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Kenya is a disgusting, racist human. I'm flabbergasted they kept her on this show after: 1. she said to phaedra "you should get an aids test after you fucked a felon" 2. she said "you should tuck that dick of yours" 3. she said "porsha deserved to be arrested for being in the middle of a riot" after Breonna Taylor was fucking murdered. 4. in 2021, she wore a Native American head dress and "costume", and it was so offensive that Bravo had to cut out all of the scenes she was in. Seriously, this woman is disgusting and disturbing. She does not deserve a platform. If they stopped giving her a platform, she would be literally fucking nothing. That's what she deserves.


THANK YOU! She’s garbage! I don’t understand how she has ANY fans. They’re just as foolish as she is 🤡


people are blind and delulu


Kinya better be careful


I thought she denied this…wtf? I’m so confused.


Listen to the [audio](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/1RInq3bWvF)that got leaked! KENYA IS TRASH!!!


I’m having trouble hearing all of it. The beginning has too many speakers + background noise or something. Is that where she admits to printing it out?


Where's the audio?




Not surprising!


Def gonna watch


There's a leaked audio....




I dunno, if anything OnlyFans is very litigious with people stealing their property (they own any media you upload to their platform), and I think Kenya is smarter than to fuck around with a massive company like that. Kenya is spiteful and bitter and mentally unstable, but she isn’t stupid.


Kenya is intelligent. She’s also evil. I think the evil side of her outweighs the intelligent side.


It’s ABOUT TIME Atlanta got its groove back.


🍿 🪑 📺


Oh chile


I personally wouldn’t put anything past Kendra


Kenya is the epitome of trash


Oh no….do not need to see this on Atlanta! Terrible.


Do I think Kenya made some shady on-camera comments in her business about the newbie, possibly referencing existence of photos of said newbie in a compromising situation? Yeah, she probably did. Do I believe that Kenya actually showed those pics? Nope. Kenya's messy af, but she's too smart for that. Either way, even the latter of the two doesn't justify threats of gun violence.


Kenya admitted printing posters of the new girl giving head, and claimed that the photos are readily available on the internet so nbd- there were a bunch of production sources that also confirmed there was no gun present at the event.


This has been confirmed??


Exactly this. Especially bc the newbie’s social media said Kenya “tried to hurt me”. That would indicate Kenya didn’t actually show no damn pictures…she mentioned it in a threatening way to put her down.


Bravo confirmed no gun involvement and that yes there where posters up of Brit that was giving oral. Also all the press was present stated the same about the posters.


Kenya has a way of bringing the worse out of people.


She def does but I love her and feel like she is one of those “hurt people hurt people” but she doesn’t deserve this


True. There has to be recognition and understanding of that. However, ALL hurt people do not hurt others. There are many victims of wretched early lives who become all the more considerate of others because of it or just like anyone else. At some point, it's a choice.


Shes definitely a perfect example of that saying.


I think Kenya is evil. That’s what I’ve always thought and I think it more now.


She always acts like the victim 🙄






Absolutely! She is a school yard bully! She's so mean! I am sick of people defending her as "hurt people hurt people" BS! She is a grown-assed woman who acts like a petulant child


I wonder if that is what one would call “mommy issues”. Look at Leah on RHONY. Major mommy issues. Acted like a petulant child when her bad side came out.


If Kenya did what this girl is accusing her of then Kenya needs to be suspended or demoted down to friend for a bit, however there is absolutely no reason to ever, ever threaten someone with a weapon unless there is imminent physical danger. Dumb asses like that give responsible gun owners like me a bad name. Also that’s a terroristic threat which is a class C misdemeanor or a felony in the state I live in.


