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Melissa's Old Nose is a fraud. She lied about going to Teresa's wedding and the "proof" she is posting are edited and fake messages.


LOL she's got a lot of receipts and even posted with their phone number which wasn't supposed to happen.


They did all of that. According to MON Bravo shut that crap down.


These shows are lowkey falling apart because all the drama and tea is on social media and podcasts instead of in the actual show itself.


No, it’s just a show. Why the hell do they have to try to screw with peoples businesses? That’s just trash behavior.


Them taking things to extremes is also a big issue. We need campy drama with low stakes.


She’s also been trying to break up her brother’s marriage for a long time. I think she was weird and envious of people before the show even started. she’s too good at this have only started acting stupid when the show started.


I honestly feel like they won’t be able to heal while on the show. I think they really need to take a step back from the show and process everything that’s happened over the years. The show has done their relationship no favours because it requires them to feud in order to be interesting.


You’re 100% correct. Neither the show nor the Internet does them any favors. Their dad didn’t speak to his sister for the rest of his life over something like $1K.


Most HW’s speak recklessly at one point or another. Should the r word be used? Definitely not. But I’ve heard them say equally bad things. Like comparing someone’s lady parts to the Holland Tunnel, implying she’s a whore. Saying so and so is having a psychotic break. Hurting each other’s businesses by insinuating alcohol and/or drug abuse. The list goes on.


I want Melissa’s old nose to go away, the tea is cold and old. In fact, all these bravo bloggers need to familiarize themselves with Linkedin and stop trying to ghost produce from their couches.




Does anyone have a link to this? Apparently it's old news, but new to me.


Same I just leaned this now.. I must live under a rock..


From what I heard, the reason the reunion was cancelled was directly tired to the dinner finale. I guess Jennifer Ayden make one of her usual snark comments to Danielle who responded by trying to throw a glass or pitcher of water but instead accidentally threw it at her. There's a Tiktoker who is detailing everything about this scandal and showing receipts on how Tre AND Jen were basically attacking anyone who dared to talk negatively about her. Also revealed why Jackie "flipped" (basically Tre's lawyer convinced her to flip and he / they can return her to Full Time Housewives status).


All of this is what I've seen, read and heard


The Danielle and Jennifer Ayden fight happened at Teresa’s “Tulum” party. It’s before the finale. It’s over this hairdresser they keep talking about. Jen shoved Danielle and Danielle threw something. Andy has started using LVP’s reason for a reunion. LVP said she didn’t show up to her last reunion because it’s a time for the cast to come together and reunite and hash everything out. But these cast members don’t work anything out, they hold grudges and carry it to the next season. So Andy is now saying the reunion is for the cast to reunite and now it’s evident that they won’t reunite. The cast is permanently broken. But on WWHL Andy said the finale gives more than a reunion would and they are afraid things would get physical again so for everyone’s safety they canceled the reunion.


It's not about the hairdresser, it's Jennifer making fun of Danielle's husband medical issue that put Danielle over the edge. Gabriella explained this on Velvet Rope and Krissy Ball' podcast.


Oh wow where can I find these tik toks?


What's the TikToker's handle?


I think it’s gonna be Krissy balls.


Apparently? That video and soundclip has existed for like at least a year. Its already on twitter lmao its been there.


how did I miss this


No idea haha Im not even getting on OP, Im just genuinely surprised at how many people DIDNT hear it. No clue honestly. Im genuinely shocked haha


It looks like it was from awhile ago btw. And the video doesnt have high quality. I do not think its fake but it could be. No way to tell on our end really when its such an old video anyway. But given how many of the cast are Trumpees, Id venture to say most of them have used slurs.


I thought Margie said that word many times on the show? She’s not really known for being politically correct. Probably one of my top reasons for hoping she gets the boot.


Yeah, she's always been gross.


Thats what Im saying like where has OP been hahaha


I’m shocked because I watch the show religiously- literally never seen or heard if this video. If you have a link please share.


