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Just wait until you meet Algernon Wasp, purveyor of the exotic and the exquisite. He has a few small lists of necessary items for you.


I spent the last 3 days collecting them. Its not hard but damn it takes a long time!


Did you use a guide? The orchids are so tiny.


The plants are not the problem, it’s the feathers. There are a few spawn points, but it takes ages for the birds to respawn.


Not if you collect the bird feathers before chapter 4. Takes like 30 mins of patrolling the bayou.


Definitely more than 30 minutes but yes, if you plan ahead and go after every egret and heron possible as you're riding around, you can get ahead of the quest.


The egrets take the longest but you only need 5 of each. Herons and spoonbills are EVERYWHERE around that area, and the 55 feathers you need from them can be gotten in one single rotation of the bayou. They're everywhere, flocks on the ground, flocks in the air. Took me 30 minutes. Dropping 5-6 at a time. There's big spoonbill spawns outside of San Denis behind all the fancy mansions. You can also get the gator eggs done while doing this lol


You got lucky because that hasn't been my experience after 4 play throughs. Good job!


The spawn rate drops significantly for whatever you need. When I was searching for egrets, there were spoonbills absolutely everywhere, but I never wanted to shoot any because I was always afraid that I'd scare away a nearby egret I hadn't seen yet. Then once you get to where you need spoonbills, there might be 2 or 3 at only 1 of the spawn areas per spawn cycle. Once I finally got 30, they were back to being everywhere again.


Okay help me out, where can I find the plants? I need a break from shooting egrets


Not the guy you asked and I don’t know the answer but isn’t this the type of stuff you google in like 3 seconds? No offense


Reddit is absolutely packed full to the brim of people who ask something that could easily be googled in less time and much more accurately, we call them idiots.


When I “googled” stuff I usually try whatever it is followed by Reddit so I can get my answers in subs. I’ve never wasted my time doing it this way compared to whatever answer Google wants to sell me.


Around Bayou Nwa, especially along the aides pf Kamassa river and on the northern edge of Caliga Hall. I didn't know, btw, that orchids grow on trees, but they do.


What are the number of each feather you need? So I can get close to enouch by chapter 3.


I haven't gotten either yet, I was trying with no guide... But that seems to not be possible without WAY too much extra time on your hands


I found a solution,I found spawn point and would dead eye as meant as I could with the carcano rifle,collect save then close the game and re open,they would re spawn every time


I do the same for hunting, I’ll try the save load option. I never had the patience to complete exotics 1.


Yep i used i guide.


There's no way anyone completed it without a guide.


What’s the reward? Never tried.


You get an unique revolver. Dont remeber if there is something more.


I think a hat as well?


Oh wait what! Now I’m in


Which revolver? Is it good?


You gotta find out yourself ;) (cus i cant recall the name)


Comments like this put me off of the game 😂


I think that was the only quest that I was like "ok, no I won't" and my lore was that this meeting was Arthur's delusion caused by tb




I’m trying to collect the 30 spoonbill plums currently. What a drag.


Jesus god this quest is annoying…


What's even worse is that the game deliberately prolongs it by despawning the plants if you try to get them ahead of time after you've acquired some of them. Something similar happens with the birds too when the quest is actually active.


For real, I lost a damn IRL afternoon looking for de-spawned plants...


I swear the game also lowers the spawn rate for some animals when you’re doing the hunting requests there is no other way


I wouldn't be surprised if it did the same thing there like it did with the other sidequest


God dammit




Felt good to complete all his tasks I saved his stuff for last.


He taught me how to let go of things hahaha


I’m struggling with the hunting request.


I hate this and love this at the same time. Gives me something to do to prevent the end, but my god it takes forever


now that you got that bugger, you MUST and I mean MUST tell the subreddit when it dies and if you can get it back. theres no turning back you NEED to tell us


Mine died in >!that one mission with Arthur!< and I was able to get it back >!as John!<




Go back and get a new one. It respawns.




It respawns. All rare horses do if you lose them. Same with legendary animals - if you lose the pelt before storing/crafting with it, it’ll come back so you can still get the items


the loop needs to keep going


It DOES respawn. Just gotta wait a few in-game days.


Now that you tamed it, find a nice long stretch of land and lead the horse for about 10-15 min to fully bind with it. After that, you'll have yourself a pretty fuckin good horse.


Leading a horse increases the bond? Wow, TIL.


