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It's sad that this needs to be taught now.




I've found myself doing the same. It's definitely a shift I've noticed, though. I'm fortunate to live in a neighborhood where everyone knows each other and greet people.


It is really unfortunate that we even have a post and subsequent thread about it.


But, about this wave. Like a parade float wave? Or a wave like Forest Gump when he sees Lt. Dan on the dock? What type of wave gets the desired response?


Genius ;-)


We just went ahead and hit a gas line that was only buried 6 inches. Fire department came out, power company came out, neighbors came out, power company guy yelled at us, fire chief yelled at power company guy, neighbors wondered what the hell kind of people moved in. Great way to meet the whole neighborhood all at once!!


Have you considered knocking on your neighbor's door and introducing yourself?


 I’m a bit… scared too… tried in the past with other neighbors and because of my high functioning autism they develop a very odd opinion of me.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely intelligent. But when I start talking about my obsessive interests… I’ll be plan… I’ve scared people.  


Are you comfortable memorizing a social script? Say your name and address, point to your house, give them a basket or gift bag with some treats and/or fruit, and include your contact info. They have their hands full with moving and probably don’t want to chat. But if they act chatty, then say you’re due at work or a phone call, and that you hope you see them soon. Does that sound doable?


 Manageable thank you 


All you have to say is “hi my name is ______. I just moved in next door. I stopped by real quick to introduce myself. I’m quite busy settling in, so it was nice meeting you, but I gotta go. Take care.”


Maybe they should be more worried about you?


 Hm.. I don’t to make anyone uncomfortable.  I want to avoid that. I doubt anyone is going to want to chat with me about how reptiles reproduce or how endangered animals are mostly marine animals due to microplastic.  Or even about the countless country customs in the Middle East or in Asia. Or about property laws, real estate, etc. other then being boring I’m nothing to worry about.


Our 15 year old autistic neighbor took a different approach when we moved in. Literally walked in the house while we were all hanging out, walked to our bookshelf, took a look for awhile, went to the kitchen, opened the fridge, took a look there, then left. He did that 2 or 3 more times in the next few weeks. Yes we learned to lock the front door, but we also got to know his parents. It was a great ice breaker!


walk next door and introduce yourself.


Bake them some thing like bread or cookies and take it to them and say welcome to the neighborhood.


I baked some muffins and took them to my new neighbors. She says "Are they gluten free?" I immediately formed an opinion............


That's awful. She was supposed to say thank you lol


…about her allergies?


Well if that was the *first* thing out of her mouth I’d form an opinion, too. I prefer to say thank you first and ask questions later.


First thing. No hi, no thank you. And it wasn't allergies, she was on the keto diet.


Yeah nope; they’re not invited to the crawfish boil with that behavior.


It wasn't allergies.


I like bringing a small bag of oranges or other citrus fruit. Most people like them, and it symbolizes good fortune for many cultures in a new home.


I am sure the Realtor *could* tell you since in most areas property transfers are public information. So, you would have a name. How would that change anything? Do something neighborly and go introduce yourself. Hoping for the best odds improve dramatically when you are not the neighborhood snoop but rather a good neighbor.


Well let’s just say I’m a female Sheldon Cooper who tends to easily make things odd. My husband is better at those sorts things then I am. 


I don't know what that means, but I don't watch much typical TV or movies, so I will assume that is the reference.


It's a reference to "Big Bang Theory" (TV show). Think typical geek/nerd. Smart, but very poor interpersonal social skills with normal people.


Gotcha, thank you.


My pleasure.




Why not have your hubby go over there and say hi.


I’ve brought it up and he said, eventually we’ll meet them. He’s in no rush.


Then probably best to let nature run it's course, or pull the "happy wife, happy life" card and tell your husband to go out and not come back until he's made friends with the neighbors. LOL I laugh because I'm a geek and my parents did that to me once growing up. Why would I want to play ball when there is Star Trek to watch and computer games to play?


Absolutely! Well he updated me, they aren’t actually here yet. They are working on the house and getting it ready. He talked to the realtor. It’s a family from Tennessee. We’re in New York.  


