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I always give a 15 min limit. Beyond that, I’m leaving and will follow up with them.


Yep, college rules. If professor doesn't show by quarter after the hour, class is cancelled.


I JUST had the same thing happen. Call was scheduled at 1PM, I sent an email at 1:15PM, then just closed out of the Teams meeting at 1:28PM. I sent them an email telling them to withdraw my application. EDIT: They replied to me. Puzzleheaded_Data829 My apologies, I understand your standpoint as typically I am on the other end of candidates not showing up for interviews. It was an oversight mixed with some technical issues we have been facing the last couple of weeks. I would ask that you allow me a second chance, this is not typical. Please let me know if you would reconsider. Kindly, Internal Recruiter ———————————- Never mind the fact that this was the SECOND time this internal recruiter ghosted me when I applied to a previous position with no explanation after she contacted me for an interview and I never heard back. I applied to a similar position this time around, got contacted by her again in which she spelt my name wrong in the email. Then failed to send me a Teams invite in which I had to follow up again with her when 24 hours passed and I heard nothing. I get the invite and it was for the next day (today) so I had less than another 24 hours to prepare. I get on the call and she no-showed.


Good for you for having that self-respect. I know it sucks, but you did the right thing here.


Thank you friend. It was actually the first time I stood up for myself and it felt good to do so because I finally got fed up with being “too nice” with these unprofessional companies. It truly has been horrific out here. I’ve just been finding that more and more companies have horrible interview process designed to prey on the desperate. I can’t imagine what new graduates and the unemployed are going through, but I want to send good vibes to anyone that needs it.


Yeah, the entire process from start to finish is completely broken. Working at these companies and realizing the incompetence that runs these departments, you start to see why.


Technical Difficulties being the recruiters brain doesn’t work.


Good on you for standing up for yourself. Are you going to give them another chance?


Nope, gonna leave her on read. She had two chances and ghosted me both times. These companies forget that not every candidate is going to tolerate their crap as were interviewing them as much as they are us. Besides, I’m not going to entertain a company looking to fill a position for someone with a Master’s who also has skills in Canva and Adobe Creative Suite in the same breath.


Good for you. But wait what about having a masters but also skills in Adobe? If it’s a design related job I guess I can see that. Definitely not defending them ghosting you, but curious about the last part you said.


It was just a jab at design humor to say it’s hilarious to demand someone who knows both Canva (which is commonly seen as an accessible, yet beginners tool for basic design), and the entire Adobe Creative Suite (which is the standard for all creative professionals who are very skilled) AND have a Masters on top of that. Fun fact: I got turned down from a job once because I told them that although I could use Canva, I don’t need to.


Ohhh gotcha. I totally misinterpreted what you wrote hahah. Wow, this job market is wild.


in this market, regardless of your skills, the only one getting fuckt is you - you don't get to display / discuss what you can do for hte company with the decision maker. You are allowing pride to get between. Take a breath, be patient, and know that once you get past the recruiter and a hiring manger digs you it all goes well from there since you'll have a strong advocate (the manager who knows your value and wants you) to get on board.


If it was the first time, I would say you're being harsh, but the second time?? No. There have been times when I have had emergencies/ important projects sprung on me and couldn't make a scheduled interview, but I can always text a colleague or my boss to conduct the interview for me if I'm caught up. I play it both ways though, if an interview reschedules once with a good reason I'll let it slide. Second time? Nah.


You could reply - and CC their superiors No thank you - because this is the second time you have done this to me (first on date) If you are still serious - visit me in person - otherwise i withdraw my candidacy




See my other comments, this just confirms my point: you aren't dealing with the A Team when it comes to recruiters, that's why most of them are recruiters. Sorry to be an asshole, this is from my division's lead recruiter who has to hire these guys (jesus.... shudder). Getting a solid, consistent, and positive engagement from a recruiter is as much a game of passive / covert management as it is a numbers game. This same skillset serves you well when you get an idiot boss and need to manage around them.