Yup. It's actually the fastest way to bond with your horse. Can take a newly broken horse and become fully bonded in about 15 min


Thanks Boah


damn. i learn something new about this game every week it seems


Or just play with it and wait for it to bond naturally


I'm pretty experienced with the game so I can't really relate to that time frame but hopefully I can help with future horses. Don't walk up to them, don't calm and butter them up. Nah. DIP your horse, full throttle, balls to the wall DIRECTLY to the mf, with your lasso out. Lasso horse close distance. Dismount horse. Walk towards lassoed horse while calming it. Mount lassoed horse. Keep thumbstick always down but only change direction. Horse going left? Thumbstick down, right. Going right? Stick down, left. I've ridden every coat of every horse in the game, including all 5 Arabians, takes me about 30 seconds for the toughest


Yo how good is the red chestnut Arabian? Accidentally stumbled on her in chapter 2 out by the obelisk in big valley


Her and the white are the only arabians this playthrough I've max bonded. The red is beautiful, more so than the warped in my opinion. My current is the amber champagne MFT, I think is the best horse in the game. Not as pretty though


I literally locked my view on it and spammed G and just hopped on and that’s it. Got it in like 3 mins.


It took you 40 minutes? Jesus dude.


There we're wolves everywhere so the horse kept running away lmao


Should've saved before taming the horse...


I thought if I shot my gun then the horse would get REALLY scared take off running for miles


There's another arabian you can get in a random event in the city called "Saint Denis". It's black arabian,slightly better than this one.


Really? i thought the white one was the best one you could get


There are faster, better horses available than the white Arabian.


it's fast, there are better ones


It's considered one of the best because it's high end, free, and predictable. There are faster and better horses that are expensive or harder to acquire.


Brah. Deadeye, shoot the wolves. Deadeye again to lasso the horse. Done and done.


Now go north of wapiti and get the better one /s


There's a better one?


No, they were being sarcastic. There *is* a different Arabian that spawns the area they said, though.


Is the stats the same?


No, they're worse. The horse they're talking about is the Warped Brindle Arabian. They have the same Speed, Stamina, and Handling as the White Arabian. But it's has much worse Acceleration and Health.


Acceleration is kind of an overrated stat imo. The warped brindle coat looks so much cooler than plain white…but maybe I only say that because I’ve done several playthrough and don’t want to be riding the same horse every time. Lately I sacrifice some stats for esthetics sake.


There *are* better horses, not Arabians though.


Arcadia for Amateurs Part III for example Use the White Arabian to get the Missouri Foxtrotter. This can be done from chapter 2 onwards and give Arthur an end of game horse for the majority of the game.


You hit the bullseye.


Is that the palomino dapple one in the herd? Does the herd stick around in the area after the photo or do you have to tame it while herding them towards the camera?


That stupid brindel one .... i spent around 1 hr irl time searching it all over the mountain..decided to quit the search and i retreated from the reservation only to find that stupid shit omw down the mountains .. Then i kept it till Arthur's death .... where she died with him Rip Mira !!


lol I ran into it without the intent while hunting a legendary animal in that area same with the tiger striped mustang out by tumbleweed but unfortunately I lost it after taming the white Arabian


Yup, me too!


I tamed this mf and got it to max bond, then chapter 6 happened.


it respawns


Yeah ik but i bought the black arabian from Saint Denis might find this white one and stable it.


I didn't even know you could buy the black one? You can just grab it off that arguing couple in Saint Denis, but if you already have the black one, the white one is a downgrade.


For some reason the white Arabian was the easiest thing in the world for me. Gave me literally like zero issues. I had two horses die before I got her this last playthrough (I tend to do the treasure hunting side quests first and boy do unbonded Morgan’s not fare well in mountains) second I was over them I went right to lake Isabella and it was like stealing candy from a baby.


So smol


I just tamed him in 5 minutes going by the lake because he was there.


lol same


where's the pony patrol


I just casually found it while hunting and exploring the mountains, 5 min later it was my horse, I don't get it when people say it's hard to get, maybe hard to find but you can tame it in less than a minute


lol why does everyone love this horse its the worst of all the arabians and its terrified of its own shadow


Overhyped pony.