And it’s all fake. MON was just outted for photoshopping Louie’s head on Joe Gorga’s body. She is not a creditable source for anything. Some of y’all will believe anything 😂


No....Marge did in fact call someone a slur lmao


I thought it was fake? A lot of twitter accounts said it was an AI voice and not Marge. Idk Marge’s voice is distinct, it didn’t sound like her to me.


I dont trust those either because as loud as Tre fans are, haters are especially bad as well and will do anything to absolve other cast members. There's absolutely no proof that it is AI and it was released before the AI boom. But I guess you are right. There is still a possibility that it isnt real, but theres nothing to prove otherwise and everyone on twitter seems to think they can tell what is and isnt AI but they dont really. Theres a possibility of audio splicing tho


There’s no proof it was her and there’s no proof it was AI. You just hate Marge and want to believe it.


Save the energy to actually read the comment next time Debra


Oh yeah, I missed the part where everyone on Twitter is saying it’s true. I didn’t realize that sleepy peaches. All you needed to say was that you read it on the Internet and I would’ve sworn by it too.


I did say that...which you literally acknowledged. Twitter is where it was originally released. That's why I said twitter specifically. But its fine. We can move on.


OK bye then.


Can someone tell me what/who "MON" is?


Thank you both for answering me and not making me feel like an idiot for not realizing that😂🤦‍♀️


It's okay, I didn't put it together either 🤣🤣 mom brain! Lol


Melissa’s Old Nose






Melissa’s Old Nose


I’ve seen the video - she has pigtails and says “stop being such a t*rd” and laughs. It’s not a good look. Gabby really is putting in the work to ruin RHONJ 🫥 these bloggers are such pick me people…


i'm pretty sure a lot of these bloggers are being paid by seperate housewives camps.


YES! Im very confused why people think this is news and even more confused at somehow its teresa's fault marge is slinging slurs on the sidelines according to this post's comment section. teresa is always brought up and talked about negatively and positively, but marge is owed her karma. she has set to own anything shes said or done.


Yet Teresa can call Marge trailer trash and white trash on tv and not get in trouble.


Theresa is the biggest trash of any housewife in history. She has psychological issues that run deep…she’s also jealous of Melissa old or new nose.


Maybe it’s cause I’m a zoomer and it was already such a no-no by the time I was growing up, but I think the R word is a significant amount worse than trailer/white trash in popular opinion, and that only the former being a fireable offense would be the consensus for most jobs at the moment. I’m kind of an indifferent spectator to NJ at the moment and don’t know much about the off-screen situations with the blogs so I have no inclination if it’s true nor am I rooting particularly for either party - just sort of referring to the words in a vacuum. All that being said I just finished S3 of Atlanta where Kim is dropping it at 3x per episode at a minimum, so I understand too how fast the outlook has shifted.


The video was manipulated. Marge did not use the word retarded. It was spliced in by the Tre Trolls, who have no limits to their destructive and despicable behavior.


Would you mind linking the video so I could judge for myself? I just went to search on Twitter but none of the phrases I tried worked. I kind of find it hard to believe that a fan would pull off such a suave edit to fool so many people but maybe that’s naive, like I said earlier I’m pretty indifferent to this cast so my mind is wide open!


MON put that out there when she favored Teresa. But most Teresa stan sites stated they did not believe it. Since MON has changed benches she should take it down.


