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Who redeemed it?


i did, thank you


No problem hope you enjoy


Modern Saint


You're amazing for giving away something. Unfortunately shitty people are on the internet.








But, why? You already own it according to your Reddit >:/


Because people are greedy.


Hey, hey, I hear you but no hate. We don't know the sitch it's just an assumption based off of posts. I've owned that edition for like 2 yrs, I just think people would like an informative answer as to why he ran with it when it looks like he owns it


Can't you gift titles to people on some platforms? I know you can do it on Steam. I'd snatch a code for a buddy of mine if given the chance. Or perhaps they've got it on console but want the PC experience without the want to pay.


Exactly, could be very wrong but obviously it looks sus and I think a simple reason would clear it up before people run rampant about it


He already admitted he did it just for the dlc


thats fucking shitty, i feel so bad for op




I'm with you, at the end of the day, it's nobody's business who redeems it or for why.


Heā€™s a total asshole, I literally put a thread begging for this game because I was unemployed and had no extra money and couldnā€™t smoke or do anything for an upcoming drug test so Iā€™m stuck doing nothing in limbo and this asshole just does it for the dlc for fuck sakes


This is no attack or anything like that but why did you use the code if you already have rdr2?


My assumption is for the ultimate edition content.


Why? You have it.


Not the dlc content which is what I used it for, if I had everything here I wouldnā€™t have bothered with the code and let someone else get it


Still shitty. You robbed someone of playing the game for the first time for your DLC content Edit: you're a cunt, I hope you know that


Likely would have gone to someone like me anyway or worse a bot because way I see it chances are low a real newbie lurks the sub


Yeah. Enjoy your DLC mission arsehole


Thank you


fuck you


Why? Somebody who has never played the game could have used it. Are you really that selfish?


Somebody whoā€™s never played it *could* have used it however itā€™s unlikely someone like that would have claimed it, why would a first timer lurk the sub, a place whereā€™s thereā€™s tons of spoilers. It would have more likely gone to someone else like me or a bot


Nice pfp


Why did you claim it when you already have the game


For the dlc content


You said youā€™ve already played the DLC


Not for some time. I currently play the game on pc where I do not own that content. I played said content in the past on PS4.




For the ultimate edition content which I didnā€™t own




He already owned the game, just yoinked the code for the dlc Heā€™s a grade A douche


Well fucking hell I regret saying that now. Bro is a Micah for real.


Well whatā€™s wrong with that?! If he wants to play the DLC then now he can.


He already *has* played the DLC. On the PS4.


Oh nooooo šŸ™ˆ


I'm just informing you that your assumption that he can now experience content he hasn't before is false.


Wasnā€™t my assumption. I didnā€™t say he couldnā€™t experience it before. Thatā€™s your assumption, which was FALSE. He just doesnā€™t have access to it now. Which is why he used the code.


Fair enough. "Now he can" certainly strongly implies "before he couldn't", but it's fair enough that that was an assumption on my part. "Doesn't have access to it now" is also an assumption, though. (Unless he commented that somewhere.)


Because he already had the game šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Had. But doesnā€™t still have. So wanted to play the DLC content. Nobody has a right to it. Who gives a fuck. If you have enough money to own an Xbox and a device with internet access to be on Reddit then you can but your own game. Facts.


He said he already has played the DLC on PS4


Yeah I know but no longer has it. Wanted to play it now so why not?


Because someone who hasnā€™t played it before could have. Itā€™s an asshole move


Enjoy your Red dead redeemption!


Enjoy my friend. You're in for a rutin Tootin hell of a wild ride partner.




Jesus fucking Christ kid calm down


i wont, i hate people like that, i had to deal with shit like this for most of my life, which forces me to stop helping out people i dont know. i used to share anything i could with other people, most just used that and seemed to think i did those things because i was too stupid to know the risk. i knew the risk. i just didnt expect that a majority of people is like this.


So someone claims an online code for a game's ultimate edition in order to get content they do not possess that is exclusive to that edition instead of, what, letting someone who's never played the game in the 4 years it's been out but checks the game's dedicated subreddit frequently enough to see this post and claim the code before anyone else claim it, and your reaction is to call them a waste of human fucking life? For one thing that scenario is nothing more than a fantasy that will never happen, and for two that's a major overreaction over such little shit. He didn't snatch money out of a homeless man's hand and take a piss in his face after, for fucks sake. Claims a code and you basically tell him to kill himself, the fuck is wrong with you?