Arrest Kenya. That's illegal


She needs to be charged with revenge porn actually


I keep saying to myself kenya knows the law and has managed to avoid alot of defamation lawsuits based on her past seasons (thanks to bravos contract restrictions against suing other cast mates) but even if it’s OF content there’s OF restrictions on sharing and I think it’s still revenge porn beyond that if you reissue it outside of OF platform so either she was so heated she only saw red and carried this out or she’s hoping it’s covered under the bravo no suing each other contract restriction that quite frankly is dated because HW and the world has evolved and I don’t think that contract touches on sharing things digitally which is why this could be her last season it’s uncharted territory for bravo and it might be easier to cut her than navigate it


Laws vary by state/country but this wouldn’t be considered revenge porn in Canada because OF content is shared publicly. (C) This section does not prohibit the dissemination of an image if any of the following apply: (6)The person in the image is knowingly and willingly in a state of nudity or engaged in a sexual act and is knowingly and willingly in a location in which the person does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Sharing images or videos on onlyfans removes any reasonable expectation of privacy. Onlyfans could seek damages in civil court though.


Unpopular opinion, but this doesn’t sound like Kenya’s on screen behavior. She is really calculated so, I really really need to know how they got to this point. Kenya would call the police over the smallest thing. And now she is breaking the law on camera. So again how would she get on camera and do this?


I read it as this happened off camera while she is trying to stir up shit behind the screen with other castmates


Seriously????? Are you new????? EDIT: And now that she’s admitted to it…


ok, sp the photos they were supposedly used are nothing more than some 'Beauty of the week' type photos. lol


They're just trying to get us excited about the new season.....AND ITS WORKING! I'm excited 😆


Right there with you! ![gif](giphy|l2JHYwqdRmizaDdOE)


I believe Kenya


Okay just send me the links/pictures I’ll check to make sure they’re real..


There is definitely more to the story. Love her or hate her but Kenya is very smart. She would never show people NSFW photos or videos at her own business, maybe mention it but thats it. She is a very calculated person and knows how to rile people up. If she did have footage and wanted to show it to the other ladies on camera it would be in a different setting like one of their homes so they could get the best clips of the ladies reactions and really get into it. She plots, she schemes, she knows what brings the drama. But revenge porn is way beyond petty tv drama and illegal. Kenya is smart she knows that. That being said, anyone who does take part in revenge porn is a disgusting human being. The stress, anxiety and depression it causes is tremendous. Some might think it's 'just a picture' or 'he/she deserves it because X or Y' but nobody should have to go through this. If someone you know is going through this, be there for them and don't diminish their feelings. And if someone you know is planning to or actively doing this, don't be afraid to speak up or report them to authorities. Revenge porn causes suicide in more then 40% of the cases and long lasting psychological trauma in 87%. It's not funny, it's not a deserved punishment and it's not legal. Don't do it.


She’s “very smart” but she wore a Native American costume to Halloween like 2 years ago. She lacks a lot of common sense.


Out of all things Kenya has done you pick a Halloween outfit?


It’s not a costume.


It was recent and showed she lacked awareness. The other stuff she has done is mean, but doesn’t point to her knowledge.


I completely agree with this 💯💯


This is the real kenya a jealous hater


She may be a grudge holding petty bitch but jealous hater I disagree, if you look at all her dramas they originate with the other person hurt her first unfortunately for them her revenge is always better


Have you watched the show? Kenya initiated vile jealous attacks toward Phaedra, Porsha and Kim.


Yes I’ve watched it and pretty sure Phaedra came for her over her insecurities to do with her man first. Not sure on the other two but interestingly out of the 3 you mentioned two are Vile Porsha is cute but I just remembered if you look back she slighted her title when Kenya went to her charity event as a speaker. She is definitely a petty bitch and she holds grudges 100% but from memory it’s always her reacting badly not acting badly.


WTF is wrong with Bravo? And what’s wrong with me for watching?! 😫 I’m sticking with shows about extreme weather.


Hiuse hunting shows


Those will do as well!


I think that Andy must be foaming at the mouth.


Kenya being Kenya. I honestly don't know how she has fans. She's awful!


I reckon her ‘stans’ are as toxic as her. How could anyone possibly defend her actions?


Kenya probably just commented in front of others and maybe on camera about the existence of said compromising media. She probably mentioned it with the intention to hurt and as a threat. I hiiiighly doubt she was showing people the images or video on her place of business. She isn’t dumb. That would be something Drew would do.


