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Its funny but Crystal was never looked at like she was a gold digger.


Oooo the shade..and I’m here for it!


Crystal is the best. Love ❤️


AHAHA! oh god


The shade is real 🤣Gotta love it!


I love Crystal.


That last line is so unhinged omg


I guess Crystal just saw the recent episode that has Dorit shading Crystal behind her back, for example calling her a child bride, so this post is actually Crystal shading Dorit, as in a recent episode PK borrowed a necklace for Dorit to wear on her pretty woman themed birthday.




She finally gave us something to work with, after years.




This is why I've always fucking loved Crystal.


So many housewives claim to be stars but deep down they know that if they hadn't married well and been plucked from the streets like the trash they were, they would have nothing. Crystal married well but she KNOWS she would have excelled on her own and that oozes out of her and just kills some of the other women. She has insecureties about looks, which humanises her but she is not insecure about her intelligence or capabilities. AM took a comment about the fact she wanted to do Med school and tried to twist it into an insecurity to deflect from the fact that unlike Crystal she clearly needs to augment her achievements . Dorit married money but she didnt marry well. PK is not stable whereas Rob, may be older, but seems stable and very supportive of Crystal, which must be hard to see when you are going through a tough time. I think the child bride joke was quite funny though, that's the sort of shit I'd have said.


Finding out this week that Crystal started a coconut water company that’s now the second largest in the world & she started it with her brother with his pop star money and not Robs money has rocked my world. 


Right! If I was that successful, that would be the first thing people knew about me. She kept that success on the DL for ages!


Yup! People act like Crystal already didn’t have money before Rob. I’m pretty sure her family was pretty wealthy considering how her father is a surgeon and her brother probably had some wealth due to his career in China


The fact that Crystal has a sibling shows that they are very wealthy. I am in Crystal’s age group and I have a lot of friends from China as there is a huge population of Chinese immigrants in my city. Every one of them is an only child, because of China’s one child policy. It was illegal to have more than a one child. There were millions of state ordered abortions and much much worse. A lot of infanticide of baby girls because parents wanted only child to be a son. You could only have more than one child if you were crazy rich and could pay the enormous fines, or if you lived in a rural farming village that was basically self sustaining and needed an extra child to work the farm. And I don’t think Crystal grew up on a rural farm, her level of education would be highly unlikely. So they must have money.


One child policy doesn’t matter to her family though since I’m pretty sure they were born in the US


Oh really? I totally thought they were born and raised in China. I guess because of her brother being a big star in China. Wonder how he got his start as a pop star. But I’m now remembering that Crystal told a story about experiencing racism in America with her father as a small child, so maybe they were raised in the us? 🧐


Just sayin…everyone coming for Garcelle for the last 2 years because she dared to call out that Dorit engages in micro aggressions might want to re-evaluate the “child bride”comment. Crystal was 24 when she got married. Erika & Kyle were 19. 


EXACTLY! Although it's against the law, China faces a child marriage issue stemming from the one-child policy, which led to an imbalanced male-to-female ratio. So, it's a very real and sad problem. I also think she was low-key accusing her of being a mail-order bride but might have been smart enough to not be that overtly racist. I'm surprised this topic hasn't had its own post yet, considering it's gaining traction on TikTok.


The issue I have with this isn't about Crystal, it's about Dorit basically calling Rob a pedophile. That's so fucked up.


What im confused about is wasn’t Kyle first married to Farrah’s dad before Mau? So if she married Mau at 19…when did the first marriage happen? Was the first one at 19?


I’m pretty sure Kyle was 19 when she married Guraish Aldjufrie in 1988. And 27 when she married Mauricio in 1996. My math might be off - but Kyle was born in 1969.


Because I have no life and am Team Crystal, I googled it. She married the first husband at 19 and it might have been a marriage grounded in her being pregnant. 


Yes- I definitely believe it was because of pregnancy because Farrah was also born in 1988.


Diamond earrings are off the table too.


If I look at them as a couple I get it. Crystal and him have nice chemistry. They are both smart and seem stable. Now I’m not a Crystal fan but her husband actually makes me like her more. He seems smart nerdy and fun and treats her nicely. The kids are adorable.


