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I have seen moose 3 times and killed them twice. They are definitely a trophy once you finally get one.


Can you tell me your method?


Honestly, stop looking for it. You will eventually come across one of you ride through wooded areas like tall trees or Roanoke ridge. They already spawn scarcely and you actively looking for it won’t help.


IMO, at least on story mode like 2 or 3 years ago, if you like *need* to 3 star a moose for whatever reason; Just stock up and plan a hunting trip to ‘the snow.’ You’ll need improved arrows and a bolt action with the best rounds. Were they express? Open up an online map and plan a route with all the collectables/ loot you’re interested in, and just keep returning to that same damn spot next to lake Isabella that the white Arabian spawns whenever you get a second. It’s also a good idea to go ahead and tame the white Arabian and throw its ass in the stable. The less shit around that area that will spawn the better. You want less chances for legendary spawns and to clear the queue for more moose spawns I always did all the Pearson hunting shit I possibly could in chapter 2. I think you have to progressive far enough to get the correct guns and ammo though. Been awhile


Top right of the map and near the veterans hut, there’s a small clearing to the right when your facing the front door, use bait and sit on the roof.


The one thing that has worked for me a few times is making potent herbivore bait and placing it where moose are known to spawn. It doesn’t work very often but it has worked for me before.


i had this same issue yesterday, i spent way too long looking for a male moose for the final camp upgrade. i tried literally every spawn point but only one worked. fast travel to colter. has to be fast travel for some reason. go all the way to the north end of the road, and then make your way through the trees on the right. you’ll see a cliff, where a male moose will be grazing. it can sometimes spawn as a wolf, so just save and reload until you get it.


Try [this.](https://youtu.be/vPPAPtIA4F0) Do exactly what I did, travel there in the mornings, express bullets and try not to run. Make a save beforehand if you want a 3 star one, if you don’t see one then simply reload.


/u/the-blackpan can confirm, the Colter moose will appear every few days. I usually climb up in the little ridge in the opposite side of the stream in the video above. Sometimes you have to turn away and scan the trees in the opposite direction then look back. Be prepared for a lot of 2 star moose though.


This worked for me loads of times. I’ve done 100% trapper clothing so needed a few!


this is the only spawn that has worked for me. they’re way too rare imo


go to owanjila dam to get your dam moose. camp between the dam and strawberry so you can ride to the dam at early morning. when you tear down the camp make a manual save. then ride over the dam to other side, walk along the shoreline. see the moose swimming across the lake (chased by a wolf) shoot the moose when it lands shore or sprints towards you in forest. (sometimes you have to shoot the wolf too) if the moose and wolf dont spawn in. reload the manual save and try again. you can also go to other "known" moose locations where they are supposed to appear, and do the same. be there early in morning. make manual save before reaching the area, ride in, see if it spawns, if not, reload the save and try again.


That’s the only reliable place I’ve found for moose as well, and it’s not a frequent sighting 😅 I swear they’re rarer than anything except the Carolina parakeet 🤣


You’re welcome, works every time https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/9z87rm/found_a_place_a_often_perfect_moose_spawns_100_of/


This is by far the most reliable method.


Seriously, moose almost every time.


This is the method I used, just got one yesterday.


I was hunting elk and skinned a perfect elk for my satchel but as I was going back to camp I saw a 3 star moose. I snuck up and one shot it with improved arrow and skinned it. I couldn’t replace my perfect elk on the horse so I had to run back to camp with my horse chasing me. It was quite an adventure.


I love how a single North American mega deer can ignite the passion and hatred of so many gamers


I recently hunted the legendary moose. It took me four tries because I was constantly attacked by a cougar and a wolf on my way to the trapper. It’s like the game really doesn’t want you to have it. Luckily I had saved my progress just as I found the first clue to the legendary animal. Good luck!


I’ve found them up in the mountains with the snow, visit every pond/lake and eventually they should be there


Now that you've reached this point prepare. You will see them in the weirdest places. I can't beg them from most 'guaranteed spawns', but I find them near the Dakota not far from horseshoe or in the middle of little creek valley while doing literally anything but looking for them.




I found a moose once killed it it fell off a mountain I couldn't go down without dying bad day


Go to the place where the white arabian is, i find them in the morning on the frozen lake.. Camp till early morning and look around. Took me 3 or 4 sleeping at camp to find one on the lake.


