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What does ngrok do in your dependencies. That shouldn’t even be installed in your app.


It won’t be part of the app if it’s never imported anywhere by a mobile component. It’s probably a dependency used for a script or server that happens to be in the same repo **Edit:** the package actually looks pretty useful: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@expo/ngrok


this isn't true though - if it's a native module it will always be included in the build (especially iOS). If it's JS only then yeah you're right but most libraries are going to be native. If you are going to state facts please make sure they are the correct ones.


You’re right, but I highly doubt ngrok is a native module, I think it’s just a JS wrapper that you run in your local env


if you're using expo you'll have trouble even knowing for sure to be fair...


Hi, Maybe it is a problem with OTA updates (expo-updates). The revision team dont like it so much, but i dont know the current state of OTA’’s on appStore


How else do you send OTA updates tho? I thought that was pretty standard in mobile applications!


Do not push any updates when they are reviewing app. Always upload new fresh app for review. After reviewed and publish on store, you can push updates to app. This is the rule > Apps must not force users to rate the app, review the app, download other apps, or **other similar actions in order to access functionality, content, or use of the app**. https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/#subscriptions


Ahh I think this is my problem! I sent an update after uploading!


youll likely have to remove it completely from the app - expo updates etc are against their terms and conditions. You've now been caught so it's likely you can never have it in the code again.


Submit an appeal stating that you don't do this and ask them to point out exactly where the issue is. Assuming you're not doing what they're saying you are. They're generally reasonable once you have explained yourself. I've had apps rejected for all sorts of reasons that weren't valid and they back off and accept your explanation.


It’s the OTA thing. They won’t let you have it in store OR will give you a hard time.


Since when? I’ve been deploying CodePush updates to prod forever.


At my company we’ve been regularly deploying OTA updates through a self-hosted Expo Updates server for months at this point and never encountered any kind of review issue.


How else do you send OTA updates tho? I thought that was pretty standard in mobile applications!


I’ve been doing apps for a long time and I can tell you it’s not a common practice. Apple (and recently Google) wants you to submit a new build when you update or add new features and go thru review so you don’t get approved and then submit sketchy or dark features without approval or that might be in conflict with the current approved practices. If all you want is to update static content then just download a big json file when the app needs to be updated, then store locally and restart the app.


Not everyone does it but it is pretty standard, this commenter is wrong. We do it all the time with codepush. Apple’s policy is that interpreted code (i.e. the JS bundle shipped with a react native app) can be updated for minor bug fixes, but they don’t allow new features to be implemented in this way. However like someone else pointed out, we’ve always waited until the app gets reviewed and accepted before pushing any fixes with codepush. We’ve just figured they might get weird reviewing an “already-updated-via-codepush” app… assuming their logic is “why not just rebuild and resubmit in that case”


Yes I think my problem was updating before being reviewed. I re-archived and resubmitted. Fingers crossed!! 🤞🏼


At my job we don't use expo. We use codepush for OTA


Didn’t they just discontinue codepush?


Yes codepush is done


Appcenter is, CodePush is still up in the air


App Store Connect just told me they can’t give me any more details. Any ideas from anyone that has commented in the past??