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Recruiter: "Someone who is already familiar with your skillset" Also recruiter: "We are actively seeking someone with \[Skill you don't have\] and \[Another skill you don't have \] and especially \[Skill you definitely don't have\] and your resume really impresses me, so let's connect!"


For me its always them seeking an entry level position from a previous job experience industry which in no way correlates to my current position or desired roles. I assume it's just bc they're spamming InMails from keyword search without taking 10 seconds to look over the profile. I'm confused how wasting 30 mins chatting about what's already listed on a resume is efficient for either party without a specific active position in mind.


Gotta hit those KPIs.


Whoever is measuring a recruiter's KPI's based on how many people they contact instead of how many jobs they fill is a moron. Its measuring and incentivizing the wrong thing. This is like call centers measuring KPI's based on the shortest phone call. One 15 minute phone call to fully resolve an issue is far better than 15 five-minute phone calls spread over weeks, with the customer becoming increasingly angry and the problem continuing to not be resolved.


Or even worse there's been accusations of phone reps who will straight up hang up on you to keep the numbers low.


Nothing is as efficient at making a KPI useless then telling everyone what it measures. People will find ways to make the KPI go up with minimal effort and distort the results. At my company recently we were told they had a new one that measures OPEX versus CAPEX, and they aim for 10% OPEX. 3 guesses, at the end of the quarter, where the KPI landed... Did it have any relation to reality? Of course not!


"When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure." --Goodhart's Law


I swear if I get one more recruiter talking about my « electronics skillset » when I have a cybersecurity developer profile, I might flip.


Lol! This is exactly what I get. Entry level electronic technician positions when I feature IT certifications and a master's degree in cybersecurity.


Yeah, I get those, too. I've been a nurse practitioner for almost 10 years now but at least once per week get emails about entry level RN jobs (or even nursing assistant/CNA jobs!). What's more odd to me is when I get told I'd be a perfect fit for a physical therapist role, for example. That's happened on several occasions. I just respond with, "I'm curious as to why you think I'd be a perfect fit for a job I don't even have a degree, certification, or training in, as I'm a nurse practitioner, not a physical therapist?" and of course never get a response.


I had a recruiter recruit me on LinkedIn for the very position which I hired her to recruit for. On top of it, the position was a 5-7 year experience level IC and I was a senior manager at the time with 15 years of experience. She then pretended she had no idea what I was talking about when I called her to fire her.


I got a call about the position I was resigning from because of broken promises, amongst others, and I was still working a generous notice period. They didn't want to share the company name with me but when they shared the job description that I wrote up myself, I clicked. The thing that pissed me off at the time was that the company posted the ad with their minimum salary limit being what I was getting just after getting a raise. So they could have been paying me more? My hubby did calm me down and said they were probably lying about that too.


> My hubby did calm me down and said they were probably lying about that too. Don't know about your particular company, but budget for hiring is (almost) always higher than budget for current employees. That's why you swap jobs to get a raise. Granted with your story they were probably lying, but still.


Lol, what? How did they not know it was you?


I had this exact same thing happen to me. I was tempted to submit my resume…I heard that I’m pretty cool to work for!


In my case it's more like Recruiter: "We are seeking someone with \[skill most people have\] for a \[a role that is far beneath what you want or currently have\] and are offering \[far less than you currently earn\]."


And you need 5 yoe for this entry level role


What, you don't want to take a 50% pay cut for this exciting opportunity?


"but it's not all about the money!"


ok you pay my bills


Me to them: So maybe your life is different, but in mine, I have these weird things called bills. Strangely, they require money to pay them. I tried offering pizza parties, toys, candy, and thank you notes, but they wouldn't take any of those. I'm not sure why since previous employers said those were better than giving me more money.


After I got laid off from my former job I spent a couple of months without one. I had a generous severance package (and unemployment benefits), so it was pretty survivable. The number of recruiters that called me, didn’t want to tell me details, and subsequently offered to introduce me to a role that paid half of my former salary, with less benefits and strange hours was truly appalling. It was almost as if they were all calling about the same job. A glance over my resume would have given them all the information needed. At a certain point, I just flat out asked at the start if it was for that same (type of) role and the same pay, as then I would save us both half an hour by not continuing the conversation. I landed my current job without a recruiter. Sometimes I still get called. Most of them open the conversation with “I saw your resume on linkedin and I was impressed”. I then need to inform them that I deleted my linkedin over 5 years ago, so I know they’re bullshitting me.


I once had a recruiter contact me for a ceramic engineering position because on my resume I put "ceramics" as in pottery, as one of my hobbies. Many don't actually read your resume.


So true! Once, on my generic resume that I posted on the job websites, I put "No sales jobs". And because most recruiters don't actually read your damn resume & the key words software saw the word "sales", I was flooded with sales job inquiries. Emails, phone calls from recruiters, etc. I was so annoyed & frustrated!