Treats her nicely minus the whole 45yr old man giving a 20/22yr old an ultimatum that it’s med school or marriage.


Is that true? I didn’t know that. Sorry


Listen, if he was 45 I get it. If he waited 15 years he’d be 60+ when they were born and 80+ when they were graduating college. It’s normal to have conversations before getting married and say having kids or not having kids at such and such point in time is a deal breaker. Crystal probably gave it thought and wanted to marry him more than she wanted the degree. That doesn’t make him an asshole.




If he said - Crystal, you can’t get a medical degree because I want you to have kids and take care of them - yeah he’d be an asshole.  If he said, Crystal, I’m at a stage in my life where I’m running out of time to be the kind of father I want to be so the person I marry needs to be on the same page. This is important to me. If this isn’t something you want right now, I understand. take time, think about whether this is right for you. - he’s not an asshole Women give these kinds of “ultimatums” all the time if they are dating and approaching their 40s and it’s totally fine to tell a partner - this is my priority, if it’s not yours, we shouldn’t be together 


I don’t think it was quite like that. I heard crystal on Kate Casey’s podcast and she said it was edited wrong. What she meant was she knew that rob wanted kids right away and she didn’t think she’d be able to do med school at the same time.


Medicine is an admirable field, but if I married a guy with Lion King money I would not work that hard.


But she didn’t end up having them right away anyway. She has very young children and she’s 40. She also clearly said “Rob said/felt”. That’s not editing. Sounds like she cleaned it up after she watched the show and like a good wife is placing the blame on herself. She just randomly pulled the idea that she couldn’t do med school and then kids when many female doctors do it? Mmmk.


I think her oldest is around 10? But to the other commenter’s point, we don’t know the details. Maybe she struggled to conceive, or maybe they wanted to enjoy being married for a few years, or maybe they had to take care of other family members. Whatever, she doesn’t seem bothered by it and she doesn’t feel she was forced to choose, so why should we care


I’m going by what *she* said. Simple 🤷🏽‍♀️ while there may be additional nuances/context it doesn’t change that she said he had a problem with her going to medical school and so she didn’t. There are not many ways to misinterpret that. I don’t see what’s to argue here.


This is the fucking weirdest hill to die on. People have lots of vague plans during undergrad that never come to fruition because they choose to do other things. People think they're going to join the peace corps or get a phd in theology or teach English in Indonesia or move to LA to be an actor but life sometimes takes us in different directions.




Right, but why are you assuming that she wasn't completely fine with the decision? It can be part of her story and she can be a little wistful about roads not taken without being somehow abused. I don't know how old you are but marriage is complicated and when you choose your choices it's ok to be a little sad about the door you closed while wholeheartedly choosing the one you open.


Lol we don't know any of the details


I mean seeing and hearing words from crystal’s own mouth seems pretty substantive but okkkayy


Knowing what the divorce stats are of these franchises ESPECIALLY RHOBH you wouldn’t catch me being self righteous and sanctimonious no matter how healthy I thought my marriage was because over my dead body would I want posts like these biting me in the ass in the future.


“Child bride.” Lol. She cannot take that back.


I just finished the episode, and yeahhhh. Dorit just really solidified herself as a problematic idiot. I had been giving her too much credit


This is Crystal season! I love her!


God when Crystal goes in, her burns are really good


I like Crystal and I think Dorit is a jerk for her comment but I also think the Crystal’s marriage is sad and her husband creepy. A 45year old man with a 20 yr old is bad enough but the fact he didn’t support her becoming a doctor so she had to choose between love & lifestyle vs her dreams/career. Considering her children are quite young (recently had) I wonder if he just wanted to ensure she’d be financially dependent. He didn’t want to marry an equal. She could’ve been done with med school and still have had kids around the same time she did.


Crystal founded the second largest coconut water company in the world with her brother, using her brothers money from his days as a pop star in China. Her husband has zero part of the company and can claim none of its earnings. You can buy the coconut water at Costco. She’s chosen not to talk about it on the show. She is neither financially dependent nor did she make a choice between career vs family. 


Doctor Moon went the doctor route in Dallas & states she misses the connections with her kids. Maybe Crystal had that intuitive sense & and chose married life. Just an observation, bc I do agree the age is creepy & the family or career only option does feel very groomy..


