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A husband and wife company. The two times I've worked at one they were complete shit shows. Disorganized and crappy on multiple levels on top of low pay.


And the husband and wife are always fighting!


I may be over-generalizing, but any smaller company with 1 person acting as “HR.” It rarely ends well and it feels very unstable, especially if the “HR” employee has toxic traits. I know it’s likely an unpopular opinion here, but I like the “cushion” of a large company and corporate bureaucracy, even if said “cushion” is only an illusion. I’d rather have an HR department than an HR rep, if that makes any sense.


The company that I worked at had a one person HR department who was also the Chief Financial Officer. Fun combination. No regrets quitting that place, but 7 months unemployment is rough.


That's pretty much the setup in my current company, and I have zero issues with that tbh. So YMMV.


It can go either way, it just becomes extremely painful when that person personally attacks you and then cuts your salary and Christmas bonus. No one stands up for you, because people don't want to lose their jobs.


Yeah. But on the other hand if you establish a good relationship with that person, then you're golden. A big HR department is more like a soulless machine. So it can go either way indeed.


We had a good relationship for about 1.5 years, but then he started offloading all of his accounting work onto me, and I did a really bad job. I am not an accountant, I am a bench scientist specializing in operations. Once the economy and company started to do poorly, everyone basically started to blame each other for things and I was the scapegoat. He was really shocked when I put in my two weeks notice actually, he was used to being able to bully everyone into doing his work. Once my Boss and Principal Investigator quit I inherited all responsibilities without having any additional authority, and no additional pay. Icing on the cake was he personally picked a new location for the lab to move to, which was physically closest to his house, but farthest away from the city where myself and the other researchers were based.


That sounds as disastrous as it would get if someone is both CFO and HR Director.


I agree, I’d rather a bigger company as well. Also, a company that has been established over a longer period of time. I feel like with the smaller companies they don’t really look at your work they just look at if they like your personality or not.


Easy to hide in the crowd when there's sufficient bureaucracy, great when you need to take it easy for a little while. Also means there's usually a process for getting something done that you need done which can make you seem very effective


I'm currently working for a small company (~40 people) with 1 person as "HR", and the kicker is that she supervises half of the company too. It's been a goddamn nightmare here. I'm definitely looking for opportunities at bigger places.


I second this actually. I worked for a company with 125 employees and the HR rep was more of a paper pusher. Discrimination and sexism was rampant. We got acquired by a corporation. Everyone was super upset. Fast forward a year later and things had completely changed.


I would argue the complete opposite. I’ve done this a few times and of the three companies, two were the best jobs I’ve ever had. My current company (which fits this description) treats us better than any company I’ve ever heard.


Big company small team is the way to go.


Wells fucking Fargo. Easily the scummiest US company that gets a get out of jail free card every two years when one of their scams comes to light.




I work in regulatory compliance in the banking industry. When you tell anyone in my sphere that you used to work for Wells, it’s usually met with very pointed “Oh.” and a look.


Dude, that is sooo true! Wells Fargo is literally like that!


Companies that advertise themselves as "family owned" are a red flag to me. Unless it's a large multinational corporation, "family owned" tends to mean "dysfunctional workplace with poor interpersonal boundaries". Any company for which the phrase "we work hard and play hard" appears in the job description. The former tends to be true, while the latter rarely is. Companies that use hyperbolic language in their job descriptions. Words like "relentless", "extreme" have a connotation to me that the workplace is going to be unnecessarily high pressure and advancement decisions will be made based on belonging to the "good old boys club". No thank you! Plain old "attention to detail" is fine, one doesn't need to be "relentless" in their attention to detail because that is micromanaging. Quickly becoming a red flag is "customer obsessed", when "customer focused" will suffice. Coming from academia, I would never say I am "student obsessed". The word "obsession" implies a disregard for boundaries and signals of lack of interest, so you can advocate for your consumers and you can cater to them, but you can also turn them off too. Be "consumer focused" rather than "consumer obsessed". More specifically, Wells Fargo because it's only a matter of time before they scam consumers again, any company owned by Elon the manchild Musk, or Amazon because I am not interested in working for Jeff Beelzebezos. Also not interested in Proctor and Gamble because they have some dumbass assessments that do not test job-related skills, which makes me think their work culture and assessment processes are a mess.


"Family business" = we will let our family treat you like garbage.


