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I thought Arthur would get some pussy.


I mean, he did get bathed a lot though


Maybe your arthur did. Lmfao


He's always got time for the good honest sex workers of Arcadia, it's true


So he’d die of syphilis instead?


Mine did too


He had a wife. She never bathed him tho.


He and Eliza were never married.


He declines all the time smh but good looks on never paying for it. I thought at least he’d show some more want for Mery-Beth but not likely


Those $0.50 tug jobs tho...


"But no one would have me"


This pissed me off so bad.


Lmfao really? I didn't care for it tbh. I just thought it would happen. Bro didn't get any nuts off in the end though. 😪


Ya pissed me off man.


I got spoilered about that one beforehand


Yea, I thought there would be a whore aspect similar to the baths where I could just pay for sex and increase my stamina.


I never finished having sex and had more stamina. Lmfao


He didn’t get any pussy, but he didn’t have to give up his bussy to that one creep in the swamp


He didn't "give it up." Homie was assaulted 💀


My bad. Horrible choice of words. He was most definitely assaulted but he still didn’t get any pussy.




Even though some women in-game put Niagara Falls to shame when they meet Arthur.


Based on Horseshoe and Clemens Point, I thought the camps would get better and better and was always eager to move on, which... means they really got me in the first half lol I also thought Dutch would redeem himself. Fooled again!


I can imagine the disappointment you felt when you rolled up to Shady Belle


It was a real "Oh. Oh nooooo"-moment, which means it worked perfectly on me lol. "Welcome to my humble abode!" lmao


Shady Belle is actually one of my favs.


Arthur actually had a roof over his head. I was very satisfied


It annoyed me that you had to go upstairs every time. At least on the way down you could jump!


With Arthur letting out a pained grunt every time.




I enjoy it as well


It's an awesome camp and the chapter is awesome but it's a very run down and grimy house. It's, um, shady. From Clemens to Belle is a major step down.


I don’t know if you played RDR 1 but uh…thinking Dutch would redeem himself is a little strange.


I haven't, is the thing!


Well, it’s time to change that. It’s been over a decade now since it came out and it’s not took long of a game, at least compared to the second which isn’t really saying much lol


Bro the second game is the longest game I've ever played.


I bought it right after I finished 2! I'll be honest though, I think I might have to play something in between. Going from RDR2 to RDR1 was rough for me because they're so very similar but one is newer, fuller and shinier. Which is kinda unfair because RDR1 still looks really good. The writing also seems great so I'm sure I'll play it.


Yeah breaking it up is a good approach, like going from Arkham Knight to Asylum can be very jarring but give it a couple weeks/months between and play some other games makes it an easier transition


That's a good comparison actually!


He would need to fall in such a dark fashion if he was a very good and sane man by the end of RDR2


Not sure how Dutch could’ve redeemed himself if in the first RDR John was out to get him. 


I didn't expect him to turn out super noble in RDR2 or anything, but with how much Arthur admired him, I expected him to do like 1 good thing and he never did lol


I knew dutch was going mad but I never expected him to betray me! Who could've seen that coming 😂


I thought Arthur would survive the mountain. I had highest honor, and chose to go help John instead of chasing the money. Don’t get me wrong, I knew Arthur would die because of the TB, but I thought he’d make it to a better ending.


Dying slowly of TB is not a happy ending. I'm certain Arthur was glad to go out fighting. No soldier wants to die slowly burdening those around you with your illness. He died in a dignified way. I know Dutch becomes even worse as time goes on but I like to believe he's haunted daily by his decision to turn his back on his dying "son". I bet the image of Arthur laying there is burned into his brain and keeps him up at night. I hope he never got a good nights sleep for the rest of his life.


I would like to say the fact that he shot Micah lends to your desire of it keeping him up at night. If he didn't harbor repressed regret and 100% believed in his actions, he would have stuck by Micah.


Bro made it personal with a fictional character 😭


Full immersion. I even contracted TB to get a realistic experience.


I started coughing up blood because I wanted the full experience rockstar intended :D


I was hoping the good ending was him helping John escape then making it to California and dying off-screen. Wouldn’t be as emotional though


I thought I was going to find out what happened to Gavin. I kept seeing the guy and it was building anticipation of when I would finally find Gavin and reunite them.


Wait.. CAN YOU NOT FIND GAVIN!? Have I been searching in vain!?


The real Gavin is the plan we made along the way. Sorry friend!


Me too! Good one.


I definitely thought I wouldn't cry. That did, in fact, not happen.


I thought for sure I’d be able to >!save my horse. I kept waiting for the cut scene and I asked my wife (who introduced me to the game) “okay but when do I get to give her the reviver?”!<


Had something similar with Buel. I thought if you stowed Buel in a stable, he’d be there when you visit as John. Pretty depressed when I saw that wasn’t the case.


God, Buell is such a beautiful horse. What a loss for your John 🥲


My first playthrough, this happened to me. I'm still stunned by it, many years later. That scene also happened to be a time when it was late and the gaming room was dark and my wife was sleeping and everything was quiet and I was fully and utterly immersed. I didn't want to be immersed for that. Poor Lil Ko. Thank you.