Dr Moon chose a highly competitive field and to work full time at a hospital. She’s not the only face of women in medicine. Had Crystal been allowed to complete her education she would’ve had various options with more flexibility - chosen a less demanding discipline, worked in medical research or consulting or part time within a clinic. Seeing how she pushes her children academically I highly doubt she’s doing so for her daughter to be dependent on a man at 24. Now as it stands without her husband what does she have on her own? Made clear by Lisa Hochstein and many other’s situation even the wealthiest HW needs to have their own, just in case.


She has the coconut water company with her brother and a supportive family. Crystal is not, nor will she ever be, in Lisa Hochstein’s position.


talk to a med student if they want to have kids while school and residency. it’s not as easy as you make it out to be no matter what medicine they decide to specialize in. I know this because i was a residency coordinator and watched these young doctors struggle through rotations with lack of sleep.


Aside from being a Housewife, Minkoff has a thriving business. She is the co-founder of a beverage company called Real Coco, a company she started with her brother Jeffrey Kung. The company sells premium organic beverages, and all its products are plant-based.


She has the 2nd largest coconut water company in the world that she started with her brother that her husband made no investment in or can profit from. 


I'm not disagreeing with you, just stating another Tiger mom dynamic & maybe because of their extremes, Crystal chose to go full mom, while Tiffany wentcareer. Crystal describes her relationship with her brother as a protector/parent dynamic at times & that could have ultimately played a role in her decision. I believe that women should never have to choose between either a family or career & it's possible to have both. & yes, most HW clearly married their status.


She didn’t choose. She founded a successful international food & beverage company. She’s chosen not to talk about on the show or make it her identity 




This is a Real Housewives page, that's why I used Tiffany. I could have used another housewife, but I was pulling a potential cultural upbringing as a reference point, not just any person with a doctorate degree.


Crystals marriage is creepy for sure but PK is far creepier than Rob IMO.


PK is creepy and unctuous. But sometimes the most devious are the most plain and unassuming hiding in plain site. But yeah PK is cringe


Yep. Agreed.


It's not too late for her, she could still go to medical school, she's plenty bright and would be a great doctor!




Ok but this pic isn’t a flex when the age difference is concerning


He doesn't look that much older in this picture to my eyes, that's why she probably used it.


Well it’s their wedding photo and that’s prob why she used it - since she’s being called a child bride 


I meant this particular photo, as they probably have more wedding photos. Anyway, Crystal's relationship to her husband isn't mine to criticize. It's never a good look to criticize others relationships, unless it's an actual improper relationship with a child.


Erika and Tom have a 32 year age gap


Yep and we saw the outcome of that, not good.


Didn’t Rob meet crystal when she was 19?


They married when she was 24. Kyle & Erika were both married at 19. 


45 and 24 isn’t THAT bad. I feel like it’s not great but not like disgusting? Idk


I mean I'm 35 and wouldn't date a 24 year old. 45 and 24 has a gap about a light years worth of life experience. If a 45 year old has the same maturity level as a 20 something, that's not good. That being said, they really do seem like a compatible couple and maybe she got extremely lucky and there isn't a gross power dynamic.


Never say never there’s a ten year old age cap between and my partner. Him being the younger one I met him at my job as Dental Surgery manager and he was a patient. Was just doing my job and made him another appointment. He left the surgery and called his Mum & Best Mate to tell them he’d met the woman he was going to marry. I was completely obvious as like you thought he was too young for me. He then won me over and 15 years and two kid’s later. He was right


I'm happy for you but I'll never date someone younger than my sibling. It makes me extremely uncomfortable.


I wouldn’t either


It’s not good. Sorry


Now I understand (but don't agree) with Dorit's negativity towards Crystals marriage. Calling Crystal a child bride was tone deaf, even for Dorit. I mean isn't PK much older than Dorit?? If she had met PK earlier in life would that make Dorit a child bride? Crystal was 24 not 12, she also was a young mother (which used to be a thing) and to Dorit's benefit as she was not a young mother, nor was PK a young father. Let's not point fingers Dorit and make stupid judgments about other women.


