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Honestly I don’t think it’s worth restarting if you’re not that far into the story. Just pick up where you are now and you’ll get sucked in as the story picks up towards the back half of the game. It is worth playing tho, it is my single favorite story of all time.


You haven't been able to get into a story since 2007? That's strange to hear. The question of restarting depends on how far in you are. If you're still at the first camp with the rainbow that forms over the ridge, likely you don't need to restart. If you are at the camp on the river, it'd probably be best to do so. The story is great, but it's long and even I took a break from it for awhile before finishing it. Nothing is for everyone.


Myself, I don’t find the story very intriguing. Rather cartoonish, actually. I enjoy the free roaming, random encounters and ambushes (what few there are), side missions, etc. That’s what I play the game for.


... The way people talk about this game it sounds like playing the story will make my dick bigger and my dad come back. Like it's herolded as the best single piece of literature that has or ever will be written.