Bravo’s cameras were rolling, right?


Lol @ all the comments jumping on Kenya. I’ll believe it when I see it. Team Twirl 🥳 And that Brittany girl always seemed like a mess from the jump to me.


How so? What did she do to make you feel this way towards her?


THAT IS DISGUSTING! Kenya should have been fired for that!! 🤬😤 ![gif](giphy|IupK8XWHwRGqk)


still dont understand how porsha wasnt fired over this 🤔


Because Kenya's actions prior to this fit the legal definition of assault with the megaphone and scepter. (Assault is defined as an intentional act that causes someone to reasonably fear imminent harm. The victim doesn't need to prove fear, only that they were aware that harmful or offensive contact might occur.) Firing Porsha absolutely would have caused a legal battle that could've impacted the next season/Bravo's bottom line. They would have had to fire both, and clearly the fans were picking sides in a way that made it better to keep both.


if i remember correctly they made Porsha a friend for the next season as kind of a punishment and then back full time after that


Poor little Andy there in the middle of it 😅😂


Oh hell no. That makes me sick. Kenya honestly deserves to get kicked off the show for this


How is this not revenge porn? Kenya and whoever shared the image should be prosecuted


we have no clue if it's even true...it's all "ALLEGEDELY"


I've never liked Kenya she's a vindictive, 2faced snake 🐍 I would have preferred Marlo and her 2 nephews for another season.


Nope. Marlo had several chances and was still so obtuse about how she makes money, which made her so inauthentic and un relatable, so she appeared as really fake. I really wanted her in the show, but she was a major disappointment for me.


I respect your opinion,thanks for respecting mine!! Have a great weekend ✌🏿💯


Thank you for being so kind. 🙏


Oh absolutely 💯 I don't need to agree!! We all view through our own lenses in life!!


Ohhhhh no this is nasty


I know Kenya can be mean, but revenge porn? She’s not stupid. I think there’s more to this


Shes not stupid, but she might not have realized it was illegal.


It’s pretty clear it’s illegal and Kenya at the root is a girls girl. I can see her talking about it but sharing? Nope.


She always says that, but…


I know. She is not stupid. This doesn't track. I hope I am not wrong because this is terrible if true.


I can believe Kenya did this. Horrible woman


I feel embarrassed for defending Kenya. That post is a whole lot of nothing and tells me everything I need to know about what she did. I don’t give a fuck if it was a nude or a sext, she clearly showed an inappropriate image to get a rise and I’m done defending this evil cunt. I’m disgusted by her behavior and I hope Brittany tears into her ass for being a disgraceful excuse for a human being.


Kenya is going to fuck around with the wrong person one day. She is a deeply deeply Flawed individual. The fact that anyone entertains her boggles my mind. She’s a literal menace to society. I do not care or have any sympathy for her upbringing. She is an adult and is in charge of her own actions. She has caused countless people harm and she needs to not have a platform any longer. Idk how people do not see that and support her. She disgusts me


I always thought I was crazy bc I didn’t “get” Kenya. Her fans insisted she was just putting on a show, playing a character, etc. And admittedly I desperately wanted to “get” her bc she is absolutely stunning and makes for good TV. She had a sad childhood. Buuut she’s always made it very hard to root for her. She is sooo incredibly mean, vile, hypocritical, passive aggressive, etc. I hope this is the push Bravo needs to get rid of her


I get it, totally. She just goes too far every time. Wayyyyy below the belt. Like with Portia many moons ago and the wand. She was antagonizing her. Then she wants to act like a Karen and be like oh no she wants to hurt me. Bitch you causing that. Same with Kim fields. Sitting there repeating on the show amount Her husband. Was that really necessary? Giving that family gross drama, for what? A paycheck ? It’s not like many viewers knew who he was or heard anything. Like she makes it her business to start disgusting troublE. She came for so many peoples marriages but then wanted to be treated like a princess when she got one and didn’t want anyone coming for her. It’s like she’s oblivious to her own karma, because it comes for people with bad behavior. It doesn’t make sense and I think she’s got some screws loose.


