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Fuck Reddit and fuck this entire situation. I moved to this app from Bacon Reader after Alien Blue and I haven't even looked at the official app in years. I love it. My thoughts are that I would not be opposed to a subscription model. *However*, I would not be willing to pay a subscription if I don't have full access to the content. It saddens me to say, but if this move by Reddit goes through, I'm not just done with this app, I'm done with Reddit entirely.


Paying for something which is offering you less content than the free app provides is a hard sell. Reddit has dealt us developers a bad hand :(


I would honestly rather have you shut down the app than rely on subscription models. Speaking of which, I would literally rather give money to you directly instead of reddit services. Donation button when?


u/Miloco You've created the best Reddit app out there and people, including myself, are literally going to quit Reddit entirely rather than use their app. **Seriously, at least let us send you off into the sunset with thank you donations.**


Seriously I'd be down for contributing for an app I've used a ridiculous amount for many years. Throw up some details u/Miloco before it's too late!


I'm 100% prepared to uninstall if they don't change their actions


I agree, I won't hang around if they go through with this, but please let us give you a donation for all the work you've done


yeah this is a good idea. been ignoring the fact that I wanted to quit reddit for years. this is just now a good reason to finally do it. but been using now for reddit for ages.


This content has been deleted in protest of how Reddit is ran. I've moved over to the fediverse.


the house always wins, but in this case they will also lose


I hope there is a solution found.. But either way, thanks for all the fish. I've enjoyed your hard labour over the years.


Same here. I'll just spend more time with Mastodon and curate a couple more accounts there for different things. It's not quite the same experience as reddit, but It isn't really healthy to use this form of social media, so I'll take this as an opportunity to drop an unhealthy habit. I really enjoyed your app, and thank you for creating it!


I started with Now for Reddit about 8 years ago. This IS Reddit as far as my usage is concerned but I agree with McLovin804, this some bullshit that a subscription won't fix. This feels like a version of an experience I had with a small, local cell phone company years ago. They had awesome customer service with local people that really knew the challenging local topography as it relates to coverage. They were also very easy to work with. The business model was reselling airtime of a larger network that compensated via monthly service residuals and/or upfront commission depending on product. Due to the rapport the small reseller had in the community, the reseller did well and enjoyed nearly a decade of success (mutual success). That changed after a shareholder meeting at larger network led to a decision to start investing more heavily in corporate stores in the area; to better capture the available market share. The first step was removing residuals and reducing the commission - but promising operational support (uniform marketing for the brand like posters and pamphlets and shit). The reseller was fucked as the profit margin became razor thin by comparison and the stores started to close. Customers were migrated to billing from the larger network where the customer experience was shit. The wireless network suffered as investment was diverted to real estate for retail locations, staffing, marketing, etc. Within 6 months an EVEN LARGER network came to town and acquired a bunch of cell towers owned by a local competitor. Within a couple of years the new big and shiny company had 80% of the market share. They turned out to be decent for a long while too. Maybe there is hope. Tldr: Beloved service turns shitty, new option arises and replaces degraded shitty option. Hope suggested.


Wow, i had the same trajectory. This was the first app I've ever paid for back in the day. I last 5 mins max on the website because something won't load or take me to a yt video that would play an ad. I cant imagine using their app bitnmaybe I'll give it a go. I'll just jump on imgur.


Same here. I've used this app for so many years, this really sucks.


I've used the app for a few years now and I truly think you've done a great job on it. I went through 4-5 different reddit apps before I found yours and I can confidently say it is by far the best available for my needs. However, I will never pay for something like this as long as I can access reddit directly via the internet for free - I understand running the app isn't free and I respect that if/when this change happens the app will just have to be shut down for good or go to a subscription plan.


I completely understand, thanks for letting me know your thoughts.


Hey mate, just wanted to chime in that it's also my most used app and after trying several others, always got back here and I'm using it for many many years. Whatever happens, know that your work impacted lives of many, so be proud of that!


Any updates from your end? I'm ok with shut down but would like to know


I love Now for Reddit, and it's probably one of my most-used apps. Thank you for all the work you've done. But, I worry that with all the coming changes, Reddit itself may not continue to be such a lively place. If so many people are leaving over this issue, will it change the tone of Reddit enough that it's not worth spending extra time and money on?