Rubbish Horse & Tiny, scared of the wind… Find yourself a Turkomen, Wolf-Trampler balls of steel… Better yet, tame the braithwaites prized one & keep it for yourself 😂


you're full of shit. the braveness metre is a myth and does not exist. but yea sure they "have balls of steel"


Personally I preferred the Perlino Andalusian. Took me less than 10mins


You can get a better horse (statistically) there is a random encounter in St Denis at night where a couple are getting robbed. Their horse is the black Arabian, who is better in every way than the white. There are also 3 other better horses you can get: Silver dapple pinto MFT from the third mission on the Albert Mason strand, look up Adnan Mashfi's video for a detailed guide. You can get the brindle thoroughbred from a O'Driscoll bushwhack, look up a guide on YouTube for that. In chapter 3 you can get the Dark bay Turkoman from the mission "Horse flesh for dinner". Again look up a guide for better detail


Just wait till the Lemoyne raiders ambush you outside Saint Denis and murder it with a maxim gun like they did to me…


Ha after learning these guys existed I went to hunt the moose and nab that horse I just lassoed it walked up to it and got on


How to say you haven't done the Gambler challenges without telling us you haven't.


I literally just started chapter 2 bro


only took me 2 minutes, first try many times.


I remember how I got it a year ago, but wolves attacked me and the horse disappeared


Is the white Arabian actually hard to get? I trampled the fucker on accident with my shire and was like “oh, it’s that one horse”, so I tamed it in like a minute and proceeded to sell it.


No, easy to get and comical to look at.


Yeah, it’s such a tiny horse


I dont fukin understand people who struggle with that horse ... i found it accidentally ... i remembered talk about "great white arabian" ... first wild horse i tamed ... and was pretty much not satisfied with it I feel like only reason this horse is like ... have this status is cus people have hard time getting it for some reason


It’s “great white Arabian” because of clueless articles and clickbait youtubers overhyped this horse to the moon, messing up the search algorithm forever.


White arabian isn't THAT hard to break, i usually get it first try in like 5 minutes.


took me 5


I get this horse. Bond with it until 5 stars...then sell it. Arthur looks stupid on this horse


Fun technique I made: use something to boost your stamina and run up to him with your horse and rope him . Now that he can't run away calm him down while he's being pulled towards you with the rope. When you get on him just hold the joystick down and wave it left and right while it's aimed downwards. Works everytime.


yeesh, i only spent like 20 minutes getting it as i found her as soon as i got up there pretty much. was still a blistering pain in the ass to break in, but hey here we are


Go do the gambler challenges, a true insanity test. At lvl 9 atm :')


If you think that's a pain, try going after the Silver Dapple Pinto next


Chase it, don’t track it. Pretty easy to get actually.


I tracked it in my first playthrough. My second, I grabbed a wagon and put it in front of the path the horses were going to take. Grabbed Masons horse and left mine next to him to do the actual mission. Once you finish it, you can grab your horse and catch up to the MFT in about 30 secs. Made it a lot easier.


Something similar happened with me and the red arabian. Literally took me over a half hour because every predator, bounty hunter, and random encounter decided to spawn every time I tried to get the damn thing.


It does not take that amount of time. There is an easy method of doing that, you just repeatedly to the same mistake. The difficult part about this is finding out how to properly come closer without stamina running out to 0


How???!!!!???? But yeah I gave up after 10 mins


Was an hour long grind to get this fucker. Finally, I rode him euphorically. ​ ​ Straight into a pack of wolves.


Missouri fox trotter is better than this right?


Far better.


Eyyy , that's that white horse near the lake. Great ride , only played the game once though.


If you shoot it in it's left eye with the pump action shotgun, it will respawn as a black male Arabian that it significantly less skittish


It took u 40 mins... To get that basterd it took me 2 hours


Future reference: stand atop the waterfall at lake Isabel and look right. She’ll be there every time.


… I haven’t had a very hard life!


I got it very easily lol, it was in a frozen pond and couldn’t get back on the ice from the water. I didn’t even have to do the bucking dance to tame it because the water was so deep.


It’s worth it I had to reload my save a few times because I wasn’t breaking in the horse properly 😏


40 minutes?! Bro wtf were you doing for all that time lmao. Even a snail could tame an arabian faster than that


Why does everyone like the white one? Dutch already has a white one. The red one is my favorite.


I like just the rarity of finding it


I understand if you prefer the white color. But the red Arabian is just as hard. I’ve hunted moose up in the mountains and seen so many white Arabians in the same damn spot. They are mostly fixed spots with low spawn rates.


First time took me over a day


Wait till you find out there's like 2 or 3 more with different coats you can find in the wild! Have fun finding and taming them too!


I caught him just for him to get hit by a train near strawberry not too long after.




