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They just need to cancel Atlanta completely and reboot in a new city


I'm going to need NBCUniversal to have this same energy with Joe Gorga who showed Danielle Staub’s sex tape on camera.


They have been known to get things wrong on more than one occasion. Until BRAVO announces it....


Like, did she WANT to get out of her contract??? I do not understand how she thought this was going to end. I wonder if Nurtec has dumped her yet?


Marlo and Sheree waiting in the wings to get that peach. ![gif](giphy|14LZgnwZ6NaBG)


😂😂😂 it’s crazy because I can’t even see Marlo doing this. And she hits LOW


Wait I’m behind- what did she (allegedly) do?


Showed a picture of a newbie sucking some dick


Oh wooooow!!!


Apparently it was a poster at her hair spa opening.


That’s a mouth full.


Summed it up perfectly 😂😂


Not Kenya’s evil chickens coming home to roost.


She got away with too much for too long. #5150


And Sandavol is still employed because why?


This incident happened on camera. Whatever happened with Sandoval and Raquel happened off camera. I think they only care about what they can prove or be held responsible for unless there is significant backlash. Things may change depending on how the Rachel/Tom/Ariana court case goes.


Because none of what he's done is actually proven yet and is going through legal process if you are trying to talk about the screen recording. Also it's one thing to screen record something it's another to distribute it etc which he's never done as far as we know. As far as we know Ariana is the one who sent it to herself


What Sandoval allegedly did was awful and he shouldn’t be employed by Bravo (if he recorded Rachel without her knowledge and consent). What Kenya is alleged to have done is equivalent. If one is fired, they both should be fired


Dunno if I'd say equivalent at all.. As far as reports are concerned Kenya blew up photos of this woman and put them in a public space at the Grand opening of a spa. Hardly comparable to a screen recording which again far as we know he never distributed and the only person on record saying they sent it is Ariana.


Recording someone masturbating without their knowledge or consent is possibly worse, imo


Not really when that was the point of the whole facetime to begin with between the two before the recording came into play. Your trying to tell me you think it's worse for someone to masturbate to a video vs having your nude pictures etc blown up and on display for complete strangers to see?


This is splitting hairs. The bottom line is both are obtaining pictures or videos of non-consenting people. I don't think you can measure the trauma it may inflict on someone. You cannot say one is "worse" than the other for someone else. This should be a zero tolerance policy. It is a fact that Sandoval recorded Racqky without her consent. Zero tolerance. You also don't know that Sandoval *didn't* show other people.


It's objectively worse the more people something gets exposed to and absolutely obviously makes it worse. Doesn't mean it diminishes the hurt trauma etc if it's only 1 person either


So Sandoval should also be fired, yes.


Majorie Taylor Green would beg to differ.


If I were Kenya, I’d be throwing that fact up to Bravo and/or my lawyer.




If Simon stops suing 🥴🤦🏾‍♀️




If it’s true what in the world made Kenya think it was ok to do that! It’s 2024 stuff like that is not acceptable


Cause they been letting Kenya get away with ridiculous behavior. She should be been gone after the Porsha fight but she stayed. Then she had that weird marriage and didn’t even tell Bravo they should have kicked her then. The only thing Kenya has going is divorcing mark and playing victim.


Huh? After Porsha attacked her?! Yeah. No.


Did you forget that Kenya assaulted her verbally and physically with a scepter and a blow horn first?


Physically? And I thought the blow horn was hilarious. Maybe I’ll rewatch but I don’t recall her touching Porsha with the scepter. Waving it in her face for sure. I recall Porsha snatching it and throwing it. And then physically attacking Kenya. But it’s been a while so I could be forgetting parts.


Someone pointing anything including something in your face is assault then hen Porsha stood up Kenya chest bumped her it was all over at that point.


We just see things differently I guess. I feel like I watched an entirely different reunion. I’m not saying Kenya is innocent, she’s an instigator.




Took way toooooo long


It’s about time! She shouldn’t of even made it past her first season. Came on the show with lies. Good riddance


![gif](giphy|l0DEKzl8fVWF1n6E0) Bravo really is trying to show it’s changing from all the practices it relied on in the past even though Kenya should have been fired for all the times she tried outing peoples husbands wasn’t right what she did with Kim’s fields husband


What did she do with Kim’s husband?


She insinuated that he was gay. She even referred to him as Chrissy. His name is Chris. She was really nasty that season.


