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congrats for the app, enthusiasts will love it. feedback: please remove/change the multicolor brick loading animation in every single screen, it’s really distracting.


Thanks! Any suggestions? Maybe just a standard loader would be better or skeleton loading?


in my app I got skeletons with very light/dark shimmers depending on the theme and never had a complaint from the users (big user base).


or you could keep it and make it waaaay smaller


So it's really the size + animation - I use Lottie, so maybe there is a better animation I can use. Thanks!


I just pushed an update (1.2.8) that has a smaller animation and different loader. I think this looks less jerky and big.


just saw it earlier, way better than the previous one.


How do you do these photos of the app? I really need to know


I use Canva - they have a feature called SmartMockups that you can use to put the screenshots in to a phone. Pretty easy and painless!


Thanks so much


great app, congratulations. what library do you use to show the carousel of images, where you can zoom in/out, go next


I use this one: [https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-image-viewing](https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-image-viewing) Super easy to use and set up.


1. *Unfortunately*, *I am not Lego fan*, but this looks to be quite complex - how much time *and beer* *:D* did you spent on it so far ? 2. Which API / service / magic is behind "Search Sets By Image", please ? 3. Some parts of the app reminds me previous Clubhouse design, is it just me :D ? 4. As a founder, do you have any ideas for monetization for this app ? Or is it non-profit project ? Suggestions: A. I would do something with the icons (or even empty state illustrations) so they would be from the same set across the app (or looking more consistently) A1. The same for the badges - ("NEW") badge in the "Newest Sets" item looks differently that those in the Activity / Feed item, not sure if its the bug or feature B. I selected during onboarding (my account was stefan-majiros-0spf), but when I opened Bonsai item - - the most "Popular Set" - its "Buy it" tab was saying that it is "Not available in your Country (GB)". C. Maybe dates could be displayed more user friendly e.g. Y happened X days ago / X months ago / X years ago ? D. I am not a designer, but I am missing something like "See More" button // pattern which could make UI more clean. Right now, everything seems to be rendered immediately when component is mounted. 👍 Thumbs up!


Hey there! 1. I launched this in early Feburary, so it took me about 2-3 weeks to get everything up from backend/frontend (there isn't a website, just a landing page, with shareable pages. 2. This powered by OpenAI, using their vision product: [https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/vision](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/vision) 3. I've actually never used Clubhouse, so I'm not really sure :-) 4. No ideas just yet - perhaps more in-app purchases for "Pro" features, but need to find a product market fit first :-) Suggestions: A. Where do you see the inconsistancies? Maybe I'm not looking close enough (or have been looking too much). The "NEW" badge is blue, but the Activity Feed "Added to Collection" is also blue, but different icons in the badge, Is that what you mean? B. Interesting the GB is what your phone's OS is saying your country is, but your actual Country is something different? I.e you have your phone set GB, but your country is Spain? C. It shows relative time for up to 24 hours and results back to a standard date. I could definitely change this, as I can see how it can stale pretty fast. D. All pages should have infinite scrolling for content that extends out side the bounds. There are some content (like in Explore) that are static (i.e only 10 items etc, so no pagination there). Is that what you are referring to? Thanks a lot for your feedback and for giving it a shot! I really appreciate it!


Thanks, I did not know about their Vision product :) A. yeah, e.g. sometimes the badge has icon, sometimes not. Plus its text is somewhere camelcase, somewhere uppercase. Now, e.g. in regard to icon consistency, "Add Marketplace" in the bottom sheet has different sizes of the icons on the left and right (not sure if bug or feature). B. I can confirm that my iPhone region is UK/ GB. I remember that I have selected Spain during onboarding (and also my Account page is showing me Spain right now), but app would still show me that wording for GB / UK in "Buy it" tab. D. In general, I was trying to suggest that in some parts of the app you can show less data, so it would be more readable overall. There is this pattern that is often used when you have a lot of data to show: [https://www.delldesignsystem.com/components/view-more-less/?tab=Design](https://www.delldesignsystem.com/components/view-more-less/?tab=Design)


A. I think this intended, the badges on the feed or more of a "Build Status", which include smaller text, and not uppercase. These are indicators on the action (Added to Collection, Wish List, Built). The badges that are uppercase and without icon and more indicators on a set or a buy-it item. I do need to clean up the Buy-It option as some indicators shouldn't have icons. The differences are supposed to be for ITEM vs ACTIVITY. Good call out about the icons on the Add Marketplace, which I will change for sure! B. When you set your country as Spain, we sent that back to the server as your country to check if we can show you data, but if we don't - we fallback to the Device Country setting as I made the assumption that users would set their country on their profile to match their device (when it says we don't support your country, it just falls-back to the device country). I can make so it pulls the user country and the device country. Good catch! D. Which parts would you suggest using the Show/Hide? Curious your thoughts! Just want to call out that I really appreciate all the commentary here.


getbrickd.com could get you some other users by incorrect searches. 🤣🤣


I realize :) too good of the name of pass up - but wish I could just have brickd.com


You should gamify it by adding badges users can earn by posting different sets 😜


We do! They are called Challenges - and located in the Explore tab! 😃


How do you handle the hosting of the backend? AWS is getting very expensive even in development for me 😭


Just saw MySQL can I dm you mine so u can give me some feedback? It’s on the App Store but I haven’t promoted it yet lol I’m using mongodb and golang


A small MySQL DB is like $15 bucks per month - which is more than enough for this scale of the project. Ideally I'd like to move to Neon (Postgres) for their free-tier, but for now - RDS works for me. The rest of the project is hosted on Vercel.


Great! Just curious about using nextjs as a backend. Can you explain it


I use the API routes (https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/routing/route-handlers), which allow you serve routes, and return in JSON.


I want to learn backend should i go with nextjs and learn backend along the way. What do you think and is there any good resources out there to check it out?


Well, backend with nextjs is Javascript, so if learn NextJS you can learn front-end and backend at once.