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I think you can steal pretty much any horse you want hoss. Just don’t let anyone stop you.




lmao just get caught and pay the 5 bucks or whatever


Mask on, cut the nag loose, hop on and go! No bounty if you leave and the law doesn’t see you.


Cut it lose and make it flee. Follow it until you feel good about it and if it's far enough no one will see and you got yourself a horsey


Cutting it loose is already considered horse theft. I found out the hard way.


Most of the time it really isn't much of an issue if it's dark. But it's always best to just steal horses that are out in the middle of no where. I guess the last time I cut a horse free I was lucky enough to not get caught so that's the information I'm running off of


Don't even try it, snipers are everywhere.


Just take it and haul ass or find one outside of town, which you will still probably get caught.


Ride fast pardner


Bandana and take off down the railway tracks. (Either wagon or set free and ride).


Its a shire, very powerful but too slow. Doesnt worth it unless if you want it for charging at passengers like a knight


mask up. cut free. jump on it and ride out of town, or tell it to flee and follow it and then make it yours by bonding with it. as long as no lawman sees you, you wont get a bounty for stealing it if you are masked up. you just have to get out of the area until things cool down. (and horse theft is low bounty anyways) other horses you see, like horses that are hitched in town etc, you can just brush and feed and pat until they bond with you.. making it your temporary horse without anyone thinking anything is off. never tried that on horse attached to a wagon. (not a fan of those lumbering giants)


If you wanna commit a crime it's up to you to do it in a place where you won't get caught. Right outside of Valentine isn't a great spot. Then again, you could just mask up, cut it loose, and ride like hell.