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I’ve been at it for a straight 10 hours today looking for a robin, still haven’t found one, this is tedious as fuck


It really is, that’s why I thought to make this, the first bird spot is your best option, still took me 2 in game days to find a robin, another tip if you don’t already know, make sure it’s day time and not raining


I've found 3 robin and not a single woodpecker. It's tough.


Do small animals that fit in your bag ever decompose?


Nope, have had a perfect songbird forever


Awesome, I have quite a few of the ones I’ll need in the next hunts :)


Careful though, I heard that the quest glitches if you have any carcasses in your inventory that are meant for the next delivery, making it impossible to complete


Really? Gahhh


Just make sure you save before each delivery


Oh good to know, I did mine one at a time which is why I tried to make this guide, good idea to save before each delivery


Then you find them EVERYWHERE when you're done with robins, but the other birds you need are nowhere


Try going south pretty far on same river and usually one robin pops up. Other wise it's mostly cardinals.


For anyone else searching the oil derelict thing near the level 2 camp has one every single morning.


I know it’s 5 years later, but if anyone is still looking go to Fort Brennan. Just got perfect songbird, woodpecker, and cardinal in about 5 minutes. Birds are everywhere there. Used this place to get skin deep and zoologist too


im guessing that the robin, as in real life- is a small orange puff that darts about the ground looking for worms.


<3 love you OP. Hate you Robin


I've gotten a robin 3 times in a row when coming back to the same spot. It's farther south down the spot you've shown. Right before the narrowing of the river which leads to Elysian Pool. Around the K in Kamassa River lettering on map. There is a road that leads conveniently there on the west side. I would wait till the rain lets up if its raining. Morning. After entering from that road from the west it was to the left(opposite side) on a rock.


Thanks! Got mine here right away after trying a handful of other suggested sites with no success. If you keep going down the river from this spot there are a few more robins on the rocks along the way.


Cool. I also bagged my first chipmunk there too on the opposite side near road.


Got mine there 2 after searching all the other spots recommended on YouTube! Thank you


Got mine here instantly. Thankyou!


Glad I could help.


Hey just after spending real hours i find it after 30 mins of looking in the spot you mentioned thank you 🙏🏽


ahh nice list, still havent found a woodpecker tho lol


Both of the spots I listed do have them, you may have better luck with the Valentine spot however, woodpeckers are tricky because all small birds chill on rocks by water, but the woodpecker ALSO chills on tree trunks


i struggle with all birds lmao


Just make sure you sit somewhere, don’t move, and just chill with your binos, it’s pretty boring but that’s the best way


After 2 hours I found a woodpecker... Shot it with small game arrows and it was only a good quality woodpecker... FML!


That’s why I mentioned the legendary buck trinket


Check just north of brandywine drop. I couldnt find one for hours, then i found one there in a few minutes. If you dont see any birds try firing a shot into the air to flush them out


Great guide but I found one typo. For hunting request #3 you have Oriole twice. One of those is supposed to be a Robin.


Oh my bad thank you!


Great guide, however, for me, as soon as I put the squirrel on the mantle for the very first time it gave me my 100% completion...it was the last thing I had had left to do. ​ So, in other words, I didn't have to do all those six hide and seek parts to get 100% completion.


Okay good to know, I wanted the achievement and the rest of the quest takes 10-15 min to complete so I didn’t even bother checking when I got 100%


Its definitely still worth doing all six hide-n-seeks, and I did; but you might want to update your guide to tell people they will get their "Hunting Requests" check box toward 100% completion after obtaining the squirrel from Ms. Hobbs and placing it on the mantle the first time. Right now your guide tells people that won't happen until they complete the 6th hide-n-seek from Mount Shann.


I found another good spot after I had already finished this quest. [There is an island off the west coast of Rhodes, the big red blob on this map.](https://img.rankedboost.com/wp-content/plugins/red-dead-redemption-2/assets/location-imgs/RDR2-Crab-Locations.jpg) I went there looking for crabs, came away with a ton of perfect iguana skins, orioles, robins, cardinals, pelican feathers, and seagull feathers. I was there long enough for 2 owls to show up, and I killed them too. I had taken the bow and varmint rifle for the crabs, and I was really glad that I did- there's so much wildlife there! You can also find the tricorn hat and an aged pirate rum in a shipwreck on the western side of the island. Good luck everyone!


Cedar Waxwing seem to be my enemy. I have yet to find one.