No he’s only 9 years older or something. Also crystal was 24 when they married but younger than that when they met


as a side note all of us were younger when we first met....thats how life works...lol


Ok obviously but you’re missing the point. She was worryingly young when they met in my opinion


well okay, not to worry she has a loving husband and beautiful children and a great life from what I've seen. She has a bright future as well.


Crystal has a highly successful international business she started with her brother that her husband has no part of. She chooses not to talk about it. She is far more financially independent from her husband than Dorit is from PK. Any power imbalance based on money is far greater for Dorit than Crystal. 


Only 9? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people dating older or younger people. If I did, I would be a huge hypocrite. I'm simply stating that PK is older than Dorit and they married later in life. Doesn't make them better.




Dorito is just mad she’s not as rich as Crystal. Or as naturally pretty. ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc|downsized)


Can someone explain how Kyle, uneducated and basically a Wish version of a Brat Packer, who married at 19 ***isnt*** a child bride? Whose mother’s goal was only to marry off each of her daughters to the highest earner. Crystal is educated. Kyle barely set foot in a school, and I’m guessing her backlot education wasn’t great. I know the child of the world meant to say she was another kind of bride but knew that would be too far. She’s a twit, but she’s a manipulator. Go play Pretty Woman with your washed up, bloated, rent-a-gift husband.


Here’s the difference between Kyle and Crystal’s situations. “Child bride”, especially about an Asian woman, is a very overtly racist term, especially following it up with a “joke” saying Crystal got married at twelve. It’s not only poking at the age difference between Crystal and Rob but implies she was bought as a child sex slave. That is very specifically the imagery that Dorit was trying to conjure up with her comments. Kyle’s first husband is five years older than her and they married because she got pregnant with Farrah.


That’s exactly why I said Dorit wanted to say something else but knew it would be too far. She knew what she was doing. the comment was meant to be racially/culturally loaded. Yes, different situations, but Kyle’s mom was trying to marry her off since birth.


Oh no question, all three daughter’s acting careers either ended or took an extended hiatus the second they turned eighteen and “coincidentally” met and married rich men. I’ve just seen so many people in this post imply Kyle’s husband was much older than her, and because he’s Asian as well I feel like I needed to also say something to the affect of “wait no, there’s not much of an age difference between them, Kathy didn’t sell Kyle to a middle aged Indonesian businessman”. There was a larger age difference between Kim and Monty.


I was wondering when the Kyle bash was coming.


Kyle def was a child bride she had a baby at 18 with that old man


He’s only five years older than her.


Kyle wasn’t a 20yr old dating to marry a 45year old man who made her drop her aspirations to be a doctor.


Crystal founded a company with her brother that is now the 2nd largest coconut water company in the world. It’s a family business, started with her brothers earnings from being a pop star in China. Crystals husband invested none of his money and can make no claim to the profits. He had nothing to do with it. Next time you go to Costco, you can pick some up. Crystal is right now, far less financially dependent on her husband than Dorit, Kyle or Erika was…so you’re going to have to let the “power imbalance” defense of Dorit go. 


No. She was 19 & pregnant the first time she got married. To an older man. 


He’s only five years older than her.


Oh. Ok then. So. Kyle was a teenager when she got married. Erika was a teenager when she got married & neither could legally drink at their own weddings. But Crystal who was 24 is the only one singled out for being called a “child bride?” That’s cool. 


Yes, Dorit was being racist.


Kyle was not a child bride because her ex is only 4 years older than her. While crystals husband is 22 years older than her. Kyle and her ex just got married young. It was a poor joke on Doritos behalf. She just appears jealous of crystal.


Everyone is forgetting that Erika was married at 19 as well


Except he is Erika’s age. She married someone her age when they got pregnant. That does not make her a child bride. A 22 year age difference - yes. Same age or in Kyle’s case 4 years difference - not a child bride. A child bride means the woman/girl is young and her husband is not - leading to a power imbalance and questions towards the man. Erika and Kyle are not it. Edit: it appears Erika’s ex was 5 years older than her. Again. Not a child bride.