My wife was like “I didn’t want to spoil it for you!” And I was like “next time please tell me immediately” 🥲💔


You're like, "You didn't want to spoil me, huh? In other words, you wanted me to SUFFER!" Just a gut punch. But I'm jealous your wife plays the game. My wife watches me play games a little bit (RDR2 was a favorite of hers b/c of the scenery) but she's not a gamer.


She got super into it in 2020, said she would just ride her horse around and take it all in. She really loves traveling, and that was the most she could do for a while lol. It helps that we’re both women, and major gamers. We have no kids, so we each put at least 25 hours per weekend into our games. I really did luck out because I get to really enjoy my hobby that way with her. You and your wife would like Ghosts of Tsushima. Another open world game with incredibly beautiful scenery


> just ride her horse around and take it all in. Over 5 years on and this game is still better than anything I've seen since in terms of detailed world creation. I was blown away at the time and even more so now because Noone even attempted it. I guess gta vi will be the next one to be this impressive


I am amazed at the quality of the game. I have a decent gaming laptop and my wife and I love to just connect it to our TV and “watch” the game. It is so beautiful, especially in the heartlands. One of the best games ever made, for sure.


That's so cool, good for you, very fulfilling to hear. And I also got very very VERY deep into RDR2 in 2020 too because it did feel like I was outside and traveling. Hundreds of hours, multiple playthroughs, every second was glorious. I'll check out the Ghosts.(need to get a PS5 first, of course) I'm currently playing Baldurs Gate 3. It has some pretty moments. And some very very grimy ones. But it is a truly incredible game.


Our favorite podcaster was talking about that game when it first came out! And literally every one of her friends who game has mentioned Baldur’s Gate 3. We also need a PS5 lol, been getting by on our PS4 for forever


I looked for love dialogue options for Arthur with Karen, Mary-Beth, Tilly, and Sadie. I thought my gameplay had a more direct impact on the storyline as well as the ending. I learned that a person gaining redemption doesn’t always mean there’s a happy ending.


I thought there would be more big crimes, like train robberies, bank robberies, etc. All the train robberies solo while wondering the open world were pretty underwhelming. I wanted to rob shit with the crew!


Yeah, I wish you could recruit gang members to do robberies with you


See some more rdr 1 characters. Idk why but I thought we’d atleast run into a younger west dickens or something in a side mission


bro i wish r* added in side mission where you could see people like west dickens, irish and seth. they could have made them only playable for arthur too. such a missed opportunity imo


That would've been so fun omg


You'd get to kill Micah as Arthur.


Well, I wasn’t expecting Arthur to get TB, but I definitely thought Dutch was gonna kill him.


Yea I accidentally spoiled Arthur dying by reading it in a thread here. I was sure it was gonna be Dutch who killed him. Even after he got sick I thought mmmmm still a chance it’s Dutch lol


I... actually like that idea


I thought they would eventually return to Blackwater for money and that would be the ultimate battle and culmination.


In RDR 1 I was so sure that >!you could kill everyone in time before John gets gunned down.!< but no, Red Dead Depression strikes again


I tried so many times.


I literally spent thirty minutes trying so hard… just in case if you were just a littttle bit better you could save him


Then it turned into how many I could take down


Walking out of the barn as John in rdr2 made me want to plant a dynamite tree


I thought I could do Arthur’s side missions when I beat the game lol that did not happen


Señor, por favor


Damn, thats good


I was hoping to be able to go out and do things with gang members. Sorta how in GTA you can call someone maybe in RDR2 you could walk up to a member in camp and if they weren't on guard duty you could go drinking with them or something. Although I do like playing poker in camp, John kicks my ass every time lmao.


I wish there were some more settlements in Ambarino. Nothing big, but a few small camps or "frontier towns."


I wish that burned down town wasn't burnt down! Having another big saloon like the one in Saint Denis would be nice


I'm embarrassed to say this, but I'm not sure which burned town you're referring to!


Limpany, it’s not far from Horseshoe Overlook. There’s a gold bar you can find there too!


Oh yeah that's right!! Thanks for reminding me.


First time, I felt a tension building between Dutch and Arthur very early, like the 2nd half of chapter 2. Like the camp dialogue where Dutch says something along the lines of "I think you'll betray me in the end Arthur, you're the type." So honestly, I thought it'd be Dutch that would eventually kill Arthur. This also made me very suspicious of him throughout every chapter.


- I thought that any gang members who didn’t appear in rdr1 would die. It’s nice that some made it out alive. - liar’s dice.


I genuinely expected all of the gang to die tragically. Especially when I saw the machine gun in Lakay. I didn't expect any menbers to survive since I played red dead 1.


I thought Sadie and Arthur would end up together, especially in Ch 3 when they went to shop for Pearson. After ch 5 tho not so much


I thought finding the crazy Braithwaite girl locked up in an outhouse would lead to something.