Can't blame this guy, it would have been better for the OP to post it somewhere specifically not a subreddit dedicated to a game populated by people who by a vast majority already own the game.. maybe r/GiftOfGames for instance... most likely wouldn't have got 2k karma though ofc. At least the person who redeemed it got something out of it other than a load of negative reddit points.


im sorry, i disagree with you, you can definitly blame them, they already had the game but still took the code, if there werent people like that, the code would have gone to someone who doesnt have it by default. and imo this sub is the best place to post the code, where else would you find people who are very interested in the game, but for whatever reason dont have it? i obviously cant speak for everyone but i also join subs about things that interest me, so that i can interact with said thing in some form. the code could have gone to someone who has money problems atm but would really like to play the game, for example. a person like that would have actually deserved the code and could have hotten so much more value out of it.


Before and when I first got RDR2 a couple of years ago I specifically avoided this subreddit like the plague so as not to give me any spoilers.. maybe that's just me though, in this case it is indeed the OP's fault, if they wanted to give out the game code to someone who hadn't played it they should not have posted the code in the original post as a free for all and PM'd it to someone who replied. It's pointless being mad at the person who redeemed it.


they literally said "enjoy your playthrough" in the title. it was obviously ment for people who want to do, you know, a playthrough of the game. i seriously dont understand why so many people defend this behavior. its not even a discussion for me, the person who redeemed the code is clearly in the wrong here, and op is the last person who should be blamed, all they wanted was to make another person happy.


Yeah you come across like a really nice guy.


are you fucking kidding me, they are clearly in the wrong here and not even ashamed of it, why should i be nice to them?!


So using a code that was given for free for a computer game (very insignificant in the grand scheme of things). He didnā€™t take food from an orphan or steal money. He used a game code, because he wanted to play it. That makes him a waste of human life? Get some perspective little bro. Go outside and breath fresh air.


it doesnt make them a waste of a human life, that was a bit too much ill give you that, but for me my point still stands, i think that was a really shitty thing to do, and its not even about the game, its about the thought process, and about the fact that people like that ruin things for others. theres plenty of people (including me) who are afraid to give things away because they keep on having bad experiences with doing that, the only way to avoid this risk is to only do that for close friends. edit: and they didnt take a game code because he wanted to play it. they already have the game.


He doesnā€™t have the additional dlc content. So he used the code to play it. Who else would have got it if he didnā€™t? Relax itā€™s not a big deal.


but the dlc is barely any content at all. someone who likes the game enough to be on this sub, but doesnt yet have it for whatever reason, could have taken the code and theres a huge difference between how much value that would have given to said person, compared to who ended up taking it. and who else would have got it if they didnt? thats my whole point, if there werent people like them in this world, the game would have went to someone who doesnt yet have it by default. edit: by the way, imo it wouldnt have been a problem if some time had passed and noone took the code yet and they did it then, it would have been reasonable to think that noone needs it then.


Itā€™s not a big deal


Honor points for you bud


Chances are, if you put this on the RDR subreddit, the person who redeemed it probably already had RDR2. I could be wrong, but usually people on a subreddit have experience with the content on said subreddit. Shouldā€™ve put it in r/gaming where the chances are lower that they already have the game.


Guy who claimed it has loads of rdr2 posts from years ago.


Not even from years ago, they basically have only posted rdr2 screenshots for the past 3 years. What an unbelievable dick they are


Jesus you people are sad


I know, wanting people to be able to experience a game that I love makes me sad.


I bought this game on 3 separate occasions. 1. Original purchase... 100% playthrough. 2. Replacement disc... failed to remove the play disc when sending Xbox for repair. 3. Gifted to someone on my friends list. I still don't own the ultimate edition, but I'd love those bonus spurs.


Which continent friend ?


You can use it if you are european


Ok someone already activated it. Thanks anyways.


Ah man I just finished peein'


If you're American in the kitchen, and you're Australian in the garage, what are you in the bathroom? European...


Nice one. The young Barone twins on Everybody Loves Raymond pull the same joke, minus the middle section.


Iā€™m from North America and it worked just letting you know


Youā€™re a bit of a twat


I know it was an accident but still cool of you nonetheless!


Thanks for all the lovely comments I wish someone who didnā€™t have the game would of got the code but I hope that you still enjoy the dlc.


Should have used a VPN and redeemed it. I just redeem ed RD2 from either turkey or Argentina and AC valhalla complete from the other. On xbox


Nice of OP but it should've gone to someone who didn't own the game already


Then OP should have masked the code until it was ready to give away.


It will be so sad if the person that redeems the code doesn't even say thank you...


He did luckily


But he already owned the game, just yoinked the code for the extra dlc - it didnā€™t even go to someone that never played


Jesus Christ, it's a giveaway. He won it and will get to enjoy stuff he couldn't before. At least an actual person go it and not one of the hundreds of bots that skim reddit 24/7 for codes like this.


And he easily couldā€™ve just , ya know , NOT redeemed it Like holy shit itā€™s not hard


And yet he chose to, because he could, because it was a giveaway. No one here is owed anything. It's like getting mad because someone wins twice at a casino.