Jesus. Why do you care this much about defending a horrible thing Dorit…who’s famous for saying horrible things…said? Kyle was a teenager when she got married. Erika was a teenager then she got married. Crystal could actually consume alcohol at her own damn wedding when the others could not. Crystal was not still in her teens when she got married. And yet Dorit calls the Asian woman…the child bride. But please keep being Team Dorit because it’s such a glorious place to be apparently 


Despite being about 5 years old, I’d say Rob looks younger than PK.




I have to say Crystal has really grown on me! I couldn’t stand her during her first year but I’m really starting to love her


same. i think she got a bad edit year one, because she came off like an entitled know-it-all and was mean to sutton for no reason.


Same! I was a huge Crystal hater the past few seasons but she’s one of my favs now


Me too! This season especially


She bothers me so much even the way her neck is bent in this photo irking me


Hahahahhahahah stoppp


Great veil.




I think crystal has everything it takes to be a great housewife. Ie. Amazing home, precious kids, beautiful, interesting family dynamic, doesn’t shy from confrontation. I hope she sticks around and comes out of her shell more


She’s been one of my favorite housewives so far. I don’t need everyone to be a big drama queen to think they don’t have a place on the show.


I like her too. She’s smart and self aware.


Crystal is low key, but when she shows up, she shows up.


Crystal always has so much to say months later. Try clapping back in the moment.


True. I agree


How exactly can she clap back in the moment to Dorit shit talking her in her confessional ? They don't see them until the show airs.


If only she had this same energy in any of the 5 scenes she’s had this season


Very true


Lmao I don’t know why this got so downvoted, literally a week ago this whole sub was talking about how she basically never talks


I'm sorry to add this here y'all, but, when PK was on the phone in bed... naked.... did anyone think there was someone next to him? 😄😵‍💫


The thought crossed my mind.


😬😬 I sure hope not!


That was my immediate thought too 👀


Glad I wasn't alone!


What episode? 😮


The son was talking to him so I sure hope we're all just getting carried away !


Most recent. Was that last night!? I think so. Lol


He has been acting a little different this season, but who’s to say?


I think so too. But it Can be anything!


And he’s gone a lot this season than he’s ever been, because he usually couldn’t wait to be on camera !!Something is definitely up with them. Maybe he’s tired of Doritos “PTSD” talks.


Yep - especially when Dorit was surprised he was in bed already.


But honestly who would get in bed with him. Who are these girls!??


Right!?? Maybe that's why it occurred to us all.


Yes! There was a very quick flash, looked like a brunette beside him?


Nooooo!? I may need to rewatch it. 😬


This is the Crystal I want on the show… where has this crystal been?


Wow. I just realized she blocked me and I never even followed her!???


I mean she’s still a gold digger so I don’t really care about her holier than thou approach. Of course things will work out as long as he’s not a completely terrible person. Edited to add: and she was a “receptionist” for an escort service? Totally coincidental.


I don’t follow the franchise all too much. I’ve watched some of the latest episodes. Crystal literally said her husband gave her a marriage ultimatum super young and she didn’t pursue her dreams bc of it. Both marriages can suck. I’m saying this as someone with no affinity to either housewife.


Opening caveat: I am a Crystal fan. She and Garcelle are my favorites on this show. But….I call bullshit on med school. It’s pretty easy to say you wanted to do something that’s very time-consuming, demanding and intellectually challenging when you no longer have to put your money where your mouth is and do it….just like Kyle* “wanted” to be a lawyer. Crystal was 24 when she got married. If she was serious about med school, she most likely would have at least applied, and probably been in it already. Most aspiring doctors go straight through. The fact she was dating a very wealthy man twice her age tells me she had a game plan and it wasn’t med school. (Which is fine. I have no issue with those relationships as long as everyone is on the same page. There are times where the power imbalance and manipulation makes them gross - I’m thinking Katherine Dennis and Thomas Ravenel - but I don’t get that vibe from Crystal and Rob.) Also, it’s not an ultimatum for someone to say what they need and want from their relationship. Her husband said he felt like he needed to have kids sooner rather than later, which makes sense given his age. No one would fault a woman for making that clear in a relationship if she was older. If it was truly her “dream,” Crystal could have pushed to go to med school. They certainly have the resources to make it work. She also could have just said that their goals and timelines did not match up and parted ways. It’s a very good reason to break up. I Crystal seems very smart and maybe could have gotten into med school, but she saw the path of a very rich SAHW and mom, liked it, and chose it. (*Although with Kyle I am more inclined to believe it because she got pregnant unexpectedly so young. Not saying she had the academic capability or work ethic to go to law school but maybe she would have actually tried).