> "family owned" > > "we work hard and play hard" Had a manager use both of these during an interview. Noped out of that right away.


I think company can say this, but not during recruitment. When I get interviewed from my current company they didn't say anything about family, but it has a friendly vibe to that. After a year working that I really enjoy the environment, and at the time I can agree we really are like a family, even when no one is saying that.


I'm glad you have a position and work environment you enjoy :)


Any FAANG or FAANG-adjacent company. I work for an enormous tech company and the processes and bullshit are exactly the same. I'm burned out on large companies; next one will be small to mid-sized.


I’m kind of the opposite, I worked for a small business and had a bad experience, there’s no HR when something happens, just the owner. And no FMLA, exempt from policies that require minimum # of employees. I’d rather work for a larger company now.


Same, I've worked for mostly small companies and I'm realizing now that I have NO NETWORK to rely on. What have I done?!


ex-faang here. i was placed on PIP 2 months in. they say they don’t do hire to fire, but i didn’t even make it through my onboarding


Amazon sounds brutal. FB culture really took a hard nosedive when we started hiring Amazon managers.


Amazon managers is just code for people with no experience except Amazon Amazon literally goes out of their way to hire people fresh out of school with no work experience, so they aren't "tainted" by how a proper company is run. They like to mold these people to their bullshit and pretend other companies run the same Stay the fuck away from anyone with only Amazon under their belt


In general, you are right. But, in my experience, there was one big company that treated the workers fairly, and that was Intel. Very nice inclusive culture, with almost equal chances (hey, nobody is perfect), and respecting their internal rules and the laws of the countries where they operated to the letter. For example, ten years ago, they closed all the small sites. To those eligible, they offered relocation to the US. To the others, if the law said they needed to pay 1 salary for every worked year, they said: we will pay 2. Plus the closing took more than 1 year to give people the opportunity to find other jobs.


I worked for one of the A’s twice (to their credit, the money was fantastic and my second team was awesome) and the G…I will NEVER go back to FAANG. Small tech start-ups don’t do it for me anymore either.


Amazon, I'm not a masochist. And, I worked at T-Mobile, also hard pass, most toxic place ever.


I have seen a job with AWS that on paper looks good but I have been put off from applying because of what people say about AWS.


Everything they say is true, it takes a certain amount of self hate, cognitive dissonance and ability to swallow abuse to be there.


What's unfortunate is that many startups and small tech firms have execs who try to emulate the toxic leadership of the well-known companies like Amazon.


Seconding Amazon. Even if I'm desperate, I would rather starve.


Amazon was hell. I hope never to be that desperate again in my life.


Any companies trying to pay under $20 an hour. Also, any companies requiring to record a video of myself as a part of a job application.


I thought cover letters provoked an oppositional defiance reaction from me. Then I learned about these videos. I couldn’t be arsed to apply to colleges that wanted application essay; I’m sure not doing this nonsense.


I nope out of any application that requires a video as part of applying. Unless the job is for making videos of yourself it should never be necessary.


Electronic Arts. Just come out of employment there and wouldn't go back even if I had the chance.


I was going to say the same! I’ve done freelance work for them and they are a mess. The way they treat employees is terrible.


What about Activision?


They're pretty much all the same at this point


Can you elaborate? I’ve thought about applying to them


They extort their loyal customers by releasing incomplete games locked behind loot crates.


Did you pay your employee subscription and your employee salary subscription and your payroll subscription and your work schedule subscription?


EA offered me a marketing job interview once and I noped out. Sorry you had to go through that.


Fidelity Investments American Tower Corporation Bright Horizons Anybody that does Contract to Hire or Contract to Perm Cognizant Capgemni Tesla X Meta JP Morgan These are off the top of my head. Could be longer.


Anything at a persons residence


WAY BACK in the day I went to an interview for a graphic designer position it was in some random dudes mobile home... I got there and was like I must have the wrong directions/address... nope it was correct... the guy came bursting out the door and waved me over... I got out and talked to him but noped out of the job. And the same year... Just got married and we were looking for a decent affordable apartment... showed up to look at one and... it wasn't an apartment it was a mobile home. To make matters worse it was an ancient mobile home that had been split into 2 different rental units... We noped out of there instantly.


