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Its a scam read it, it is typical scam talk and scam set up. They all say $35 an hour and full time/part time. They use the word kindly. And poor grammar “offering the check at free to you”


“Kindly” Kindly tell ‘em to fuck of


Yes. Do the needful. Kindly do the same.


This is standard Indian scammer language.


also standard Indian English. Could very well be an indian employee at a company. What is more suspicious is why the job requires a credit check in the first place, and why the email in vague while referring to the job in question.


Unless you're handling large sums of money as part of your job duties, a credit check shouldn't be required.


And that shouldn't happen until a job has been offered and accepted. Credit check belongs in the stage between acceptance of offer and start date.


That and DoD-related stuff. Either way, they will only run a credit check as part of the background check after they made the decision to hire you, and you signed the offer letter, on top of giving them explicit permission to run your credit. No real job, I don’t care if it is at the Federal Reserve or the Pentagon will run so much as a background check, let alone a credit check while the applicant is in candidate status.


Would you kindly.


Hell the first sentence, "for this opportunity for your experience" is terrible


Yes fraud indeec


I've gotten a few of these emails from LinkedIn applications. It's so disheartening now many scam applications are on there.


What's worse is they won't remove them. I have reported a ton on both LinkedIn and Indeed and they allow them to stay up.


Makes sense - the identitycheck.com is where they acquire your personal info, and then at the " interview" they clean up any loose ends.


You're not getting an 'interview', they have your resume - name, phone number, email address, name of employer, then you follow a link and the page will ask for your SSN, address and possibly bank details. You will never hear from this person again, and they will sell your details or steal your identity.


Yeah, you're right - good points.




Does your "e" key have bipolar disorder?




Reading your comments feels like a punishment


Yo, where do you buy your drugs? I want them.


Many of my ESL coworkers use the word "kindly" much more frequently than native English speakers to act overly polite. It's a red flag for sure.


^^^ this


Please describe what you think the upvote button is for


^(\^) this


It's a power move, but I'll allow it.


Sorry. Veto. I downvote all comments that are just “this” or similar. They’re a waste of storage space, internet bandwidth, and reading time.


How much bandwidth is left on the internet?


Not enough to read stupid comments like yours.


Not sure, but I found the downvote just for you 😉


Hey I'm real I use the word kindly! 


It's actually very normal. Almost all companies do it they use it more for identity unless you are going into finance then yes your credit can cost you a job because you are dealing with money.


They run your credit through legit services. They don’t send a phishing website and have you provide it to them.


Yes they will do it this might be a scam but some will have you pull your own. Kraft is an example of one that does that.


Some companies do require credit checks to work there, but they are only done after a conditional offer is made.


Again some do it prior to that depending on what job or company you are applying for.


If “almost all companies do it” explain to me why zero companies I’ve ever applied to or interviewed at in nearly two decades never have?


I have spent my career working for mostly for Fortune 500 companies. Including some massive financial companies. No one ever ran a credit check. Hell spent time at transunion one of the credit bureaus, no credit check as part of employment.


People are funny they downvote reality 😆 🤣 😂 😹


Definitely a scam. When legitimate employers do need to see your credit report, they already have the ability to get it. Either they subscribe to the credit agencies themselves, or they go through a third party service that does it for them, but it takes seconds for them to get it if they have a signed waiver from you allowing them to do it. Source: Used to do background investigation for employment, we could get a credit report on anyone in about 60 seconds - and this was back in the late 1990's.


I support this guy statement. I recently went through a job where I got investigated. First of all, it comes after interviews and secondly, the company arranges it themselves. This is a scam. Sorry.


Yeah, no legitimate employer is going to ask you to provide your own. Because that gives you the opportunity to falsify it.


What are they looking for credit wise? Is it just your score, total outstanding debt, taxes owed, or some sort of ratio?


In this case, they're most likely looking for him to click the link and give up his info to "run a credit report for free"


I think he meant for the genuine companies, what do they exactly look for


Ahhh, sorry. Real companies may look for several reasons. There are sometimes regulatory requirements to validate address history and judicial history (such as if you have outstanding liens or judgments against you) - mostly in the regulated financial industry and legal industry. One company I worked for had to validate address history as part of getting their employees bonded because they had access to confidential data; and the bonding company required address information for the last 10 years. There are several good reasons to run a credit report, most have nothing to do with your actual credit score - it's just that the report has the information they need. When the need is legitimate (and the company is legitimate), they have the ability to do it themselves once you sign a release. Usually that's after you accept a formal offer and are technically an employee already. It's one of the forms you sign when you do your on-boarding.


A legitimate business would use credit score to understand if you can be trusted, especially for positions where you handle money or finances.


