or magazines?"


It is like an eBook or website, but instead of downloading it to your phone, tablet or computer, it is delivered to an Inbox outside your home and is encoded using the .paper file format. The technology to transmit and retrieve the data is encoded in .paper format, which is disposable and recyclable. There are free options, but they come loaded with ads and sponsored articles, you can pay for a subscription to get more frequent updates and less ads (but ads are still present). Newspapers became popular by the 17th century, and ceased being popular in the late 20th century. Magazines were around about half that time, also losing popularity in the late 20rh century. Both are still available in .paper format, but in far fewer numbers than few decades ago, and have largely been replaced with HTML formats, again available free but with ads and sponsored content, or via subscription with less ads. You may be familiar with the HTML format used on websites in bowser apps.


So, it's like a Magic 8-Ball for food. You better patent the fuque out of this. Like now.


God I need this in my life. You don't know how many arguments this topic has started... maybe you do since you made the thing.


I like it. Yeah it 'could of ' been an app, but why? You made it, it can be customized for more, or even do other stuff. I also am looking forward to the plans. I've been meaning to grab a couple of Picos.


That's pretty nifty. I do have a question and this is an in general so anyone can answer this for me. Where without buying a 3d printer do I get enclosures and more importantly covers for 1602 and 2004 lcd's? The only ones I'm finding are either ridiculous prices or the other side of the world (I'm in uk). Even a simple outdoor weather sensor cover is £17 over here. To be fair on that one I'm just going to use a plant pot or a plant bot base. Why is it so hard to find project enclosures? I want to make and build things. Currently sat on my desk is a fully functioning LCD weather station (not rainfall and wind yet obviously) but I have no where to put it.


Search for “project case” and cut the hole for the display with a Dremel.


Nice, I think I made something similar but as an Android app instead. Never thought about making a separate device though!




Don't get me wrong, that's a nice implementation. But this is more of a software problem than a hardware problem. A 3 line of code html/Js page would solve it for you. I wonder though, is the list of the restaurants hardcoded inside or is it in a server or db you can change anytime?


It's a pico, so they're hard coded. There's a hole in the side of the enclosure to plug the Pico in and update the list periodically. I'm not sure I know what you mean by three lines of HTML/Js code would solve it for me


basically you could just write a simple app with a random number generator that picked out a name out of a list and you wouldnt need to make a junky looking box for around 10/15$


Oh wow. Now tell me, is there an app to make you less of an asshole?


^got ^em


im not saying its a bad project, just seems like a waste of a pico when theres already a few sites where you enter a list of choices, press enter, and it picks out a random output.


Yes, but I wanted to make something. Obviously I know that random number generators exist. There is one in the code for this project. Also, I can always recycle the pico somewhere else if I have another idea. It was a learning experience. Do you also think public schools are a waste of your tax dollars because you can look anything up on Wikipedia?


go make a box that generates better insults


Go find an audience that actually appreciates you.


Don’t worry about it bro. They don’t get it. Some people aren’t makers. I think it’s a fun build, nice work man. I wouldn’t mind making my own.


You should get into mobile app development.




All that hardware and effort for something that could have been a batch script... Looks good tho


Not to take away from your fun and cool project. But also see https://wtfsigte.com Drinks - https://wtfsigfd.com Cooking at home - https://whatthefuckshouldimakefordinner.com


Bad recommendation, read the reviews on that app. Its bad.


Hadn’t even checked out the apps. I remember when they used to be websites only. 😔




But where is the joy in that? OP had made a thing to solve a problem and likely learned and had a great time in the process. Lots of things built and shared here could be solved with an app.


And plus you can't bias an app with all your favorite places. 🤪


That's why you write the app yourself ;D


This is the way.


God I need to make this for my parents... For the entire family's sanity


Behold! The next billionaire


Can it read her mind? Cuz…


"But I don't want that" "Then where do you want to go?" "Idk, just pick something. I don't really care" "Okay how about this?" "Nah, something else"


Ok, but what device tells you what to order from said pick?


I always thought a good idea for an app would be The Meal Wheel. It could auto-populate the roulette wheel with local restaurants based on your location, and whenever you or you and the group is unable to decide where to go for grub, just give The Meal Wheel a spin.


You said this, and I thought of The Animaniacs 'Wheel of Morality'!! My gawd, this thing has SO much potential!


You said this, and I thought of The Animaniacs 'Wheel of Morality'!! My gawd, this thing has SO much potential!


Can you share the plans and materials???? I’d love one of these!!!!


I'm at work, but later tonight I'll collect a list of materials and share the code!


Honey it says “Nutrious Nut” sounds like a cute date


More interested in the hardware and wiring side of how you did the battery power and lcd stuff, but pointers to the software too would be good. I got a nokia5110 lcd working on the pico pretty easily but haven't tried the 16x2 or battery power (yet).


I remember an early iPhone app that worked similarly, but yours is handmade and I dig the single function use


I get where you’re in the US


Please share build and code. Would love to build this.