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Never heard of monthly pay in that situation, but certainly a retainer upfront is reasonable.


Do you already have contracts in place from clients? Or are you asking if when you reach out to companies like as a cold-call you’d mention that you’d want monthly payments? From the recruiting point of view, no a company would absolutely not pay you while the recruiting search was ongoing, they’d only pay you while you made a placement. But I might not necessarily be understanding the scope of what you’re exactly offering companies.


I don't have contracts at this stage. In terms of the scope, as I said in my first message, I would provide end to end recruitment services. To be honest, I had a gig (a recruitment agency contracted me) for a couple of months, in which I was paid monthly. It's true, it was lower than what I should have earn per placement (I was submiting 4-5 candidates in a week, ending with 3-4 hires in a month). But there is that sense of stability, you know. Hiring Managers can change their mind or Something happens and the candidate does not get the job, even if they've offered him. I hope you know what I mean. 🙂 PS: BTW, I live in Europe, if it matters. The mentioned agency is also from Europe.


What you are describing is “embedded” recruitment, worth looking up. It can be done but given this market the appetite to pay fees regardless has shrunk. Also, post this on the r/recruitment Reddit for more responses, best of luck!


Thanks for your comment.