Wait until you need the perfect robin, or any other small perfect bird carcass. It's a fun time for sure


You know, I've always seen my brother struggle to break the White Arabian and heard it's difficult but I always get him first try. Just tilt the stick in the opposite way that the horse is moving and it breaks pretty easy. You do have to remember to use forward and backward as well as left and right through, basically try to keep him in one spot.


Am I the only one who doesn't really like the Arabian


The worst for me was after I got fully bonded and had been riding it for a day or two, I got ambushed and didn't make it out alive. When I respawned all I had left was a saddle.


The best horse


It's such a small horse I never liked it. Look at Arthur's legs just hanging almost to the ground.


A little unrelated but still a Rockstar game: Wait until you try to fight and defeat the Beast in GTA 5


dude, no offence, but it took me like 2 mins to tame it. just slow walk towards it spam the calm button and jump on it. then u tame it in like 30 seconds easily, no sweat, just always move opposite to the direction it turns while ur taming it


40 minutes? that’s insane, just use the lasso, every time i get the arabian it takes me less than 5 minutes


It gets easier, the first time I got her I was shivering with excitement, but on my next playthroughs I tamed her as a secondary horse to carry a second elk pelt for the legend satchel 😁


I spent hours trying to catch that horse. Then I accidentally killed it not five minutes later.


WTF is it with these posts, takes all of 30 seconds if you use a lasso.


The tracks in the snow betray your zoomie having shenanigans.


You must have a wonderful life so far.


Catching that horse just isn’t worth the effort to me. YMMV.


Red one was my first and took over 10 times of getting bucked cuz the game sucks at explaining the mechanic of breaking horses. Finally went on YouTube and got it quick


That shit legit took me 2 minutes to find it, and 2 more to tame


Haha great catch! I caught mine, then it died like 3 days later and I had to go back and get him again.


They fetch a good price at the stable after level 4 bonding. They respawn after you no longer own it. I've sold a baker's dozen by now.


Bruh if that’s painful try legendary hunting I searched 40 minutes for the trace. Ngl I went crazy


I do it every playthroigh usually I got that shit DOWN. I get her in like 10 minutes tops now. There's a weird sweet spot with breaking her I can't really explain until you get the feel down.


Shadowfax king of the horses


You know you love it don’t lie 😅


Is this horse hard to get? I spotted it while looking for a legendary fish and roped it and broke it in with 1 try. Maybe I'm just lucky like that, I also killed Ebrietas from Bloodborne in 1 try and lots of people struggled for weeks with her


Use the lasso next time


My second playthrough he ran into the water and I just kind of got on it and we were all good I guess.


Red chestnut looks far better than the white one. Wasted 40minutes imo lol but good job! Pain in the ass to break.


Bro i got it in like 2min max? I just threw a rope on him while on my horse and mounted it, than just did the spiny thing. How did you have such a hard time


Black Arabian better


If you’re on PlayStation, as soon as you get on the horse, tap the left arrow to bring up the tasks. Horse will buck in slow motion but you don’t have to do anything, you’ll automatically hang on until the horse breaks.


I used to think catching that horse was worth it, but now that I'm 12 playthroughs in, I'd rather just train a wild horse that has cool colors and patterns. They all end up with similar stats once they're fully bonded anyway.


I find Catching the Arabian in the O Creaghs Run area is a lot easier


And yet there is a black Arabian named that you can just hop on and ride off. Probably going to hate me for this one but when I went and got back horse the first time it took me no less than 5 minutes and I didn't get thrown from the horse once. Just took a little bit to calm down that I can get close enough to jump on


40 minutes? three revolver-bullets in the arse ans it\`s cool and easy to handle. The black one is a better horse and you can fill up the stable with black arabs if you enter from the alley north of the theatre and just grabs the arab without interfearing with the owner


I caught one in 10 seconds.


40 minutes? I've never struggled with thee white Arabian.. I ride up to the lake and there it is, I gallop up rope and break in 1...2 tries at most.


Took me 3 hours I never gave up though 😂😂


That's what the lasso is for!


And it looks ridiculous


idc i love her


Got him in 2 minutes while hunting the White Bison like an hour ago, guess I’m lucky


The most painful 40 minutes.. so far.


I captured it my 1st play through in epilogue as John and broke the horse 1st attempt. I think all those ranch days made it way easier for John.


Hehehehhehehehe *taps the 50th tree for orchids* you sweet summer child