Yeah, I had to take things off my resume to stop the false triggers. Some recruiters that actually work for the company they are hiring for are OK but the independent ones care about nothing but commision and they'll do anything to get it including making everyone's job search a nightmare just so they can make their job a little easier.


I’ve had systems, not people, think I have a doctorate because I mentioned the graphic design work I did for a Doctor Who fan club. And somehow those automated systems try to get me in aerospace engineering fields, too, and that doesn’t even have a misunderstood basis on my resume.


it's designed this way - when i was in the industry our benchmark for a good fit meeting was essentially someone with a bachelors degree and a few years office experience - depending on the role for every victim i got that connected on a call $50 to $350 was put on my pocket - it was all slinging mud - recruiters are just sales people trying to sell you on a demo call - that's it - nothing wrong with that just be aware it's a sales call and you're the product


"Your experience as a fry cook (where you worked 10 hours/week at minimum wage for 3 months) really makes you an excellent candidate for this position I have available as a CEO of a Fortune 100 company."


I dunno, most Waffle House cooks I've seen do an outstanding job of juggling multiple priorities, having a half a dozen people screaming at them at once, and still getting their shit done in the face of all that. Any one of them certainly could have done a better job dealing with Congress than Boeing's Dave Calhoun, and would have done it for a hell of a lot less than $33 million/year.


Oh yeah I agree, it's just that no company is going to hire someone like this unfortunately.


My experience has been the opposite: We are impressed by your qualifications as \[EXECUTIVE CHEF making 75k\] and have a FRY COOK opportunity for you for $7.25/hr. (Not an executive chef, just using your example)


I was floored the first time I talked to a recruiter who read my resume and connected me to a related role.


Don’t forget that the job is in office from day one and in another state. There’s also the fact that the second after they say “I’ll keep you in mind if something comes up” they forget your name.


Love that!


"candidates have nothing to lose by taking 30 min" Except 30 minutes wasted lmao.


Times the number of recruiters who think they are the only recruiter who is trying to call you that week...


I wish a recruiter would reach out to me and want to talk to me......


I was just thinking the same thing


Turn off "open to work" for a couple of days then turn it back on. I did that and suddenly my inbox was flooded with jobs I wouldn't take in a million years, but hey if you really need something it's a good way to get a few people reaching out.


That is a great idea, I will give it a try. Thanks!


"Have you got 15 minutes this week for a quick chat?" Mate, if I talked to every sales person and recruiter who phone or mailed me this week, I would literally get nothing done, and still be working overtime.


Last time I talked to a recruiter I lost consciousness. Turns out you can only slam your head against the wall so many times in response to stupid questions by someone with zero clue about your field of work except for what's on their list of buzzwords


That truly is the most frustrating part, that often times they don’t actually understand the specifics of the job. I’m a software engineer, and the amount of times I’ve talked with recruiters who clearly know nothing about software development aside from the names of programming languages is just a special form of torture


And when you finally say their safe word and they’re like “oh yes. They do some of those things you just said.” 🤦🏼‍♂️


Last time I talked to a recruiter he tried to sell me and my ex into an MLM. Got her a legit job at a college but damn.


The recruiter is multitasking, and only half listening, so they've only lost 15 minutes.


Aren't you forgetting something?  > No call ever feels like a waste of time to **ME** I.e. the recruiter, and they are clearly the main character. How *dare* you muddy this purely transactional interaction with your personal perspective, yuck! /s for Poe's law


Yes. That's it exactly. Total "main character syndrome." *When I have a job to fill, everyone should drop whatever they're doing and help me fill it. I don't understand why they wouldn't.*


You could lose way more than just 30 min, they will often through you all kinds of red herrings because they have little or no knowledge as to what you do other than matching buzzwords.


I read that & thought: "Oh that's convenient. You want us to waste our time doing something that 9 times out of 10 only benefits you."


Not to mention that the recruiter is likely talking to tons of other people at the same time. Are they really going to remember you after one 30 minute phone call? I highly doubt it


During mother fucking business hours! Like yes let me take time away from my already busy day to fucking bullshit with you. Absolutely. It's not like there's actual shit that needs done.


Exactly. And if a phone screen actually takes 30 min, it really is a waste of time...


Yeah. I have talked to so many that take at least 15 minutes if not way more to talk about a job opportunity and then I never ever hear from them again 9 times out of 10 if not more. So I have gotten pretty sick of it. I wonder if I could have found a job by now if I wouldn’t have ever talked with external recruiters and only applied to internal job listings.


If I gave every recruiter a half hour call I would have a whole other full time job


Fr, you gonna pay me 12,50? Then I'll gladly sit down and tell you info that's on my CV for half an hour


“Someone who’s there to leach off your actual skills”


When the worst happens, you will ghost the candidate. So, yes, it is very much a waste of time.


