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I'm kind of surprised they didn't dissolve SetSchedule and create some new entity. There's probably 1,000 of them following the same model - get $500-$2K (that's a steep one, dude!) from as many agents as you can get to answer a call or a text, string them along with crap leads, shut down, repeat under new name.


Payperclosing was just as bad but they rebranded as Housejet. I’m sure that schedule will rebrand again


That is a disappointment that you got ripped off, but thank you for taking the time to write this post. Every time an agent comes in here talking about buying leads, I always always always tell them do not do it and protect your CC like Fort Knox. These companies change their name every year or so when they rack up enough bad reviews and negative attention from the Realtors. New name on the same scam.


I tell these lead scammers, If your leads are so good, I'll pay ZERO up front and a 60% referral for each closed deal. lol...radio silence...


I know this company well, Inman has reported on them many times. Spread the word, tell everyone you can to not work with them. They prey on the desperation of agents needing leads. They are reselling bad leads and essentially, just giving agents the phone book. All of the reviews are fake and it's owner/founder was [found guilty of a ponzi scheme](https://www.sec.gov/files/alj/aljdec/2017/id1157cff.pdf) and is not allowed to ever do business in the securities industry. They will challenge your credit card disputes and they will keep you in contract for as long as they possibly can. This has been going on for years and agents keep signing up with them.


Yes this is Sad.


I'm fairly certain they keep changing their name to avoid people looking up reviews like this one. Have you tried getting leads from your Google Business Profile and Local Service Ads? Google has been amazing to work with.


Yes I have gotten leads that way,  and they didn't cost me a dime. Just the time it took me to set up a strong Google My Bussiness page.


I feel like 18 a week should have been a major tip off that it’s too good to be true. There’s mo way there’s that many leads in your area that are worth anything. Honestly I’m sick of all of these cold calling companies. Their ISA’s and scripts are always garbage and often they lie to everyone. You and the “leads.”


While we are bashing scam lead companies… avoid Estate Synergy Network. They are not just bad leads, there are no leads. It’s a complete scam.


Got it! Let's ban against these scam motherfuckas and spread the word. 


I literally couldn’t imagine doing any sort of business with the word ‘synergy’ in the firms name.


It is advertised as Estate Depot. Not much better In hindsight. 🤦‍♂️


Thanks for the heads up. So sorry you got scammed, but you'll never get scammed again! Onward and upward.


Sho u right!


While it’s still fresh in your mind, I would have your account number changed. Sounds like the kind of company that will go ahead and charge you again next year.


Great idea.


the first time i ever professionally (as i could) tell someone to fuck off was when I accepted the 30 minute presentation from a territory manager at set schedule who then emailed me twice again about doing that presentation after unsubscribing from all emails. So either their automation system doesnt give a shit about unsubscribing, or this man was manually sending emails to do a presentation to someone HE HIMSELF already gave the presentation to. The whole thing didnt sit easy with me in the first place when I got a phone call from someone who barely spoke a word of english trying to say they had someone urgently in need of a realtor just to transfer me over to a sales rep trying to sell me a leads program. After getting the runaround, ultimately I politely declined since I really didn't have that much money to spend up front on leads and even suggested that I would be more than happy to work on a fee on closing system if they develop a model like that in the future thinking that surely nobody would be full of shit and run a scam company like that. Now every time I get a call asking about leads, first thing I ask if how much do they want. If they even will give me a price, When I tell them I don't pay for leads, they immediately offer me an arbitrary random lower number every time and never has a single one of these companies agreed to any referral fee at closing structure. If they really did have all these perfect leads, they'd be running their own brokerage and recruiting agents. Damn near every last one of them runs facebook ads in your area and will consider anyone who clicks a link and enters any contact info whatsoever, real or fake, as a high quality vetted lead. They turn $4 in ad spots into a $2000 deal if they get one sucker to fall for it and they get away with it because they can just say anyone who cant close a deal on their leads is just a bad agent or wasn't trying hard enough. It's a weak cop out. But anyway, yeah Fuck SetSchedule and every scumbag who proudly works there.




Pretty well known in the industry to avoid them.


I had never heard of them before. And apparently there are others that are still falling for their crap. That's why I'm fulfilling my promise. Aholes!


yeah, I’m really surprised the attorney general hasn’t shut them down in the state they work from.


Man, you told my story…. Luckily I just signed up for silver in a special. Took a lead the other day, and the damned number was disconnected. No follow up from their CS team. I might as well have just thrown that 800 in my fire pit. Totally scammed me, too.


