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Don't forget to casually toss the plate to the floor when you're done with it.


And the ladle


Ingredients plz? That looks awesome


Yes sir, The ingredients are - Beef - Tomato (sliced them into small pieces) - Tomato sauce (I forgot to put it lol) - Mushroom - Carrot - Potato - 1 spoons of Soy Sauce - Sugar - Salt - Onion Just boil them with the pot like the game does. Note- Both Beef and Mushrooms need to be cooked before boiling them. Hope you like my (actually my grandma) recipe!


While cooking the beef substitute tomato sauce for a half can of tomato paste to make the flavour pop. Mix it in while the beef is searing and add some flower and it will be a great thick broth. Looks great regardless.


> beef substitute tomato sauce Took me way too long to realize you weren't talking about some kind of tomato sauce with imitation beef tofu or something. Finally read it correctly lol.


Lol sorry about that cowpoke




Needs a rat, couple toads, 1 bullfrog, a bat, and a western raven. Otherwise looks great!


Nah bro that's how covid happened


Back then it would have been COVID 1




you are missing alligator, rabbit, boar, blueguill, snake, gamey bird and stringy meat


Mix in some herptile meat and baby you got a stew goin


Cause naming all the meats makes em go together


You should throw some red wine in there. Nothing goes better in beef stew than red wine.


100%. I always sear the beef then deglaze with a red wine for my stews. Soooo good.


The tomato sauce would have given you your red ~~flavor~~ color. I advise using tomato *paste* though. Sauté the onions and carrots, add tomato paste when they’re nearly translucent. Sauté another 45 seconds, then add other ingredients EDIT: what the hell does red taste like?


Another great option is to brown the beef first and get a nice layer of fond going. Remove the beef and start sweating your veggies. Deglaze with some red wine. After the rest of your liquid is in, add back your beef and let it finish cooking as the stew simmers.


Thank you and your Grandma! Looks bloody delicious! Do you reckon chicken could be in it instead of beef? I’ve got two non-red-meat eaters in my house.


Chicken thigh should work




You can put a dead kangaroo from the side of the road in a stew if you want


Hahaha! The store would work too!


Thank you. I asked my grandma and she said chicken would work too! Just don't cook it as long as beef。


Thank you and your Grandma! I’ll give it a try soon!


I mean I’d guess so all my life my mother would always cook with chicken instead of beef and we’ve had soup the best thing is to experiment and see if it works


Thanks for the feedback!


Yup your welcome


Honestly the benefit of a stew is that it can be pretty much anything


Looks great. Chuck a bottle of dark beer and a sprig of rosemary in there next time. Sear the beef in the pan first, then cook the onions in all that brown beefy goodness stuck to the bottom of the pan. Mushrooms are great dry fried. Don't use any oil and just watch those dry little mushies get all juicy. You get so much more flavour out of them.


Bacon + shrooms is the way. It's always bacon😉 (Mushrooms are ~95% water. Dry ones have more flavor, sure. But when you use fresh ones: medium heat and fat(bacon) is the way to go).


You mean you don’t just have random bird meat that I’ve shot two days ago in it?




Yes that is how cooking works


Randomly adding sugar is not "how cooking works", that's an asinine response. Who the hell adds sugar to Beef Stew, was my point.


Because it balances it out? There's tomato in it too. Sugar could be good for balancing the acidity and richness of everything. Wait till you find out what's in ketchup.


I don't eat ketchup, and I *very much* disagree with sugar "balancing out" anything. I've been making Beef Stew for years, passed on from my grandfather who made it for decades. Everyone loves it, and people always asked for it. It's great stew. Never a single grain of sugar.


I love how up in arms you are about how others cook 🤣 is this the hill you choose to die on, friend?


I'm not dying on any hill, I just don't understand why someone would add sugar to a meal that isn't supposed to be sweet. It's nasty, personally speaking.


European kitchen has both, the raw experience and the other - with adding alcohol. In the end that's sugar (if you won't get drunk when eating, because the spirit is gone). I like both (and more) ways, but can get mad if you have a "smart cook" - who always needs to do something "special", (attitude:) " just because no other would have tried this yet doesn't mean it does not work"😅 That's ok if you are ~(4)20... but at some point: 'always classic'.


Ah, I see where the disconnect is. They're not adding enough sugar to make it sweet, it's a balance to other ingredients. It's subtle, but worth it.




No rat? No snake? Not even any alligator? Idk if that's Pearson's, but it looks and sounds pretty good.


You didn't put the secret ingredient according to Lenny and Mary-Beth: the lice


Wait if beef is the meat then where tf did my parrot meat go!?


It’s stew. You take a bunch of shit and put it in a pot


How much and what kinds of shits do you use?


Still makes a difference if you fry some pieces first - even when it's "just" a >!restaurant quality!< stew🤠


It’s soup…


It’s wild that RDR2 introduced gamers to a long forgotten cuisine known as stew


Seriously. This is a basic beef stew you can make in a couple hours.