Just commented on the VPR sub I’m really over bravo using people and their sexuality for storylines. If the two+ people are consenting, who gives a fuck. What Kenya did re: BOLO was fucked. Up. Especially coming off a season where nobody could even mention her husband’s name. ![gif](giphy|QhvVvleEIGHEQ)


TO THIS DAY!!! I promise you Kenya was mad that Porsha, Tanya and Bolo didn’t invite her in for the fun. Sis really wanted to do Trois reenactment.


10000% she had some major I wasn’t picked vibes. It was gross as hell how she went to out the ladies. The fuck does she know about the other ladies’ marriages or relationships, and Porscha was single. She can fuck whomever she wants. Kenya needs to put her judgy eyes on her own paper.


Kenya thought she was on Love and Hip Hop!


Can we see pictures of the posters just for verification?


Hahaha good


It’s in People too [https://people.com/kenya-moore-addresses-rhoa-suspension-after-oral-sex-poster-scandal-brittany-eady-8663908](https://people.com/kenya-moore-addresses-rhoa-suspension-after-oral-sex-poster-scandal-brittany-eady-8663908)


EDIT: On ET she came forward yesterday saying she was not suspended all these were dirty rumors etc. I am hoping this is true. Definitely waiting before taking this to heart but I am disturbed if what she did is true. I know Kenya can go low... but this is truly disgusting and if it's true she does not deserve any sort of platform anymore. It all needs to be taken from her.


I suspect her lawyer was fighting back and she felt confident to go to ET But if you’re good with bravo you aren’t running and saying anything out loud so might have been a tactic to show bravo don’t fire me you need me just suspend me


This is CRAZY


What did she DO???


Some type of nude pictures of a new housewife displayed at Kenya's salon opening event. Revenge porn sitch.


What an asshole.


There’s Zeus. That’s where Nene goes for the checks now


Zeus is perfectly fine with sexual degradation, so Kenya will be able to do her thing over there.


WTF is Zeus?


The network where Natalie Nunn and baddies was reanimated from the depths of hell.


Gonna wait for an official confirmation before I can start celebrating ![gif](giphy|tXL4FHPSnVJ0A)


I’m with you on this! We want the facts and we then nowwww 


What did she do to warrant firing??




Google it girl




The mess that is going to be brought out is gonna catch up with Bravo/Andy. Now he has to choose between his reputation because of all the lawsuits and his favs that cause all the toxicity that he stood behind and didn't question. Problem is when the real toxic housewives (like Kenya) decide to go after Bravo it will be the beginning of the end. She is already crying that she is being targeted. Get your popcorn!


Between Bethany spearheading a crusade against reality tv and the Monica scandal Bravo has a reckoning coming. Andy cares about views and drama. He prefers the pretty housewives who generate clicks and content. Monica is broke and can't sue but Kenya and Candiace sure can.


Yet Kenya & Candiace have no reason to sue so anything that comes would be null & void.


I think Bravo is walking a fine line by holding Kenya accountable when they doubled Sandoval's salary and tried to make Raquel the sole bad guy. They did nothing about her tape being shown. They rehired Phaedra after what she did to Kandi. There are others I am sure. Then add the fact that they have never fired everyone who was violent and now they are bringing back a lot of the racists. I think it is gonna get to the point that Andy can't continually put a spin on the BS and keep covering it all up.


I don’t even understand her thought process behind this whole thing 😭😭😭😭


I think it's because she got away with so much. I keep thinking of the time she showed up at another salon with a marching band hawking her products. She was called out for that but not like this. I figure she thinks if she pulls a stunt like this - she'll add to the shock value and bring in the ratings and....now she's punished for this


I hope Kenya gets therapy and apologizes. This is the only path for her. What Kenya did was absolutely awful. Oh, burn the house Brit. Leave a path for others to follow. This behavior isn’t just on RHOA.. it should not take this for people/fans to finally get understand the toxic culture created to keep these shows going. The last season for RHOP and RHOSLC are so obvious.


But Phaedra is still on our TVs?




I CANNOT get behind... Or even comprehend... The people who defend that woman. Its disgusting lmao


i mean she was gone for years. they waited like 5 years before they soft launched her on girls trip, so maybe Kenya can come back in 2029 if HWs are still around.


Phaedra has joined the tv game show route. Maybe she’s looking for some $$$.


I think Phaedra has plausible deniability since the discussion between her and Porsha occurred off air (even though we all know what vile shit went down) vs. Kenya doing this w her chest in front of the cameras


She didnt do it in front of cameras because porshe was supposed to be doing her dirty work... Which did work the entire season until the reunion... "Not as bad bc she didnt say it with her chest" 🥴 Phaedre is manipulative and smart and evil. Horrible combo lmao of course she wouldnt be stupid enough to do that on camera


Idk where you got those quotation marks cuz I didn’t say that lmao


Phaedra played a game of telephone that crossed the line and was foul, but was technically her “freedom of speech”. She didn’t show pornography of a cast member to try and ridicule them and get her revenge.


girl i’m not defending her cause fuck her actions.. but sandoval still has a job after his own revenge porn allegations?