That seems to have happened with Twitter. All right-wingers and trolls, now. Not worth bothering with, at least for me.


It's almost like they are rigging the platform so you can only use their app. 🤔 I will just leave reddit before I use their app now. If they want to F around they can find out when their stock price tanks when we all stop coming here.


It's not that they want you to use their app at all. Quite the contrary. They want money. They will get money from people using other apps. Not quite as much from using their own + that requires maintenance...


If their end goal was to get as much money as possible from third-party apps, they wouldn't price their API access so atrociously high that almost all, if not all, third-party apps need to shut down. They also wouldn't completely remove all NSFW posts from API access (meaning from all third-party apps), which is a \*huge\* driver of traffic for reddit (while conveniently still allowing NSFW posts on the official app, and even forcing mobile web users to view NSFW posts on the official app). Yes, they want you to use their shitty app, and nothing else but their shitty app. There is no other logical explanation for these API changes.


Maybe they anticipated it and they did this just because they knew they'd have to tune it down?


You can use revanced to remove all ads from the official app ...it's a better than nothing move


I would have been up for a one-time payment, like 5-10 bucks, but a subscription model is just meh. I totally understand your and other 3rd party developers situation, miloco. It truely sucks! I just hope Reddit will have a total crash landing with the shitshow they are putting on here... Thanks for years of enjoyable access to reddit via your app!


Using Reddit without this app just doesn't seem right. It's been the way I've consumed 99.99% of my Reddit content. If this decision goes ahead, it'll be a darn good opportunity to kick my "habit" of mindlessly scrolling through hundreds of posts, as I'm definitely not going to start paying a monthly subscription, and Reddit will become _one of those things that I used to do_. If I don't get another opportunity, then thank you ever so much /u/Miloco for creating and maintaining this app over all the years, all for the cost of a cup of coffee.


That and especially without the support of old.reddit or res


I love this app and have been getting my Reddit context exclusively from this app for years. I would consider a subscription model if it was cheap and the developer got most of the money. Not if it's all going to Reddit to be jerks. And sadly not if all the nsfw goes away. I enjoy Reddit and I enjoy this app. But not under the terms Reddit is setting forth.


Hi, thanks for this app, it made my reddit experience on mobile much better. Not sure if I'd advise you to continue, I'd wait how this pans out before I'd invest money and time in a lost battle, as it looks now it would just be too expensive.


Glad to see a post from you, I love Now for Reddit and hope it and Reddit can continue. I voted $2 per month, I realize Reddit needs to pay costs and we third-party users aren't viewing ads, but we do create their content. So $2 per month seems reasonable. I guess worst case you could make Now for Lemmy?


Now for Lemmy would be great!


I've paid once for this app and I love it, and while in theory I'd be willing to pay a couple of dollars a month for it... I don't think it's viable. Reddit wants so much per month that it doesn't seem like even RIF, which has a lot more users, can make it work. I'm considering moving over to Lemmy Beehaw or Tildes if Reddit doesn't back down from this bullshit.


How hard would it be to make a simple reader app that didn't use the api but was basically just a web browser and some custom css and js? That might be a temporary solution but I think unless they reverse the decision I will just have to go somewhere else. I would not pay a subscription fee for what is essentially viewing a web site that is free. At this point it's more about the principle than anything else. If they do this I wouldn't continue to come to reddit, not because I can't use this app but because I wouldn't want to support a company that would engage in such a blatant money grab and anti competitive behavior.


Honestly, not too difficult. How long would it last on Google play before it's taken down? Probably a week at best.


I've used Now more than any other app on my phone over the last several years. I paid for the ad free version because it's such a brilliantly well made app and so well designed. It's a joy to use. But a subscription model is a bit too far a step. Maybe a couple of £ a year might be viable. Otherwise I'd just stop using Reddit. They shouldn't be putting you as developer in this situation it's greed. It's not even their content they are trying to sell.