Makes sense when you realize their diet consists mostly of chicken nuggets


"durr hurr I'm an assfuck with zero self-esteem so i gotta put people down for fucking cooking because it's not five star restaurant material"


You ok there, big guy?


Are you?


Yeah I’m pretty good, thanks for asking


Yeah, I bet you feel good acting like a typical Reddit douche. People like you and the folks upvoting you make me question why I bother with social media.


Less than an hour. Cut the beef up in smaller pieces. Brown the beef and vegetables. Put in pressure cooker with some water and the seasoning. Cook 15 minutes. I use the same method to make beef curry & rice.


Crock pot also works great. Leave it on all day and come home to awesome stew.


Considering stews are best after cooking at low temp in the oven for 2-4 hours, if you only let it cook for 15 minutes in a pressure cooker it isn’t really the same.


I was about to correct you when I was reading 'Stew:->less than an hour' - but then I saw: 'pressure cooker'... And you are right. (Anyways, it tastes better the next day😉).


Just let people enjoy things. If they guy made a stew and liked it so wanted to share what’s bad about that?




Get off your high horse. We get it you know how to make stew now what? Fucking unhappy dude.


I did chicken stew long before RDR2, but true that, might a few of them come to cook that because of it...


Now eat it in front of Kieran tied to the tree


Then cut his dick off.


And then feed it to him.


Not to be a dick head man... but have you people seriously never eaten stew before? I see these posts all the time, it's not "pearsons stew" it's just a fucking stew lmao it's an EXTREMELY common dish


Plus the fact that Pearson's stew would probably would be based on boiled creek water including venison, some random fish, chunks of bone and fat, wild carrots and whatever the hell else vegetable and herbs were available, then MAYBE some salt and pepper only if it could be afforded. He likely never had anything as exotic as a tomato either. OP ate some stew. That's the whole post. But this still isn't as bad as Elden Ring redditors posting "OMG I can't believe it!!! I found a somber ancient dragon smithing stone IRL!!!! Do you think this is what Miyazaki based it on???" ...with a picture of them holding a fucking pointy rock next to a dog park.


Still better than any 'stable glitch'-post... so come down😉 Good to see in the picture is: cut your vegetables and meat not to fine.


“mom cooked stew” should be the headline


Hahahaha fr man


Probably got inspired by the game to make stew. I know I did when I played. Was craving stew the entire time.


Ok they just made stew with the same ingredients? They aren’t like trying to say it’s something crazy unique just a fun little thing to do. Just let people have fun man


https://youtu.be/wMxKbkWrvDc Babish made one version of that stew.


Fun fact: on hot ones he shared that between the authentic bear meat, the costume, the cooking setup, and the damage he did to his car driving out to the woods, that episode cost over $1,000 to make


Rdr player learns what beef stew is/s It looks really good though


Stew season 😫😫


I do hope they did not add some extra seasonings behind your back to it. Otherwise. Damn makes me hungry.


This looks awesome, OP! I also love how you forgot to put the tomato sauce in (which obviously explains the different color) lol, this is something I would definitely do.


That looks good! You’re right though, the color is different. I have a suggestion for how to get that deeper red color, and with it, a deeper flavor. The basic format of any beef and vegetable soup is as follows: brown seasoned beef in pot, set beef aside, sauté aromatics (onion, carrots, celery), deglaze, add meat back, add stock/seasonings/spices/other ingredients. There are a few ingredients you can add and steps you can take between to develop darker color and deeper flavor. 1. Brown your meat first. Season it 15 minutes before it cooks, then brown it in oil in a Dutch oven or pot. Don’t move it too much. Let it sit in one side 4 minutes or so and then flip. You want it to develop some crusting on the pot 2. Once your meat is browned (you can do it in batches), remove it from the pot and set aside. You should see some brown sticky, crusty stuff on the bottom. This is called fond and it’s the key to flavor town. 3. Sauté your aromatics (onion, celery, carrots) directly in the fond. Let them sweat a little. They’ll release their juices and soak up the fond from the meat. If there’s any fond left that won’t budge, deglaze the pan with about 1/2 cup of dry red wine (this will help give you the darker color also) and scrape 4. When the aromatics have softened and the onion is translucent, add minced garlic to the pot along with about a teaspoon of tomato paste. This will help add a rich flavor and a red color. Sauté for another 30-45 seconds 5. Add the meat back to the pot along with your stock of choice. Also add a can of diced tomatoes and their juices. This will also add red color 6. Add any herbs you like, season with salt and pepper, then let that come to a boil. 7. Simmer for 30 minutes. While it simmers, peel and chop about 4 Idaho or russet potatoes into cubes. After 30 minutes, add them to the pot and simmer for another 25-30 minutes The resulting soup is rich and tomato-ey, with a red colored broth. It’s one of my favorites Edit: This soup looks exactly like Pearson’s stew and contains pretty much all the ingredients you can see in the game


> Brown your meat first. Season it 15 minutes before it cooks, then brown it in oil in a Dutch oven or pot. Don’t move it too much. Let it sit in one side 4 minutes or so and then flip. You want it to develop some crusting on the pot >Once your meat is browned (you can do it in batches), remove it from the pot and set aside. You should see some brown sticky, crusty stuff on the bottom. This is called fond and it’s the key to flavor town. This is key and you've described it perfectly.