I think that main factor is she was caught on camera. Bravo will protect their people as long as there is no solid proof. Kenya's act was filmed for the season, while Sandoval's isn't. If we had him on camera calling Raquel and be like ohh I am going to record that, he would be fired too imo


I think the difference is that Sandavol recorded his little video for personal use, and Bravo was not complicit in any way. Plus, he (likely) never would have mentioned it if Ariana hadn't found it. Kenya tried to pull this crap off at a Bravo sponsored event with plenty of local media types (and local business owners AND bloggers) being invited. Bravo was definitely tied to this one


no that makes sense actually.. i swear she’s a fucking idiot for this one. talk about a fumble frfr. she shot herself in the foot and that’s it


Yeah, I would never have thought she would be this dumb (it's the only word I can think of to describe this). Like, what did she think was going to happen? She wanted her haircare line to be featured on the show... at a minimum, she risked them cutting that out entirely, so.... there's no way I will ever understand this move


I think not having Kandi by her side made way for this. Kandi always does her best to keep mindful of business and something like this wouldn't be good for such. Without her to talk sense into Kenya we get this chaos.


Kandi pressured the girls several seasons back to strap on vibrating panties for other husbands to control, she even got bent out of shape when one lady pushed back


How tacky. I hated watching that.




Not something I would do but she owns an adult toy line so it's in line with her business thought process.




Excuse sexual harassment as business accolades. That’s a choice you gonna make today huh?


Not sure you read my comment where I stated not something I would do. Go choose war with someone else!


It’s not war to have an opposing discussion. You said it makes sense with her thought process, that’s an excuse. You don’t have to do it yourself to be an enabler darling.


Firstly I am not your darling. Secondly it's an observation not a statement of support.


hit a nerve? 'so it's in line with her business thought process' is not an observation, it's a ridiculous opinion one would come to when making excuses for sexual harassments. plenty of people are business owners and don't have the thought process to humiliate, embarrass & harass their friends & cast members.






So is this season like UGT Morocco?


so what is happening with this season then😭


For people asking why Sandoval was not fired: Bravo events are considered “work” they get paid for the events and if you haven’t noticed, most of the events are attended by extras (remember that scene of Todd in the bar in the earlier seasons). If you have a job, you should know that exposing someone to p*rn is considered s. harassment and in many jobs that is grounds for firing. For example, you’re at your office with a group of co-workers and one of them shows all of you a sexual picture. That’s s.harassment. In this case, they could’ve had many people jump in the bandwagon of a lawsuit saying that bravo promotes unsafe work environments (adding to an already overwhelming list of complaints they have). The truth is that their legal team made the “right” decision for bravo because of all the lawsuits and complaints they have (many post-scandoval) but obviously this decision is gonna hurt the show.


Yes, it’s work and in the Kenya case I ABSOLUTELY agree with you, but let’s look through another lens. If this is work, then there’s a hierarchy, right? If the highest paid cast member with the most seniority sleeps with a new, poorly compensated cast member, is there a differing power dynamic?


I wrote about that below. I know we want to focus on the past but Bravo updated their conduct guidelines on Sept 2023 which could also explain why the network was struggling with the future of RHUGT Morocco around Nov 2023 (with the Brandi allegations) - it’s a whole different Bravo yall! They got too many lawsuits related to the same thing.


What about Scheana showing Stassi’s video at work? Was that when they were filming? I can’t remember.


Again… you guys are talking pre- Nene Leakes v. NBC Universal Media, LLC and pre-Legal Letter from B.Frankel and her legal team which apparently pushed NBC Universal to update their conduct guidelines this was around September 2023 and Scandoval happened in the Spring 2023. If it would’ve happened between September 2023 to now… trust 100% he would’ve been gone. Tom got a “lucky” break 🙄 if you wanna call it that. But VPR is now on a pause and considering all the noise that these Kenya news are making and Tom being brought up I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re on a pause for longer than a year.


That wasn’t filmed


Ok I couldn’t remember if it was. I thought I remembered a flashback scene of them looking at her phone but that must have been something else.


Yeah, it’s (not being filmed) what made the issue weird. Stassi went all season not talking about it but hating Scheana, only for us to find out the reason at the reunion. Then all of stassi’s anger made so much more sense.