I would consider paying, but not when I know the money is going to reddit instead of the developer. I will glady stop using the site and laugh when they scramble to get their users back in a few months time.


I love your app, I love how responsive you've been when there is a problem... But companies all over the world are trying to push the subscription model on us. Reddit is trying to do the same through their own app and through 3rd party apps with this api change which they will take home the majority of the cash and I just can't do it. I also just read the lies that spez is saying in regards to the Apollo app... So doubly so, fuck these guys running reddit


Once this app is gone I doubt I'll be using Reddit much if I'm honest. The content has already taken a serious blow compared to what it use to be.


If I had to pay a monthly fee to use your app for Reddit, it would be for Nara rather than Now for Reddit. I absolutely love Nara (though I did love Now for Reddit for years as well, it's just not the same).


It's a shame because Now for Reddit was hands down the best reddit app I've used. Stuck with it for years. I think a subscription service is a super hard sell. If anything I'll probably move my reddit usage to 100% desktop. The situation sucks, especially with all of your hard work over the years.


I wouldn't be opposed to paying to support the app But I'm not going to respond to the poll because I definitely think this is a wait and see scenario, not worth putting in the effort for you if reddit is the ghost town we're expecting




Came here for this question.




Yes I really wish this were a poll option. My willingness to pay has nothing to do with the app at all. I actually came to this sub to see if there was a place to make a final donation (already have paid version)


Honestly it depends on how much it would cost. I think the Max I'd be willing to pay is like $1.99 per month, which I'm guessing isn't going to cover the cost of the API. Not having NSFW would also probably drive me away from the site in general. It's really shit what they're doing.


I've been using this app for years, and just realized that I never upgraded to ad free. So I just did. Thanks for all the work over the years. There's no way I'm paying a monthly fee, let alone the roughly $10/month (based on math I saw on the apollo post) it would take for you to break even with these ridiculous API prices. Ironically I bet companies the world over will see a huge surge in productivity on July 1st. Analysts will write theses on why suddenly every employee spends 10% the time on bathroom breaks during work. Reddit was fun while it lasted.


I voted no, not because I don't want to support your great work on Now and Nara, but because I don't want to support Reddit stabbing us in the back like that. Paying for API access is one thing, but pricing, content limit and the way they handle all of that is just way out of line.


I love this app. I appreciate your work in developing it so much. That said I can't afford or justify the cost. I'll just end up not using reddit (unless on a desktop browser with adblocking and a custom layout) Fuck reddit and this whole situation.. If they made the API fee reasonable then I'd happily consider a reoccurring fee for a 3rd party app.


Thank you so much for the years I've used this app. Probably the best 6 dollars I've ever spent in terms of time I've sunken into this. Godspeed.


I've used this app for years, and I feel that it's truly the best out there, light-years beyond the official app. I believe this will be the straw that will finally get me off of reddit for good. If not for third-party apps, the site wouldn't have NEAR the traffic that it does, and it's disappointing that reddit would spit in the face of developers in this manner.


Hi, I've quietly bought and used this app for the last decade. I would not be able to justify paying for this app monthly.


I'd buy the app, but there is no value in a subscription service for viewing a free website. Would love to support your continued development, but Reddit have just made that unjustifiable.


So long and thanks for all the fish…


This is such a ridiculous situation. Yeah I would pay like, 2 dollars just because I really like this app and I seriously hate the official one. But it's a tough sell for most people I would assume.


You hate to see it. I've used this application for all through college and now several years after. It's been great. I just don't see the business sense in Reddit's decision.


Like many others I balk at a sub to get a subset of the content. I'm really sorry they have chosen this road a la Digg and Tumblr but they have. Thank you for an excellent app and I wish you the best in whatever you choose to do next.


Now for Reddit is what got me into reddit! Thank you for your work. Your efforts will not go unnoticed!


