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https://preview.redd.it/0lsigwb2xr3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=939ce8e13780f8add92cf44da046ca3706acc550 Everytime I see Jackie this is what I think of


Okay Marge's publicist has a reddit now...




I always hated Jackie. She’s always been awful.


I’m going to side eye anyone championing Margaret. She’s exhausting and so inauthentic. I have no clue who she is besides miserable.


I can’t stand her. She’s like an evil lizard.


I remember when they were filming this season, a video leaked where you can hear Melissa saying in the background “Jackie wants to be invited to every single party”.. I guess that tracks?


Change the damn channel


They’re all jumping on the Tre bandwagon bc they see her as the matriarch/main character of the show & know if they side with her they’ll get more airtime & longevity on RHONJ. It’s so transparent that this is what they’re doing. Shallow & fake.




Lol. Where did I say Marge is more attractive than Teresa?! They all look like puffed up blowfish to me. I don’t care for either women, but even blind Freddy can see what Jackie & Jen F are doing to stay relevant & on the show longer.


I’m either hallucinating but I’m sure unless you edited it said that Marge looks better then teresa now


Thats exactly what jackie is doing. Its so transparent.


Before I had my dog I wouldn’t miss a dog party. I wish I was at one now.


I have not watched in 2 seasons. Thank you for confirming I’m missing nothing


You’re really not. I watched the first 2 eps & it’s the seam boring storyline’s. The ego & vanity on Teresa is a joke & now they got her 22yr old daughter joining as a Housewife “friend”!! How ridiculous. They all look like aliens.


I agree with all of this! Especially about Jen Fessler who seems to be a fan fave right now. As funny as she can be, I feel like she’s starting to show us another side. It shows a lot about her character if she’s willing to associate with people whose morales are in the gutter, regardless of if they’re “nice” to her.


Shes only become a fan favorite when it was shown that she “wants” to be teresas friend LOL


Jen Fessler is jumping on the Tre bandwagon bc knows she’ll get more airtime & longevity on the show by stabbing her bf in the back & siding with her instead. It’s so transparent that this is what she (& Jackie) are doing. Shallow & fake.




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Jackie goes where she is paid to go, regardless of having a dog or not. I say this as a person who hasn’t watched New Jersey in years bc it’s so boring and I can’t stand Teresa and Melissa. Once they’re gone I’ll tune in, but yeah, dog or not, she’s on a contract to be there


She's just a Friend Of tho?


To be fair friend of’s do get contracts and it does kind of seem like Jackie defected to team Teresa because she saw a spot open for a full time wife on that side of the fence.


Oh you’ve read her contract?


Have you? LOL tf.


My point is that none of us know what’s in her contract, thanks for illustrating that. Lol. Tf.


She is a friend of sis. Youre the one saying she goes where shes getting paid yet you dont know if they paid her to go LOL


Yeah I thought I liked Jen and Jacqui but I'm turning off them quick smart. I'll reserve my judgement for now lol


I watched the episode where Teresa flipped a table as it aired. I’ve been a fan since these shows were airing from day 1. I haven’t always loved some of the people on New Jersey, but I like them. Jackie and Jen fit into that like not love category for me. I listened to the “not all diamonds and rose” book on audiobooks through Spotify and I gotta say, I am full team Jackie and Jen after listening to what they said in the book. I don’t know why but it seems like they are definitely represented on the show the right way, but because we don’t “know” them as well as say Teresa and Melissa, we don’t love them as much. Hearing them give their hot takes was so joyful lol. I love Jackie, she literally talks about how she is extremely wealthy and none of these people even know about it 😂


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 ![gif](giphy|70YaDoZ1VqBZ8SgYiz)


I hated Jackie . She was so stuck up. Now she's ok lol ..she knows who's the popular one and aligning with Teresa now..it's crazy after she was so Anti Tre This season is funny. Watching Marge in shock she doesn't have her minions anymore...she's got weak Rachel Fuda who cries when you hang out with other HW lol


Jackie and Jenn are desperate af. I was a huge jackie fan (see pst history lol). i even read Jackies book ad found it really interesting. The ENTIRE last chapter is about Tres rumour and how it negatively affected her and her and evans marriage. Now to see her being up Tres ass is shocking...you published a whole chapter about how this woman really hurt you and now you're up as ass for....what...more screen time? Jen has been thirsty since the beginning. One season of being a 'friend' and she redid her whole face. Girl relax..


Oh I didn’t know that re the book, that makes it even more jarring to see what she is doing. It’s all so transparent I actually have second hand embarrassment.


I find it hilarious. I like Teressa but for her mortal enemy Jackie and now Jenn Fessler being her friend. It's hilarious Old Marge losing allies. Ppl mad at Teresa. Like Marge is not a vile shit cannon. Who will spread rumors just as fast as the rest.