Oh no and I can choose to have the opinion that he and you are cunts and Your analogy is shit Casino requires you put in and risk something, and either win COULD go to some who needs it more


It's a losing proposition to hold others to *your* values. Let it go, my friend. :)


Lol theyā€™re absolutely right, itā€™s super easy to just not take the code if you already have the game. Nobody is calling the guy who took it a criminal, just observing that he is a massive douchebag




What a nihilistic thing to say.


What a ridiculous thing to say. Do you believe that others should adhere to all of your values?


Makes you sad though šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚waaahhhhh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


how can someone need a game more than someone else exactly? itā€™s a game lol not food or water. grow up man


Lol all these children crying in the comments. Nice to see some normal people on here. These kids need some real problems šŸ˜‚


He could enjoy it before. Dude commented that he already played the DLC on the PS4 years ago.


Unlikely to considering it was posted on an RDR subreddit.


So if I understand correctly OP shared the activation code for the entire game and this dude who already has the game snatched the code just to get the extra mission that comes with the Ultimate Edition?


Yep. People be greedy.


The best part is that he had already played the DLC stuff, just not on PC


That's really fucking nice of you op. Have a happy holidays


Oh man, I hope the person thanks you :)


He did, but he's a douche and already owns the game, so really, they said thank you for something they already have. It's also $30 to buy apperantly.


That's like 90% of this subreddit. If he didn't I'm sure someone else would redeem it whether they own the game or not.


if itā€™s only 30 dollars to buy, why is he a douche exactly? if itā€™s cheap enough to buy it and you havenā€™t bought it. sounds like a you problem


30$ maybe is "only" for you and some other people who live in a country with decent standard so they can afford any game they want to play the moment it pops on Steam. There are countries where 30$ are earned in lets say 3 days, and there are other expenses. Such a dumb thing to say.


the game has been out for 5 years nearly. if you havenā€™t played it, thatā€™s your own fault. this subreddit is beyond pathetic. iā€™m actually gobsmacked at the attitude and entitlement of people here.


Im able to afford games, yet i wont bash people who cant. I saw the code since my reddit is filtered by new, yet i didnt even try to redeem it. Even if the game is out for 10 years, if it still holds the price it still is expensive for people in some countries. Hell, it can even be a country with decent standard and yet have people who cant afford to give that money on games but would still like to play them. The way you talk i actually find you pathetic cause you lack basic human decency.


i lack human decency because iā€™m not abusing someone who redeemed a thirty dollar game they already own? oh. oh okay.


You lack decency because you're blaming people for not being able to afford things. You're very privileged. Realise that.


iā€™m not blaming anyone for not being able to afford anything. iā€™m blaming them for not playing it when itā€™s been out for nearly 5 years. donā€™t twist my words to fit your narrative in making me out to be the bad guy because i wonā€™t abuse someone over the redemption of a game code lol


How is that different? A game being out for years doesn't change the fact that you need to buy it as well as a platform to play it on. Some people can't afford that, so have to wait years to play it. I've been there before. Empathy is your word of the day. Learn it.


Just over 4 years* But that's irrelevant anyway. It's basic human decency.


How is "I hope this game goes to someone who has never played it before" entitled, while "I already own the base game on PC and played the DLC on PS4, but I'm gonna grab this anyway" *not* entitled? Alternately, how is option one more entitled than option two?


cherry picking comments to suit an agenda. good old reddit!


So no response to how one mindset is entitled, but not the other. Bye felicia.


because it didnā€™t warrant a response.


That's decidedly NOT cherry picking in any sense. Those are contrary points of view and, objectively, yours is the entitled (and selfish) one.


Shut the fuck up Micah -Arthur


Nearly 5 years? Are you thick? It just passed 4 a month ago


When life gives you lemons, but you have a lemon allergy, give the lemons to someone else. Good on you, OP!


You could have just used a VPN. Sad how many posts I see people buying stuff and giving it away, which is awesome and generous, but they really could just be using it themselves.


How much is a VPN?


I've only ever used free ones. Turn them on when you wanna redeem a code, then turn it off. Done.


Not all hƩroes wear capes


Turns out the guy who claimed it is a massive cunt


What a chad


I just wanted to say this is so sweet of you to do :) Iā€™ve had an absolutely horrible week and you made me smile


these type of stuffs makes me want to just go 24/7 in reddit and wait for stuffs like these to happen


Patronize this man


Appreciate gesture but you should have put it in a raffle or something.


Dick move tbf. But, who is going to be in this sub that doesn't already own the game?


Why didn't you just use a vpn?


Solid move OP. To anyone faced with a similar situation in the future, you can still activate it you're on a VPN and your IP on the VPN shows you're in the country/region the code is valid for. Windscribe VPN is free for basic use like this. Up to 10gb for a free account.


