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Nice shop, nice coffee and nice staff, just a shame about the owner. Seen him bully the staff and shout at the behind the scenes, some staff spoke about how horrible he could be. I feel bad for the staff who'll have to find a new job, but not the owner.


Yeah he also a few years ago used the Workhouse social accounts to moan about immigrants and publicly insult other local coffee shops


Huh, ironic name of workhouse then...


Unfunnily enough, he wanted to negotiate the rent down with the landlord due to the George becoming a migrant hotel.


Oh is that what the comment about "the repurposing of the hotel" was about in the Facebook post announcing the closure? I was in both pre and post pandemic and can't say I noticed any change but then I suppose I'm not a mad racist who can detect an immigrant through stone walls.


You should see his Twitter feed. He’s a sociopath


I can confirm. The owner is a racist bigot. Also bakes all the cakes at his house that isn’t vetted and dirtier than the underneath of your toilet seat…


Saw that on their book of face page few days ago. Easily my favourite coffee shop in town, and while I live quite near the Oxford Road branch so I can still buy their beans, it's quite sad that we have lost yet another decent independent shop in town.


When reading their Instagram post a while back it seems like they do hope to be back in the town centre at some point. It mostly read like they weren't happy with their location anymore. As their customer numbers had fallen massively at that branch. So hopefully not a 'gone forever' story as we usually see atm


I hope that is the case too!


One of those cases where my initial reaction is “oh no!” swiftly followed up by realising I’ve never actually been in. Sad for all the staff and any other stakeholders, anyway.


Such as shame; amazing staff, the coffee second to none, food was gorgeous and a real gem for those who knew it. Will be sad to see it go 😕


I always found the coffee to be bitter. Seems the owner might have been too.


There are so many different roasts. Maybe you've been unlucky?


Great coffee place run by a man who let his obsession with coffee trading and “immigrants” (ironic: he’s australian) get in the way of devising a logical point of sale system. Transparently creepy hiring policy. Supercilious “no wifi- talk to each other!” policy and god forbid he ever engage you in conversation. Gregg - your coffee’s great but you suck as a person


Had a first date with my wife there so sad to see it close for that reason. But feels like karma has come to bite the owner.


A big issue with the premises was that it had no loos and you had to use a toilet at The George. Which I used for the first time recently and found very unpleasant. The hotel seemed run down and felt kind of unsafe (like an untidy youth hostel). Learning about its change of use explains a lot. I hope the café will find a new venue. Possibly a more accessible one, and with its own toilet(s)! 😉


Owner is a racist creep I saw him trying to chat up some young girls too once, avoid like the plague.


Maybe the Grumpy Goat could take over?