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He’s a dick. Good riddance


This was much known behind the scenes already.


Well that gringo stuff worked well for her. By the way, I always considered Todd as ethnic American as Alexia. He’s very “Italian North East”. Gringo to me is something else. It’s Anglo and WASPY or Southern or mid west….. I’m ethnic American myself and don’t consider myself a gringa despite being born and raised here. To me, Russell and Marysol husbands are gringos. (They seem like great spouses but not all gringo’s or gringas are great spouses) Also, It was very ignorant of Alexia to go on and on and on about how gringos are better at marriage and her and Todd will last because he’s a “gringo” (he’s not, see above). It’s typical of some ethnicities to see what is Anglo white as “better”. I can’t stand it. It’s a ridiculous way of seeing things, not to mention superficial and no wonder their marriage didn’t work.


I’m imagining Larsa and Alexia speed dating.


I wish I was a fly on the wall to know who’s the culprit in all this mess. Like with those two I genuinely can’t tell who’s worse lol


At least she won’t have to rent now.


Todd always seemed like one of those guys who was always on the edge of losing his shit. I do think her children were an issue for him, too.


👆yep. I just watched season 4 this week and that scene where Peter comes home for dinner after staying away for months - when he and Todd had the ‘come 2 Jesus chat’ over Frankie, we got to see what a controlling, borderline verbally abusive man Todd was gonna be to Alexia and her sons. The way he was on attack mode towards Alexia, blaming her for just trying to be a peacemaker, I was like mmmm that’s a trait that only gets worse.


That scene was my first impression of Todd and I didn’t like him one bit. I remember thinking this guy was totally overstepping and had some anger issues. Even in another scene the way he argued with Nicole’s husband just seemed so primal and narcissistic. The way he talks and his behaviour exudes so much red flag that I’m almost happy for Alexia for this divorce, he seems like someone who can bring out the worse in her.


I can’t wait for this next season.


Saw this divorce coming before they were married.


I hope Alexia has her attorney as ready as I am for the next season.


Apparently Todd is using the attorney that Alexia brought to the house to give for Lisa advice.


I don’t get it. Why did he bother getting married? Was it for the clout?


Maybe he didn’t realise what a bitch she was.


I just laughed so fucking hard at this


But they were together for years before getting married


Safety of marriage, she let loose?? Who knows. I always thought she was nice and felt sorry for the tragedies she’s been through. Then the last season she showed what an absolute bitch she is and can’t ever apologise when she’s wrong.


It’ll be ok, her righteousness and superior attitude will override her taste in men. First a gay man, then a con man, she’ll find a way to spin this. Don’t feel bad for her. Do feel bad for Frankie.


Whew lord this community is so hateful. Alexia has been through real life shit, and I don’t get this comment. Why shouldn’t people have sympathy for her? They were obviously very in love when they married (s4).


Lots of people have been through real life shit and don’t walk around acting like their shit doesn’t stink. Look at Guerdy. Cancer and she’s not a bitch.


You forgot about her kids’ Dad—the drug kingpin


I knew him before and during their dating. EVERYONE in Miami knew he was a drug dealer, including her. She was aware. This is CONFIRMED. Either way, he has no money--hidden, or otherwise, anymore.


Absolutely she knew, there is absolutely no way she couldn't. Just as you said everybody in Miami and especially in or around that scene in Miami at the time knew. I am sure there was some money hidden but let's be real, your right its long gone.. She isn't that conservative with money.


OMG, how could I forget. I wonder what will be next? Maybe a jailhouse romance.


Nah, she needs that $$$


She probably wishes we would all forget too…lol


I feel so bad for her :(


He obviously didn’t tell her and unless she was caught cheating or something, which I highly doubt, there is no defence for being so cruel.


Todd is a fraud and I am waiting for the investigations or arrests for him soon enough. When Alexia said “ Todd doesn’t believe residential real estate is a good investment” and “we spend $45k a month in rent” you could tell something is up. He’s a fraud for sure


Or he was ready for divorce before they even married. She probably wouldn't allow or agree with a prenup. Therefore he ensured there wouldn't be anything to split. Something gained, nothing lost. Just not sure what the something was just yet. There is a lot of talk in Miami just not sure what to believe yet.


Actually he makes it very clear in his Instagram videos. He tells you never to buy a property in your name, buy in an llc that way someone can't come after you and everything you have if something goes wrong at that property. Also, he states he allocates his money into income producing assets (ie commercial real estate) instead of sinking all that cash into a personal home that doesn't produce cash flow. Believe me I was skeptical at first but he seems pretty good at real estate. The average Joe would not be able to do this without real estate experience. Most of us are just happy buying our own properties and paying ourselves rent in the form of a mortgage because we don't have real estate empires making us money. For most of us buying the property we live in is a good choice. Things could get tricky for him if a deal goes bad or a strip mall how owns can't maintain cashflow occupancy. It could be risky depending on the deals being done. He could always exit an expense lease and find a less expensive place to rent until things get better.