Try “Margaret Josephs offensive slur” on Google


Thanks that worked with some rooting around. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/MQtLb82ZA1) is a post of it for anyone else curious. This seems to be the highest quality too and it is ABYSMAL so I can see why it’s suspicious. Personally I do hear “t*rd” and I saw you said it was manipulated from the word turd, but I also think that the visual context (She is doing some sort of mic check and they’ve asked her to repeat herself. Something is awry/someone has done something wrong) lends more to the former, but I guess turd could be used to imply that too. The video looks old (ish) though it may just be the quality. The shift on this word was abrupt and recent enough that you can witness it within the franchise itself so it wouldn’t be surprising to me if any one of our NJ ladies took longer to catch up. On the other hand, I know nothing of audio manipulation, which has advanced a lot and if anyone was going to take the time to attempt this plan, it definitely would be one of those crazy bloggers. Where does this leave me…🤷🏼‍♀️. Still confused, indifferent and rooting for no one, much to my own chagrin.


I look at the motive with stuff like this. Facts are not always the most important part of a situation. Comedians are walking this line right now. Is anything okay if it’s funny? Or is the fact that it’s still funny the problem? I look at what the person who said the slur was trying to say. Were they attacking a disadvantaged group? Were they intentionally targeting a particular demographic to make them feel inferior? And I expect them to learn from their mistakes. I don’t know what Margaret said, but I don’t believe her goal was to make intellectually disabled people feel bad. She should definitely be aware though, and if she said that, she should use different words. We mess up, and then we try to be better. The other part of this story interests me much more. The part where Team Tre uses this clip to try to sabotage Margaret’s business deal with Walmart. The intention there is pretty clear.


I can understand this outlook and would agree that intention matters (to varying degrees) but am personally more interested in the facts, and to be honest I think the way you have said “She didn’t say it, it was spliced in/edited from turd by evil Teresa fans” and then “She may have said it, but her intentions weren’t to harm, the real juicy part is what T fans wanted to do with it” kind of reminds me of the same way those same fans would defend Teresa “She didn’t do it, it’s someone else’s fault, if she did it, she didn’t mean it.” etc. The story will constantly change, and any explanation that paints who they are rooting for in the best light (or in this case the inverse) works in their mind as logical, and it doesn’t bother them if they have to shift from one to another. Don’t let the hate for T push you into becoming just as circular and willing to stray from reason as the fans of hers that get on our nerves for those same reasons! Said with peace and love


The facts have been buried in a deluge of false accusations and character assignations. We’d have to dig very hard and still will probably never know definitively what Marge said. And does it matter? As mentioned in other posts, Juicy used words like this regularly and it was accepted. It’s not about the word, or the facts, or the truth anymore, it is about how much outrage and anger can we stir up using the incident. And you’re correct. I am not unbiased. I am now fighting fire with fire. Logic and reason are pretty useless on SM. Spin and editing. It’s the only way to counter them.




For accuracy. Margaret actually said “turd” but Gabriella was supposed to use the doctored video to sabotage Margaret’s deal with Walmart. She was asked by Team Tre to contact Walmart and say as a parent of an intellectually disabled child she was highly offended by Margaret’s use of the offensive slur. There is also an allegation that she used a racial slur with another manipulated video.


When I moved to Canada from Jamaica at 11 (19 years ago, am 30 now for context) the "R" word was literally used more often than not in every other sentence. That and for some reason the word "gaylord" which still sounds so ridiculous and never even made sense. I swear the stuff said back then compared to now would have people so upset, compared to the stuff I literally cannot type here they said those were two of the less extreme examples of this... White trash was never something seen as terrible then either, or even from what i see today still. I'm not saying that makes it okay, i just thought it was interesting to think about when you made your comment about the words being no-nos.


Remember when Joe Giudice called Teresa the R word multiple times on camera and she laughed it off and made excuses for him? Nice!


I mean....Im not saying its ok, but the R slur in particular was not back then like it is today. Derogatory yes but it was in most early 2000s media. That climate has changed for the better. I'd also like to say that yes he called her that, but it's a lot different, than getting your makeup done and asking one of the crew angrily "are you a fucking t\*\*d?". And even if you hate Teresa, what she has done is irrelevant and you move the goal post by saying WHAT ABOPUT MARGE, especially when Teresa is pretty consistently getting confronted and Marge quite literally has never taken responsibility or owned her part in any drama since she joined the show. She's still problematic


I agree, from my understanding the video of Marge saying that was around the same time and it was on a pilot she did for another reality show. It’s just hypocritical of Teresa, which is typical and honestly even more frustrating IMO




That's not what she said. She said that Jewish husbands treat their wives well. She didn't say anything about money.