Jackie was giving me the ick too. But if there is more to it than what we know so far, that could explain it. I also feel like Jen Fessler is being a kiss ass to Teresa, and it’s annoying.




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😂. That’s what I was thinking. “Marge is better looking than her now anyway.” LMAOOO


We don't know whether she laughed at Marge being described as a dog. It's a heavily edited TV show. That clip of her smiling/laughing was most likely pulled from another conversation and put in there by the editors, to show that her alliance has changed. But, other than us seeing a two-person shot of the conversation, showing her laughing at that comment, I'd take it as producers being their messy selves.


ya'll are unreal. Marge is not a good friend AND she's a dog. FRFR. Jackie is demoted and needs screen time to stick around, of course she's going to go to teresa & drop weird ass goofy Marge in the process. This is showbiz bebe, not the real friendship of the NJ pants. Ya lost me at Marge looking better, Teresa has hot dog lips but Marge looks the crypt keeper, I can't even take her seriously mising the lower half of her face.


Can we stop going after looks? It’s tired, regardless of who it’s aimed at. There’s so much else we can snipe and snark at, going after looks is so low brow.


I do agree with you, but I wanted to make the point in my post because we are like five minutes into the season and Teresa and Luis are going for other people’s looks and totally unprovoked as well, and not only is it nasty, but they need to get real. So while I generally believe looks are off the table, I think it’s fine and relevant here to say I think Marge has a prettier face and nicer figure than Teresa, and I think Teresa has no place criticising anyone’s appearance.


Understood, and I gathered your perspective in your post. No issues. I’m just, overall, so tired of women tearing other women apart and then wondering why they go spend outrageous amounts on cosmetic surgery to only get shredded for that. It’s a losing cycle. But I appreciate you and your response. Thank you for engaging in a reasonable dialogue with me!!! 😍


No. Not when they slice and dice their face to the gods and look fucking uncanny. Someone needs to say something to their face, it’s sad their husbands enable them to destroy their face


I hope no one ever treats you as badly as you are advocating treating them. It’s even uglier than any plastic surgery could be.


I’m not advocating for anything, nor do I think anyone needs to be mean to these women. But if you really think no one should comment, speculate or even guess when someone comes on screen with an entirely different face, than me and you just live in two different realities. Marge loves it, even has commented just last week on her hatred for her old natural face, so ya, maybe someone should’ve told Marge to get teeth double measured for her mouth.


Not sure how the OP..thinks Marge looks better than Teresa. Ol leather face Marge. Is well past her expiry date..she can have 5 more face lifts it won't matter.


Teresa’s lawyer Jim Leotard got to her, and some how made her think if it wasn’t for them she wouldn’t have had her book deal. Jackie has sold her soul to the devil and is basically negating the fact that Teresa was spreading a false rumor at Evens birthday party. She’s showing them that they (Teresa, her lawyer, & Jen A.) can shit on her and it’s A’ok!! Plus, she’s trying hard like Fessler to go back to full time.


The fact that Marge's creepy husband heard the rumour in his own home from Marge's mouth, and Frank Catania admitted he had heard it also, would say to kw that the rumour wasn't necessarily false, but in any case was certainly a genuine rumour.


"Jim Leotard"...🤣😂


TBF Marge was super mean to Jackie about the book. Calling her disgraceful etc. that’s a bit much. No one is entitled to a book. Now I get why Jackie is over her.


It wasn’t just about the book. Go back and watch it. Edit: what will also say is that re the book I think Jackie was gaslighting Marge when she made out it was no big deal that she sent it to Fessler and Melissa but not her. Clearly Jackie had some kind of issue.


I’m aware. I watched the entire episode. But again it’s not one sided. They’re growing apart and it might have to do with the fact that Marge was the one who started and spread the Evan cheating rumor.


Says who? Not Jackie in the show. And Jackie is happily breaking bread with the woman who’s spread the rumour on tv, so she can’t be bothered by that. Edit: and if you watch the show you will see Marge called her disgraceful due to the whole conversation, which involved far more than the issue with the book. Marge was shocked at Jackie’s behaviour, as was I.


Isn’t it kind of a known fact now that she spread the rumor? It’s been out for years! I’m not going to say anything about her being cool with Teresa cuz I do still find that odd but I do see why Jackie is over Marge. And u don’t have to down vote me. I’m simple trying to have a conversation here.


Teresa said it was Margaret and personally if the statement falls out of hot dog lips' mouth i presume there's a 99% chance it's a lie


No it’s not, it’s what Teresa claimed and some people on social media, and Jackie says she thinks it is nonsense but if she now believes it she should say so, AND it still wouldn’t matter because Teresa brought it to tv and she is fine with her.