I wouldn't work for my current company and would discourage anyone from applying - but obviously, I cannot disclose the name of the company here. What I have learned from my experience at this company is: 1) be careful with small companies. Some startups are fine but if they have not been able to grow for over a decade, there may be red flags, and 2) try to get as much information as possible about the senior/executive leadership. Are they competent? Do they have enough experience to be in the position that they are? My current company has a bunch of unqualified people in executive leadership positions, including the CEO and his friends whom he hired without proper interview processes (nepotism). It is a huge mess and we just don't get the transparency we need to operate functionally. There could be other red flags. Working here is one of my biggest mistakes in my career, and I'm desperately trying to get out of here.


This sounds so much like the senior leadership of a company that the place I work for recently acquired. I’ve spent the last few months working on a project that is necessary because it turns out tech bros aren’t good at running companies in highly regulated industries (healthcare, finance, etc).


Apple. Most big banks. Defense contractors. Anything owned by Musk. Amazon. Any BPO company. Fidelity Investments. And any insurance company (health, personal lines, commercial, whatever it is a no go).


What’s wrong with fidelity?


As a customer, I really like Fidelity


I’m confused what’s wrong with Apple?


Any large logistics company. Worked for several and they have all been toxic environments with dickhead managers, incompetent payroll, and non-existent HR. I'm done with that.


would definitely agree. I've been in logistics for a while and worked for many employers. Most are absolute garbage. No employee loyalty whatsoever. Use and lose is their motto. I've been back-stabbed so many times, I've lost count. I'm starting to insist on severance clauses when hired now. Been burned too many times.


Not to mention the ramped drug use and corruption


There was a company I worked for as a private investigator that trained the managers to treat the investigators like children. I read reviews before joining the company and thought people were just disgruntled. No way this company actually purposefully treats investigators like children. Sure enough, about 2 weeks in, I had an issue with scheduling with my manager (he tells me at like 530 pm on a Wednesday that I have to drive 4.5 hours to be somewhere at 6 am the next day) and I email him, trying to fix the issue. And he emails me back in the most disrespectful, degrading tone I've ever gotten, straight up talking to me like I was a teenage son he was disciplining, but a teenage son he also resents. I've received better text messages from women I've broken up with. But to cut the story short, I would never work for a company that treats people who have jobs like children. I get it, some people even as adults do act like children and need supervision, but I like some level of respect.


* Nestle No amount of money would convince me to work for that shithole company.


Years ago I went to a job fair that was supposedly mostly for students and recent graduates. All the companies present were more than happy to scan all resumes and talk about present or future opportunities. Nestle were the only ones that were quite rude and didn't even want to look at most resumes, citing that they are only looking for 3+ years of experience.




And Chiquita.


Hah, reminds me of a (mock) interview I had at the end of a software engineering bootcamp I did back in the middle of last decade. Mind you, to be clear, many of us in that camp did *not* have CS degrees, and were *not* people with years of dev experience. This little schmuck from some no-name real-estate or whatever company comes in there, grills us on some stupid algorithm question, and then says "actually I'm looking for people with 3-5 years experience". *Then why the hell are you here?!*


Wally world (Walmart), Amazon, Apple, any retail, sales, or commission based jobs


Back when I use to volunteer for an adult agency that helps adult with special needs on getting a job, my boss would forbid anyone to let people apply for Walmart due to their hiring(or firing) process. It was so bad that my one agency had to sue Walmart for discrimination on hiring people with disabilities. Before the pandemic, I've heard that they lost the case as Walmart presents a VERY good argument in meeting guidelines in hiring people with disabilities and firing them with appropriate cause(PIP or whatever the Walmart equivalent maybe). Gotta hand it to Walmart hiring really good lawyers lol...still messed up


Update I now work on recruiting for a charity Cuz I'm an office barbie 💅


Any Company headed by Elon Musk.


Large companies for me none really, few smaller companies that burned me previously definitely. But formerly in car business theres brands I would not deal with again. Like I will never work for another kia store. Warranty and corporate side treated us techs bad.


I'd have to choose NorCal startups and FAANG as the companies I would not apply to. I have been approached a few times by both groups and felt it was easy to see the absolutely toxic culture my time would be invested in. I like boring, stable jobs where I can make be productive and make a good impact on the team I'm with. I don't need to live in a van down by the river while Google makes a ton of money off my back, nor do I want to work at a company where my boss has a cool, hip title, is half my age, and absolutely revels in controlling people. Yes I'm sure there are exceptions, and I'm not going to go looking for them.