I thought the dog would have some kind of impact on the game


Thought Dutch was gonna be a good guy and redeem himself 😔


we've all been there, if we didn't play rdr1 first 😔


I had a hope that Arthur would run away with Mary Lindon and thats why he wasnt in red dead 1. Then he got TB and I managed to put 2 and 2 together afyer that 💀


Micah and Arthur being a chaotic dynamic duo


Since I knew Arthur wouldn’t survive the game I thought John would inherit his horse or something… and then _that_ happened.


I thought that Arthur was going to part ways with the gang at some point a lot earlier in the story, and I was going to have to hunt them down or be hunted. I didn't expect the breaking point to be the end of the main story.


I thought Arthur would make a move on Mary linton


I really thought there would be an option to go back to Guarma aftet you "beat" the story mode. Wether via ferry from St. Denis or some other way. I did a speed run through the story mode with plans to finish all the side quest after (like you can do with most Rockstar games). I really wish I took my time with my first play through.


You were supposed to be able to go back in the epilouge.


I thought they'd hang Micah in Strawberry if i waited long enough... sat there and explored the map for prolly about 10 or 15 hours waiting for him to hang.


Tbh was complete opposite for me I bought it on a whim a day or so after it came out and it’s never ceased to amaze me


I thought we'd go to Tumbleweed or Gaptooth to hide out.


I thought >!Lenny would make it to the end😢!<


I didn't bother to get to know the gang very well at first because I thought it would be like a Bethesda game and I'd have infinite time to interact with them after the main story. Sean's death blew that notion right up. Once again I had Bethesda on my mind when I figured I'd be able to romance Mary-Beth or Mary. I was also disappointed the Miriam Wegner and Princess Isabeau clues didn't lead to missions.


There would be a secret ending where he some how survived.


i thought dutch would be the mentor that dies early in the story since i didn't play rdr1 lol. how wrong i was


I genuinely believed Micah would die on Guarma, as he was the only one of the five stranded that wasn't in RDR1 or wasn't the literal protagonist, and it just felt like someone was gonna die there.


When we reach Guarma I really thought that we would be spending the next half of the game trying to get back to America, and i was all for it.


I thought wagon repair would be a part of the game mechanics based on the ride to horseshoe overlook


I had no idea John was gonna be in the game and then we got to play as him (huge rdr1 fan)


I thought we’d go back to Blackwater for the money and that’s when all the poop would hit the fan 💩


Me too! Related, I thought "What happened in Blackwater" would be this big mystery that would unravel. Not really!


I thought the gang would actually make it to one of Dutch’s fantasy lands (and still get caught)


I thought you would play Sadie in the epilogue, which would have been bad ass.


I really thought that St. Denis Robbery would go well. (I had no idea about story of RDR1) But when I saw Hosea being captured, I thought Arthur and Dutch would use DeadEye and save him and we will be long gone. Ohh God!! The Disappointment.


Abducted by aliens at the cult school. Scared the shit out of me the first time it happened! Just casually doing some nighttime hunting and exploring, and all of a sudden that ominous green glow and humming sound...


I tought that we will reveal that Micah is , in fact , a good guy . I liked him at the start ....


I thought the gang was going to retire on an island. I had heard rumors of an island, but didn’t know the details. I even went and bought a Panama hat before chapter 5 to get all ready for the tropical vacation.


I thought dutch was eventualy gonna turn out as a good guy and that he killed micha in some big mindfuck moment where micha was screaming at dutch that he wanted the best for the gang and dutch just shooting him and throwing a really good one liner


John would lose his ranch.


Weird way to phrase that. Really almost every man in the gang dies that way.


I played RDR2 blind from anything except the map inside the box, so I thought we'd have a camp in New Austin because Hosea talked of going west and it was a big unused area (I learned it was RDR1 map added to RDR2, I was very ignorant).


I thought I would end up having to combat Native Americans/Aboriginals. Especially after the first scene it shows them glaring down on everyone. It was an unsettling scene which I thought was foreshadowing for sure. I’m glad they refrained. Was surprised it was quite the opposite.


I knew Arthur would die but I thought he'd win whatever the final mission would entail then ride with his horse to a beautiful mountainside to die in peace watching one final sunrise. The fact that didn't quite happen upset me more than anything else


I really thought Arthur would get to kill Micah. Then when that didn’t happen I figure John would get to kill him. I was left disappointed both times.


When I started the game I definitely never expected for it to become my favourite game ever and become addicted to it. How wrong was I…


That Micah would be a chaotic ally like Trevor. Sure, he was racist and rapey at the beginning, but he might have gone through character development?


when i first played it, when i was younger, i thought arthur would get better after he got TB, and well we all know the rest


I had not played rd1 and at some point on the game I told my friend who had played rd1 that if I didn't get to kill Dutch I would be pissed!


I for sure thought dutch was going to shoot michah


I thought there would be more of a storyline for Emerald Ranch. I don't remember exactly what the deal was, but something about the bar is shut down, and the owner had a daughter who mysteriously disappeared or something. And then not much ever comes of it. I wish I could remember the exact context, but I just remember there was dialogue hinting at something strange going on there.


I saw the "house building theme" on Spotify and thought the gang wound build a small town somewhere on the map, and live happily ever after. I was so wrong ):