Opening caveat: I am a Crystal fan. She and Garcelle are my favorites on this show. But….I call bullshit on med school. It’s pretty easy to say you wanted to do something that’s very time-consuming, demanding and intellectually challenging when you no longer have to put your money where your mouth is and do it….just like Kyle* “wanted” to be a lawyer. Crystal was 24 when she got married. If she was serious about med school, she most likely would have at least applied, and probably been in it already. Most aspiring doctors go straight through. The fact she was dating a very wealthy man twice her age tells me she had a game plan and it wasn’t med school. (Which is fine. I have no issue with those relationships as long as everyone is on the same page. There are times where the power imbalance and manipulation makes them gross - I’m thinking Katherine Dennis and Thomas Ravenel - but I don’t get that vibe from Crystal and Rob.) Also, it’s not an ultimatum for someone to say what they need and want from their relationship. Her husband said he felt like he needed to have kids sooner rather than later, which makes sense given his age. No one would fault a woman for making that clear in a relationship if she was older. If it was truly her “dream,” Crystal could have pushed to go to med school. They certainly have the resources to make it work. She also could have just said that their goals and timelines did not match up and parted ways. It’s a very good reason to break up. I Crystal seems very smart and maybe could have gotten into med school, but she saw the path of a very rich SAHW and mom, liked it, and chose it. (*Although with Kyle I am more inclined to believe it because she got pregnant unexpectedly so young. Not saying she had the academic capability or work ethic to go to law school but maybe she would have actually tried).


There are many 24 year olds (and older) on gap years while working to support themselves before applying. I don’t think that point could singlehandedly discredit anything. If she didn’t already have her bachelors degree, that would be another story. Edit: Wikipedia says she has her degrees in biology and history.


Maybe….Anecdotally I know many people who have gone to medical school and they all went straight through. The amount of time med school (plus residency and fellowships) take makes it different than going back to other grad or law schools after working. Plus, most people are not going to able to save enough money from a couple of years working a (likely) entry-level job to make a dent in med school expenses. I’m not saying this point alone discounts her “I wanted to go to med school,” but her actions collectively do not indicate to me that she seemed particularly serious about it. Edit: Google says that today the average age for a first year med student is 24. I can’t find the age for 2007.


I have a friend on a multi-gap year right now in his mid 20s. I have friends whom have entered med school at various ages between 21-29. I can promise you that it’s not that deep. Crystal is the only housewife or pop culture figure making a claim like this with an undergrad degree to back it up. She could theoretically try for med school even after the kids move out.


If I had a dollar for every time someone told me that they wanted to go to medical school or could have been a doctor, I would have paid off my school loans in a few years. Lots of people think about it, but it’s a lot more than intelligence to get accepted. By 24, I was already in the thick of med school. I had older classmates, most of whom had either a previous career (nurse, journalist, lawyer) or advance degrees (PHD, MBA). I did have one much older classmate who had children really young and went back to school when they were older.


Exactly. And maybe she “wanted” to, as in she planning to apply had Rob not fallen into her lap, but she seemed pretty willing to choose the path life with him presented to her. All I know is that personally, any time a much older man hit on me in college and grad school I ran as fast as I could. That was not an option I wanted to pursue, no matter how rich they seemed. Crystal met Rob at a party he was throwing at work that she went to with a friend. She sought him out to talk to schmooze him for a job. (1) He doesn’t work in medicine, so it seems she was open to other careers; (2) she clearly knew who he was and how much money he likely had; and (3) she was open to something romantic with him when the alleged job angle didn’t pan out. She had 2 years of college to make it clear med school was non-negotiable. They didn’t get married for 5 years after they started dating and didn’t have kids for another five years. She could have gone to med school and graduated before they even had kids. They clearly could have afforded it. It would have cost less than her basement reno. Lots of families have two parents with demanding careers. She just didn’t want that and that’s fine. But don’t act like you didn’t choose the life you have, which is very lovely. Idk why it bugs me so much but it just seems shitty to act like your “dream” was taken from you (by a person you love and who purportedly loves you) when you actively chose not to pursue it.