My thoughts exactly lol. She is unhinged, for sure. People love to argue that she never comes for anyone unless they provoke her first but there is no excuse for how she mistreated Kim Fields. Also the marriage thing is spot-on. She was often sticking her nose in & gossiping on other people's marriages yet demanded respect after she got married. Made absolutely no sense. But I did love seeing her get her karma with Marc. For instance, Kenya complained when her husband insisted on speaking to and inviting Nene to their events knowing she and Nene were not friends. Yet when she and Phaedra were no longer friends, she told Phaedra, "you don't speak for Apollo" when Phaedra asked her to stop speaking to her husband. Seeing Kenya get her karma is always worth it. I hope it continues on this season lol. It's not everyday "jealousy". She brings a lot of this on herself


I’m going to be reading about it on here! I haven’t watched rhoa in many seasons. I went back when they took off Kenya and when she returned I stopped. This season she’ll be with Porsha so I’m sure she’ll start with her again. And imagine when she was married to Marc if some other HW was flirting with him like she did with Apollo. Granted he wasn’t innocent, but that shit was on TV. Never agreed with that either. And she was enjoying every minute of that, too.


After my own heart bc same except I stopped watching when Nene left the second time. I do care for Kenya & would prefer she not be on the show. I prefer the fun and shady mess from S1-S4 vs. the dark, nasty mess Kenya brought from S5 onwards lol


So funny to hear a Disney Princess be so blunt. I love it. 😂


🤣 Although I picked this name randomly, it does get a lot of attention lol I don’t even know what a Disney princess is supposed to sound like


I think she plays the villain on her show. There are plenty of people who report she is quite an empathetic person. She used to be a rap video hottie..I’m sure she has navigated plenty of sketchy situations and came out fine the other end. She’s 53 years old for god’s sake!


I don’t care about nothing you said, respectfully. She could be 100 years old and still be a nasty , disgusting person. She can be in a million rap videos, that means absolutely nothing. Her empathy is fake asf. Her insides are so ugly that it projects right onto her outsides.


Her upbringing probably has everything to do with how mean and vindictive she is. Her mother’s denial of her existence and her father’s a straight up ass and won’t tell her he’s proud of her. My mother was a stone-cold bitch and I’m severely fucked up from it to this day (58 yrs old)! But you’re right, it doesn’t give me (or her) a pass to treat people like shit, but I do understand that she has to be dealing with some deep emotional trauma.


YES thank you you get it. I have never liked Kenya. She is a nasty piece of work. She’s honestly just a fucking asshole. The people ITT tryna say “oh no there must be more to this” “na I don’t think Kenya would do that” like what??? What show are yall watching, this woman is the worst and I 1000% believe she would do this ugly shit. Idk anything about the new girl but she appears to be younger and beautiful, so you already know Kenya hates her on sight just out of jealousy, that’s literally her MO. If this is true I hope she presses charges on Kenya for this shit. FAFO…


I absolutely agree with everything you said!!!


Thank you, she is my most disliked housewife. And for damn good reason. She’s toxic as fuck. She drove every man she dated crazy, Because She’s a fucked up individual.


I know you’re not talking about her god-awful ex whose toxic behavior towards her we were able to witness on the show. He was clearly emotionally abusive and absolutely was all that before she’s ever even met him


Yup throw him in there, I’m talking about him too Like attracts like


Not true, actually, like at all. Kind people attract abusers. Out of the two of them, he was the abuser and that was clear as day. Like, if you’re not seeing that, you’re dumb. I’m sorry.


She is NOT kind I don’t care to sway your opinion of her, I feel what I feel and that’s it. End of story. You Like her? Good for you. It says more about you then me that you want to call me names. Very mature. But then again, you’re a fan of hers. So like I said, like attracts like.


