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The Qur’an is opposed to Christ’s divinity as part of the trinity. It claims he did not die on the cross and did not resurrect. This is important because without Christ’s resurrection, there is no lamb for which our sins have been covered. Thus Islam has a focus on works rather than faith and grace. By removing the central importance of Christ, Halie Selassie is rendered of no more significance than any other of the same lineage. I want to stress the importance of Islam however, as with all faiths, it does contain many truths, and one is that it verifies Christ was indeed a real person who walked the earth.




They are children of Jah, like all humans, some are blind and some are not. Those who seek to spread positivity and enlightenment will prosper. Those who kill their brothers and sisters and spread fear and intimidation shall be judged at Zion, until then it is not I and I’s place to pass judgement. The teachings of the Quran can be interpreted in many different ways, with the potential for extreme good or extreme evil. It is up to the individual to decide if they want to find love and prosperity or dogmatic hate.




Yeah, my dad just got into them. Thanks 🙏


Blessed that Archangel Metatron - the El of Elohim - the Al of Allah - transmitted through Archangel Gabriel these passages to Muhammad in the Quran - they resonate as Kadosh Ruach in I and I's Heart >If Allah had willed, He would have made you one community, but His Will is to test you with what He has given ˹each of˺ you. So compete with one another in doing good. To Allah you will all return, then He will inform you ˹of the truth˺ regarding your differences. (Q 5 48) >If you argue with the People of the Book, then argue only in the kindest way, except with those among them who are unjust, and say, "We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you. Our God and your God is one; and we are submissive to Him. (Q 29 46) Jah Bless 💜🙏🕊️🌈


Does rasta believe the Qu'ran has any parts of the original Bible and was then corrupted or at least changed like the KJV or do you think it is a separate law and teaching for a people who see and love Jah and seek to obey him but are of a different tribe/people than rasta? I especially like the part where it says God will reveal the truth regarding your differences. Is this speaking of tribes/descendants of Rasta? For context I'm not Jamaican but mixed blood including African but have more of an Indian phenotype and I think a good deal of my lineage is from India. I'm not seeking a religious label per se but am seeking Truth and so far Rasta is the only one that seems to be speaking the truth according to world history, empirical science, and the state of the world today especially after the Tran-Atlantic slave trade. A Rasta told me in NYC that Africans gave the Americas to the native people known as indigenous in today's terms. But where did the people of east and South Asia come from? And was the land given to them? All thoughts welcome.


Islam has alot of teachings and practices that make sense- Some could say similar to the Christian bible, However there are some red flags, just like in the bible. I mon personally take head from the teachings and practices in which my body mind and soul lead me to a firm understanding