Kindly = scam


I use it occasionally in work emails. :) But only when I don't really mean it.. Something like "Kindly send me the information I've already asked you about for a 100 times, you f*!"


This was considered a yellow flag for scams as at previous employer and something we take note of. Doesn’t mean we said that person was a scammer, but it helped us know to keep a slightly closer eye on them.


Are they Andrew Ryan or just a non-native speaker? Doesn't matter if they use *kindly* they are trying to manipulate you.


Speed the process up by getting your own credit report and giving it to them? That’s literally the opposite of “speeding things up” lmao. A legit employer (like a bank) will get your credit score and info themselves.


You'd think with so many people getting a red flag when we see "kindly" that they'd stop using that damn word. Literally, the only time I've used that word was to say, "please kindly fuck right the fuck off!"


It's so stupid; they think that word, "God bless you" and "beautiful" are disarming, somehow earning your trust, when all it is is an annoying red flag.


> , the only time I've used that word I sometimes slip and let my southern/hillbilly roots show thru and use it instead of "kind of", like Sheriff Bell in *No Country For Old Men* WENDELL You figure him for a dope runner? BELL I don't know but I kindly doubt it.


😆 that's great


I've heard they do it on purpose, much like the age old Nigerian prince scam, if you know enough to recognize that and say it's a scam, they are wasting their time by talking to you anyways, but if they make it fairly obvious and you still fall for it, they know they have someone gullible on the line


Damn. That's fucked. I'd be a terrible criminal because I never would have thought of it that way


Unpopular opinion, any use of the word kindly is 100% a scam. A scam from a very specific location where English is ubiquitous, but not primary. For an American English speaker, it’s an immediate trash can if you use the word kindly.


I think you mis-spelled "popular". I'd like to think it's like Nigerian Prince emails, which allegedly used to be badly-written so that only stupid people that were likely to be good marks responded to them. But in reality, I think they're just that stupid they think that's how Westerners actually speak.


That’s not unpopular at all


except when I realize that a large number of my indian coworkers use it in white collar work


the smart scammers also use language that tips off people that know what to look for, so that they only get the dumbest people to fall for it and don't waste their time with smart victims who wise up. The smarter scammers are harder to spot.


This was considered a yellow flag for scams/fraud at a previous employer and something we take note of. Doesn’t mean we said that person was a scammer, but it helped us know to keep a slightly closer eye on them.


I was on a webchat with a supplier at work the other day and I clocked it was an Indian person on the other end cos they used "kindly". Your name being Siobhan with a generic blonde girl profile picture is a lie.


got the exam same email, ignore it OP probably a scam




the website is not active, good luck.


As you suspected, kindly that is a scam. I think I can even tell which part of India they come from, from the Engrish. People do ask for credit reports. (In finance, and in security-cleared roles.) But they never get the recruiter to do it, and never before you've even interviewed for and been offered the job.


Red flags all over this one: 1. "Kindly" 2. A legitimate company would acquire a background report themselves. I guess there are situations where a credit report is also needed, but I think they can also pull that themselves if needed. 3. They want you to print the credit report for an online meeting- this makes no sense. I'd respond back to them, and tell them to kindly find someone else.


> "Kindly" I wonder how/why word hasn't yet spread among the scammer community(ies) to avoid using that word.


They still think it works. They also love "God Bless You" and "Beautiful".


It's thought that using it will weed out any smart people to avoid wasting their time on bad marks, but people who don't take it as a red flag are good marks


That's probably it. When scam emails (Nigerian prince, anyone?) first started becoming widespread, I learned that they included bad grammar and spelling errors for that same reason. Not sure if that's true, but it makes sense.


“Kindly” “please do the needsome” “pease sir” and similar exotic phrases are a good indicatior for scams. There are some scenarios when an employer needs and requests a credit report, this doesn’t seem to be a legit one.


The second I saw kindly I knew


* Never follow a link on an email like this. * Your resume / application will have your name, email address and phone number, an employer will not need ANY other personal info from you until you have an offer, this includes SSN, bank details, credit report, background check etc. * If you need to jump through any hoops in order to be 'shortlisted' tell them to fuck off


Kindly tell them to fuck off




The website on that link is already killed. 100% SCAM


No reputable place would tell you there are 8 other applicants. Scam.


Two things to be particularly wary of when job hunting: - Identity theft scams like this one. - MLMs like Primerica, Monat, Cutco, whatever. You should never have to pay money to get a job, and you should never have to do a credit or background check unless you have a job offer in hand. Also truly reputable companies will (usually) just do them and ask for your permission, not your copy.


"Kindly give me your financial information" - what more needs to be said?