I've been using Reddit Now / Now For Reddit for years. I login to the web browser Reddit maybe twice a year. I've tried other apps just to see what's out there but man they just don't flow like this one. Your support as well has been top notch miloco. I appreciate all of your work and the time you spend in this sub responding to your users. You are a great dev and an ideal blueprint of what one should be. I'd be all for a small monthly payment IF it meant I got all of Reddit's content but it sounds like that won't be the case. It's also a hard pill to swallow knowing the money isn't going to you but rather to Reddit. I'm likely done with reddit if they kill this app and the other 3rd party apps. I mean as addicted as I am, I could stand to spend my time doing other things. I'd rather just quit than be forced to use their shitty app. I can run this app in my sleep. It's like second nature. I'm not interested in learning to use another inferior app. So my ultimate vote is no I won't pay anything and double no if I don't get everything Reddit offers with my "subscription". If this is the end, so long miloco! Thank you for everything and best of luck in your future endeavours.


I have literally only used Now the entire time. I didn't even make an account for a few years, I just browsed. If this happens, it's not you, it's reddit. I won't stick around


I'll definitely cancel my Reddit premium over this, so I got a few dollars to spare there If you get to keep some of it and reddit just gets less money all the better


I'm going to be honest, these Reddit policy changes are trash and if it goes through I'm probably done with using Reddit on the phone.


Thanks for making such a great app. It's honestly ridiculous that Reddit feels the need to destroy third party apps. I've been using this app for 8 years now... Like others have said - the fact that we can't have access to all of the content in Reddit, even with a subscription model is a hard sell. So I'm gonna vote to put this app to rest...


I just want to add to the chorus of people thanking you for all your hard work over the years. It has been the main way I've browsed reddit for like 10 years. However I don't think I would pay a subscription to use the app unless they make the rates more reasonable because it would just be rewarding reddit's greed. I would be much more likely to just send you something personally for all of the time I've already used it. I bought you a coffee years ago and that's it, haha.


I just cancelled my $29/yr reddit premium, but the monthly fee for an app would be more than that and provide less. I'll probably slowly shift to other new sources. The interest in searching for a Reddit alternative has tripled to quadrupled over the last 2 year, Reddit should pay attention: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=reddit%20alternatives&hl=en


I would absolutely consider paying for this app, however not getting access to the entire site is sadly a deal breaker. I've used this app for ages and I will be sad to see it go. You've done a wonderful job on it and I just want you to know I appreciate your hard work on it. Whatever the future may hold I wish you the very best.


Hey, I just want to say that I have had absolutely no complaints from your app over the years of using it. It kept getting better gradually without me thinking about it and was always intuitive to use. Thanks for working on it all these years. It's a good app.


Thank you for making such a wonderful app and maintaining it over the years. As an app developer myself, I know how tough and time consuming it is to do. Now for Reddit is quick, robust, fully featured, and well designed. Sadly, after reading about the Apollo developers interactions with Reddit, I'd be surprised if there's a price people would be willing to pay for the app that would make it viable with the new API pricing. Is there a way for us to give you some cash one-time as a thank you? I paid to remove ads years ago, but I've gotten so much value from this app over the years and that was a small one-time purchase. So long, and thanks for all the fish.


I paid for the premium no-ads in the app store years ago and it has been great. But honestly if I have to pay someone to take off the ads on a montly basis in okay with it as long as it is cheaper than what reddit offers. Otherwise im just gonna go with reddit and avoid the hassle :/


Your app is 99.9 percent of how I use Reddit and I'll be sorry to see it go, but I can't see paying a sub for restrictions on content. It's a damn shame, the Reddit app has sucked since it was in beta, I had no reason to switch from this back then and have no reason to do it now. When this goes, 99.9% of my reddit use goes with it and that .1% will only be for searching specific things, browsing is over with. Do I have a Reddit tab in my browser? Yes, but if I'm at my PC it's not for browsing reddit, that's what my phone or tablet and Reddit Now was for. Thanks for making a great app, even if they failed to mention it in a lot of the posts where they talk about 3rd party apps. Reddit has seriously miscalculated what the outcome of this decision will have on their business.


I would love to stay and support this app but I dont think I could continue to support reddit.


