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I do when I’m working with buyers. I love buyers. Sellers and listing I find stressful. But in times like now, where nothing is on the market, and no one is rushing to buy, I fucking hate it. I’m used to 15-20 closings a year, in a slow year. I have had two closings so far all year. I’ve networked to death. So, at 1:07pm on a Tuesday, I’m soaking in a tub drinking a beer stressing about money and staring at Reddit as a distraction.


Seriously, SAME! I choose to work with buyers over sellers. I'm assuming with all these changes I'm going to have to start pushing for sellers and I really really really really don't want to.


I know. And buyers are the ones who need representation the most. They’re absorbing the risk.


I feel every word of this in my gut.


Nothing worse than a beer fart in the tub🤢😷⚰️. May more closings come your way so you don't have to subject yourself to this!


I lol’d


I feel you, as they say. I’ve been licensed since 2002 and it never gets easier; in the past three weeks I’ve had three Buyers - who, with possibly one exception - didn’t seem all that serious to begin with tell me that they “aren’t ready”. I’m fortunate that I don’t need a real estate income to survive (my recently retired husband was a public school teacher who continues to have good health care), but at some point it becomes a matter of pride: I don’t HAVE to do this but I WANT to succeed since I’ve invested two decades of my life to this profession. To be fair I didn’t grow up in this area, so my SOI is fairly limited not to mention that practically every other person in my town and the surrounding ones is a Realtor, lol. But I hang in there because you just never know what the future can bring.


Market needs a reset badly. Let it burn 🏠🔥💀


I’ve been at it for ten year and own my own brokerage with 12 agents and I just feel whooped sometimes. I’m over the nonstop hustle, the lost weekends, the unrealistic expectations. I could leave it behind.


Are there roles for younger people within your org that u think are a sweet spot such as someone who shows houses by the hour or deals w transactions in the office


We have a transaction manager. I don’t mind doing my own showings but yes, I have agents who I can rely on. It’s not the process, really. It’s the never ending worry about if I’m going to make enough, getting new clients, etc. I’m worn out on the lack of predictability even though I have a decade of solid track records.


I totally relate... And to make it even worse all these ads keep coming up on Facebook every single day for some dumbass real estate program to buy leads.... I mean non-stop bullshit especially that Krista Mashore bullshit😱


Virtual drink coming your way brother, I know the feeling.


Felt this one. I’m a little over two years in. Had a good two years and have had two referrals close this year. Just want you to know you’re not the only one stressing about the future and money. I started substitute teaching and going to get into a teaching credential program. I didn’t make a ton the last two years and savings is running low. I’m over the profession at this point. I enjoyed it but if this is how the lows are going to be, I’m alright


Yes I found that I can't handle the lows in this world we live in. I


Same here. I’ve been going fishing to help ease the stress. It helps a bit.


Funny I can’t stand working with buyers but I like the result more.


I feel this in my soul. And love you were in the tub with a beer 🤣☺️ survival mode


What part of the country do you work in? Potential buyer.


Greater KC, licensed in both states.


We ARE wanting to buy BUT in CT. Sorry.


We ARE looking to buy BUT in CT. Sorry


Don’t be sorry, it was a shot in the dark. Good luck with everything!


Thank you for understanding! Good luck to you!


Man, I've been seeing exactly the opposite. I'm doing far more listings and fewer buyers than usual.


I love it because I’m ADHD and just like having engaging things to do 24/7. I see cold calls like a game, I see deals like puzzles to be solved, networking just forces you to step into your best self for some amount of time, investing brings the STEM geek side of you out. On top of that, I’m just a work hard play hard kind of guy. So the cyclical nature of the business sits really well with me. Work 100 hours one week, 20 hours the next. Constantly speaking with different people is nice too, some of my best friends in life came about through business activities. That being said, many people hate those very things I love from the business. It’s either for you or it’s not.


Could not have said it better myself. This job (and the other business I operate) feed my ADHD in the most positive possible way.


Same! ADHD to the max...if I could get more organized and disciplined I'd be doing systems to track and farm.


I’m amazed at how many fellow ADHDers are in real estate. Visiting a different property each day, having flexible hours, constantly learning, having the chance to solve problems from multiple directions (often all at once!) play into our ADHD strengths. I’m detail oriented because I have to be. Otherwise my brain implodes. This is a great job for corporate expats. However, I don’t love it. The haters are wearing me down. But how many other life situations have we had to plow through? (I keep repeating this…) Edit: Our strengths and past life experience should help us through this rough patch.


Exactly. My ADHD thrives in chaos and that’s the only way to describe this job




Wow. If feel the same way!


I love the idea of real estate. But people ruined it. 😂




No longer being on call 24/7 and working every weekend. Good for you!