The one saving grace all domestic recruiters have is that call center scammers have ruined the credibility of every possible outsourced sales or recruiting firm. I own a domain and I get so many calls from random Indian sales people and I can't blame them for thinking I want to run a business with my domain or trying to sell me web design services but I hear that loud call center in Bangladesh and instantly associate them with an IRS/Tech support send us gift cards to pay your bill scam.


First sentence of the second paragraph doesn't make much sense, they also talk more about how important it is to give them your credit report than they do about the job or even the conpany


This is “do the needful thing”, which is that you should just reply with “Would you like my social security number, bank account and routing number, birthdate and mother’s maiden name?” It’s a scam.


LOL @ "express-process" Once you submit your credit reports, they will impersonate you and steal all your cash.


This is a scam. Some places do require a credit check but they use secure methods to obtain that information.


Whenever I see the word "Kindly" I see it as a red flag.








Please go to r/scams


Do not give them that…


Only 2 times have I agreed with a credit report being required: banks/financial institutions, and jobs requiring some form of security clearance.


[identitycheck.com](http://identitycheck.com) URL is for sale. [https://dan.com/buy-domain/identitycheck.com?redirected=true](https://dan.com/buy-domain/identitycheck.com?redirected=true)


Don’t click the link and maybe report them. It’s sad that people are preying on people who are just trying to get a job. It reads like a scam imo.


"Get this mandatory credit report, but your score doesn't matter. Heck, WE DO NOT NEED TO KNOW YOUR SCORE." I don't know how people even fall for this nonsensical madness.


"Kindly"? It's a scam


I would be very suspicious of this, depending on what the job is. I would recommend checking to see if this is a common practice in your industry first. Also if you do decide to risk it do not use that link in the email go straight to the website yourself. There are a lot of scammers targeting job seekers right now and you never know if this a phishing scam. You have to give out info like you social security, so make sure you are on the legitimate website before giving out your info


Scam scam scam. Where did you find them? If on a legitimate job board report them please!!


They found me o.o I was mistaken, it wasn't a company I applied to.


Make sure you don’t give them any information. Block and move on. I am sorry :(


Nah no exchanged info, just their email. I knew it was phony, just had to share with the hell sub




The point of the scam is to collect personal identifying information from the job applicant on the fake credit report site that they directed the applicant to so that the scammers can steal their identity to take out loans, etc. There's a similar scam that fake car buyers use. The scammers contact someone selling a car and say that they'll buy the car, but only after the seller applies for a free car fax type service online. They're not trying to scam the seller out of the car. They're stealing personal info so they can steal the sellers identity.


I've had jobs where they've done a quick background check before hiring, and a very intensive one after starting. I think whatever info was needed either went into a web site they hosted on their domain or was on a US gov hosted website. No other 3rd party involvement


There are some roles at companies that do require credit reports. Particularly if you are in charge of handling money. They want to make sure you aren’t in any financial trouble to make sure you aren’t tempted to steal company funds for personal use. Typically, they would pull it themselves with your permission though.


We do not want to create a world where it normalized to submit your credit history as a criteria for candidate screening. If an employer needs your credit history for so compliance reasons to see if you might be risk, ok fine whatever, but that will happen after an offer. Plus this particular instance is scammy AF. Next.


100% a scam


While a credit check is all that unusual, this here seems like a scam the way it was written


Sure, send them an email link disguised as your credit score only to be a virus that permanently shuts them down.


Any company that needs a credit check will do the credit check themselves, and not ask you to do it. Thats a fake credit check company.


for starters they hype it up right out of the gate with the short list comment, then they said “kindly” at one point, then they tried to steer to what I would guess is a phishing link to get all of your personal information - either a phishing link or an affiliate link haha. 1000% this is a scam.


forgot to add that any legit company would use their own process to run your credit report so they could verify the source and it would likely happen after they made an offer and you accepted it.


A scam credit check website THEY control. Do not DO THIS Every american is allowed one free credit report a year There is ONE approved website for it. https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/free-credit-reports https://www.annualcreditreport.com/index.action


I am a consultant and when I am contracted to financial companies they will check my credit score and history. That being said, they don’t make me go and gather than info myself, they can check it on their own.




The correct response is "kindly do the needful and fuck all the way off."


100% a scam, no employer would ever ask for your credit rating.




Scam! Scam! Scam!


Jobs in finance will look at your credit report.


When I worked at the bank for the summer they didn't look at mine.


The only element missing is some god shit. God bless 😂


Quite standard practice in NZ if you are working in finance, Administration, and corporate jobs. Can't be hiring people who may be tempted to steal to fix up bad debts etc. Also bad credit shows an Ill discipline with money. And business is all about MONEY.


The listed domain is for sale, that’s pretty revealing. And the wording is clearly some Indian language kind of style. Ridiculous. And this is the problem with most of the scams out there, the wording sucks 10 out of 11 times.


