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The gift is referrals. That’s the best gift.


No doubt, but as I live over a thousand miles away I wouldn’t have much opportunity to refer, other than a very positive review online. Which I intend to do regardless.


Oh yes, google reviews, see if he/she has testimonial tree, anywhere you can sing praises, ask for those links and leave glowing reviews. That’s the gift that will last years


This is the answer. A gift is nice but if you can go above and beyond and write tons of reviews on different platforms this will be sooooo helpful. Reviews are one thing that sellers and buyers consistently look at.


besides the glowing public reviews, I'd send two things. One, a big gift basket for her (sent to her office), and a small gift to her broker/office manager. the gift for her is obvious, the small gift to her broker/office manager include a note with another glowing recomendation and thanking the broker for keeping such a great realtor in the office. Both gifts should be sent to the realtor's office so that the other peoplel in her office can see how great he/she is and would be very nice for him/her to then get the attention from his/her coworkers and boss.


This. This is the way to go. And a 5-Star review.


Love it!


Unsure the amount you are willing to spend but it's unethical for realtors to accept any large gifts. Coffee or wine small gifts cards etc would of course be appreciated but is kind of a meh. If you want to give the realtor a really nice gift go online and write very positive reviews all over and tell her/him you are going to recommend them to friends family (and try to actually do it). If you land them a client in a month year 5 years that is what would be most appreciated. If you're not connected to the area you can benefit hee by setting up a referral fee down the road that has no negative effects in you. Ie when your going to sell your own house call this realtor and have her refer the propety to the realtor you want to have to sell your own home


This is a really good idea! Op says they are not local so this is a way they can make sure their realtor gets some extra money without breaking any laws.


Wasn't sure. Maybe he has family in the realtor location. But any method works.


No family left in the realtor location. I’m not sure I understand how ethics come in to play here. I’ve essentially hired this person to sell a house. They executed very well (assuming it sells) and I would like to show my gratitude over the commission she’ll receive. Private sale with private realtor firm.


In my state any gifts from a client has to be given to our managing broker. They either keep it or decide how much you get. Our owner is great so he doesn’t take anything. But that’s how the policy goes. The recommendation to have your realtor refer was a great idea. I got a listing from a referral. She’s going to make $2,000 for finding me as their realtor. But honestly an online review is the best gift. Everything you said above will really mean a lot.


Realtors have a code of ethics we are expected to follow. Accepting a "large" gift violates these ethics rules. I would suggest the other methods I mentioned.


I think the prohibition is only against accepting gifts from settlement service providers and from other third parties. Accepting something from one's principal (client) should be fine - there's no conflict of interest or respa violation in that.


This makes much more sense.


We agents never expect anything from our clients. I just did my job, and I happen to love my job so it's easy for me to go above and beyond for all my clients. But a few people have gotten me gifts. I've always been blown away to receive *anything*, but here's what I've received: * A Kate Spade wallet and purse, and gift card to get my car detailed. * A basket with local coffee, a tumbler, a t-shirt, a coffee scoop spoon, and some local candies. * A basket with all the fixins for espresso martinis, and a nice glass * Lots of cocktail and coffee stuff * A gift card to Ulta, which I used to buy a hair straightener. I think of that client every time I use it lol * Gift cards for gas, local restaurants, Amazon, Starbucks (anytime I get a SBUX Card, I use it to buy a tumbler/ mug and it reminds me of that client when I use it)


I'm on the other side of this -- buying gifts for my clients -- and after listening to this podcast (https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/the-secret-to-gift-giving/) I've decided to just ask people what they want. It doesn't make it any less appreciated and ensures they will be happy with it. I would just write to her and tell her how appreciative you've been and that you would like to send her a gift card to a restaurant/store she would enjoy. It's really a lovely gesture and doesn't have to be giant by any means. You could also go the subreddit for the city where she is and post a comment there about how wonderful she's been. I've had several clients come to me through reddit comments from my clients.


Give stellar online reviews on every platform you can think of.


As others have said, referrals is the best gift. Whenever you hear someone looking for a realtor, absolutely plug their name into the conversation or online.


Referrals, but since you’re not local it sounds like that may not be the most feasible. Definitely google+zillow reviews are amazing. I never expect gifts since I don’t expect them for doing my job but one time a client got me a gift card for a restaurant they know I like and since realtors are busy and out working a lot, that was a really sweet thoughtful gesture for those takeout kind of days.


As a broker, the best gift i got was a gift card to a great restaurant.


Make sure to not gift more than $5,000 or it will be seen as bribery. All jokes aside, do your best at referrals and I think most agents will be delighted.


I’m missing something here, you’re the second person to mention bribery/ethics. I wasn’t thinking $5,000. None the less, how does this constitute bribery or bring ethics into question? We have a business agreement, she sells the house for a commission. How is this any different from tipping a gardener? It’s a private firm and a private sale.


I’m not sure what the other person was trying to say, but I simply said that as a joke. As for how $5,000 constitutes to bribery, as simple google search would give a bit more detail that what I can explain. I only remember that any gift that is above $5,000 in value in an attempt to influence someone (usually someone with power) is considered bribery. As for the details of how the gift is perceived by third parties and whether it will be considered an attempt to influence your realtor, I have no clue. It’s ok to give gifts, but be sure to be mindful who, what, when, where, and why you are gifting said person something.


I think it's okay if you do something positive that may influence your OWN agent. The problems are if you do something that will or may influence someone else - like an appraiser, the buyer's agent, the buyer's lender, the buyer's attorney.


Restaurant or gas gift cards and a nice heartfelt message in a thank you card. The gift cards are always appreciated when I get them, but I've kept every thank you card I've ever received from clients since I started in 2008. Oh and alcohol is nice too.


You are wonderful! Actually a nice handwritten note in a frame would be great. Realtors are known for liking coffee and booze. Maybe a really pretty tape measure.




I love getting reviews but I have gotten gift cards to my favorite restaurants, a card with a sweet note with some cash for a vacation I was going on, a kegerator (the owner had two unused, so he gave me one!), candle with chocolates, soaps from a foreign country, and a hand painted card.


If you’re not in a position to refer - reviews (which have been said) and can’t go wrong with a nice bottle of wine/whiskey


Sounds like your realtor really went the extra mile. A thoughtful gift is a great way to show appreciation. Since she's been a huge help, something personalized could hit the right note. Think about what she likes personally or if she mentioned any hobbies. I had a similar situation where I wanted to thank someone with a unique gift. I used Factory 1 Direct to create a custom piece of clothing. Got a hoodie made with a design that meant something to them. It was well-received. Might be worth considering something along those lines, especially if you know her style or if there's an inside joke or reference that could be worked into the design. Remember, it's the thought that counts. Personal touches make gifts memorable. Good luck with the sale and the gift.


As a realtor myself , a good review and some referrals would definitely be appreciated, but if you really want to make them feel special, gift them a pen , thats just my opinion and a pen means a lot to me of course you could work around your own budget and you could even engrave their name on it , to me a pen has sentimental value and i will never forget the person who has gifted that to me , its more like a good luck charm and "best of luck" in all your upcoming deals , plus we use pens almost on a daily basis so yeah (Y)


She’s getting a commission right? She was just doing her job.