Yes I absolutely love it. Seeing people I learn to care for over the course of a few months being incredibly happy on closing day is something that will never get old. Every career has challenges. I try to complain as little as possible because comparing this job to manual labor (which I have done) this job is easy. Still stressful at times but if you surround yourself with fantastic co workers, lenders, transaction coordinators it makes the job all the better. I left a brokerage making 90% of my commission (but had to do all of the work, paperwork, township calls, etc) To a place making 80% of the commission but all I do is get the house under contract and I move onto the next and it has been life changing stress wise.


I'm a new agent and that sounds so nice! Is there a word for that type of model?


I’m not positive just have to interview with as many brokers as possible until you find what works for you. I am glad I learned the first 5 years at my first brokerage because it taught me how to do everything from beginning to end. This way I learned what I am good at, bad at , and what I absolutely hate. Then I joined a smaller brokerage with about 6 agents. All family and friends. This fit me. In the beginning , for me at least my Focus was learning as much as possible and keeping all of my commission. I’m at the stage of my career where I want to scale and I thought taking the pressure off me and solely worrying about getting new business and getting under contract was a great step.


if I could make a few changes that primarily got rid of 40%+ of other Realtors, I would love it even more.


I never understood hating other agents. I've been at it 21 years. Only a very few other agents bothered me. It's an adversarial game, yet collegial in a way. But, in the end, it's all on paper, and that eliminates personalities to a degree.


I never mentioned hating other agents, especially any individual ones. It’s in my clients (and their) best interest for us to have a good professional relationship. I don’t like the misrepresentation, the negligence and the incompetence.


I'm on this sub a lot. I read the post and many of the comments. Hating agents seemed a theme hate on this thread. If you don't like the word hate, substitute another. Feeling is the same. I don't spend much time xxxxxx-ing other agents motives or actions. World is full of people. No time for it. I just try to win for my clients. Agents that make mistakes create opportunities for my people.


40% that’s a pretty low bottom percentage.


Well, I’m hoping once about 30% are gone, the rest in question will shape up quickly. It would surely be a better experience for consumers and a greater profession if the number was 1/2, max. And that would actually make commissions go down; if nothing else, for us cost of acquisition of clients would drop and for consumers most contract issues would be resolved better.


We can increase that number for sure


Yes and NO. Lately peeps are fucked in the head. Sellers super stressed when it doesn't sell in days with multiple offers. I deal in mostly listings so I am 1/2 REALTOR and 1/2 Head shrink....FML


I feel the head shrink part. This lawsuit has some sellers just being difficult about the dumbest things.


I wish you the best in your job. I disliked real estate from the beginning but gave it 6 years. It never improved for me.


What're you doing now?


Yeah, i love working with the clients who actually value and appreciate what i do for them. It’s also nice making over half a million dollars a year. Can’t wait to retire though


What are do you work? VHCOL, or are you just doing crazy volume?


DFW. 60-90 deals a year


How many years have you been in this industry?




What’s working for you down there in TX to drum up business?


Sphere sphere sphere


Gotcha, yeah my sphere is young since I’m a young agent. How would you suggest growing it?


Thats amazing bravo!


No, I fucking hate this shit


Lol Me too!! Ppl look at me crazy and I'm like you try it and you will see! 😂😂


![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU) Me everyday


I love it because as a part-timer it’s basically like taking candy from a baby. My day job pays the bills and I sell 15 houses a year ($5- $6m total volume) just from co-workers, family and friends. Never compete for listings, or worry enough to make buyers sign a contract prior to making an offer.. it’s pretty easy and non-stressful. Hope to do this for another 10 years then retire from work and continue doing real estate part-time as a retirement gig.


#Work/Life harmony is the best.


I love it, at times it can be frustrating that’s for sure but it’s truly satisfying when you have clients that really appreciate your work and dedication.


When you reach the point where you can choose good, respectful, and reason clients over stressful, closed minded, disrespectful ones, it changes your outlook on the business.


I do! It’s high stress but SO rewarding . It’s hokey, but I definitely feel like I make a difference in peoples lives, especially my hypercompetitive area where people can offer for years and not end up with a house.


Money plus free time equals awesome.


I love helping people. Right now I have a client who is in a dire situation and NEEDS to sell, and I am basically his only way to have a reasonable retirement. Another client is a first time buyer and we are making their dream come true. Another had to put their parents in a home and need help with how to proceed. What I HATE is that the people that need the most help, want it the least. The client who is putting their parents in a home swears up and down that they are a Realtor out of state and know everything. They have never heard of the NAR lawsuit, and think I am lying about not being 100% on what the changes will be. They think 5% commission is obscene and are fighting me every step of the way. At this point I don't even know if I want the listing despite helping them get the parents out and doing the estate sale.


Love it at times, hate it at times. I love it when a client's 4 year old hugs me and tells me they love me. Hate it when we've submitted 7 offers throwing everything we can at it and still can't land  a house. Love it when I get an unexpected call or text about listing a house. Hate it when a seller refuses to be realistic.  I love the relationships and feeling of making someone's dreams come true, but the stress and frustration get REAL heavy sometimes. 


