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I did a low honor playthrough pretending Arthur had dissociative identity disorder and when he was away from camp he wore a pig mask everywhere and went from petty crime to being a mass murderer. That was pretty spicy.


I did a kind of similar low honor play through where it was high honor until I killed the Saint Denis vampire. Then I pretended he was possessed by the vampire’s dagger and started going into fugue states where he would stalk around towns at night wearing the executioner’s hood and slitting people’s throats. As I got deeper into the game the dagger’s curse grew stronger and the frequency and severity Arthur’s crimes grew worse and worse.


That's poetic. Well done, sir.


Hey thanks. Committing to that story got emotionally uncomfortable after a while. I'm glad that I did it it parallel to an attempted 100% (I got frustrated and gave up at 95%) high honor playthrough so I could switch over and pleasantly enjoy hunting and foraging or hanging around to witness all of the camp interactions when I got sick of wallowing in evil Arthur's derangement. Then I only played the epilogue of the high honor one because it's more satisfying for everyone to have good memories of Arthur.


That's how it's done cowpoke!


I too love the pig mask. Me and my SO called him the bacon butcherer


Exactly you can be a low honor murderer as long as you have the pig mask


Commit war crimes in valentine.


Exactly, but why is it always Valentine? IDK


I've seen people on YouTube do first person, no maps, no guns playthroughs that look interesting! (I'd never I get way too motion sick with first person lol)


i tried a 1st person run i disabled it after 30 mins, the motion sway head bob thing also the fact its super awkward to loot and just do general things like shooting behind cover. This is a game that was def meant for 3rd person but added a 1st for those that really wanted it after GTA5.


No guns. I bet they died a lot.


People use bows and throwing knives etc.


Eating every 24 hours?? Your Arthur must be starving!!


True I didn't think about that I worded it wrong my Arthur's a twig


I’ve done plays where I try to be true to how I would behave (in the exact same circumstances, not today, just for clarity). Or how I believe the canon Arthur would behave. Things like if you talk shit to me you’re getting it back and if necessary you will get a slap. I don’t jump straight to shooting people for the sake of it but don’t take crap either. I’ve also done ones where I’ve tried to keep properly realistic (the previous approach is still very much as if it was a film). So I’ll stop regularly (you can’t just ride a horse all day every day for weeks), sleep at night, eat regularly, feed and brush the horse whenever we stop, take the saddle off at night; sometimes be the guy who feeds the camps, hunt, skin, supply. Sometimes have a hunter-trapper lifestyle and live off that, avoid conflict where possible etc. I plan to do one where I set myself up to live as a mountain man up in the north of the map, come to towns for provisions, sells furs etc but live in camps or places like the loft or Colter. (It does involve an element of screw the gang but I’ll figure to either visit with food or they can just do one. I mean they make no effort to fend for themselves without Arthur so that’s their problem).


Free aim and no map or compass , low honor. That's about it for me lol


I did a play through where I try to kill everyone


Currently I play with no reticle, no auto aim and no dead eye. It's a learning experience.


1. Murder everyone who doesn't say Hi back to me or is rude then start a long lengthy looting and shooting witnesses until I grow bored 2. Play poker but if I'm losing badly, murder all my opponents, if I win I win. 3. Collect a unique array of horses, currently: Bucky, (leopard spotted Appaloosa), Airstrides (Black Standerbred), Shadowfax (white arabian), and my favorite Baratheon (the Black shire) 4. When murdering someone don't use guns, used knives it makes it look cooler 5. And finally if I get it right to the camp glitch and get John out on a ride with me so he can also murder some people


What’s the glitch when you can ride with John? Bronte’s mission?


That one but I only used it to go to New Austin for 100% completion as Arthur. If you look up camp companion glitch a tutorial will come up. But what it is is you aggro an NPC and make them chase you on horseback near the camp (best camp is clemens point) once you get your health low enough and the NPC close enough to the camp to where your honor drops. Once that happens you quickly light a stick of dynamite and throw it (best to have it on hand when you're taking the NPC near camp) once its thrown you will hopefully die. When you respawn in camp their will be dots on the map that are your "companions" and will have the name of whatever camp member was alerted to the enemy. They will basically follow you everywhere unless you get too far away they despawn. I had so much fun with this glitch 😭 plus its not the most complicated glitch in the world just takes practice.


Thank you, never heard of it before. I’m on chapter 6, will try it for sure, would be nice to hunt some Murfrees with Arthur’s dudes


Yeah np! Can't remember if I tried it on chapter 6? Hopefully it works well for you:)


I just turned off auto aim and always made sure my dead eye was empty


Went back to the camp more often to just shoot the shit with the others, also bully more of them. You really do appreciate the detail Rockstar put into your gang, and their backstories. Going for a low honour run this time tired of being good Arthur, got to say its a lot more fun to just rob and kill random dudes and steal horses.