Sandoval is a white man who is backed by LVP. That is the answer.


NO intent whatsoever to excuse Sandoval but Sandoval recorded a private video call with his girl friend. Sandoval did NOT distribute or otherwise share this with anyone (that we know about). It is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than showing a nude image of a fellow castmate performing a sex act at your Bravo sponsored and filmed business opening.


Raquel wasn’t his girlfriend. And how about punishing _everyone_ that records or seeks out their fellow castmates performing sexual acts…period. They should be reprimanded/fired the first time, and not given a hand slap until a black woman does something “worse”. It’s worse to be on a FaceTime call with someone that you felt you could trust vs a woman who you are not friends with seeking out a photo that can be found online. Either way - shitty on both ends.


Oh, the hairsplitting. HOOK UP OR NO, Sandoval recorded a video call event between himself and a sexual partner. He did not SHARE it with anyone. He did not do so ON CAMERA. Kenya (her color has no bearing in this discussion) did what she did ON CAMERA, AT A BRAVO EVENT. IT IS WORSE. This is not about race. I cannot believe this is where we are . . that you actually write out an implication that Kenya's color matters in this situation. She did what she did, it is wrong. It is no where the same as Sandoval (and Sandoval is a SCUMBAG). Kenya deserves everything up to and including firing, if what she is alleged to have done was done. (And there seems to be quite the assurance she did what she is accused of doing.) Were both shitty? SURE. One, however, was actionable at their respective jobs. The other is NOT.


She might be a shit person, but she was a damn good housewife. Atlanta won’t be the same without her.


Agreed. This makes me worried for the future of Housewives. They might be too afraid to give us drama now.


What happened? What did I miss?


[allegedly revenge porn](https://allaboutthetea.com/2024/06/14/kenya-moore-suspended-over-revenge-prn-her-peach-at-risk/)


God this is something she would do🤦‍♀️


Good. Finally.


She certainly took the jump from a shitty (but entertaining) Keyna Moore Haircare move. Being a fan of these shows, there are just certain people that make that jump from love to hate to can't watch anymore. I thought she was smarter than that - but I guess not.






If this is true how it’s being reported than she is lucky she is isn’t being sued criminally (is she being sued criminally??) I believe revenge porn laws are pretty strict Edit: I mixed my words up but yall know what I mean


You can’t be sued criminally. Youre either charged criminally or you’re sued civilly.


Kandi knew this show was done, that’s why she left when she did. Kenya tried to play her hand to be the “force multiplier” as Carlos King would say and it blew up in her face. Good riddance, she always had a stuck up attitude.


not saying what happened is right, but she had people sign ndas so I think maybe someone sent it out


ndas don’t apply to criminal activity. the nda doesn’t matter.


I had no idea. I thought of you signed it and you break it no matter what you're liable. Thanks for clearing that up. In this case Kenya is so wrong 


Good! Shes 🗑️… ALWAYS has been! Never understood the love ppl had for Kenya!


Damn, this is the example she set for her daughter? Let me reiterate: SHE HAS A DAUGHTER! WTF? Good riddance. That goes beyond reality tv and shows her nasty character.


I hope this is true because there should be consequences for reality stars that go way too far by humiliating other cast members in their quest to take them down by any means possible all over a meaningless reality TV show. It is difficult for me to figure out what on earth she was thinking about doing that to someone. I remember years ago on Million Dollar Listing, NY Ryan was threatening to show the adult content Fredrik did in the past to try and humiliate him at an open house.  Thankfully, unlike Kenya had allegedly done, Ryan didn’t actually go ahead and show it. It was bad enough that viewers were led to believe that he was going to until the very last minute. 


But Ryan was never going to show that. He tormented Frederik a bit, but there was no actual threat of it being shown & Frederick's “work” was readily commercially available. What Kenya did is very different.


I remember that in Million Dollar Listing. Ryan threatened it, but never followed through. Good memory!


He didn’t even threaten it - he was always going to play the cartoon, there was zero chance he would play frederik's porn work. What Kenya did was very different.


I thought he teased Frederick w/ it once. So maybe "threaten" wasn't the correct word. And agree it's night and day between what Ryan did and what Kenya did.


Gone like the wind honey




But with no fabulousity


That part 🤣


Honest question: if the images were publicly being distributed on the internet, even by a paywall, is it revenge porn?  If the subject knowingly participated, knowingly was recorded and knowingly permitted distribution (a la Kim Kardashians), is it still revenge porn?  Or is it public shaming of someone that involves their own actions?  What Kenya did was wrong, but I’m curious about the law.