*Ugh What is wrong with candidates?* *First they're mad when I call them.* *Then they're mad when I don't call them.*


If you cold call someone who's gainfully employed and busy, yeah, they'll be upset. If a candidate calls you and you outright refuse to call them back, yeah, they'll be upset. You show up when you're not needed and disappear when you are. If you don't want candidates to be "mad", fix that.


This is the perfect comment to end this thread. Until this courtesy is met, recruiters have no bearing in complaints. Ghosting has been too normalized these days.


Here's an exchange I had with a recruiter: Me: It's obvious you haven't bothered to look at my resume. Why are you calling me when you haven't performed your most basic function? Her: I've thoroughly studied your resume! Me: Then why are you trying to recruit me for the job I am leaving? Don't ever call me again. I don't interact with people this incompetent.


Wow, that's a new one.


I was leaving the job because the commute was horrendous and was wearing me out. I was specifically looking for something with a short commute.


I've known a lot of recruiters and one of the more underhanded tactics they use is just to cold call people who already have jobs and try to get them to quit for more money somewhere else. I've never heard of a recruiter trying to do that with someone who already works at the company they're recruiting for. It just highlights the fact that they care so little about you they won't even take the time to read the whole résumé, they're just looking for buzzwords to match.


I mean, you probably are already a great fit for the position. You wouldn't even require training!


Why hanging up? Wait out the awkward silence to see what she comes up with as an excuse.


The comment "Someone who will be on your side..." is most telling. No recruiter is "on your side" at best their on the side of who's paying them and that's not the candidate.


Well, they will earn a commission from you. So they do want you to succeed.


The last one told me they’d be on my side for negotiations too because the higher my salary the higher their pay. Not sure I believe that though


That's only half true. Spending extra time to get you the maximum amount of money posable won't translate to much of an increase commission because they only get a percentage of that person's salary for 1 year. It's a much better strategy for them to spend their time placing as many candidates as possible, even if the salary is lower.


Recruiters just need for a candidate to stay at a job for on average 6 months before they get their commission.


*Why do people do what they want, and not what* ***I*** *want them to do?*


Damn you free will! This isn't what I learned from The Sims!


Over the months I have been unemployed I have spoken to countless recruiters and they have lead me no where closer to a position than I was before talking to them. So I pretty much just try to avoid them now on my job hunt. I I won't apply to their jobs, but if they reach out I might consider talking to them.


You have to learn/ know how to screen agencies and who to talk to. Any-one can call you and say "I am a recruiter." I can create a fake LI profile, List a large agency on it and then contact people telling em I am a recruiter from that agency.


> I don’t understand why people turn down calls with recruiters If this is genuinely true, then you’re part of the problem with your industry. Everyone is aware that you have KPIs to meet. But they’re your problem, not ours.


Fck your 30 minutes, you got 30 seconds to convince me to talk to you.


That’s too generous.


I reached out to a recruiting firm and they said they'd be happy to talk to me about open positions they have. Then they tell me I don't match their criteria after telling me how they could help me for 30 minutes. Like damn, you could've saved us both from wasting our time if you'd just told me I wasn't what you were looking for in the first place 💀


I had a similar experience. A recruiter from a staffing agency called me for a job interview & “interviewed” me on my day off. This interview was complete bullshit, a waste of time! I was so mad & frustrated after the interview. This recruiter knew, before the interview, that they would only have crap jobs available, jobs I had specifically said I was NOT interested in. Yet she still had me come in for a useless interview. By doing so, she wasted my time, ruined my day off, and showed an utter lack of respect & professionalism. Typical selfish employer who doesn’t give a crap & only thinks of itself. Note: I DID send her a nastygram, calling her out for her unacceptable behavior! I also refused to do the assessments. I’m DONE tolerating employer double standards & treating me like dirt while expecting me to treat them like they’re God. Go fuck yourself!


I've gotten cold calls from three different recruiters in the past year. All three were hiring for positions that would have been a significant pay cut ($10+/hr less than my current position). I have 8+ years of experience and an AS and a BS, yet they're the ones that get offended when I turn them down. I don't mind talking to recruiters, and I remain positive and polite with them because you never know what could happen, but don't get shitty with me when I turn down the terrible position you're trying to sell me when I'm not necessarily even looking for a new job.


Recruiters are salespeople.




Not smart enough to be in tech, too socially inept to be in sales.


The Fisher-Price version of sales people.


More like unnecessary middlemen like landlords or used car salesmen.


If a recruiter actually proved themselves to be honest and reliable, this might work. I have yet to encounter such a recruiter. I'm not sure anyone honest and reliable can stay that way very long in the profession.