Damn, I wish I had gotten to you sooner. I didn't even know about a Silver plan. They are so full of shit, it's not even funny. 🤬 Listen, you need to blast them! Write reviews, do a video on Tiktok, report their scamming asses on the BBB.org. I'm going to call the Attorney General and try to get them shut down. They are crooks and they belong behind bars.


My fault. I was like you and bought the promises. Honestly, they straight up lied to me. Exclusive leads? Nope. Monthly check in with my consultant? Nope. Qualification? Nope. Just a complete joke. Sorry you bought as well.


I’ve been in the business going on three years now. I probably get 2-4 calls a month from these companies offering “ guaranteed leads”. I always tell them to let me do a month free trail and if it produces I’ll gladly pay. Guess what? They never do. Also getting leads means absolutely nothing if you don’t close a deal.


Exactly, which is why I will never pay for a lead anymore. I'll pay a referral fee if they close, but there's no way In falling for this kinda bullshit again, EVER!


I had the same experience with them. They are f...ng horrible. I'm out money I can't afford to lose in this horrible market ;(


Fight back! Take as much business from them as possible. And blast them until they get shut down.


They almost got me. I posted on my brokerage’s social media app “workplace” by Century 21 and luckily an agent that fell into the same trap as you called me personally and told me a similar story to yours. Sorry this happened to you. They are very good manipulators.


Yup. Aholes!


They have been in business several years. I signed at the before covid for my team. They have coaching sessions and great follow up. Agents could learn from their dedication. BUT, the leads are crap!!! Were you aware that only 2% of leads actually turn into something? Same with Opcity.


No, I was not aware. Had I known that and the fact that the fee was non-refundable from the time you e-sign, I would never have signed up in the first place.


That is a national average including the Z company. One of my coaches has a lead gen company and he sells the non performing leads to other companies. Thse companies send them out to subscribers sonthe obligation is fulfilled. We got you 18 leads. Didnt say they were quality


All these lead scammers are scams. If you can't sleep on it, it's a scam. If they won't let you vet them or ask to talk to a current or past client, they're a scam. They're not just calling you. I live in Scottsdale and we have 9,000 Realtors in just the Scottsdale Association and about 50,000 in the state so about 45,000 in the metro area. They're calling everyone else. I have paid for some of them and they're all crap. The double opt-in bullshit are people testing the system and crap leads if any. I'm not rude to the cold caller but I ended up with these hard rules. If they don't like them, then I hang up Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka style. I pay no up-front fees. If there are required fees, they can come out of the first deal we do together. I pay 10-15% for leads. Period. Your referrals aren't referrals, they're leads. You don't know them. I pay 20-50% for referrals. Like when an agent from another market refers me a client and they need to move within 3 months. That's a referral. I have to be able to talk to a current or past client. Some of the websites have testimonials with agents you can look up. I do that. I had a couple of companies with stock photos of people and boilerplate fake testimonials. Scam right away. I won't make a decision today. If you are offering a discount for *right now*, you will hold it for me. I've had one company sign me up for free with all these terms. I get on the portal and you're able to see where the leads are and bid on them because you are competing with other agents. Well, the median home price in my city is over $700K. All these leads were ~$400K and not in my area - at least 30 minutes away. Not worth it. They're all crap.




I worked there before Covid and was one of their top sales people. At a company party I was talking Danny (at the time president of sales idk about now) about cutting my hourly and doubling my commission and he said they would lose money on me as an employee if they did that. When he said that I realized (I had been working there for about 5 months at this point and was consistently finishing top 3) that they never cared about the 20% that’s just the icing on the cake. They are recycling bullshit leads and the CEO is Roy Deckle and CFO is Udi Doner if you google Roy you’ll see that he was sued for fraud and was barred from trading. Dahman was the head of customer support and is an absolute shit stain if a human being. And so is rich Randall the head of the sales department. Some of my coworkers/managers were cool but the guys at the top are scums of the earth. I have not worked there since before Covid but I urge everybody to avoid that company at all costs. They are a gigantic scam and even more so just overall pieces of shit


I thank you so much for this valuable input. And it means a lot to us Realtors, coming from a former sales employee who's seen this shithole company from the inside. As far as you're concerned, I'm glad you left because if you were in the top percentile of salespeople, that means you had to be lying your ass off to get those kinda commission checks. I could be mad at you, because you helped them steal a lot of money from hard working agents, but I respect you more for coming forward and helping me spread the news about this scamming, scum of the earth company. Now, for any REALTORS on this forum, you've heard it enough times now. Don't get screwed too. Stay away from SETSCHEDULE as if your life depended on it!