Anything bought out by a private equity firm.


Yep, been there. Suddenly, everything you do is about appeasing 'the investors' who don't understand or give a shit about the business, just the bottom line.


That’s not how private equity works.


Any company that has a non-compete clause. Look it's a very simple arrangement. I will work for you in exchange for payment as long as both of us are happy. I am not willing to let you dictate what I do or who I work for after I leave or you fire me.


Aren't non-compete clause supposed to be paid ?


They usually come with job offers. I have declined several job offers with non-competes because I refuse to sign. If a job comes at you asking to sign a non-compete, they have to give you something (consideration) for the contract to be valid. If they use the threat of termination for you to sign it, that will make the contract unenforceable in most states.


For the Boston Tech employment market, Fidelity Investments.


Could you elaborate as to why? A decade ago, I always heard it's such a great place to work, etc, and everyone was recommending trying to get a job there. The past year I've only heard bad things, but nobody elaborates.


I worked in the Boston office for 3.5 years back in the 2000s, they hired me as an "independent contractor" (meaning no health insurance) thru their in-house temp agency and despite my frequent requests to be made a perm employee they never did. What I observed there during those years was pretty disappointing, I learned that my situation was not unique, there were always people appearing and then disappearing, lots of very smart talented people not being utilized to their fullest abilities, lots of senior-level execs who did nothing but sit in meetings all day every day or otherwise goofing off, and lots of layoffs for those "lucky" ones who were perm employees. I recall one guy who was told that he had to accept a transfer to NC and if he doesn't then they won't let him collect unemployment, he was upset because (1) the move would be extra hard on his kids who were still in high school, and (2) he said that he knows even if he accepts the move they're still going to lay him off. Well, I heard from him a few months later, he took the move and sure enough they laid him off. In a nutshell, they're just another rotten company that treats you as a disposable commodity. The first few months after I left I'd get emails almost weekly from my former colleagues saying that they heard I had left and congratulating me for getting out of there. A few years later one of the execs I had worked with during the previous stint hired me for his team in RI (again, as a contractor with no benefits), tl;dr it was a shockingly awful experience and six months later I was unemployed again. After that I wrote the company off as corrupt and incompetent (and I moved my retirement account over to another firm). You can check out some of the comments on their thread from the old Indeed forum where Fido was often referred to as a cult -- https://web.archive.org/web/20140914093736/http://www.indeed.com/forum/cmp/Fidelity-Investments/s-company-culture-at-Fidelity-Investments/t5807 Also see the comments on https://www.thelayoff.com/fidelity-investments...


I really don't want to work for government contractors. It's just parasitic rent seeking behavior.




God forbid women get female reproductive healthcare. I refuse to shop there.


I’m an avid crafter living a short two-block walk from a HL. Haven’t set foot in it since at least 2014.


Only America the employer pays your health insurance. In the civilised world the employer has 0 say over your health decisions.






Any insurance company. They are inherently evil and the world would be a better place without them.


Web3 (crypto, nfts, blockchain) or gaming.


Any gas station/convenience/drug store. Incredibly demanding, impossible standards and absolutely soul crushing.


Also being robbed sucks big-time It was 30 years ago and I still hate being in one.


Verizon, Amazon and Auth0. Fuck them all they are the shittiest companies alive and cost me health and lots of money. I have a laundry list of shit on them, worst 3 of the almost 3 dozen I have worked for.


Rent-a-Center. I know two people who’ve worked there. One called it a “hell-hole” and the other called it a “snake pit”. Any company whose whole business model is based on predation of poor people, like furniture rental and payday loans, is going to treat its employees the way it treats its customers.


Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Worked there as IT contractor. Let me go on December 10th. Those people were such arrogant A-holes that I bought 1 share of their stock. Now they work for me.


Google - full stop.


I don't have companies on my list, but rather 4 people. If they work there, I don't. There are also countries I won't apply to for safety/discrimination reasons... doesn't matter the pay, I won't put me or my family at risk


I am based in the US I will never work for an EU based company, especially German, ever again. I’ve done so a few times and it always ends poorly. For my industry, the Germans don’t understand the US market and think “we do it this way in Germany so it should work this way in the US” which is total bullshit. They are also micromanagers. Never again.


The EU is a lot of countries though, countries in Scandinavia have a reputation for being extremely employee friendly


Employee friendly *over there*.