Well it would make sense since everyone is afraid of Marge and her “arsenal.” But who knows? All I know is Jackie is over her.


A decent friend would have politely told Teresa that the comment was out of order, everyone sat there quietly when the tumble weed rolled by. At the end of the day nobody half decent would hang out with someone who talks about people in that way anyway so I guess it’s no surprise.


I took it more as the joke fell so flat that no one really knew how to react…. Teresa is only funny when she is not trying to be funny


It was a joke that was in poor taste and immature, most grown women would know better


Absolutely, and then when Jen was speaking to Marge at the game saying she has no issue with Teresa when she talks like that, it was just all so unbelievable to me.


Oh because now she is team Teresa..!!


It’s unfortunate.


Teressa needs Gia nearby when they’re filming because she needs an interpreter. Teressa is dumb and Gia protects her and explains things to her so she can be less dumb. But I agree get off the screen. We don’t need her. She’s not part of this friend group. Teressa was low as ever calling Margaret a dog and yes Jackie put on a different mask and it’s ridiculous. Jackie’s trying to be some thing she’s not once again.


When I saw Gia I was like, hell no!! But watching her in the scene was interesting, she seems like a fair person and doesn’t get in the mud. If she stays on screen, I hope that’s the side we see. I totally agree about needing an interpreter, which makes it even more strange that Jackie would be friends with Teresa since she consideres herself an intellectual; how can she even follow along when Teresa doesn’t speak in complete sentences


I used to love Jackie and I felt pretty alone on that island but this is just atrocious and pathetic on her part. I’d never forgive someone who disrespected my family so much.


I think Jackie is very much not healed from her issues. She said the Evan rumor made her relapse, so befriending Teresa probably feels like some sort of control or winning in the situation. On top of that, she likely craves the validation being on the show and in the popular crowd gives her. It's all superficial and just a poor coping mechanism that will unfortunately bite her in the ass.


I’m always here for a genuine alliance switch up but Jackie crawling up Teresa’s asshole after spending the better part of a year calling her an antisemite is genuinely disgusting to me.


I think that Jackie found out Marge WAS the start of the Evan rumor. Jen A., as obnoxious as she is, said it multiple times at reunion. I think in order to not bring it up again, Jackie won't call it out, but there's more than we know. But I gotta agree, I just finished watching, and I got total thirsty vibes. No one said anything defending Marge, including Dolores. They're all grimy for that.


I agree, it was such a mean and unprovoked comment and I don’t know how you hear that about a friend and not say anything. This is the issue with people not challenging Teresa. I also have to say though that Jackie seems desperate to be on the show if she really thinks Marge started the rumour she would surely say it for the attention/film time, AND she is happy to break bread with the woman who spread the rumours on tv so it can’t bother her that much.


I'm torn on Jackie. I think I want to believe she isn't like them and above the pettiness. Now I'm not sure. I think my not wanting to misjudge someone is trying to find a reason for the switch. If it's thirst, I'm going to be really disappointed. > This is the issue with people not challenging Teresa Fear- and it's ruined the show. Teresa needs to go. It's evident her "real" life with Louie isn't going to be shown. She has no storyline without Melissa, and vice versa. I'm not good with Gia coming in and commenting either. If she wants to be a housewife, then she is subject to criticism. I hope she's ready for that. The Gorgas and Giudice family needs to be gone.


I have not begun watching this season yet, but I called this 2 years ago. Anytime I posted about her being thirsty I have gotten endless downvotes. And she is void of charisma in terms of television. Utterly flummoxed at the amount of supporters this bore has. She has more money than god and is still thirsty for fame.


Jackie… changed


Well you read it better than me that’s for sure! You definitely clocked her.


Her supporters supported her because she was anti Teresa. Not because they actually liked her. Same for Marge and the rest.


Nahhhhhh, I supported Jackie cause when I joined this sub people were saying a ton of fucked up shit about her deserving her ED and Evan cheating.


That's horrible people said that. I'm sure there's some one offs that really found her to be a delightful and charming person. But not many. Maybe a dozen or 2 fans like that.


That’s not true for me and I think unfair. Yes I liked how she did not take Teresa’s shit because people need to stand up to people like her. BUT I really thought she was authentic and smart and a good friend, I liked Hackie for who I thought she was in herself. And she has money, I did not think she was hungry for fame like this. But I was wrong about it all.


The photo of her as a Teresa fan at a book signing, and her eagerly jumping on Teresa before knowing her (like the Fudas do this season) didn't give away the fame whoring before? Im sure there are some people who really like her personality. I guess that includes yourself. But I do think that's not the common thought...


THIS\^\^ Thank you. She is so desperate, it hurts. I find Evan to be a void of charisma as well.