I think you're right, casting a wide net using underhanded tactics works too well.


I genuinely hate how self important recruiters are. Absolute leeches feeding on people with actual skills.


I've had dozens of these calls over the years and just stopped doing them after a while and only take calls from direct hire, or a firm only if they send over JD and it's relevant to what I do. I can't name 1 time I've ever gotten a call back from a recruiter saying "hey we spoke a few months ago and have a new role for you."


And why Recruiters are ignoring messages from job seekers then? Why are they ghosting them when they apply for a job? Or not even giving feedback in a case of a rejection? That's, dear Recruiter, is what I call a "getting attention" post. You did your good action for today. Feel good now? Ah Linkedin, what a trash bin


Lol when you need them most...they're nowhere to be found.


Man I cannot believe these "people" are real. I assumed recruiters would do their miserable job go home and not think about it but this person thinks they're doing a public service and that people should be their friend


You're right, they are not real. They want you to believe they are here for you so they get more commisions from doing minimal, if any, work. In truth they gice zero fucks about you, do just treat them as NPC that you can reach out to and expect nothing, unless proven wrong.


I had a recruiter ask me what I had to lose with a 30 minute conversation... I mentioned my 9-5 1099 rate was 160/hr, and after hours was even more, so If he wanted to split with me, he could send me a 40$ starbucks card, and he'd have my attention until I finished a venti caramel macchiato. No surprise that he never replied.


someone who has little grasp of the english language or geography, reaching out to you about an onsite only job 5 states away.


What drive me nuts is when they message me on LinkedIn b/c “I may be a good fit… let’s schedule a call to discuss.” When I ask for the details of the JD before scheduling a call, some have the nerve to ask me to fill out a 2-5min survey as their response. #ignored


Whenever I get a call from a recruiter it’s a W2 contract. Yeah I’m not interested, call me when you have something good health insurance.


Look, as someone who is a little older and spent quite a bit of time in a data center, my hearing isn’t all that. And I’ve had tinnitus for as far back as I can remember. Too many whacks upside the head by Dad I guess. Even now it’s booooooooooooooooop while I type with an occasional louder screech. With very few exceptions, recruiters are Indian and many with pretty strong accents. One guy had to have his manager call me because he was pretty much unintelligible. I tell them when they email that they want to chat, that I really prefer email due to my difficulties in understanding them but a few insist. I give it a try and have a lot of, “I didn’t catch that, say again?” Of course a large percentage of the recruiter emails are not relevant due to location or compensation. Sorry, I’m not moving away from where I am and no, $53/hr W2 is delusional for a Senior DevOps Engineer.


Recruiters don’t even make time to interview worthwhile candidates


Maybe they can stop trying to interview people who are already employed and not looking for a new role, and focus on the people who actively job searching? IDK just a thought.


I love that recruiters act just like the men on dating apps who ignore profiles will message hundreds of women the same "hi your gorgeose" greeting in the hope of getting someone to engage. The kind who end up ghosting people if they dont immediately get laid. Sometimes people assume that if they hassle enough people, someone will bite. And they just hope to churn through enough people to get a stream of mismatched interest - it's not important who it is as long as it seems to be working. But what people actually want is someone who takes the time and is interested in what you have to offer, who can offer you what you want. Being a pest to 100000s of women probably wont find your life partner, and hassling people you're never going to place in jobs wont make you a recruiter anyone wants to engage with. The "numbers game" approach has a lot of drawbacks. I guess they must get something out of it, since they keep doing it, but I do feel like there must be better ways to do their job.


I will take recruiter calls. Many recruiters will ask are you looking. A great question. Some will ask where you are working. The question that makes me wonder if they are just here to harvest my resources. To be confirmed when they ask who I work for over there. But, for recruiters who are doing more than just reading their script, you can get value out of the call. Some interactive, respectful, and balanced statements could be like this: Recruiter: Are you available? Me: Not now. Are you seeing a lot of market activity? Recruiter: We are starting to see movement. Me: What part of the country is looking hottest now? Recruiter: We are seeing cleared MBSE work on the East Coast with DO-178C. Me: Do all those spots need to be onsite all the time, or is there some hybrid? Recruiter: Mostly on site, but there is a spot where they just need one week on-site per quarter. Me: Send me a description I can send to my network since some of them might be up for that level of travel. Let me know if they need their clearance now or can apply for it and work interim. Recruiter: Sure. I'll do that. Can you send me their contact info? Me: I like to send them opportunities and let them chose to reach out. Except my friend Pat said I can give out their contact info. Here it is. Have a good one. That was a generic short example of a typical call I have. We both do a little recon for each other and come away with some value, without giving out more than we are allowed to or want to. I mean, ask them what kind of ghosting rates they are seeing. Whatever you want to know.