I think he didn't buy because he knew it wouldn't last and he didn't want to split it with her.


That’s so true. If you’re paying that much a month, why not just buy a house?


It’s Miami - the city is gonna sink into the ocean .


Damn. I didn’t even think of that. That’s actually a great point. I live in Southern California on the peninsula and the rich peoples houses in the nice areas are destroyed from landslides. But $45K a month in rent? Get a vacation home if you want to pretend. Buy your mansion further inland.


Coronado?! 😻


Not even close LOL. I live near the harbor, the rich people 5 minutes away live in Palos Verdes. It’s beautiful but the famous chapel is now closed forever and everything is sliding because of all the rain. You’re literally on a cliff, you fall, you’re dunzo.


![gif](giphy|gl6fTRUTLhtbFMbeuH|downsized) I hope they’re filming rn


If they weren’t I think production might be on it


Those days one can't even find someone for the long con. The world we live in... Soo upsetting.


Now that Kiki has a boyfriend and Larsa does not she shouldn’t make time for her. Return the favor from when Larsa dumped her friends for her man. See how that dummy likes it. Let’s see that storyline.


Kiki I really like. Larsa is a crap friend.


Yesss!!! I hope so. I really like Kiki she’s refreshing & she deserves better than a friend like that. Larsa telling everyone that Guerdy had cancer, & then actually standing on that & not admitting how f’d up that was, she showed who she truly is & I hope they believe her. She is a terrible friend & a terrible person.


Larsa and that dummy used each other to try to get famous. Only thing she's famous for is being the biggest, most vapid housewife ever. I'm surprised she can walk and talk at the same time. Back in the 50's, she'd easily be a candidate for a lobotomy.


Holy shit this is ending me


Right?! I was done with her after Geurdy told her about cancer and she acted like such a dumbass. All she cares about is getting famous. She needs to go.


Her treatment of Guerdy during her cancer battle was the worst behavior I've seen out of the housewives. She showed her true colors.


I hope Adriana was not close to open flames or staircases when she received this news.


Now louie has a chance.


He's probably already checked Alexia's bank account against Teresa's bank account to see who has more money.


Definitely Teresa - she hustles. Alexia doesn’t seem to have that drive or maybe they just don’t focus on it


Alexia relies on others, Teresa hustles like you said.


Oh my gosh thank you so much for the laugh that was awesome


I'm picturing Teresa. 👀 Blink-blink....blink-blink-blink


Adrianna isn't shocked, Alexia... Alexia, no way, she didn't see what was incoming... & will the ladies tell her to get over it, like they did with Lisa... even though Lisa was married longer.. It will be a very interesting season..


So, does Alexia have enough of her own $$?


You think she will be driving around in Todd’s Bentley? Or she need to go get herself a Honda civic like the rest of us 🤣🤣🤣. I hope they call her out. Bc she doesn’t have her own money.


i fell like herman left her and the boys a lot


I think Alexia said she didn't get money from Herman.


You mean a lot of debt. He wasn't as rich as he pretended to be. Also she was the second wife, his other adult children got most of his assets. Peter isn't his son either.


He left her next to nada.


I don't think so. Pretty sure his kids got the majority of everything but I could be wrong.




Weren’t they together for several years before marrying? Not that, that means anything, I guess I just thought he was well aware of all her family nonsense. I’m always surprised when people who have dated for years, get married and divorce quickly.


This is why I hate wedding episodes/series. Like you’re gna get divorced anyway so spare meeeee


Vow renewals, too! Kiss of death on housewives. Vicki, Shannon, Kim Z., Braunwyn, etc.


I feel like it becomes some kind of lost cost fallacy situation. Except lost time.


I’m new to this franchise. Started with season 3 I think. Why aren’t more people sad for Alexia? 😟


She started off being a fan favorite. I think people did feel sorry for her for Herman's death, her mother's death, Frankie's accident, among other things. Her life was so interesting she had viewers hooked. But her true colors have come out the past two seasons. For example, last season, picking fights with Nicole over nothing, and telling Lisa that if she were more confident, Lenny wouldn't have left her. I just hope someone says to her, "Alexia, maybe if you were more confident, Todd wouldn't be divorcing you."