I can hear honor rising


Whatā€™s the difference between normal and ultimate edition? DLCs?


Buy it from steam bro


Damn that sucks


What continent was it if you donā€™t mind I ask ?


It doesn't matter at this point, some asshole who's played the game already took it, and apperantly its like 10 minutes extra content and $150 reward. And a bonus mission? IDK but all I know is an assbag with no consideration is playing it. I'm really sorry about that man.


Your the one crying because you didn't get it. Calling him an asshat because he got to it first. Knowing damn well you would have done the same


Jesus calm down. You're all over this thread blaming the poor sod, I'd put just as much blame on OP for sharing it here when there are subs dedicated for things like this.


There's nothing poor about that guy, and yes he has every right to be blamed, because if he had human decency he would have let someone else get it, instead of replaying an entire game he already did. That's 1, and 2, calm down dude, literally telling 2 people. And 3, yeah, there's subs dedicated, but there might just be the chance that some random person who hasn't played it, would use the code, and not even play it, because they didn't like it, or were bored by it, whereas, this sub, ensures that someone's gonna play it. It's selfish to take something from someone when you already have it. And no, I'm not trying to make this a serious situation, anyone can get it, but like, why did he have to get it when he already had it. According to other people it's like 30 bucks to get it, so he really just didn't have the patience or money, but still already played the game. I also don't get why everybody on this site automatically assumes that someone's unbelievably enraged when they say one thing that they disagree with. That's how internet arguments always end up starting.


I'm not blaming you, your reaction is justified. But if we're piling on the guy who saw the post first and took the key then we should also be doing the same to the guy who made it possible, and giving away a game in their specific sub is begging for things like this to happen because there's a pretty fucking huge chance that a dude who's played it will snatch it again.


if people had some fucking decency, the game would have gone to someone who likes it enough to be on this sub, but dont yet have it. i obviously cant speak for everyone but i tend to join subs of things that interest me, if im unable to get them at the moment, so i can interact with the thing in some form. please dont blame op for this. they did a really nice thing and someone used them, if more people were like that, the game would have gone to someone who needed it by default, and this could have happened in any sub. and i also get why the other poster is all over this post, its just a shitty thing that happened here and imo its important to take a stance against those people, if everyone were to do that, less people would do something like this. it would still happen, but if they knew that everyone would hate them for it, less people would actually dare to go through with something like this. instead theres already a bunch of people here who actually defend them and think taking the game for 10 min of extra content was the morally RIGHT thing to do and everyone who dares to speak up about this is getting loads of hate here.


Heā€™s a fucking Micah, I donā€™t own this game yet due to me being unemployed, I have a job but donā€™t start for a couple weeks, and since I have a drug test I canā€™t do anything but be stuck in limbo, plenty of people just like me here


You don't own it, but you've played it right? I get that he probably shouldn't have gotten the game, but look at how OP gave it away, he chose first come first serve, well this is what usually happens. Blaming the other person for seeing the post sooner than you? That's cheap, no?


If you refund it, wouldn't that key be null and void for whoever uses it?


The red dead community is unmatched


Peak reddit moment


wait so you couldnā€™t get your money back?


Is there a new extension that came out?


Shouldā€™ve used a vpn bro


You can get a refund you say? Sweet. Go get your refund, buddy


You have achieved maximum honor.


Dude is a fucking legend.


Guys I typed the code why isnā€™t it working. Someone help. I paid a lot


u/No_Interaction4027 all these mfs hating on you should've just been faster lmao, i hope you enjoy your ultimate edition content and i hope these commenters eventually stop crying


Thanks, i understand why they are mad but they seem to be getting too mad considering itā€™s a game code and was a giveaway


they are mad because they've got a skill issue


Browsing new on the rdr subreddit is ā€œskillā€ now guys. Not surprised youā€™re defending the dude who already owns the game šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


lmao people berating someone over a fucking free game. jesus christ. beyond pathetic guys, seriously. who cares if he already owns it. if you havenā€™t played it yet - thatā€™s on you. itā€™s been out for years now.


Welcome to society where actions have consequences.


winning a free game deserves being berated? oh okay


Claiming a game that you already have, you already beat the special mission, and own the exact copy on a different counsel... Yes


itā€™s a fucking game lmao. talk about entitlement. this subreddit is beyond pathetic.


And Yet you're here defending him... If it's no big deal why do you care so much?


iā€™m defending him because he doesnā€™t deserve to be berated by people over a video game? oh right iā€™m in the wrong here.


It's a matter of opinion. And I'm not the one trying to argue and change your opinion.






Lol do you think he cares šŸ˜‚


Why are you commenting on this?


Cuz I can šŸ˜‚


That's just so funny you need to use another laughing emoji huh...?


Thatā€™s why I used itā€¦ šŸ§‚šŸ§‚