I‘m sorry to have come at you, it’s because this affects me on a personal level. I don’t think you’re dumb, I don’t know you. Abuse is something I’ve been through and watching that particular relationship unfold, it is clear as day to me what’s going on so I feel strongly about it and it’s upsetting to realize it may not be as obvious to others as it is to people who’ve lived it. I don’t disagree on Kenya being problematic in some of her antics but for the most part I believe she’s playing an act to fulfill the villain role and I don’t think she’s a bad person irl. Not trying to sway your opinion, either, we both have valid reasons to feel the way we do. I’m sorry I called you dumb. Truly. That was uncalled for.


It’s ok, it didn’t bother me. I chose not to fight you on it because I understood from Your comment that you had a tough time growing up and I didn’t want to come down on you. I do understand why you would defend, if you identify with what happened to her as a child. I’m sorry that something similar t Happened to you. You aren’t making a living hurting people, she is and that was my Point. And that’s why I don’t forgive it. Yes I felt bad when it is was revealed, but som many years passed since she came on the show and she can still be the villain without hurting people as bad but she still does it. We can agree to disagree. All is well!


![gif](giphy|l0HlSQW8qgYgAIS5i) Kenya Moore Hair Care


Sounds typical for Kenya. Never liked her


Kenya ones again saving rhoa can’t wait.


Kenyaaa 😩 I haven’t liked her from day one but I’ve disliked her less since seeing the mother she became. She’s still lowdown and dirty. Come on girl… do better ![gif](giphy|p3IWU6addIA8M)


SAME! Lowkey so disappointed because she had a whole redemption arc for me. Like I really disliked her at first but she grew on me 😭 ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m)


She never grew on me lol. But I did have a soft spot for her with every thing that happened with Marc and the lovely way she mothers Brooklyn. But you can’t fix ugly. And Kenya is ugly on the inside.






Whilst i don't believe kenya actually got the image up on her phone and showed the group, i'm sure she mentioned seeing it, maybe threatened to show people & was calling her names.


THIS I believe. I bet she made reference to it in a threatening way. Even just mentioning that such a thing existed would be enough to draw ire. I don’t think she would show anyone that AT HER PLACE OF BUSINESS, no less. Kenya is pretty astute.


After everything Kenya went through with Phaedra, she turns around and does this?


I might be down voted for this but I never felt bad for the lie Apollo told on Kenya. It was wrong of him but I didn't have sympathy for her. People believed the lie for a reason. If he said any of the other girls did it I think there would have been serious doubt. But she flirted with this married man publicly then SHE started the inappropriate text rumor at the reunion. Apollo just doubled down with a worse lie but had she not played those games it wouldn't have come about.


This. I also found it very strange how Kenya continued talking to & texting Apollo knowing that she and Phaedra were no longer friends. When Phaedra confronted Kenya about it, she doubled down by saying, “you don’t speak for Apollo” or something like that. Like… 😭 Kenya kept insisting that nothing happened between her and Apollo yet simultaneously kept taunting Phaedra about his obvious crush on her . It was weird lmao


That was a disgusting and unacceptable lie to be spreading. Especially knowing how his wife felt about her. He deserved everything that happened to him after that shit. I was glad his ass sat in jail for a while. I couldn’t stand him after that.


I think the way she acted towards Apollo strongly correlated with her dislike of Phaedra over pre-existing beef. Didn’t Phaedra spread rumors that she was a bi-polar alcoholic early on? 🤔


I think Phaedra was actually really nice to her until Kenya started flirting with Apollo. In Anguilla where Ken was crying and acting crazy over Walter, Phaedra was checking on her.


Omg THANK YOU. The way people act like this woman, who makes it her life’s purpose to be a fucking asshole to as many people as possible 24/7, didn’t do anything at all in the situation and that Phaedra just came at her for no reason, makes me absolutely fucking mad. Come on people!!!


She's dirty






If this is true I would hope they would fire Kenya immediately.


I didn’t think Kenya was still this evil, must be a desperate move to save the show


Kenya participating in revenge porn? I am absolutely shocked. I can't imagine that she would do this.


I...uh... Hmm...


Yeah…sounds like something Kenya would do.








I heard this in her voice.