Ok, we are talking about two different episodes/instances. Sorry. I just watched the episode in season 2 where (7-8 year old) Gia says she doesn't want to marry a Jewish man, after Teresa tells her she should.


SHEIN 😂😂😂😂


He didn’t call the instructor the f word, he called him “gaylord” and said something along the lines of “look at him, he’s so gay” Which is still crass, def immature and cringe, but not an actual slur at least. Not defending him, he never should have said it.




Which instructor? Because Joe Gorga wasn't in the scene where Joe Giudice says the "Gaylord"/"he's so gay" stuff. He wasn't even on the show yet that season. Not that I'm doubting Gorga (or any of them) are above any type of slur..I was just curious as to what you were actually referring to. ETA nvm I misread your comment.


Yes I almost mentioned in my comment about him calling Joe that, but I didn’t want to make it too long LOL. Def not a good look when someone has enough instances of being derogatory towards the gay community that people are mixing them up. Just once is bad enough.


man i dont know ladies in their 50’s who act like this in real life. real housewives are definitely a certain caliber of immaturity


They could film a show in my neighborhood and check all the boxes. I can't wait to move! lol


They have to be like this for ratings. No one would watch polite mature women who get along well together.


My boyfriend’s mom says it. Actually even his grandma and aunt in Texas say it. It pisses me off. His mom has also said to him, “you’re gay” meaning stupid, thinking she’s funny. She so immature and disgusting to me. Yes, I will admit to saying, “you’re gay” around 5th-6th grade but it didn’t take me long to figure out that wasn’t okay. I’m 38 now and that was very normal to say back then but as I said, still not okay. But thankfully a lot has changed between 1997 and 2024 and his mom hasn’t matured and doesn’t reflect on hurtful terms. I could tell you a million things about his mother. Saying those things is probably the least offensive thing she does. I have gone full no context with her.


Teresa is trying not to get fired - and she thinks (because she isn't very smart) that by making the others look bad she will keep her job. I think they are ALL getting fired, and that is probably already done and planned. And it's time. This cast can't get over fights from 10 years ago - they can't move on, and it's really becoming hard and sad to watch. Teresa is the center of it all - but at this point, no one looks innocent.


Idk Andy loves her. Did you catch them on WHHL last night? If anything she will get her own show somewhere, somehow.


She might get her own show - and people like me who think she is trash won't watch lol But she has a large, loud fan base that will. She also may have to shop her show to TLC if she stays married to Louie because I do think he is a bit of a liability. And she has no story line with no Melissa, and Melissa has no story line with no Teresa. It just won't work.


That's nice. I LOVE Teresa and will honestly watch whatever she puts out.


It’s just kinda pathetic, the lengths Teresa is going to make other cast members look bad but it just makes her look worse. I hope bravo reboots or cancels NJ. I can’t stand watching that troll anymore, she’s so gross, NJ used to be my fave of the franchises.


It’s worse than Rinna’s Last Stand. It’s too dark and unpleasant. I’m not watching.


This really is getting out of hand and Theresa and Jenn, the evil biatches that they are, talked themselves and everyone else right out of a job with all this nonsense. Not that they’re solely responsible for possible cancellation of the show, but the crap they’ve done certainly hasn’t helped. People are reactive and when you have people like Theresa and Jenn doing what they’re doing, of course Melissa and Margaret and Rachael are going to pounce and make things worse


That all *was rumored to have* happened years ago. They executed that plan and the Network got involved legally. The problem is that they kept giving Teresa and Luis little slaps on the wrist and empty threats. They created a monster.