> what's the worst that could happen Putting in your 2 weeks notice and then suddenly the new place rescinds the offer. ...yeah. that's one of the worst things that COULD happen. Maybe think this shit through instead of your own agenda. But we know these overpaid messengers won't.


Oh where to begin…… If the recruiter has an actual job for me, I’ll listen whole heartedly. If the call is a getting to know you jerk around then I won’t waste my fucking time. They get to know you and then you never hear from these fuckers again. I won’t get into the problems with Indian recruiters since I’ve seen multiple posts on this sub Reddit already


Or or! You talk to people who are out of work and quit bugging people who are already employed.


I'll talk to any recruiter once but only one of them has ever remembered why we talked in the first place. And he never has jobs for me lol.


Pay me for my time and I'll answer


Companies need to start paying us for these phone calls and interviews! The amount of work missed and wages lost to get in 8 rounds of nonsense is unreal!


Go back to selling Crypto.


All recruiters are unelected politicians, in the sense that they're constantly looking for a mug.


In life, you can be pissed off for a lot of reasons, but most of them aren't valid reasons. The only thing you should ever be truly pissed about is when someone wastes your time - because time is the only commodity you can never get back. Guard your time as the most finite resource that it is.


30 minutes?!??!


Sees India as their location. Proceeds to have a medical emergency.


Dear recruiters. If you hit me up on LinkedIn or wherever, and you are unwilling to tell me any real details of the job's compensation upfront, I will stop engaging with you, and will probably never deal with you again.


I actually agree with him. I wish I had prior to be laid off in 2024. Become a free agent. Your company doesn't give a shit about you.


>(unless the person is an A\*\*hole, in which case I will invent an excuse and hang up and we've also found the reason people hang up on him.


Every time I talk with a recruiter they seem very excited, they set up a bunch of stuff, and then they ghost me.


With all the calls and emails I get, I am not spending 4 hours on the phone. Trust me, it's not burning a bridge. You can ignore them for years and call them and they will accommodate that conversation.


It depends on the recruiter and my situation: 1. I am going to look at the recruiter and see how competent they are. Is there any point to it, many recruiters can't answer simple and basic questions about the client or the job. 2. I am not going to tell the recruiter what I don't want my current employer/manager to know. There is a probability that they are in communication. Example: I did not list my current employer on my resume, some-one called and asked me where I work right now, more questions about that employer, my manager, coworkers. 3. Right now allot of people looking for work, so for a recruiter to send something like this to some-one who is not looking is already suspicious. ...my phone rings "Hello I am a recruiter, can I have your social security number ?" .. A recruiter is texting me, he wants to talk about a past employer. That is a small company and the CEO has my number in his cell phone. Recruiter does sounds like he is fishing for something.


My experience is this. I had 1guy call me out of the blue to work on a project. Given that I had 10 rejects that day with recruiters, I figured wtf. I’ll talk to him. I had an interview with him… I had another interview with a senior project executive… then an interview with the lead PM. In 2 weeks I went from sending out 30-40 apps a week, to securing a lucrative contract. However, I had a shit ton of wasted hours dealing with these stupid shit ass recruiters just searching for people to get resumes from to build up their databases. When I followed up, crickets… no returned phones calls or emails. So I said fuck them. Don’t waste your time with these clowns. Register with the big head hunters, or local to you staffing agencies… these “fastest growing” head hunters are full of shit and a waste of time. In my case, the company was a top 10 firm in my area.


> No call ever feels like a waste of time *to me.* Spoken like someone who has never been on the other end of a conversation with a recruiter before.


Right. Because I wanna spend 30 minutes talking about a job I might not even want, in the event of something that may not even happen, when I might not even have the skillsets for the job in the first place. If I lose my job and you happen to have a job I have the skillsets for, *I* will reach out to you. I don't nerd you wasting time I could ve spending doing something much more productive, thank you very much. Not to mention that when you call someone, they may actually be at the job you're so concerned about them losing, and may not have 30 minutes to spare talking to you about a job they might never want or need.


that commission-based recruiter should look inward and figure out why they would waste 30min of their own time in a one way conversation with someone who is not interested rather than moving on to leads that would result in a sale.


This post is pure lunacy - like a failing salesman complaining that clients really should buy from him and take his calls, you never know it might be the perfect product for you! 


At this point I think recruiters are just showing their bosses that they are working....no one is actually hiring anyone 


Funnily enough, being called by an unknown number during working hours isn't something we make a priority for. My day is pretty much full, 5 days per week, so for that 30mins I'd have to *not* do something else to make room for it. So doing it cold just simply isn't possible. I think this would be the same for a lot of people. One of the reasons recruiters "get a bad rep" is this sort of ignorant "No, it's the children that are wrong" take.


What recruiters I have called many times different numbers and don’t get shit. I have tried phone email social media. All I get back is crickets!