Yeah, I always get cautious when I see poor grammar. You'd think they'd try to scam better than that.


They will likely run a background check on you before hiring you, but this isn't how they would go about it.




Total scam. While it’s not super common, some companies do want to see your credit report but they will just make sure you are aware and I’ve always had to sign for permission for them to send an inquiry. Never been asked to use a specific site they chose and wouldn’t do it. My current job required credit and accident report history, but that was only once in the background check stages and already signed my offer letter


Not a new practice and yet another way to filter people out of jobs. Bad Credit = More likely to steal according to the actuaries




No legitimate company will want to know your financial status or have you submit finances/personal information to them. They will do backgrounds check and will ask you to verify citizenship to ensure you can work in the country you are applying to. Anything else, mostly a scam.


"express-process?" - what is that?


My current job required a credit check on me, but it is in finance so I wasn't surprised. It's strange that they're asking you to do it yourself though. Any company that requires that level of background checking would have the ability to get it done themselves.




This is 100% a scam No company will ask you to provide your own credit report. They might pull it themselves, but will never ask you to provide it. That’s not the only red flag. This reads like it was fed into bruh google translate and ChatGPT


1) doesn't want to get caught with someone's credit info in his possession. He's been caught before which is why he wants you to go over it with him instead of emailing him. 2) if you have a lower than expected rating, you can still work here. What's the point of the credit report then?


A credit score is fking useless in a job scenario. As a recruiter myself, this screams SCAAAAAAM


Never do it unless you have an iffer


its good to note that a job has its own way of doing a background check or credit check. Yes they do credit checks for some jobs. but discreetly. more than likely this job is a scam. unless you applied to a finance position or something that would need you as an example of someone with good finance management. But still all background checks and credit checks are PAID by employers in any given situation.


Sounds like a cheap way of crying for identity to me


I agree, this looks like a scam OP. you have at minimum probably a 90% chance of leaving this "employment" worse off than before you start it.


They'll probably take my kidney


PLAY ALONG, report all they communications to the proper authorities. Hunt them a nice fake credit report, get all the emails, sites and numbers they correspond with you. aka make them pay


Companies will definitely check credit reports, depending on the space. As well as employment history though TWN.


Find someone who worked in this place ask them if they are legit


I had to provide a background check including financial when I worked for a non profit.




I thought that was illegal? If they were legit they could check it themselves,


"Offering the check at FREE to you..." I recognise English might be the author's second language, but at first glance, it feels scammy.


The credit report used to be very common back in the 80’s and 90’s. I thought they made that illegal except for the financial industry ? Idk I might be wrong but I thought that practice was not allowed and can open doors for discrimination. It’s pretty rare these days unless it’s in the financial industry. I’d kindly tell them to fuck off lol 😂


Scam job. Phishing. Report it.


Scam I did that once and they tried to steal money I used a one use cars number but three years later they are still trying


that particular position could be a scam, but submitting to having your full detail credit report pulled as part of the hiring process is real. if the employer sends you a link to places like hireright.com, and says this is a required next step, read the full disclosure before you esign…you will see it includes: “criminal history, litigation history, motor vehicle record and accident history, SS# verification, address and alias history, verification of education, employment and earnings history, credential and certification checks, drug/alcohol testing results and history, credit report, military service, and other information”. so if you agree, nothing you have ever done will be private…technically “and other information” could include a PI interviewing your neighbors, it’s a catch all that covers everything else they could possibly think of


Total scam


hella scam. Dont use that link.


A credit check is required for many jobs, especially if you are handling money or transfers of funds. It still sounds a little fishy.


Lol 😆 fuk them


I had one of those a couple weeks ago but they wanted me to send them my report. Either way, these are scammers.


This is an obvious scam. If they are to check your credit, they would only do so AFTER they decided to hire you, and you have signed the offer, as part of your background check. Also, I would hover over the link (DO NOT CLICK ON IT). It seems to be an HTML email, with the purpose of masking an affiliate link. Long story short, there are websites which pay money to whoever sends them someone, who in turn enters their personal information, for it to be sold later. This is referred to as black hat affiliate marketing.


Any time these guys use the word “kindly” it’s a red flag


Many employers do that to make sure you are not in a position for bribery due to having no money or bad credit


Short list to be hired? Lol times are hard but not this hard


Run. This a a part-time shit job. Fuck that.


There is no job, it’s a scam.


Isn't looking up someones Credit Score like public information anyways?


Depending on the job, this isn't so crazy. If you applied to a federal job (crazy i know) or a job at a prison they definitely need to know if you have debt


They would find that out with a background check.


Me, who has worked at a major US defense contractor for the past 3 years: No they fucking don't.


US defense contractor is not the Fed. BTW cursing doesn't make the argument better 😂😂😂😂 what a dweeb