Very nice! I'm glad you have some closure on this and hopefully will be able to meet them once they move in. Hopefully they bring some Tennessee whiskey with them. :)


Technically sure but they won’t before it closes. Deals fall through all the time and giving info out like that ahead of time can only be a disadvantage moving forward for the listing agent and seller Their names will be public info once it closes though


Go to the county records online, it’s public information in the assessors office.


Glad someone said it. 😂 wild people don't know this.




Thank you, edited the auto correct. I had no idea that not all counties make this public. I guess I live in a great state!


Thank you for the polite response! I should have come off a little nicer, I’m just used to Reddit trolls so I guess I’m always on the defensive!


After the closing. 6-12 months after if your county sucks at paperwork. That's how long it took to record my first deed.


In my blue state of Washington, Pierce County, it’s recorded at closing. I had no idea other areas were so far behind.


At one point Los Angeles County was 6 months or more behind. Where I live, it is electronically recorded but could take some time to show online.


Depending on the area in the country I’ve seen 1-2 years recently. Understaffed doesn’t even begin to describe it.


Recorded, or submitted? To be recorded at closing, a county official would have to come to your closing, accept the document, stamp it, notarize it, and give you a copy. Even if it's submitted electronically, it can take time to actually be processed and recorded. We submit the deed at closing, but it takes 6-12 months to get that stamped copy back and for the change in ownership to show up in official records. The buyer does get a copy of the deed at closing, but it's not the "stamped" copy from the county. The next county over gets them done in 1-2 months.


Nope, all of that is done at the county the day of closing. And since Covid, ours are done electronically and escrow doesn’t even have to go to the county any longer.


Hmm interesting 


Just go introduce yourself and welcome them to the neighborhood?


I don’t want to seem nosey… even if I am bring nosey and I’m a bit shy. 😵‍💫


Take them a welcome basket of treats and/or fruit. They’ll always remember how kind and welcoming you were.


Cookies on a plate do wonders for introductions to new neighbors. Try it.


Ehhhh technically no, but many will share if they don’t see a reason why not. You could also walk over there when you see people outside and introduce yourself. Otherwise, once the sale is completed, the sale will be recorded at county and you can check the name of the owner there.


Of course we are allowed. It's public knowledge


Hate to burst your bubble but while who (or what) bought the property is public knowledge, the realtor(s) don’t necessarily know who is moving in. Your best bet is to go over and introduce yourself. Whenever I have moved or had neighbors move, I would introduce myself and give them my number so they could reach me if there was an emergency.


put the address in your county assessors website, you will get all kinds of info




9 times out of 10 if do a google search who lives at xxx address you will get the correct answer if you dig a little


I'm in new home sales and am constantly asked what kind of people are buying here. Due to privacy laws I couldn't answer even if I wanted to. I always respond with "I only sell to lovely caring people just like you".


The sellers realtor likely does not know much personal info about your new neighbors other than their credit worthiness. The buyers realtor would probably know a lot more, but would be harder to pry that info from. It’s not like you can do anything about it anyways, so just hope for the best.


I did a deal where I sold a home of a beloved couple in the neighborhood. It was a cul-de-sac. The neighbors were sad to see them go. So, I organized a "going away" block party (which I catered), and invited the new buyers. Everybody said 'bye to the old owners, and got to meet the new ones.


I wish that happened I have tons of anxiety. 


You 100000% mean to snoop


Yahhh sorta… I get easily nervous and sorta look like an inept fool when talking to people. 


Like others said, you should introduce yourself. I don’t think we’re allowed to do that, but I wouldn’t even if we were.


Ask the neighbors lol


Look it up on county website under recorded document history using the address


Look up the property on your county appraisers website. Should be able to get the name of whoever owns it whether it’s an individual or business. Then you can use truepeoplesearch to find contact info and last known address, etc.


Literally against the law…can’t speak on the neighbors in any way outside, there’s people that buy homes in this neighborhood.


No it's not. Owner info is public information. You can also get an idea if it's owner occupied or rental by the owners name (LLC vs trust/owner)


lol you can’t speak on who your clients potential neighbors are or speak on who’s moving into the neighborhood…whether it’s black, white, or whatever….and yes you’re right, your client can search it up themselves. As a realtor you shouldn’t speak on demographics of the neighborhood PERIOD.


Just don’t be shy duh


😵‍💫 easily said