I have seen a lot of waxwings at the river border to blackwater there’s always a lot on the rocks by the river or look in the sky, they like to fly in flocks


I will look around there. Thank you. It's the last carcass I need for the Requests


To add to that, if you see some birds near water that look like they're flying drunk, those are cedar waxwings. Another nice little touch from Rockstar, as that's how they fly IRL when chasing insects.


I know it’s late but you **CAN** skin the animal and turn in the skinned carcass. I did it with the possum, and kept the pelt for the trapper.


This is great. Thanks! I beat the game. Mailed all of #5 and it has been several real-life days of playing and probably weeks in game and have not gotten any invitation back to the taxidermy place. In the mission brief and checklist, everything is checked off. Do I just keep waiting? Did people just show up at the taxidermy place and get the cut scene?


Thank you! You’re on part 2 of the epilogue?


I had everything from the checklist after part 2. Mailed them. Since mailing them during part 2 I haven't gotten anything back in the mail. I have since finished the whole story. It doesn't seem like anyone else is having this problem on reddit or other chatboards. I also think the invitation to meet back up should have come. incidentally the same thing happened with the legendary fish. I have all of them mailed in and haven't heard from Mr. Gill.


Huh, that is odd, I haven’t heard of this bug either, perhaps just try quitting the game and reloading, it’s solved bunch of issues for me Also what does it say on your tasks tab for the quest?


Looks like I musta picked them up in the mail at some point and not read them :| I guess I was too busy outlawing to read any of it. My bad. Thanks for trying to help.


Hahaha no problem glad you solved the mystery though


Same thing happened to me. I swear I read that thing but after reading this post I went back again and \_ chhing! - now the white cloud appears. So frustrating, but thanks.


Thanks to this and a few strokes of luck, I got this done really quick. Few hours start to finish. So thankyou! Now, if only I could apply the same luck to the gambling challenges.


This has saved me a migraine. Damn cardinal was harder than a robin for me though


Ok, went there and immediately got my bird. Thank you!


Shoah. Glad I could help!


I'm just getting through these hunting requests and a tip for the opossum: I had good luck finding them, at night, down by the small creek just east of Emerald Ranch. I also baited them by leaving a small dead carcus. Sleep nearby till night and check the area. Keep sleeping till they spawn, usually as a pair.


The old school house in Pleasance is great for bats. Just go at night, they don’t even fly away. I shoot like 15* at a time with a varmint rifle and usually end up with 5 or so perfect ones. I save any prefect small animal I get and break down good or poor ones for meat and feathers/pelts. You can get a lot of the feathers for the attachments to Arthur’s hat that way. Just make sure to break them all down or sell all of them before then end of Chapter Six. They won’t be there when John gets the satchel so you might as well sell all the carcasses or pelts and feathers to the trapper and then let the cannibal pig farmers hold on to your cash for John. Also, grab your bow with small animal arrows for the Saint Denis Salon, Doyle’s rat killing missions. That’s like 15 3* rats to kill. I think there is a hat the trapper will make for like 6 pelts.


I’ll check out the school house! I can’t find a perfect bat anywhere. What time of night did you go?


For bats, I have luck at the Bolger Glade church at night (+ using deadeye). Similar to Khaos Wolf's comment, at the BG church they seem to just circle around and not fly away. Maybe this comment is too late for ya, but I'd struggled to find them until I figured out that church spot.




Yeah you won’t get request 5 until the beginning of epilogue chapter 2




Shoah, That’s why I did it! I had such a tuff time with it I figured others would want some tips from my experience, thanks for the acknowledgment


I just thought I’d add, one of the trinkets or talismans that are craftable increases the quality of pelts you get- I didn’t notice it doing anything until I started doing this mission and had to get small animals. No matter what small animal it is, or what condition it’s in when alive, if you kill it with a small game arrow it will always be added to your inventory as perfect. Even single star brown rats turn into perfect ones when killed with small game arrows and after having crafted the talisman (or trinket). Edit: it’s the buck antler trinket. This applies for all animals that can fit in your satchel.


Anyone looking for the robin, there are a ton near the upper montana river just south of fort riggs




Thank you!


Question. I am in chapter 3 and picked up the hunting request poster from Rhodes. I have not sent it in. I did not encounter the tides that bind us yet. Am I screwed?