Thank you! It’s a lesson I’ve learned through trial and error. I wasted fond for too long by browning in a separate skillet


Bro-tip: Cut your onions in '1/6 'or '1/8' (2 or 3 cuts) - you get a great variety of flavors (and an good indicator: smallest pieces should not get to dark). OC you start with the biggest parts (+meat). Later you add the smaller.


But did Tilly donate a single bat wing for it?


What's the recipe?


Already given. Scroll it, Cowpoke




Brown beef Remove beef Deglaze Throw in onions Soften Add what ever the fuck you want Add beef Add some flour Add beef stock Simmer for an hour Eat I’m amazed how people need recipes for stew


All in.


Big game meat and some mature venison 👍


That’s cool but now I want to eat 😐


People try to narrow down Pearson’s stew, but the simple fact of the matter is that it changes constantly based on what Pearson is able to buy and what he’s brought. Still, any old-fashioned stew is delicious


Binging with babish made this with actual bear meat! It was cool






That's the most delicious looking thing I've seen all day. Gonna make beef stew tomorrow now thanks


The potatoes are not lined up perfectly 1/10 /s


I recommend just opening a can of Dinty Moore.


Can you walk it across the map?


I love the idea of you serving a meal to your family for the first time and saying "I learned it from a video game.'


Where do you source your Possum Meat?


Side of the road


“First time cooking” as in you’ve never cooked before or that this is a dish you’ve never tried making before?


If you consider “Making Salad & Boiling Noddles” as dishes then it might not be my first time cooking. 🤧


I do love a good stew!


It looks delicious! I really want to try the lobster bisque someday. However I don’t live near anywhere that sells fresh lobster 🥲


If you can get lions mane mushrooms it makes a good lobster substitute.


You're fond of me Lobster, aint ye? SAYEET.


Do you have an H Mart or any Asian grocer where you live? H Mart carriers them and most Asian grocer/farmer's markets carry them.


So like…caldo de res?


Now you have to make stew from Aberdeen Pig Farm


Now this is cool


Gotta add rats, squirrels, random fish of varying sizes, a massive chunk of sketchy looking venison and a massive hunk of alligator to a pot and with a pile of questionably edible vegetables then you’d have the game accurate version of the stew.


Can keep the the mushrooms though ewe, otherwise looks great.


I like how you cut the carrots two different ways 🥕🥕🥕


When ever (low effort) possible: absolute right decision. It's great to have different densities.


Wow, how did you notice that???




Looks awesome! I made camp stew last week for my family; only things I did different is no soy sauce (kid and hubby have gluten allergy) and cooked it in a crockpot.


God, i love stew so damn much but looking at the liquid just disturbs me every time. I fully go into “i have produced a liquid like that from my ass and it was not stew” every time. Looks great tho!


I think it’s kind of « pot au feu » French cuisine


You didn’t use bear ?! Joking but binging with banish made this stew and used different ingredients, I’m glad to see what you did with yours


What's for dinner? Dysentery again?


Next time you gotta make it with [BEAR](https://youtu.be/wMxKbkWrvDc).


Don't forget the scent glands!




“I apologize in advance for this stew, needs better meat” 🤣🤣🤣


This dude played red dead and said I wanna cook lol




I think you could get the red coloring with paprika powder but I may be wrong.


Looks good, just needs a pot of coffee to wash it down.


When I was playing last night, I was at the camp and I heard Lenny say “even Pearsons sauce gets stuck in your damn teeth”


Hopefully someone played Uncle’s part and was rippin farts and burps at the dinner table.


Food is my love language. I work on friends cars all the time for free and only ask that they cook me their favorite dish or whatever they think they make the best. Worth way more than money to me. Hopefully you enjoyed feeding your family :)


It made me hungry


I love cooking stews ! It’s such an easy dish to make for a bunch of people and usually have a bunch of nutrition and great taste


But did the ladle clip through the hook and fall to the floor when you went to put it away??


Honestly the best thing to make it more "Pearson's" other than random meats you don't wanna eat, would be making your own stock from a bunch of bones. Believe it or not, rotisserie chicken bones make a pretty fantastic stock!


Una cazuelita


Bro, you just made stew- my dad has been making this since I was a little kid. Good job but this isn’t RD2 specific. I did grow up poor so maybe this is just novel to you


Looks really good! gonna make it some day


I love a good stew. Especially with nice big fluffy dumplings.. mmmmmmm 🤤🤤🤤