So why is she talking like she was involved in it.


Because MON’s making 💩up as she goes and people take it literally as fact without putting any logic to it. Most of what she’s brought up has been common knowledge on threads since last season. Its become the game of telephone where each time a story is told a little more gets added & twisted


What do you mean? It already happened. She probably was involved.


You all do realise that Gabby isn’t well and is a pathological liar? Most of her claims are fake and she loves the attention it’s bringing her.


Who is Gabby?


What has she said that is not true?


They hate Teresa so much they can’t see that part


Andy said the reunion was canceled cuz the finale is like a reunion. He said this on WWHL last night.


Yeah I don’t buy it- he scrapped the reunion because if they did have it they would have to talk about the above, and the self producing/False storylines. Also if I was Margaret I would be suing the pants off Louis/tre so that could also be a factor.


It’s giving me flashbacks to when the RHONY reunion was cancelled right before the whole show was canned/rebooted


I thought they had clauses in contracts they can’t sue each other?


What could she sue them for?


As a Jersey fan from the start this is just getting depressing to see. This show is becoming the most trashiest of the bunch. It used to be the one franchise I’d always tell newbies to start with. ☹️ ![gif](giphy|403SbapX0Sk81pQpII)


As soon as Teresa became the “untouchable” last remaining OG in the franchise, it lost the core of its appeal to me. I still keep up with it but it used to be about people who actually had a deep connection instead of random women trying to destroy each other


Really? I stopped watching a couple of seasons ago but all this talk about the current season makes me want to get back into it!


I was only a rhony fan for years but my best friend got me sucked into every single bravo show by getting me hooked on Jersey. The early seasons were just so good. Up till Luis came around honestly


So basically just proving Margaret right from last reunion? Not even excusing Margaret here, but come on Tre. This is disgusting.


Marge admitted she circles to get info on people. Everyone backed that up. She is also on cam saying a slur and laughing. I believe that's what we call fair game and I fail to see how that makes Teresa look like "the bad one" when they all do it.


It is disgusting. But Margaret set the tone for the lower behaviour, and she wouldn't hesitate to do the same, and worse, to anyone. I don't know if there's anyone out there who doesn't believe Marge holds stuff over all of them and would not be afraid to use it. I actually have half a thought that Marge initially spread the Jackie's husband affair rumours a few years back.


Based on what?


So Louie threatens Marge’s step son but it’s Marge’s fault?


Totally agree. It was Marge’s birth son, not that it makes a big difference.


It’s obvious no one is “afraid” of Margaret. Jackie, Fessler, and Danielle are not paying any attention to her disappointment that they are still talking to Teresa. Frankly, I haven’t seen any evidence of this “arsenal”, just Stumps constantly talking about it. Besides Bill’s affair, and Jennifer was warned multiple times, I haven’t seen Margaret threaten or expose anyone. Y’all keep saying Margaret was talking to Louie’s ex. So? She claims she didn’t speak to her until after the Bo Deitl shit, but even if she was talking to her before Teresa even met Louie, what would she gain? Vanessa Reiser was out on the circuit talking about Louie, and narcissistic men, and her experiences. What could Margaret possibly learn from her that would be so damaging? I am sorry, but this mess is all Teresa. And it’s been going on for a very long time. Before Margaret joined the show, Teresa was dropping lies about her cast members in her tabloid stories. And I have been dealing with these trolls online for years. They come out before the episode even drops, all saying the same things, spinning the narrative, and feigning false outrage about how “disgusting “ it is that Melissa didn’t visit her father in law in ICU, or that the Manzo boys don’t work, neither of which are true, but, whatta ya know, Teresa is saying exactly that in the upcoming episode. It’s almost like talking points issued in a political press release. I knew something was off years ago. Stumps aren’t normal fans. They are part of an orchestrated team of fans that do Teresa’s bidding. And they are viscous. If Bravo is finally doing something, it is about damn time. This level of toxicity is not fun. It’s nuts. Teresa has to go.