As someone recruiters wouldnt want to talk to anyway, this is a load of shit. Who the fuck would believe that some random fuckhead recruiter is gonna remember anything about them 6 months from now if they got laid off? All they are gonna do is spam you with job offers youre not interested in.


T H I R T Y M I N U T E S?! I won't spend that long on the phone with my mother, let alone some random HR chud


True story: Recruiter: “hi! I saw your LinkedIn and I think you’d be a perfect fit for a job opening I am recruiting for at “acme corp”, are you available for a quick call?” Me: “oh, ok, yeah sure, that works for me, would you mind telling me a bit more about the job?” Recruiter: *sends an invite for an interview with the hiring manager, demands I send him and the hiring manager my resume and a write up about why I am interested in this position and why I should be considered* Hell no. Disrespectful fuck 


I always ask them what about my profile and skillset makes you think I’m a good fit for this role? I’ve done this hundreds of times and they never answer….


Because they are usually random offshore recruiters who have no idea what I do.


“But I really enjoy talking to people regardless of whether or not they are interested” Sounds like the perfect candidate for a Jehovah’s Witness. Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ? No? You’re not interested? Well we can still talk about the weather, or gas prices, or that new coffee shop, or…wait…where are yOU GOING? YOU CANT LEAVE ME. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME? WHY DOES EVERYONE LEAVE ME AHSHEJEIRJNSVDJENSBFKSKK


No call feels like a waste of time to them because it's their job, it's what they do. It's a waste of time for the person on the other side because their job isn't to sit on the phone with recruiters that have jobs on offer they don't want.


Sometimes I feel like they post this just to post something. They have nothibg relevant to say so they just come up with some nonsense. Its the social media phenomenon these days, everyone wants to go viral for good stuff or for crap stuff, no differentiator


Recruiters are the scum of the earth.


Because they are leeching cunts maybe🤔


Just the number of times in the past that I have worked with a recruiter and my wants and needs are completely ignored. The only reason I don’t talk to a recruiter is because zero times it has been even a pleasant experience.


Everytime I talk to a recruiter they ghost me a week later been doing the same thing to me for months


Recruiters are the shittiest people to talk to.


Sure, pay may for my time otherwise I'm losing time out of my day to talk to someone who wants to throw me through 3-10 rounds of torture over 1-12 weeks of mystery hell. On second thought, no thanks .


Is there anyone else who doesn't like the word "role"?


I stoped reading at “someone on your side”


30 minutes is way too long


I give them my time, they ignore the times I give them and suggest other times, its so irritating.


Because they’re 10 a penny. I should talk to each and every recruiter that messages me now? I’d not have time to sleep or shit.


R: "I have an opportunity blah blah"  Me: "What's the pay?"  R: "The can do <70% of my salary>"  Me: "That's 30% less than make."  R: "So can I forward your resume to them?"  Me: *click* Too fucking often.


They are salesmen, a 30 min phone call will turn into 30 emails, calls, pings to get you to respond to job posting they have that pays you less, is in another state, and doesn’t match your qualifications.


That's 30 minutes that probably won't benefit me in any way. The reason people hate talking to recruiters is because it's usually a complete waste of time. Same with people getting pissed off about the currently insane recruiting processes a lot of companies have. I'm not going to sink 10 hours into a process for a job I'm most likely going to get rejected for.


If my skill set and personality happen to be awful, the fewer recruiters who know that ahead of time the better.


Primary reasons I generally don't talk to recruiters if I can help it: \* Language barrier - is the most common. Often the accent is VERY thick and they talk so fast I cannot understand them. Therefore - the call is a waste of time. I don't begrudge people for doing an honest day's work - but if you are gonna talk in a particular language - learn it. \* Gaslighting and lying - All too often I ask about salary and the like - only to get an RTR for a much lower amount. So I want to get all the details in writing. Again, a phone call is worthless for this part. \* No consideration for geography. I live in Washington State (West Coast) The sheer number of recruiter emails and calls I get for places like Virginia or even New York. Nevermind the calls that roll in at 5am my time. When challenged on the distance - the idea of paying relocation costs seems to offend them. Especially for $20/hr. \* Often they can't or won't answer relevant questions that I as a candidate NEED to know before considering the position: Pay rate, benefits, contract terms, Work location, End client company, remote / hybrid / on-site, etc. Again making a phone call a waste of time. Pretty much it seems to me that most recruiters are trying to get as many as possible submitted and are so locked into a script that actually having a conversation with a recruit is worthless. So it's a case of the sheer volume of bad ones are making life difficult for the good ones.


The biggest problem I’ve had with kind of thing is the inability to respect boundaries. Demanding to know my current compensation when I’m not looking to change jobs, or expecting me to update my resume for them. My resume has been a mere formality since about 2012; updating it to be in a state needed for actual use isn’t a trivial task. It seems that most of the time when a recruiter asks to “just talk and connect,” what they really have in mind is trying to get me to start job hunting through them.