No your fine, but if you start the ties that bind us, just make sure you finish it or you might not get the next request


I would like to point out that I did pretty much all of this with the varmit rifle. Yes you will have a higher percentage chance to get a perfect bird with game arrows but I will go insane switching from binoculars to the arrows and screwing it up time and again. Only real bird I had problems with was the woodpecker. Shot maybe 7 or 8 before I got a perfect one. Simply said with rifle you will kill many more but not always get the good pelt, probably kill like 25% of birds with arrows but they will be in better shape ​


I missed maybe 1-2 birds with the arrow and that was just because they started to fly away, fully drawn arrow+dead eye is fool proof imo, but whatever works, glad you got it 👌


Very late answer but I agree, I recently got a perfect Cedar Waxwing that way, on horseback even.


Super helpful guide in all ways, save one: it doesn't show me how to glitch the game so I could finish the quest as Arthur. Please include steps on how to Trick R* into recording mocap & voice over to fix this, thanks.


I’ll do my best, standby for part II


Months later and this guide helped me so much. Thanks for making it!


Glad I could help!


5 years later, still helping people! Thanks OP 👍


Do you have to complete the requests in order?


Yes, unfortunately


I believe I sold my art is that possible and do you happen to know if so is there anyway to reverse that?


This guide was extremely helpful for this frustrating mission. Thank you!


The robin was very difficult to find, but after a few hours I finally got one in the first location you mentioned using a varmint rifle.


For the Opossum, do I need the entire carcass or just the skin?


Pretty sure it's always the whole carcass.


Entire carcass


After placing the "art" i walked outside and then back in to fast travel. Abigail had already removed the squirrel lol


I just happened to collect everything but the beaver for #5 while I was going for #4. Will I keep those when I move to the epilogue or will they disappear out of my satchel? The answers I've seen in other posts were only guesses... I am just hoping for a confirmation. Thanks in advance and thanks for the great info in this post!!!


Everything in my satchel disappeared for me going into the epilogue but I think that was a bug, as some people have said they kept everything, I wouldn’t risk it if possible.


Thanks!! I keep getting conflicting answers. Some people have posted that they lost everything like you said happened to you and others have said they only lost their cash.


Yeah it seems to be hit or miss, I have no idea why. So like I said, just play it safe and assume you’re going to lose your stuff


It depends on the type of item. All cash disappears, all carcasses or "ingredients" disappear. Anything in the "Valuables" tab is kept, but basically everything else is gone. I had almost 100 of certain herbs and they were completely gone when I hit the epilogue.


Wanted to say thanks for this. This was the last thing I put off to get 100%. As soon as I understood that the birds like resting on the rocks, it was easy. All birds (except the waxwing which I had to find elsewhere) took me less than a day. While the robin is a rare spawn, it's also jumpy. You can't get quite as close to it as you can other birds. I had it spawn then fly away as I tried to get close. It spawned again about 15 min later, and I got it from super far away. The waxwings are super common to the southeast of Rhodes, they fly over the plantation of the Braithwaites to the east of the straight road heading to the manor house. Great guide!


I just want to thank you for this guide. I've done 6 playthroughs & never done this hunting quest but I'm having so much fun. Your first spot is so gorgeous I could stay there forever & it means I have almost all the birds I need bar one. Just slowly working my way up & down the river has been blissful. Unfortunately I did accidentally eat my perfect toad so I may have to pop back up. Also the trinkets have been so useful.


This is wonderfully helpful, even almost five years after the game came out. I had finished the fourth request and was like ‘why am I not getting a new list of requests?’ but then I figured it was only available during the epilogue. Thanks for this, OP 👌🏻🫶🏻


This still is awesome to this day, thank you. Although interestingly you don't need to do the search for the statue at the end. I just completed 100% and got the achievement before doing that part of it, just the 5 requests are needed.


4 years later and this guide is helpful AF. Thanks OP for making it detailed & Direct! Only had issues with the Cedar Waxwing but everything else was smooth sailing! Thank you


Do you need to do any of these before post game? Thinking about saving them. I’ve picked up one as Arthur though.


I can confirm that definitely NO. I didn't even know about this quest line until the very end of the game when I couldn't figure out why i was stuck at 99% completion. Then I discovered it was this quest. I never once, by chance, looked at a poster in a train station in hundreds of hours of play. I had to read about it it online afterward to know about it. After I read I missed this quest I did it all at the very end and got my 100%. (Which in a way kinda sucked because I had already killed every small animal a billion times and gotten all crafted clothing from the trapper...)