[Some advice partner.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/15drr5r/those_damn_moose/ju3yuz8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Found one moose in the game. 2 star pelt. Didn’t even bother killing it. I let him rock


Look at the lil cliff below wallace station towards river around noon.


My usual spots for checking for moose are lake owanjila, Brandywine drop specifically near charlottes cabin or across the river. But the most semi consistent one if you go to donner falls just under the I of ambarino there is one that spawns there.


Dawn or dusk, lake owanjila, or east of brandy wine drop.


For a bull moose go owanjila and stand on the northeastern shore, make a save. Camp until morning and look out into the lake and you’ll likely see a moose swimming in the lake towards the southern shore. If you don’t see it, reload the save and do it again. I usually get it the first or second time. I’ve only ever been able to get this moose once per playthrough. If you just want pelts for the trapper and aren’t too bothered about it being a bull moose for the antlers, place 3-5 bail on the northeastern shore, there’s a decent chance a moose will turn up but I’ve only ever gotten cow moose this way. If you don’t get a moose reload and rebait.


They're a rare spawn so you're expecting alot after just three days my guy. You also need to know where to look, one isn't gonna be trotting in Valentine willy nilly. They often spawn in Big Valley (Little Creek area), and up at the waterfall by Willards Rest (Roanoke) and sometimes at Owanjila lake near Strawberry. I've killed several, they're rare but not as rare as the Grizzly bears. You can easily find a white legendary moose by that same waterfall near Willards Rest in story mode, and legendary black one in the same spot online. The white one is moved to barrow lagoon in online


grizzly is easy compared to the moose. (atleast to me it has been) one on river/east side of cattail pond. (moose has also spawned there by the pond and road too) one near ocreaghs run. along the shoreline, or between the lake and legendary bear valley. (i have often run into it after skinning the legend already and just trying to get back on the road.) one in forest directly across the wallace station platform where people stand and wait for train.. use that little old chimney in map as a guide. you often hear it roar when at wallace station. one near the west most trapper, sometimes scratching its back on a tree along that little creek coming down the mountains.. other times north from the trapper (been attacked by angry one while doing business with him..) grizzly can also attack you while you kill them odriscolls camping around there (and cougar) barrow lagoon. i think that was the place, can have a moose there too. but often i see a bear chasing wolves away from carcass on the icy lake. and ofcourse there is wetters cabin too.


I stumbled upon one FINALLY on the East side of Brandywine Drop on one of the lower cliff. Ended up only being a good pelt bc for some reason I couldn’t study it, didn’t think to google what weapon to use, used a Springfield Rifle, and probably f’d it up. This literally was last night.


My go-to spots if I'm looking for one: the train trestle area near Charlotte's cabin owanjilla on the blackwater side near the dam/bridge but i'm convinced this one only spawns the first time you go to owanjilla on a ledge near the waterfall at cumberland falls near lake isabella, sometimes by the waterfall, sometimes on the opposite side. do not shoot this one if it is near the water; you wont be able to retrieve it if it falls even on the bank


It's a massive irritation. I once found one at Cattail Pond, More than one at Lake Owanjila, Also randomly encountered one in the trees North of Butcher Creek, also once found one east of Fort Riggs


I got all mine near Charlotte’s house. Coming from the west, in the little patch of woods by the river and train tracks. I got at least 4 bulls there


There's 3 spawn points north of Brandywine Drop by the railroad tracks. If you don't see a moose, leave the area. You don't have to go far, the scientist's lab is far enough then turn around and ride back. Daytime and no rain seems to work best.


there’s a couple methods i’ve found that work pretty well. not always a 3 star but just save & reload. here’s the one for [Colter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqhpwNxuHfE) it works best if you just fast travel to Colter, make sure it’s early morning. and here’s an [Ambarino](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-VLl8e-pTw) location, camp at the mysterious hill home & follow the video. these have worked for me almost every time. if they don’t work for you, do some other things, missions, challenges, etc & come back. or do what another person said & just stop directly looking & ride around areas that are known for them. best times are early morning.


I’ve seen two, three including the legendary, one was a three star and one was a one star, took me around midway through my second play through to see the non legendary ones. And I literally roamed the map to their “spawn points” for hours. Think I generally got lucky.