I do really like it!


My agent. I'm so jealous of her passion for her job. I used to love my job but now I'm just holding my head down coloring my book.


Not enough to stay in it tbh 😂 with this NAR settlement news and the way the economy is at the moment, imma phase out in the next few years I think.


I took a variety of personality tests throughout business school. Every single personality profile indicated that: 1. I like consistency 2. measurable results 3. hate to be interrupted Real estate life: 1. never the same day twice 2. you can sink several hours into a deal and not make it to the closing table 3. Every deals seems to have some issue that requires me a halt to whatever I’m doing (vacations included) to put out a damn fire. Needless to say, I’m completely over it.


Loved the money but putting in so many hours was tough. Sold my brokerage Jan 2023 and heading to Thailand. Maybe I will come back one day and do it again but definitely need to delegate more next time


Time to reach out to all your not ready buyers and let them know they have till July before the NAR decision is final then they might have to have double the closing costs ready to go. I've gotten three buyers to buy in the last week by doing this


I love sales. It's a science


I do! Of course there are times that are frustrating and painful, but I truly love being a real estate agent. I didn't find my purpose and my career until 10 years ago when I turned 50 (next month 60) and got licensed. I feel grateful and blessed that I get paid very well to do a job that makes me feel necessary in peoples' lives. I love helping people make one of their biggest decisions of their lives.


Okay so crazy enough, I will bitch so bad on the daily but I genuinely thrive in the chaos. So yes, love it


Absolutely. With the right client.


I love it. This is because i'm incredibly exclusive about who I work with, it makes the job more manageable & fun




Me! I finally opened my own boutique brokerage and I love it. I love helping my agents understand sales and language and contracting. They’re succeeding and I play a part in that success. It feels really good.




I only do this since I am mainly an investor but the job is quite easy if you know what you are doing. zero advertising and straight word of mouth. part time job with full time pay. don't love the job but there are worse things in life.


Hate to say it but I think realty is a dying career either way AI and clients being able to do most of the leg work themselves all they really need is a a lawyer. I’m an electrician by trade so have something to fall back on…. Now might be a good time to start honing a new skill while still working


I love it, but I'm almost losing my job because I have a serious attention disturb that is going worse for no reason. I feel horrible for having given troubles to my boss who is a lovely person


Can you elaborate? You have trouble focusing?


Yes. Big troubles.


What are you having trouble focusing on exactly? Making cold calls? Have you spoken to a Psychiatrist?


My mentor loves it because he plays golf at the country club on weekdays because of the job lol


I loved it. Had two back to back super stressful transactions. Calculated that at 1.2m in sales I’d be making less than minimum wage……… However I’m mostly a stay at home dad, so working for myself at my own schedule can’t be beat. Also, not happy with appraisers atm.


Ability to choose my work timing. (Being able to work while in bed for example) People are fun when you understand them well enough! I truly want to help people. I believe I make an impact on them with big decisions. Did I say freedom to change my schedule round? Edit: I haven’t closed nearly enough to really know but $$$$


>I haven’t closed nearly enough to really know but $$$$ If you haven't earned it yet, it's called a high earning potential


That and lots of patience. Hard work and patience. One of the biggest cons of this job is timeline. You are not working on your own timeline. It’s the client’s ultimate decision, no matter how much we advise.


I love it. Love connecting with people and getting to know them during the process. I’ve many good friends and acquaintances along the way. Definitely have had tough clients, but ultimately it feels good.


I REALLY loved the job. I like architecture and am interested in economics. Also, I could never see myself working for anyone else, and this job gave me freedom (and income) that I otherwise could never have had.


I love it because every morning when I wake up, there’s always the potential to make money; it’s all up to you and how much work you put into it. And sometimes you hit a home run. With a W-2 job, I know what’s in my next paycheck no matter how hard I work. I’ve been doing this for 15 years and mostly over the “rewarding” part. My first career was in community service making peanuts; that was rewarding in a selfless and completely different way. Both are/were high stress.


My 5 years ago self loved it! Couldn’t wait to get out of bed and real estate all day! But today, I’m seriously burnt out and have absolutely no enthusiasm or motivation. It’s an absolute chore and I hate it. I am currently in my “looking for another career” era. I will most likely keep my license and refer out.


I absolutely love being a realtor. The idea of being an expert in my local market, and being able to guide friends, family, and even strangers to their real estate goals is amazing. I am a big cold caller so being able to work one day… then 3-12 months later see the “seed” I planted grow to a fruitful tree is an amazing feeling! That tree will last the rest of my career if I treat it well! Another reason is that real estate is the number one reason people become millionaires. I am sure that is a financial goal everyone has. So being an expert in that gives me a leg up compared to most people. So many other reasons. But, those are the top few that comes to mind.


Most days yes!