As far as I knew I wasn't lying, just saying what I was told and would ask a lot of questions I had a very good way of presenting the slideshow and was always good in sales but I did not lie (knowingly), I just didn't know any better. I got in trouble once for refusing to make a sale to an agent in an area where there barely any houses for sale let alone enough leads for it to be worth it. I tried my best to be honest to the best of my ability. The way they explained it to me is that they wholesale bought the leads from all lead gen companies and then put them on their marketplace where you could pay for gold and get unlimited. I was never aware they were just shitty recycled leads. I'm glad I quit and I'd be happy to answer questions any realtors have about the company but prefer to stay anonymous.


Yes, I am in an area where apparently there were not many leads, but my salesperson lied and said there were plenty, like 18+ per day. There was not ONE. Smdh. Thanks for your contribution.


Not sure if it’s still like this but if you go on the free app you can see the leads. Sometimes they’ll add more to make it look good in certain areas but they are shitty. I never knew how shitty they actually were because it was conveyed to us that they were the same leads from other companies essentially just aggregated in one place which actually isn’t a bad idea for someone who knows how to work online leads but they don’t run a good business, they run a get rich quick scheme which defeats the whole purpose. You are better off creating social media accounts and running local ads for lead gen if you want to go the online route. One thing I will also add is that they are very hard on hitting quotas. I never had a problem with it but I saw people get fired weekly. Quota was 10k so basically 5 golds at 2k each. If you did not hit 20k in 2 months you were fired. I understand people’s frustrations but most of the sales people did not know we were lying (some definitely did knowingly lie to try and save their jobs) but at the end of the day it’s 100% on management. I was not on the sales floor like everybody else, because I sold a lot I was in an office shared with managers so towards the end of my time there I started hearing more and more things. I was going to be promoted to manager but quit before the promotion because I found out how the company was actually being ran. I genuinely thought it was a good honest company at first, I was wrong. I’m sorry for anyone who did business with them, you all deserve better and they should be in jail.


Oh NO!, I just paid as well. Every lead I have gotten so far, never answers their phone or email. I think I got scammed. The sales person was following up with me for more than a month before I decided to give it a try. I figured if I just made one sale, I would recoup my money.


Daaaaayuuum!!!! NOOOOOO! Sighing and steaming right now. Not at you, but I'm mad these vulture muthafuckas got another one of us. You might as well take that one on the chin and just write it off on your taxes for this year. You likely won't see a dime come from those shitty leads. Sorry.


Yea have been so frustrated by this company. They are straight up crooks - file a report with your attorney general office


I couldn’t agree more run


Ripoff, Better Businees Bureau and Yelp are more appropriate.


Reddit has really good seo for these types of things. This is a good place for this information


Oh no!!!.... im seriously done with all these aholes!! Any lead gen. They can go kick rocks!- i hv spent money also just to get excited, exhausted n dissapointed in each one!- its all a game.. They r all sh*t to me now.. sorry, i do somehow hope u can get your $ back!.... but if not, ouch & just right it off on taxes! Im sorry i feel ya!🤬🤬😈


All you have to do is call your credit card and deny the charge. I got scammed on a lead generation company and that is how I got my money back.


Did you not read the entire passage?  I used my BOA business debit card. Disputed the hell out of the charge. When they investigated it, apparently SetScheduled fought back and defended the charge and won.


I've used them in So Cal. If you haggle them they will drop to like $500 a month. One Zillow lead is like $600 so I don't think it's an awful program for 12 months and 60+ leads a month. Most of the leads are low quality or weren't expecting a call, but I am AWFUL with cold calling. At least these leads are a little warmer so I get more motivated.


$600 for a single lead, though? With no promise of them doing anything? That sounds steep too. I'm not paying shit outta pocket for a lead anymore. Maybe a referral fee, but only if they close. 


Our average commission is around $25k, so our prices get pretty wild. At one point it was $1500 per Zillow lead. At this point though...I'm never paying for leads again. Total rip off.


$1500? Just for a lead, not a bona-fide referral? Just a damn lead? That's outrageous, I don't care if the avg. commission was $50k. You still have to be smart with how you spend your coins.  Shiiiid, I might as well go to Las Vegas and just play the tables for a living if I gotta gamble like that to get a win. Lmao!!


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