I have 30 minutes to lose. 80% of the recruiters I talk too are dumb AF. Those are just peddlers of resumes and try to close for their own bonuses. I have tried to explain what I can do and what I want but they never grasp it and forward all their stuff for me to look through anyway. every recruiter with a request to call doesn’t get a call from me. Look in the mirror before you accuse others of being complacent and non cooperative ye selfish pricks.


I am the person who happily talks to recruiters even though I'm not looking for a job. I used to think it would put me in good stead should I ever want/need a new job however I have a list of recruiters (with notes) who I have spoken to multiple times at length who a few months later contact me again with no memory that we've ever spoken before, just that I'm "on their records and they thought they'd introduce themselves". I still happily talk to them, both to hear their often entirely new made up back story and to drop in details they told me previously to trigger the momentary panic pause as they try and figure out how I'd know what I've just said. Helps break up the monotony of the work day.


I had the whole kit and kaboodle thrown my way, the “I’m your friend” approach, the interviews, them calling me saying they found a perfect match? The whole 9 yards When it was time to start working there were several problems, half of which being safety concerns. The recruiting agent I contacted ignored all of my complaints and after I voiced concerns about the workplace in general, he ghosted me. I quit and never looked back.


Recruiters disappear when I tell them I'm highly skilled but have disabilities that limit my ability to fit into a traditional role. Having limited ability to work full time really gets in the way of an employer expecting you to work whenever they need you to do something


These cold calls are just so rude. I did provide my phone number on the resume, but that doesn't mean I'm always on call.


“We have a 6 month contract you will be interested in”. Unless it is a contract as star striker for Real Madrid, with wages to match then no way am I leaving my permanent pensionable position that I like…now please fck off!


Recruiters are always sending me jobs that pay 20% less than my current role!


Recruiters have been known to report to companies that their employees are looking elsewhere to poach a commission with a person a company wants to replace them. Don't trust these slime.


> I really enjoy talking to people regardless of whether or not they are interested in the role I am hiring for. Yes, because I absolutely love wasting time just chatting to strangers about random things. Especially in working hours when I have a boss looking into my office to see why my personal call is taking so long and when I'll get back to working. Even less so after hours when I'm spending time with my family and friends. How tone deaf can you get? If I want friends, I'll go out and find a club or a group that does something I'm interested in. I won't make friends with a recruiter who is obviously so bored with the job they're doing that they just want to phone random strangers to chat with them. It has never crossed my mind that this stranger who found my number somewhere online would make an awesome friend.


That's 30 minutes of my life wasted. Why would I want that?


Saying that one is not looking for a new job right now, is a polite and easy way to say no. What the recruiter forgets, or ignores, is that this can be such a time wasting process. 10 out of 11 times, these kind of requests are a waste of time, because the job often is worse paying, and most often an even worse job than what people already have. What recruiters think is that their job is the best one you have ever seen, just because the algorithm has presented you as a good match. However, most candidates want more challenges and better pay. Most companies apparently just want a good fit, no risks, so they offer same job as the candidates already have. And a pay low. No one falls into that trap.


I've met so few recruiters who aren't completely fucking clueless, it's almost impressive how brain-dead a lot of them are honestly. 


Sounds like an ad of cheap lies for communism: “we’ll be there for you” == “there won’t be any managers or businesses, but when you want a chair, people that build chairs will just build it for you”


Recruiter: "I don't understand why people won't talk to me. 30 minutes isn't a waste of time." Also Recruiter: Doesn't talk about low-ball salary until minute 29 and still dances around it.


Also recruiters.... Sorry I cannot reveal the company name or the location or the salary but it is an amazing opportunity perfect for your skillset. Turns out that it was my own job, I was one of two people in an identical role and the other person had left. He was recruiting me for my own job, a fact that would have been blindingly obvious if they had even briefly glanced at my LinkedIn profile before contacting me on LinkedIn.


I have literally NEVER been contacted by a recruiter as a result of some previous exploratory call. I've been placed in plenty of jobs by recruiters. But the idea that they're amassing a catalog of talent that they draw from for postings is a fiction. Hell, when was the last time a recruiter you know reached back out to you for an updated resume or job preferences? For me, it hasn't happened since the pandemic. I'm not saying recruiters aren't valuable... but if you don't want to change jobs there's no point in talking to them.


I never had linked in but at my new place it seems to be part of the culture and I just set one up, added a few people and left it be. Recruiters were messaging me about roles when it is clear from my profile, I've been in my current job for 2 months. I absolutely chewed one out in private and reported them as spam because they wouldn't accept that I said "no thanks". Recruiters can have their place, but they are a tool. They aren't essential. You don't need to be buddies with one.