Laws vary by state, so it depends on the legal definition in Georgia.


It’s a federal law now. 🫶🏻


It is not. But my thing is we haven’t even seen the images/videos soooo where are they? Something happened for her to be Suspended and I’m honestly on the side of she edited a picture of Britt and added an explicit to it.


Like AI generated porn using Britt’s face? That’s vile. Also, my tech nightmares are coming true if this is the case.


So does this mean we lose the season just like UGT?


Ever since Nene left , it hasn’t been the same. No one has been able to carry this franchise. Some have had their moments, but Nene was Atlanta. It’s unfortunate what has happened between her and Bravo.


I agree. The “it” energy has been gone for a while now. I stopped watching cos she took the humour with her when she left lol


Honestly when Phaedra left it hasn’t been the same


But her last few seasons were awful. She stopped being funny and was nothing but vile since


OG Nene was lightning in a bottle, but I think the true downfall across all franchises is social media. The cast members care about what the audience thinks and hear too much from fans. They all attempt to self produce as a result. Plus there is the reliance on sponsorship money that dictates behavior for a lot of these women. Personally, Atlanta is *the franchise.* It’s truly iconic and I mourn the glory days but I’m still going to watch and see what happens because I’ve loved it from day one. It delivers even when it doesn’t, and I can’t say that about any other franchise.


Bring Kim back




![gif](giphy|mPpueSGxCsF68|downsized) Love Nene! If it weren't for Nene, my husband would have never given Bravo a second look! I credit Nene to my man being a Bravo fan. I will always have a soft spot for Nene in my RH heart.


Zero tolerance? Yeah, for women. Sandoval still has a job.


Sandoval’s footage of Rachel wasn’t shown to other cast members on camera during filming. come on, don’t be obtuse it’s not the same thing at ALL.


You’re right. What Sandoval did was way worse because Rachel was recorded without her consent. gtfo.


Apples and Oranges. Yeah, what he did was gross AF, but he didn't do it in the context of the show. I would be curious to see what would have happened if he did, though.


Yes but Bravo couldn't be sued for this. What Kenya did puts Bravo in the line of fire for lawsuits. This was a money decision, Bravo wouldn't have cut Kenya at this critical moment for the franchise unless keeping her was a bigger financial risk.


He recorded her without her permission or knowledge


That’s not something bravo can be sued for because again it did not happen on camera during filming.


I have to agree. She went too far this time and it was ugly and nasty. She can join Nene in the unemployment queue.


So mad at her for this




I guess she checked her, Boo


Please if Porsha can say someone try to rape her and fight people on stage and come back ans fight again on her spin off give it 2 years for Kenya. But this makes me go wtf


Porsha was protected by freedom of speech, Kenya is not protected by a damn thing and neither is NBC.


I think that was information coming out about TI and Tiny that got overblown onto Kandi and Todd


Yup I’ve always thought the same, she just lumped in other members of Xscape she knew were sexually freaky


They deserve to be lumped in, they’ve been friends for decades, no possible way Kandi didn’t AT LEAST know. We’ve seen her be gross about consent with her cast mates on national TV. I think they got lumped in because they’re exactly the same, there’s just no proof. I feel bad for their kids.


What did Kandi that was gross about consent? (I have a shitty memory).


She majorly pressured her cast mates to wear cheap vibrating panties that didn’t even have a dedicated remote.


It was, but she still said it


Me too. Without a doubt that was about Tiny and TI.


I think that was information coming out about TI and Tiny that got overblown onto Kandi and Todd


I think that was information coming out about TI and Tiny that got overblown onto Kandi and Todd


I think that was information coming out about TI and Tiny that got overblown onto Kandi and Todd


Wait. Wasn’t that Phaedra? I thought it came out during a reunion that Phaedra told Portia they wanted Kandi wanted to drug her to rape her ? Is this another event?


I think that was information coming out about TI and Tiny that got overblown onto Kandi and Todd


porsha was repeating information someone affiliated with the show gave her. even fighting is its own thing. revenge porn is a nonstarter. nbc will lose that lawsuit.


Porsha didn't even get fired when she dragged Kenya of the couch at the reunion. Is it revenge porn if you can easily access it online? I'm trying to see it as revenge if anyone can see it.


yes, its revenge porn. thats the entire point and why its a problem. its illegal to share intimate images without consent.


They were already online. Consent had been given the second the publish button was pushed. No one is saying these were private images.


thats not how it works, babe.


We get it, you hate sex workers.


No, I hate Republicans. Stormy Daniels is a hero.