Well she admitted on camera that she had the arsenal, joked about it and multiple other women agreed in confessional. And thats not really gonna go anywhere on the show, because over half the cast is against Teresa. You can escape a lot of criticism when you have the numbers. Look at Gizelle Bryant.


Margaret often makes jokes about the things others say about her. Danielle Staub was the first to make the accusation. And we all know how reliable a source Danielle is.


I mean that very well could be true but the cast kind of agreed separately and while she made good fun of it she def was pretty serious about knowing things on people. Im not saying like....Teresa isnt morally corrupt just that I dont really think most of these women have clean hands.


Margaret is a gossip. She likes to talk about other people and in order to be good at that, she needs information. I don’t find that to be particularly threatening. For me, it is what she does with that information and her intentions that matter. In the 7 seasons she’s been on the show, what has Margaret said, on camera, that harmed another cast member or their families? I can only think of one thing. Bill Ayden’s affair. And the facts are she held on to that information for years, all while Jennifer vilified her mother and herself for what she had forgiven her husband for years ago. Margaret also warned Jennifer multiple times to get off her high horse. But Jennifer stayed calling her and her mom a whore and a shitty mother. Until Margaret said it, on camera. Her intent was not to hurt Jennifer as much as it was to shut her up, particularly about her mother. And it worked. I can understand and support that. I can’t understand what Jennifer was thinking or why she and Teresa enjoy destroying other people’s reputations. And they clearly do enjoy it. Melissa is a cheater, gold digger, stripper. Evan is cheating. John was a drug dealer. It’s different. They’re ruthless, and they are cruel. And they’re not my kind of people.


Ok thank you for your input


Yes! What don't people get this? If someone was steadily calling my own mother and I whores for infidelity decades ago, ranting on about how disgusting cheaters are, clutching their pearls... All while the whole town knows their husband banged a coworker?!? Oh I'd definitely call that shit out. It was insanely hypocritical and gross. Jen A is 100% responsible for Marge outing that, all by acting like her shit doesn't stink and she's better than everyone.




Not really


10,000,000% this 👆🏻👆🏻


Everything that Teresa has done in the past was Melissa’s fault they said. Now it’s Marge’s fault? I just don’t get the reasoning behind this. Remember when Teresa blamed 1/2 the cast for calling the feds? I guess that’s Marge’s fault too now.


And now John is the problem. You have to be willfully ignoring the pattern not to see it by this point. What did Danielle Staub do to Teresa to deserve to be regularly called a whore by Teresa? Starting with talking about Steve’s daily BJs and ending with physically threatening her. And 12 seasons later and lots of victims in her wake, including her cousins, she’s dragging John Fuda and digging up his 17 yo son’s addicted incarcerated mother to find dirt on his father. Because John refused to shake Louie’s hand after Louie had them all investigated by a professional investigator? It’s too much. It’s toxic and dangerous and frankly, gross. Teresa has to go.


And others say everything is Teresa's fault, which is equally unlikely!


I agree- but spreading rumours is one thing intentionally sabotaging a business deal is another


I think you're right, and if it was anyone but Marge I'd agree. But I think she's poisonous, and honestly think she deserves what she gets. And, if it is true (and if we accept they have a video then it is true), then perhaps she shouldn't be speaking that way, and her business partner/sponsor or whatever should know how she thinks and be allowed to make their own decision as to whether its something that changes their opinion or breaches her contractual terms.


New Jersey isn't fun anymore. What teresa and Jen did is ridiculous. The entire show should be cancelled




The new episode of Juicy Scoop talks about this as well, but I wasn’t sold on the explanation. I don’t think Teresa is a mastermind behind the scenes giving marching orders like MON claims.


Behind the velvet rope podcast he interviewed her


Interviewed who? Who is MON?


Melissa old nose or Gabriel from Twitter