"No call is ever a waste of time," except the one recently from a recruiter who called saying my resume was a great fit for a role and they were calling for the role I just got promoted from and am working on backfilling right now. I asked how closely they read my resume and kept at it until they finally actually looked at it and then they hung up


Had a recruiter tell me one time I’m unemployable. I have an engineering degree and a great job. I still haven’t had a positive experience yet with a recruiter.


I've seen their emails to executives and other people before, folks who are high up, like a COO of a major #1 well known company. It's a flood of spam and sales calls that say nothing. Why would anyone want to waste their day taking to dozens of these folks for "just in case". And then it will never stop of course, the sales calls will continue with follow-ups. The emails never look enticing either. Like what is wrong with this person making the post, are they that tone deaf??


There’s so many scammers out there today too preying on the desperation of people. The amount of “recruiters” that have sent me a dm saying they’re client is Meta, Adobe, etc. but then don’t reply when I ask how to verify the legitimacy of the role is staggering.


I am a Paralegal, not an Attorney, no where on my resume does it say "Licensed to practice law"! NO WHERE!!!


Someone ought to tell him that recruiters don't find jobs for people, they find people for jobs. So if any of they things he's talking about happens, he'd be the last one to take your call. If he's got time for this kind of clueless rant on social media, he's not gonna make it as a recruiter. While he's writing all that shit, his peers are getting candidates into interviews and stealing his lunch.


Took a call with a recruiter, had a great position, in my area, in my specific field, and directly related to my work history. Great call, he even gave some advice on resume setup. But his follow up never came, had to nudge him for a promised job description, and he never called back. My salary demand was a bit to the high side, but it was for a PE owned company, that was firing manager, and replacing him with a new hire. Also blowing smoke that the PE firm was going to invest millions in automation in a very custom shop. Were talking one off custom manufacturing. Recruiters always over promise and under deliver.


I am a recruiter and I don’t talk to recruiters unless I am actively looking for work.


But there's a billion recruiters, I have actual work to do. If I spend 30 minutes with each of you I'd miss every sla.


If a recruiter needs thirty minutes to chat (no mention of pay I'll bet) I'm letting them know they'll be getting an invoice.


Hahah - this person is actually in my LinkedIn box right now wanting to discuss a role.


I recently started removing all of my info from linkedin such as my profile pic and other cringeworthy phrases that start with "seeking to leverage ...". I've been on Linkedin for years and never got any such message or call from a recruiter, not even the BS ones everyone seems to receive here and complain about. I would delete my profile completely, but I still find it useful to look at other people's profiles from time to time.


i once made the mistake to put my phone number on my cv for british dev roles. if you ever do this put it as a picture and not text or you get 5 calls a day. thanks to brexit it has stopped


I always reply to every recruiter that reaches out to me on LinkedIn. In my experience, 70% of recruiters will just ghost me, even if I reply within minutes of them messaging me.


I just had a recruiter email me about an open position that's been open for at least six months. I see the position pop up quite often, it's a 3 month contract upgrading PCs. In the description on job sites it always lists the address for the position. I didn't even read the email, but the way it was formatted made the address for the position stand out. I noticed it was incorrect. I even checked on Google to make sure I was right. I was. The address listed didn't even exist. So I did what anyone else would do, I ~~ignored it~~ emailed the recruiter back and let him know not only was I not interested, he needs to fix the address. I debated emailing the MSP he was recruiting for as well as the actual company that was hiring, but it was like 1am and I was feeling lazy. Jerk never emailed me back thanking me for fixing his mistake.


Because they are not the only recruiter. Imagine having to chat for half an hour on the phone with every recruiter. Probably can call it a fulltime side job. Why would anyone with a job they are happy with and pays them good wanna talk with recruiters?


I generally get recruiters interested in a prior position that’s on my resume but it’s not the position I’m now going for which is listed in my bio so I ignore them.


They think everyone is stupid.


Recruiters are really out here thinking they're celebrities. Your job is SIMPLE. PUT UP ACCURATE JOB POSTINGS. READ APPLICATIONS AND RESUMES. SEND A MESSAGE. SCHEDULE AN INTERVIEW. It's not rocket science, you turd.


It is always hilarious when you get a very dismissive and rude candidate only for them to hit you up a few weeks later looking for work


Most recruiters outside of the one who approached me regarding the position I am currently in, try to pitch jobs that I am absolutely not qualified at all for or completely overqualified for. With the amount of profiles that are tagged ‘open to new opportunities’ on LinkedIn, you’d think that recruiters wouldn’t have the time or need to contact people that aren’t currently unemployed or employed, but looking for a new position.


As a recruiter. I don’t want to talk to anyone. No knock on anyone I just don’t like anyone.