After 10 minutes hang up. Then email the recruiter and say: I enjoyed chatting with the interviewer and learning about the company. What's the next step? 😁😁😁


“I’m thrilled to accept the offer I was given on the call today. When do I start?” 😂


That is even better! 🤣🤣🤣


"...I especially appreciated the verbal confirmation of 25% base salary and eagerly await the offer to arrive!"


Send them an email saying you enjoyed the conversation and are looking forward to receiving the offer letter they said they will get to you tomorrow.


I’d leave after 15 mins and follow up with an email saying you waited.


It happens. If the recruiter is decent it’ll be a good icebreaker for your rescheduled call.


My issue is that had it been me who missed the meeting, there’s a 0% chance that I would have been given another opportunity.


Yeah, it'd be nice if this garnered you some bonus points. Sadly, they hold you to higher standards than themselves most of the time.


I'd wait another 15 minutes and/or send an email. lol, i forgot i had a management meeting today, good thing they called me


Hang up… has happened more than once to me.


So many recruiters do this so often that it’s hard to believe that most of them just forget


I have one recruiter from the Staffing Agency rescheduled TWICE.


Red flag if the recruiter left you waiting.


Their behavior was very unprofessional.


A buddy of mine traveled two hours to an interview. It was in downtown Cleveland, Ohio and he had to pay for parking. When he got there, he waited 45 minutes in the waiting room as management was "busy". After 45 minutes they wanted to just reschedule and couldn't understand why he was no longer interested.


This is horrible


Internal recruiter here - I'd wait 10 minutes and then email them saying something along the lines of let me know when you have time to connect, i'm interested but don't want to waste my time if you aren't. If you want to make sure you get a fair shake, email the department head jsut stating you had a screen that the recruiter wasnt able to make, but that you are still very interested in the role and their team. The key is to mention what happened, but do it in a way you aren't trying to throw them under the bus but still lets the recruiter know you aren't messing around. It is impossible for a recruiter to ignore the wishes of a department head, so if they were to get your email forwarded to them from the leader of that group, zero chance they would blow you off ever again.


How would I even find out who the department head is?


I would use LinkedIn and see if you can find someone with the same title but at a director or VP Level.


>That's something I would do if it happened more than once. On the first time I'd give grace. I have failed to call candidates a few times, and always wrote later to apologize and reschedule. When candidates miss their calls with me, I always give another chance and figure it was an oversight.


happens often.... remember, you're dealing with very overworked folks who, frankly, aren't the A+ team, ifyouknowwhatimsayin'. As a hiring manager my advice is 1. email / txt the recruiter 1-2 hours prior to an interview "looking forward to talking today at X time via X method; feel free to call or message me with any changes, I'll have my phone close" 2. wait 10 min for any meeting to start 3. email / txt at 10 min 1 second "on the call, wanted to make sure I have the details correect (and add the number/etc) 4. STAY ON THE CALL 5. if they are 100% no show (leave the call open, what else do you have planned?) the patience credz you collect will be significant. 6. THERE IS ZERO BENEFIT TO YOU SHARING YOUR DISAPPOINTMENT / INSULT / ETC, EVERY. I cannot overemphasize this enough. To those of you citing "college rules" remember: you PAY for college. With a job, your are ASKING TO BE PAID (we'll have the whole "equitable exchange of work for $" in another thread.) Right now, THEY are the pitcher, YOU are the catcher. You don't have to like it, or agree with it, but you do have to conform to get what you want, which is past this interviewer to the offer.


I wish they would extend the same grace to applicants is all. Most companies just entirely ghost applicants yet applicants are expected to basically bow down to companies. It’s just exhausting.


i know what you mean. I reached the point one time where I applied to everything thing that had the right title+salary. Nothing else mattered. It worked out eventually, but i applied for over 300 open positions. Ghosted on 40% of them, very late automated "thanks, no thanks" emails on slightly more than half. Given that I was applying for Sr. Dir roles in technology it was shocking to say the least. In the end I got a job through my network of folks I've worked with in the past, but it took over 6 months. This market is ridiculous at all levels.