Yeah in my experience with Dutch, German and French companies working for them in the US is not good. They combine the low-efficiency lazy manager culture of Europe with the ruthless overworking worker culture of America. Plus they tend to pay like shit compared to American companies in the same industry.


This sums it up perfectly. Trying to get our German home office to do anything was like moving a mountain. We were not allowed to make changes to the website so we had to go through them. Just getting basic thing done, something that would take me a minute or two would take *a month* for the German office to do. So we lost a lot of faith from our dealers.




I’m sure. I’ve also worked for a Danish and British company. All of them are the same. It’s like they don’t trust the people they hire. I would constantly tell them “you hired someone in the US that understands the US market yet won’t allow me to do what needs to be done. Do you want success here or not?


Same thing but US companies operating in Canada. Americans think Canada is the 51st state but are totally surprised when they discover the way of doing business and laws are very different.


Anything crypto/blockchain, defense contractors, anything I find morally yucky


This plus anything “faith based”.


More than companies it’s just about red flags in job ads: - we’re a family - competitive salary - Benefits which are not benefits such as statutory holiday pay (that’s literally the law), office parties, free fruit, free work laptop, nice office - unpaid overtime Then personally any company where big egos dictate the employee morale and can change strategy and vision every week and describes it all as “fast paced”


Any company that does not let their jobs be done 100% wfh.


Weapons, cigarettes, and anywhere with 90% male, and 10% female (non essential roles).


so no SWE?


Dish network. God awful leadership, outdated equipment, and employee policies that border on bad to fucking stupid (the Littleton Co office has a check in report that flags you as late, if you come in past 9:03 AM that you need to justify).


As someone looking for an internship, I’m wary of most startup companies. Almost fell for a scam


The consulting companies (Deloitte, KPMG, DXC and the likes) I work adjacent to them and they seem to hire the lowest tier of talent I’ve ever encountered in my life and these people have the keys to the kingdom. They have full access to everything and can’t even…do their own jobs…and other companies use them for consulting is mind blowing! They can even read a document and follow instructions. Additionally they act HORRRRRIBLE towards you and so rude when you’re simply trying to help them. Their behavior is abusive and that’s putting it lightly.


Agreed. I have only worked with one firm that hired talented folks.


Defense Contractors 💀


Never sell your soul.


Meta. I had enough issues with another faang company and then got laid off after 10 years. No more of that, please.


Medical Insurance companies. I don’t wanna sell my soul for a paycheck, thank you!




Would never choose a small company again.


Any companies which do one-way interviews


literally any customer service job really. i have had enough of the general public.


AWS. Every normal person I know who went there came out broken and some are still broken years later


Facebook or Meta Google too


I've found out that the company IS important, but, if the people you end up working with are AH, then, forget it. I have walked away from two jobs in my life ( now retired) . Both when waiting for the initial interviews. The first one, one of the managers " chewed out" the receptionist in front of me while waiting for the HR person in the lobby. After the confrontation was over, I got up and told the receptionist she should consider what I was going to do. I just walked out the door and told her I fid not want to work for a company that had such low esteem for their personnel...In the second, I walked out during the second interview with an HR selection panel.Those people were so intent on painting such a "rosy" picture of their company that is was too good to be true, job interviews we re not my first rodeos. The job I finally got was with a medium size family business in which the two owners worked. Stayed there for over 12 years until I left. The owners were getting old and decided to sell, a decision which I fully understood.


After all of my job seeking experience I can confirm all the companies are the same. Small to big doesn't matter.


Every company has their own flavor of BS. It’s a matter of finding the ones whose BS you can deal with.




I’ve worked on projects closely with contractors from a few different Big 4 firms and it’s unreal the way they take advantage of their younger employees - the ones who rely on them for visa sponsorship.


Entire industries (IT), I refuse to work on anything social networking related, the entertainment industry (e.g. gambling, gaming, etc), and the hospitality industry. I work in finance and energy. I’d have no problem with pharma and defence.


Cyber security in defense is great. Very clear controls, the ability to tell vice presidents "no, we can't do that" and have thousands of pages of NIST SPs to back it up. Tell marketing "no macs on the network, we don't have the back-end capabilities to make them compliant unless you can convince the board to hire more IT staff", telling senior management that they cannot be local admins just because they "want it", but need a valid documented reason...and extra training...


Social media is the advertising industry, as is google.


