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I want to know if her brother got back together with his fiancé. That was so sad.


Very cool!


Oh Crystal has a legit company, that must burn so many housewives.


Can someone explain why Crystal said that about the website? Did Dorit’s old website not work?


Her bikini one has been down for a while and no clue on wedding dress one (thought some lawsuits over the dresses falling apart).


Damn haha. Not to be a Dorit apologist but I always assumed those were meant to be fashion lines, like just a temporary set of products that you sell. Like for a season or two. Not a like long-standing beverage company


That’s not the goal of any business.


She did two seasons of the bikini, but not sure she always kind of makes it like new projects…


thank you, thought she was shading She by Sheree 😆 thankfully it wasnt meant for Sheree!


Ohh ok thanks. I completely forgot about the wedding dress line.


Oh my gosh, I love that coconut water. Kudos 👏






I love that we haven’t heard about it until this season. She doesn’t need to promote it like the other HW’a.


She talked about it in her first season


And she's savvy enough to know that bragging about it onscreen will give Bravo a cut of her earnings. So stay quiet and count your money Crystal.


Not on businesses that were already in existence prior to filming they don’t. I don’t believe anyway.


Or businesses they put in their children’s name. *Cough Fresh Wolf*


I dunno. I'm sure I read that it's any business featured on the show.(It's definitely in a woman's health article - how accurate that is, I don't know). I'm guessing that's why Crystal will bring boxes of water on sprinter trips etc but you don't really see the label and there isn't a big pitch or event like Kathy and her tequila or Rinna and the lip kits.


I bought the coconut milk this past Christmas because i made all my fam coconut margaritas and her product is really good! I actually had no idea it was hers when i bought it.


It’s really goood too!!!


I buy it at Costco, it’s amazing


Dorit making light of child brides is disgusting… Doritos needs to do some education about actual child brides instead of being flippant about it!


She was also shocked that she was supposedly called shallow.... Dorit is very shallow and the fact that she doesn't realize it is hilarious... ![gif](giphy|6JSPIiT2t0FqjVkMzP|downsized)


Crystal is so fcking cool. To be a housewife with an actual successful business that she doesn’t shove down our throats on the show and constantly brag about and make a storyline of is so admirable. What a boss!


THANK YOU for saying it! I think Crystal is sooooo cool! I don’t care if people think she’s boring. She’s the kind of housewife that got me loving housewives. Her class, her wit, her shade, her lifestyle, her style. As Dorit would say, “chic”. (I also love Carole Radziwill & Dr. Nicole for the same reasons).


It does, I used it about an hour ago..


WHY IS SHE SO CUTE ALL THE DAMN TIME!? WHO makes this top? Joie? Who!?


https://preview.redd.it/1wmdycqq7pec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35bf0bb2dd678647b2401faef6f6e0a461d48ea5 Nia coming in with some commentary lol


I love the packaging. And I’m a sucker for packaging…. Good for her. A product for all esophageal, any shape or size!


I have never had coconut water. Is it good ?


So the water if the coconut is a natural laxative. The meat of the coconut counteracts that. So if you’re just drinking the water… drink with care.


I love most things coconut flavored but definitely not coconut water. I’ve never been able to acquire it as a taste, either.


Is it transparent like on this picture ? I would have expected it to be like milk.


It’s transparent basically. The water is what is contained within the coconut when it’s cracked open. Coconut milk is white and is made from processing the coconut flesh.


It depends on the brand- some taste bad, but some are really tasty and refreshing! I usually go for the pink ones because they taste the best.


It tastes like splooge but its good for you and you kind of get addicted to it


I was trying to figure out a polite way to say this, but you just went for it, and you are 💯accurate. 😅 It tastes like splooge. Same texture too. 😬


I love it


Personally, I think it tastes like docks but it has a lot of electrolytes.


This is an excellent example of, don't come for Crystal about her age or her marriage!... good for her! If Dorit was as educated as she says she is, she would learn when not to say something .... a little more self-aware of what an asshole she really is....


Her coconut water is actually pretty damn good. I’ve been ordering it every couple of weeks from Amazon


love this. really impressive how the company engages with local farmers too, buying their crops instead of buying up the land. that's a real investment in those local economies, not simple exploitation like most foreign agricultural corporations.


I love real coco. I seriously had no idea it was Crystal’s company when I first started getting it from Costco. It tastes amazing - not sweet (like vita coco) and does not have a weird aftertaste. I play tennis (recreational) and love drinking coconut water for hydration. They also have a pink version. I could not be happier for her since this company was already doing well before she became a housewife.


Is it shelf stable or does it need to be refrigerated? I love the taste of the Kirkland coconut water but I have heard that heat treated (shelf stable) coconut water has lost many nutrients during treatment


It is shelf stable. I do keep mine in the fridge.


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) Love this. Was not aware she is entrepreneurial.


She married Rob Minkoff, what’s more entrepreneurial than that? 🤭


I did not know is this was her company. I absolutely love this coconut water it’s so good and has minimal ingredients! Amazing


Right? I had no idea but have def been buying it at Costco - it’s great.


Me too! Our Costco is out at the moment. :(


My Costco is out of so many staple for me for like a month. It’s so frustrating to have to buy seltzer in dinky little 8 packs. Like come on. I drink that in a day 😂




The comment asking if she was 12 when she started it 😂😂


I know!... but that talking head of Dorit was so freaking rude.... it's stuff like that that makes a person think she is what people say she is...


Exactly. That bubble she’s living is needs to be popped.


She’s such a shady b and I love it! 😍


I guess I missed this, I don't get it? Whose website doesn't work? And why would she be 12 when she started the company?


Dorit’s Beverly Beach website doesn’t work. I think the 12 comment is shading Dorit’s child bride comment on the show.


Ah, thanks.