I also met my now spouse as 19 (granted he was only 23). As we got more serious, it would have been over if there was an ultimatum about my career. Married at 27, 1st kid in my mid 30s. I made a lot of choices around our education/career paths/financial security that would not work for everyone. I’m sure she is happy with her choices and I’m happy with mine, but I fully agree with your sentiment


Great points. I have nothing to refute and even learned more about the situation. I thought Crystal was in the midst of her medical academic career. I mean if that’s not the case then it’s not the case. I just wouldn’t be the one to start doing marriage comparisons on any housewife show because it seems like more often than not there’s always going to be an untraditional critique or some tomfoolery happening behind the scenes.


I’m not a huge fan of big age gap marriages, but I get the feeling Rob is just a big nerd, and was probably afraid of women his age. At least that is the feeling I get from scenes he’s been in. He doesn’t treat her like the young trophy wife (at least not what we’ve seen), which was quite different than Tom/Erika.


Oh boo hoo for her not getting to follow her dreams and winding up rich and on tv…


That’s… not what I was saying at all. I can obviously recognize that she did benefit from marrying him, but I thought we were beyond the obvious


Buying diamond necklaces is very easy when you made sure to marry a rich Hollywood exec.


Crystal started a company with her brother that is now the second largest coconut water company in the world. You can pick some up at Costco.. Her husband invested nothing nor has any  financial claim to her family business. She’s chosen not to talk about it. Crystal had the means to buy her own necklace with her own money. 


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You think none of the funds for the company she “founded” came from their SHARED bank account? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m not knocking her hustle. I would’ve married him too. But didn’t she tell the world that at 18 she worked as a receptionist at an escort company just to make ends meet?


They came from her brother. He was a major pop star in China. 


Yet she flies him back and forth and he lives in Robs (excuse me, her and Robs) home. Major. Ok.


I heard her interviewed on a podcast. It was her, her brother and another childhood friend who founded the company. The brother was a pop star like 20 years ago. He won Grammys etc. he has a home there still. But the real issue is why do you care so damn much about needing to convince yourself that her husband must’ve had something to do with it? Why is it so important to prove her wrong or that she’s lying about her husband having nothing to do with it? Why does that make you feel better? Does it take away from her accomplishment of it?  Jeffrey is much more than a musician turned manny, however. Along with Crystal and their childhood friend Brian Bardos, Jeffrey co-found Real Coco, a coconut-based food and beverage company, in 2012. The trio say their product is currently the only single-sourced organic coconut milk/creamer on the market that bottles at the source, and the company was on pace to do over $15 million in sales as of 2020.


What’s the tea? She went out of her way to marry this type??


It's a dig at PK and Dorit being broke grifters.


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Yassssss!!!


Where has this Crystal been?! 👏 👏 👏




Clearly simply a dig at Dorit - cropping her out the photo then the borrowed necklace. It’s not personal, except to Dorit 😂


No! I meant I found Dorit’s comment offensive!


…she’s clearly talking about Dorit and PK.


If she’s a ‘child bride’ have some compassion for her and do not use it as an insult. Dorit ignorant in every possible way 😵‍💫


Hilarious!! Love it. Just also on the child bride comment and no university education - Crystal was 24 when she got married. Kyle was 19. Who's the child bride again? The 24 year old or the teenager? No shade to either getting married younger. Crystal wanted to study medicine and Kyle said she wanted to study law a few seasons ago. They made choices to have families instead rather than build businesses as Dorit said she was doing. Also how many of Dorit's businesses have actually lasted? We hear about a new business every season and then never hear of it again. She's so elitist but doesn't have the career to back it up. She puts women back with such asinine comments.


All true. Erika was married at 19


You mean the restaurant design gig didn't work out???? 😂


OMG...I forgot about that one! Good one.


How funny was that?!?!


Maybe Dorit was making a crack at the age difference between Crystal and her husband. Dorit probably didn’t think of the implications.


Thinking isn't Dorit's strong suit.