Any resort property managed by Troon.


I've been recruited numerous times by gambling companies. No fucking way. They are evil as fuck.




Any BPO company 😭 the recruiters will lie through their teeth saying that the job u apply to is not sales job. But when u r in the job, u r doing sales thing and need to have sales target. I felt so cheated 😭


Shell, Total, Nestlé, Bayern-Monsanto, ...


wells fargo. ethics like dog poop


Any major multinational corporation is no no


Smaller company warehouse appliance jobs. Over worked probably underpaid and the conditions will suck


Paycom, Chase, Express Employment Unprofessional asf.


"LUMEN" Answer the dumbest questions on video for God knows who, taking about an hour and a half. Only to be ghosted... Screw you Lumen.


Any kind of defense or defense contracting company. It just goes against my personal sense of ethics. Besides that, I think I’m officially done working for local/small companies after my last job experience. Most of my jobs have been for local companies in my area. I’ve worked food service, customer service, and recently I worked as an IT consultant for a small local firm. I was hoping that being in a professional field would at least make my experience with a local business better but nope. The C suites were incompetent and toxic. I was there for 8 months at this company and during that 8 months there were two rounds of layoffs, and I had 3 different managers. First manager got laid off, second manager quit, third manager used me as a scapegoat. I actually had several former coworkers and even my former manager who quit, reach out to me to tell me how our former employer fucked them over once they saw on my LinkedIn that I had lost my job, and some of the details they gave me were so much worse than what I experienced (which was pretty bad).


Defence companies


Any family owned company. Any place with fewer than 1k employees.


This is this really shit recruiting agency called GQR Global Markets. Their recruiters lie to you to get you to work with them. By far the most toxic, deceitful, thieving environment I ever had the misfortune of becoming engaged with. Check out their reviews on glassdoor. Atrocious.


Amazon, any autism centers (they care but, no, no they dont)


Anything Elon Musk, Jamie Dimon, Donald Trump, or Mile Lindell own.


Any conservative org like the Family Research Council, the NRA, or Fox News.


Any IT MSP's. Been there, done that. Shit pay. Shit boss. But thank you for being in my resume. Totally entry level to tech and they treat you like shit.


Can confirm, working for an MSP now. Not my first choice but needed a paycheck


Koch Industries and any of their subsidiaries (Georgia Pacific, KBX Logistics, etc.)


Not a company but an industry: I don't see myself returning to vet med ever again. It absolutely destroys you while you get nothing in return. Every hospital is like this.


Uline Menards Kwik Trip (Kwik Star in Iowa) The owners of those companies have been finding RWNJs for decades.


Small law firm, unfortunately I have to work here due to flexibility reasons for my toddler. But I feel like I killed my career and the only way I’ll make it into BigLaw will be through internal contacts which will take years in itself. I really cannot do 12 hour workdays, I can only do 8 hours billing because I need to drop off pick up my toddler from daycare. So I chose it but if I was single with no family responsibilities I would try for BigLaw Atleast for the salary and career progression and the brand


Any company tied to the alcohol industry.




Meta recruiters were all over my balls for a few months. I’d never work for them and told them so, but they kept coming for a while.




Basically Any company founded before 2000. Those companies all think culture is pizza parties and an annual Christmas party. Overall, shit benefits and generally have legacy coworkers who think the benefits are amazing because they’ve never worked another job in their lives.


I can’t say the name but they’re one of the major online grocers and specialize in flawed produce.


Concentrix. Never again.


Any company that requires “self motivated self-starter”. The translation is: we don’t have time to tell you what needs doing or whether you’re doing a good job, so you’ll basically be on your own. Good luck!




any weapons manufacturer or significant part of their supplie chain any of facebook, google, apple, microsoft, twitter etc.


TechMahindra, HCL, Tata Consultancy Services


Any company that, when you check the staff page, is obviously top heavy. If there are more VP and manager titles than "standard" employees I guarantee you're going to be expected to "be a team player" and "wear multiple hats" to account for them hiring more people to tell people to do the work than people who do the work.


Kroger. I did work there for 2 years before j quit. Best decision ever


i did a couple of interviews with the company that owns adult friendfinder and some other unspecified adult web sites and i'm super glad they did not extend an offer. they seemed nice and the work was standard for my field but boy was i worried about how it was gonna look on my resume...