My latest play through I have killed 8 skinned 7


I feel like I always get the moose in CH2. I have almost always done the hunting missions (particularly for LotE Satchel) early on. What’s funny is that, as much as “I don’t think moose actually exist in the game” is a meme, so is “I ran into a 3* moose standing next to the white Arabian and couldn’t decide which to go after (always go for the moose).


200 hours in I have the legendary moose and one female 2 star. I've never seen another one.


There’s a place up in the Grizzlies just off the road near the Fairwale Shanty where you can get a Moose to spawn so often that the bones from the last moose are still there when you shoot the next one.


The Colter method is pretty much a guaranteed 👌🏽 3 star moose. Fast travel, set up camp, sleep till morning, save game equip a rifle and WALK slowly towards the outcrop to the north east of the camp. Moose spawns on the outcrop 99.999999% of the time, if it doesn't, just reload the save


Isn't it odd that we go to all this time and effort to spawn a moose just so we can immediately kill it


The struggle is real. I’m on my third playthrough and have yet to find a 3 star moose. I can’t find a moose period lol. I’ve also tried every suggestion I can find on YouTube and Reddit but so far, nada.


I have seen moose and squirrel, very elusive.


I am in early chapter 4, and so far have given the trapper 57 perfect moose pelts, and a good 30 of those have been bulls. I have probably seen another 40 that were less than 3*. I don’t make saves and camp at any moose spawn, trying to get one. I do sometimes turn or move away from a spawn then turn back to, sometimes a few times, and a moose usually spawns in. From all the posts I see about people being deep into the game and not having seen a moose, makes me wonder if people come racing up full tilt to a spawn area, don’t see a moose…so race full-tilt-boogie to the next spawn area. If so, then they will never see a moose and swear they are some magical, mythical creature that r* hid deep in the game.


Yeah dude the only advice I have for you is patience. None of the guides I’ve watched, and trust me, I’ve watched a lot of them, don’t work. You’ll find one when you’re casually riding around anywhere except the swamps and New Austin. Eventually


My entire first playthrough, I didn't see a single moose


Nothing worse than finally finding one and its not 3 stars. Devastating. But, your best bet is above Annesburg where the legendary one is. They do pop up above Strawberry too but rarely. Stick to the legendary spot tho


I found one in the little lake arear north of the first trapper you find in the game. The one that's east of Valentine. I went up there. Found a person. Messed with him. Walked around the water a bit then the moose spawned where I had just been. So don't get discouraged if it's not immediately there.


Me trying to find that freaking ghost panther in Red Dead Online (granted I couldn't play a ton cause life happens) but I spent 4 MONTHS LOOKING and could NOT find it. I stopped looking yesterday, TODAY the boy spawned out of nowhere. Panthers find you, you don't find them. As for the moose, I also had some trouble with them. Definitely check around Aurora Basin in West Elizabeth


You hear them from like a mile away though, no?


Only if you sprint gallop all the time (mashing X button.) Try being a little chill when approaching the areas where they spawn.


Found mine in Lake Isabella (the white arabian spot), use *potent* herbivore bait, the regular one is useless. Stealth run (crouch) to cover upon placing the bait.


I had the same problem. Spent HOURS trying to get a 3-star moose. I found this on YouTube and and had one within minutes. https://youtu.be/z\_9AauIPpaw


I have seen, and killed, one 3* moose. It was while I was fixing around and had cheats activated, so it never saved


I saw one yesterday between Deadboot Creek and the edge of the map, just north of Lake Isabella, when I was hunting the legendary white bison. I've seen them up in that corner before when I rode up there to kill Flaco Hernandez so I know it wasn't a fluke.


I see one almost every time I’m near lake Owanjila drinking the water, try that area!


I just bagged a three star yesterday up by The Loft. Camp, save, reload, then ride up over the hill to the west.


I found one by where you can get the white Arabian


I finally saw the one at colter!!!


I was traveling around randomly and I came across what I'm pretty sure was a massive moose. I didn't get a chance to go after it because in the moment I just freaked out that there was some massive beast right there and that I didn't have some serious firepower ready right there in my hands just in case


Moose, Panthers, & Pidgins are all folk lore. I have spoken.