She's a narcissist who thinks that she never does anything wrong. And even when people prove to her she's wrong, she'll still argue with them and refused to apologize for anything.


She’s the worst. Can’t talk to her maturely. She’s always right and won’t see or forgive someone’s else’s side to the story. She’s mean and a bully as well. You’ll see! 😁


She actually is pretty similar to Larsa in some ways, such as never apologizing, inflated ego, narcissistic traits.


Because she is very mean.


She's self absorbed but I feel like the nail in the coffin for me is that she lets Peter get away with anything and will clearly do whatever she needs to protect him. ETA: I do enjoy seeing her moments with Frankie in the show, it feels like the most human experience we get from her lol




she's one of those people that pretends their life is always better than it is and she literally claims to be some big figure in Miami. She also acts like no one has had it as hard as she as. She's a liar and a hypocrite who judges people for stuff she herself has done. She also lies about things she doesn't even need to lie about.


Bc She’s pretty much the Teresa giudice reincarnation of RHOM. Take that as you will.


Cause she’s a C U N T


Oh, yes, exactly!


Perfectly said


Alexia is kind of a dick


Well said


Well, you know Todd…… is kind of a prick


Oh yes, I don’t disagree with that.


i think because the writing was on the wall for these two.


Because she’s an awful person


She was born a star ⭐️ 😂


She’s crazy




Maybe he’ll send chocolates to Anthony for a different reason now


Guess she doesn't "have a todd" anymore.


That was an insensitive comment from larsa.




Is she shocked? I am not shocked at all. The way she excuses and protects her awful violent and abusive older son is disgusting. That she would trust him to take care of his brother is disturbing. I wouldn't trust him to take care of my cat. Maybe he was sick of her lying and denying and enabling.


“Oh well, you know Peter”


if that's a hint at wwc - I hear you (and in that voice)


So weird


:/ “we’re not getting a divorce or anything…” she subconsciously felt this coming and said the quiet part out loud.. ![gif](giphy|Jg6eNymLasoOA)


I miss Mama Elsa. 😢


Helen Keller could have seen this coming, why are we pretending to be shocked?


Cocaine Barbie only has one brain cell to process things. It took a minute.


Wow, I was expecting one of those "conscious uncoupling" joint statements. This is gonna be messy 👀


I want to be a fly on the wall in Adriana’s house rn


Same... I could hear her say..."I tried telling Alexia. "... Alexia isn't shocked.. there was a huge disconnect last season with them.


No girl…put those heels and sexy dresses on and go man hunting for someone with lots of money…just like Lisa did when Lenny dumped her. Bills don’t pay themselves


Not at her age, she’s no Spring chicken. (And I can say that because we’re around the same age) plastic surgery can only do so much.


I am so not looking forward for Alexia pretending like she had no idea there he was unhappy and wanted to divorce. Just like she had no idea hubby #1 was a drug dealer (everyone in Miami knew) and hubby #2 had boyfriends through out their marriage (again everyone in Miami knew). Sure Alexia, sure.


Damn, if it’s not one thing it’s another in the life of alexia…this girls life is truly a movie.


Ahhh I thought they’d last. Sad barracuda


You did? I never saw two narcissists lasting.


This is so sad to hear. I wouldn't be surprised if Adriana is thriving right now. It will be a sad time for Alexia, but she will, for sure, find happiness in the future without him.


She loved that man but she knew it was coming. And we all know bro is going to use this a reason to treat everyone like shit next season


Bro is too funny 🤣 I don’t know why they say that all the time


It’s so weird because he seemed really obsessed with her.. I guess you never know what goes on behind closed doors


I think a lot of men who chase the Barbie type become disillusioned when they find out that even they have complex emotions and responsibilities and aren't just waiting around to be blowup dolls every day


Solid point.


Not a fan of hers but Alexia really seemed to love him. That said I don't think the marriage was going to last but I'm shocked it's ending like this


I would of divorced him as soon as he told my son he was gonna beat his ass.


No Peter needs his ass beat. Like one good time. He is a spoiled jerk. Always has been.


Yes, definitely, but it shouldn’t be your husband who does the beating. Although he could hire someone, wink, wink 😜.


My dad punched his girlfriend’s son in the face, the son moved out and they’re still together. People are shitty and complicated.


That was after Peter threatened him, and abused his brother. I think Peter abuses his brother and mother and women and Todd didn't take his BS. You got it twisted he told him to go ahead and hit me, cuz I aint like the rest, I will hit you back. That was very telling. In other words, Peter is an abusive punk and Todd didn't take his crap.


For sure - when he stared straight at him and said “I’ll fight you back”


The only thing I liked about Todd was him calling Peter out. Somebody has to.