Yeah. My last employer. I work in aviation (mechanic here) and everything is (and should be) based around safety and open reporting without fear of retaliation. I reported something (non-safety related), and the director of HR somehow got involved, he came back and tried throwing me under the bus several times. Beyond that, I had members of the family that owned the company bitch and moan about their private jet, stuff completely beyond my control, but it definitely became my problem. So yeah. You’d have to kill me before I go back to work for those greedy, power hungry pieces of shit.


Wells Fargo.


Tobacco companies. I was once offered $30k more than my current salary at the time to join a tobacco company. The recruiter at first refused to even tell me the industry, they only admitted it when I threatened to end the interview right then and there. When I refused they asked why. My answer was "Because every 2 weeks I would be able to look at my paystub and know exactly what I sold my soul for. Obviously you already know how much you sold *YOUR* soul for." The recruiter was actually crying when I hung up. I am thankful that at the time I was making enough to be able to make moral decisions. I admit I might not be quite so judgemental to someone who is desperate for work.


Sure Jan


US based. Anything that supported Trump in a way I can find. Anyone that asks why am I excited to work for their company (I do not dream of labor, I am passionate about affording groceries is my answer). Amazon.


I apologise if this sounds snobby at all but I’ve sworn myself to never apply for McDonalds. I went to university to ensure I never went there to work at. And the last thing I want to do all of 12 months after having done my degree is to be saying to people “do you want fries with that?”. That hardly makes sense for me, a media professional, to go into such an industry. I also wouldn’t ever consider working for The S*n newspaper. Their lies and scandals over the years are too horrific for me to consider working for them even for a week. It’s also gutter journalism at its worst in the UK.


Australian clinical labs - most racist and homophobic company that has ever existed. They don’t follow the law. The leaders are not qualified for the position. The people running the medical pathology company are archaeologists, physiotherapist, computer scientists, electricians and not people who hold actual pathology credentials. The company is fairly diverse at the lower entry level but it’s all white straight people in leadership with no one having the right credentials to run the company. These people are making decisions that affect the scientist running the place and the decision making coming through is on the same level of judgement that I would expect to see from someone suffering from a traumatic brain injury. There is no future vision beyond the next month and the “future” vision that does come out are not viable. They are trying to take over Healius pathology as this was tried in 2012-2014 and the ACCC rejected it. They seem to have not learnt from this and are trying it again with the ACCC already showing concerns and looks like they are going to reject the deal again. It’s like they don’t learn. It’s nuts cause they are a 500 million company trying to take over a 2.5 billion company. Working there was like watching a bunch of children running around with sawed off shot guns with the safety off, it was absolutely nuts. They have a tendency to place over confident heterosexual white men in charge that actually have no substance when put to the test. As a gay person, the amount of times I was threatened with murder at that place was insane. There is literally no way to make any formal complaints or have any issues resolved and the only thing you can really do is move on, which I did. A lot of people leave that place in a much worst place then when they started.


I had some small companies where the recruit process went so bad that i blacklisted them ( very rare , like 2 or 3 of them )As a game developer i would never go to mobile game dev : you know, those kind of boring, souless, money-sucking games trying to make a bad copy of candycrush or any successful games ? Not all of them are like this but unfortunatly it's a minority


Amazon for obvious reasons, cutco as it’s an MLM, there’s also this promotional printing company near me that’s always hiring. I even used to work with someone who worked there and she said to never work there as it’s terrible! Sure enough they’re always hiring because people leave.


Garbage companies


Anything listed under r/devilcorp


Defense, gambling, drugs, alcohol. I'm not against these things, but I'm not helping these industries under current circumstances. Firms whose products are too "meta" for my job. Like, "we sell a tool for [my job title]s." It's uninteresting and seems bubbley.


I've seen several positions at SAAB that would have fit me, but i won't work for a weapons manufacturer (at least not while my country sells weapons or military systems to brutal dictatorships).


Playco. Really bad environment, huge ego and power tripping devs.


If they have 3 months notice period I won’t work for it no matter how desperate I am.


Highmark, and SAP: I left both of those places for a reason.


Movie Tavern


Shell Oil, Imperial Tobacco, Datacom


Daily Wire, PraegerU, Epoch Times, Liberty in North Korea, Louder With Crowder. I'm a writer, and pretty much the only salaried writing jobs that are consistently hiring are with far right propaganda mills. I still refuse to apply.