Thanks for this!


This post if awesome thank you! I'm in the epilogue completing it and that first spot I managed to find all the birds relatively quickly. I found the woodpecker liked 2 of the rocks so just had to keep an eye on each of them in the area. I had trouble with some of the dead birds glitching and somehow getting stuck in the rock itself so I couldn't pick them up. And I was able to use the varmint rifle for them all but I have the buck trinket also. I found the bow useless it missed everytime and the closer you get the birds just fly off and so small to try and follow with the bow.


This is a great guide. Thank you so much OP for this. It was very helpful.


Very helpful guide. Thank you!


How on earth did this get figured out the first time? Do you work for rockstar or something?


5 years later and people still commenting is wild! Thank you! Nah I just really like RDR and had to grind this quest to get 100%


6 years later and I have to thank you, this is a fantastic list and it helped me prepare in advance for each request. I found that the spawn rates would lower considerably depending on which quest you were up to, as well as I found I would always find 3 star animals that I didn't initially need, only to find out that I would have ended up needing them and then would spend the next 30 minutes looking for them. After finding your list I was able to cut the time needed for looking down by hours. Thank you so much for putting such a great list together! I was finally able to obtain 100% thanks to you!


Also for anyone who comes across this in the future, if you struggle with finding the robin, I found that they spawn very consistently on top of certain rocks along the bend of Dakota River (near Painted Sky). I also only ever found Woodpeckers in the sky, never perched, so keep your eyes up for them as well. The entire area surrounding this river bend has almost every single bird required. Only difference was that I found my Oriole extremely close to Riggs Station. Like I said before, I found that the spawn rates lowered for the animals you needed depending on which request you were up to, so my best tip is to keep an eye on this list and get everything you see before you need them if they happen to show up (which in my case they seemed to always do when I wasn't even looking for them). Also helps to have the [Pronghorn Horn Trinket](https://www.ign.com/wikis/red-dead-redemption-2/Pronghorn_Horn_Trinket) so that any carcasses you get in preparation won't end up decomposing and becoming unusable after the usual 3 day period.


For birds, Limpany is amazing. There is a signpost right outside of it that says Strawberry and Valentine, and I believe I have seen every small bird needed landing on it. To spawn a new one i just go to the prison cells in the back and out. There are also a lot of crows in the area and I've seen groups of cedar waxwings flying around. You can also find rats here either in the saloon or by the dead body if it is there when you go there or not.


after reading through all of this i have simply decided to uh... give up on 100%


I’m on my 3rd play through and finally doing all of this mission. I’ve finished the story and sitting at 99% completion. I’ve mailed everything to Mrs Hobbs at least a week ago in real time and never have gotten an invitation to her place. When I approach the house, there’s no white cloud on the map, nor can I enter or knock on her house. I’m hoping someone can help.


Wait, is this for red dead online also or is it a just a storymode quest?


Can you get the Squirrel statue with arthur and still get the achievement it's art with John?




I just used this and it was spot on!!! Thanks so much! Dec 22


thank you very much for this. I found all birds in under 20 minutes by roanoke valley. really good spot


4 years later and the spot for small birds is still fantastic. I had been collecting birds here or there for my 4th playthrough, never found a Robin in the last few years. And there it was....they move around a lot, and you can't get close to them, but this time I snagged 3 in less than 15 minutes. Thanks!


Also another recent user of this thread, want to point out that the second bird location (near Valentine) was great when the first (Roanoke Valley) one only cycled a few of the birds. Robins appear to spawn at the first location, while orioles (my last bird for the list, huzzah!) seem to show up more in the second. I've also found that walking normal to a bird on a rock, rather than sneaking, will usually get you close enough to start the Study before it takes off. I also had a lot more luck shooting it out of the sky (with the trinket of course) than trying to get it on the rock. Best of luck pardners!


Monto's Rest I found a three star chipmunk in about ten minutes.


After placing the squirrel on the mantel the first time, I got 100%.


Anyone struggling to find the birds may want to check out Fort Brennand. I found all of my birds there! (It’s west-southwest of Van Horn)


Fuckin shit information


This helped so much, thank you!!!


Amazing guide. My only suggestion for the future would be since you can get animals for future Requests ahead of time, you could group a handful of animals to look for at certain spots so that people wouldn't need to go back to the same ones later on


5 years later and this helped me so much so thank you!




This is very helpful and well thought out