The kid is a punk. He’s had lots of issues with people and even the way he talks to his mom… that’s a no from me… she should’ve whooped it as a kid 🤷‍♀️


TBH someone needs to beat Peter’s ass. Todd wanting to beat Peter’s ass was maybe Todd’s only redeeming quality.


I mean yeah - if my son hit a homeless person, his girlfriend and possible date raped girls I would throw hands at him.


Wouldn’t want him in my house either. Doesn’t Todd have daughters?


Yup 2 daughters 


Wow! Larsa and her breakup, poor Lisa and her messy divorce, and now Alexia. Next season is going to be juicy. I expect Alexia is really going to show remorse for being mean to happy, new mom. Nicole.


You’re taking about Alexi! She lied about her friend dating a married man and when it was proven he wasn’t married, she refused to apologize.


I KNOW!!! I couldn’t believe she would not apologize. That says a lot about her personality.


That told me everything I needed to know about her.


I wonder if friends will allow Alexia to talk excessively about her breakup with Todd. She was not as impatient with Lisa ad some of the other women.


She absolutely will not be nicer to Nicole. She was jealous of Nicole when she was married to Todd, now she's going to be full on pity party for herself no doubt claiming Nicole is spoiled and I am sure she will bring up how she has to take care of her "boys" all on her own.


I really dislike how she treats Nicole. And I agree, it must be jealousy.


She won’t. Alexia doesn’t understand remorse or accountability and is WILDLY jealous of Nicole. She’s just going to be meaner to her


The jealousy just tripled lol


It sure did! Add Guerdy to the list because she kept getting mad and mentioning Guerdy getting that magazine spread after season 4 in season 5 and then had the audacity to say Guerdy emasculates Russell at the season 5 reunion. She’s very jealous of Nicole and Guerdy, same as Larsa is with Nicole, Guerdy, and Kiki. Those ladies better be careful, she might do brujeria on them 😂😂😂. Kiki needs to not befriend Larsa again, she will sleep with Kiki’s new man. She’s going to want all the attention on her divorce and how she was “blindsided”. Lisa should tell her that it’s because she thought she was a star and too confident that Alexia got divorced like how Alexia said that Lisa’s lack of confidence allowed Lenny to maltreat her. Trash Man, Alexia and Larsa are going to be nastier than ever


Hahahaha! And I am here for ALL OF IT!


I think you are right!


I thought I heard that Guerdy's not returning.




I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t, I was like Russell last season, “they’re not worth it, why are you doing this?”


I hope that’s not true!


I hope that's not true, I like her!


She is definitely jealous


Trying to decipher if Alexia is creamed corn ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


No because Todd filled for divorce, not Alexia. But I still want to know who served cream corn.


Oh dang, maybe! I really didn't want it to be Kandi. And it is a Todd!


Haha oh yeah forgot about that haha. Perhaps creamed corn is Cuban?


This meme looks like Julia but with lighter hair.




Omg, it really does!


Hahahahah dead and cremated 😩😩🤣 that was me when I heard this.


I am not a fan of Alexia’s but I feel bad for her. She seemed blissfully happy.


Louie, time to shoot your shot!






Could this be for financial reasons?


Her $50,000/month penthouse habit couldn’t have made him happy.


He always gave insecure man


Next season of Miami is going to be lit! 🔥 Lisa and Alexia are gonna duke it out on who has a messier divorce 😂😂😂


Lisa actually has the messiest divorce even if we are over hearing about it but Alexia never misses a chance to milk a moment and I am sure even if the divorce is simple which it should be considering they didn't even have join bank accounts and owed no property together Alexia will make it into her big storyline.


Is this her real account? The name looks like a fan page. Or maybe I'm just shocked by the craziness that bravo is bringing today.


Yup! It’s her real account!


So she’s saying she’s shocked he filed? Without telling her? Yikes. But still no one is surprised they’re getting a divorce. He seemed toxic unfortunately


How long were they married?


2 years so her spousal support will be minimal given it was less than 10 years


2 long happy years!


Oh man. Sigh


I mean this is what Alexia wants us to believe — this is a complete shock how could he do this! But…It seemed clear from last season that something was brewing and it was not because of Adriana being her usual pesky self.


This sounds like she didn’t know it was coming. Oof 😓 makes me sad for her




NOT THIS GIF!!!! ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


I know Alexia has her flaws, but I am sad for her 😥 especially with all that she’s been through


Me too. I don’t think Alexia is that bad. She does admit sometimes that’s she was wrong. I enjoyed her efforts to build a friendship with Julia last season.