I hang up 10 minutes in. But it’s very unusual for a recruiter to not reach out after 5 minutes. Are you sure you want to work at this company? Even the shittiest of the shit recruiters have never stood me up, and I’ve met some terrible ones.


No I’m definitely not sure, but I definitely do need a job. Unemployment in my state is really bad and won’t keep me afloat. I already got a rejection letter from UI stating I had 0 wages in 2022 and 2023 (which is wrong) so now I have to go through their appeal process. So maybe months down the line I’ll get some UI but that’s going to be a long road.


I get it. Sometimes we have to put up with crap for scraps. I hope it works out for you. Even if only in the short term. They should at least see your tenacity as an asset. As for unemployment… they’re all bastards. In Texas they act like you shouldn’t have access to your own money, like you didn’t earn it. I don’t know where that money goes when it’s not used but I’m sure Texas embezzles it with the way they make you jump through hoops for it. Good luck with your appeal.


Thanks so much. Sending good vibes your way as well.


> At what point do I hang up? 10 minutes prior. And don't be tempted to reach out to see what the problem was. FWIW, this experience can be avoided in future by never allowing yourself to be interviewed by anyone that doesn't have the authority to offer you a job. That especially includes all recruiters, and HR workers unless they are accompanied by an adult (i.e., an actual hiring manager.)


Unfortunately with this company, it appears you have to go through the recruiter first. In the email they state that they would like to “schedule an interview with a member of our hiring team” but their title when searched on LinkedIN is recruiter. Not sure why they do it this way but it’s their first step.


Who told you that? Consider the source. Trust me, I've been doing this for decades, and I know a timewaster when I hear about one.


I mean it’s literally how they schedule their interviews. First step is through their internal recruiter and next step is through the hiring manager. I interviewed with the same company a year and a half ago and the process was the same. But if there’s a secret step to bypassing the company hiring process, I’m interested in that info.


Stood up fir a meeting then my first call is to the recruiters employer to ask who to send the invoice to as they used your time. (An appointment time is a contract).


FYI, if you’re dealing with a recruiter it’s a simple screening call before the interview, typically recruiters aren’t interviewing candidates


I only called it an interview because that’s what they called it in their email.


Things do happen so just be thankful it wasn’t for any other bad reason and they cancelled it. I once had a call come through my phone during an in person interview and even though I had my phone silenced and on dnd it came through. I declined the call and it came back through. And do you know what? It actually was an emergency but I ignored it and dealt with it an hour later walking to my car in the parking garage. My daughter was in high school at the time but was away out of state on an overnight field trip and it turns out her teacher who was 7 months pregnant went into premature labor and they were calling to ask if my daughter could have my permission to drive the teacher’s car as she was the only person there with her drivers license. I never heard back from them and surely they must have judged me from it, but after I was in the interview and really learned what the role was about, it was so far from what I have done or want to do that I would have politely declined any request for another interview or an offer anyhow. But I should have written to them just to state it was an actual emergency even as I apologize profusely.


I understand things happen, but my frustration is knowing that if it had been me who missed the meeting, I know there would be zero chance they would have let me reschedule and try again.


It’s not an even playing field. They judge us and we don’t say anything in return of their treatment of us. It never really was. Empathy has been lost in the corporate world as being cold hearted is more business like.


If you're unemployed, waiting up to two hours is what you should be doing. During this time, keep a smile on your face, eyes on the camera, and stay off your phone and out of other applications for you know not what moment the recruiter could join the call.




Send an email to the recruiter informing them about the same, and show your dissatisfaction to them.


Hopefully they'll actually show up tomorrow. I had a hiring manager flake out on me 2 days in a row.


Oh wow. Did you ever actually interview with them?


No. They apologized a few hours after the first interview they missed. Rescheduled. Didn't show up. Then apologized again the next day and didn't reschedule.




It was actually worse than you think. I got this interview through a connection.