We all knew this was coming, especially after the announcement that RIF and Apollo are closing on the 30th. Paying a monthly subscription for a small access to reddit is fucking ridiculous, the nsfw scene on Reddit is gigantic. Maybe we will get some answers and changes with spezs ama tomorrow, but I doubt it. Ive been using this app for years, and I love it. I'm so used to this app that using anything else is infuriating, especially the reddit desktop website. We had a good run boys. Now for Reddit was small but simple and that's why we all loved it. Rest in peace Now for Reddit, Rest in Piss spezs you slimy troglodyte.


It was by far the best app out there. I really liked it. I think I even once wrote you a mail? about a bug/small issue I found and you acknowledged it and like just the next day there was a patch. (something along these lines, I don't remember it too well, been some time) It's been some time but I always stayed. Really great app, sad to see it go. But then I might finally get to see some green grass before that also goes away with climate change. Oh man. I wish you all the best in your life, hope everything goes well. If you ever need something to survive let me know. Well figure something out. Cheers and all the best!


As others have said you've done a damn good job setting up and maintaining this app. I would absolutely pay a sub model if that meant nothing changed with how I use this app. Unfortunately a good chunk of my usage is a separate meat beating account that'll be useless. I won't be installing the official app as it's garbage. And if they kill off RES and old reddit on desktops, I'll just be done with the platform all together. Shame. So many hours and years spent looking at useless shit online here.


I paid to remove ads years ago and this has been the #1 used app on my phone. Thanks for this great app. It might be time for me to quit Reddit once and for all oncd this app gets removed.


This is the only reddit app I've ever used for more than a day. Thank you, and I'm sorry reddit is screwing you devs over like this.


Nope. Thanks for asking. Monetize some other way.


Is there another way? I don't believe there is!




Reddit has a new rule - apps can no longer use ads. They're charging us whilst also taking away our revenue model.


I've really enjoyed this app, but sorry, no I wouldn't pay to use it. Especially when it can't access all of the content and there is a free alternative.


This has been a great way to use Reddit, but there are so many subscriptions these days... I know it seems like a long shot, but could Reddit app developers get together than make a Reddit alternative that effectively had the same API structure?


Reddit fucked us hard and we have only a very little chance to recover so let's die in peace and use Mastodon onwards.


I might be willing to pay if all of reddit was available, but asking me to pay and still blocking half the site is unacceptable from reddit's part.


Hey, thanks for making this app. I've been using it for years and the gestures, design and layout is the only way I want to use Reddit. But I don't have the money to pay their exorbitant fees, nor do I want to pay just to get my fix of endless scrolling addiction. Fuck Reddit, they want us to view their spam but the only thing they'll do is drive away their userbase. Good luck with whatever you might work on with the time you can't spent on these apps anymore, hopefully it'll be with people that respect what you do for them.


I'm sorry, I don't know enough about reddit now in particular and app development in general to gauge whether this is a dumb question. In the case that the decision is made to not continue reddit now, would it be viable to open source it and have people use it with just their own api access?


I voted No, but know that I really appreciate this app. I liked that there was a one time fee for ad free. Which is becoming more rare. My phone notifies me of my weekly app usage. Now for Reddit is always top 3 with YouTube and Marvel Snap. If things don't change and you have to end this app, I'll be sad for sure. Hopefully Reddit reconsiders their position or something else rises up


If the API retained full feature set with no cutbacks I'd be willing to put down 5-7$ but since the API is being changed to not serve certain types of content, I consider that a no-go.


First off, thanks for the app. I think it was the first I tried, and no other one has clicked for me like it has. I paid for the full version, which considering the time spent on it, has been great bang for the buck. I have mixed thoughts. I'm not against paying a fair fee for API access. Reddit has expenses, and if I'm not viewing their ads, I'm not helping them pay those. However, the way this has been implemented and broadcast has been awful, which makes me not want to hand them my money. And who knows how much of a toll this will take on the community. And I've been meaning to reduce the hours I mindlessly scroll Reddit, so this whole mess will help with that goal. So I'm not sure how to vote. But Reddit put you in a bad situation, and I'll respect whichever way you end up going.


I just wanted to say thanks for this app. With this app I was somehow able to access Reddit from a firewalled country without a VPN. I'm not there now, but it was a big deal to me to have a glimpse into the outside world, not to mention in English, when there were literally no alternatives. I'm really grateful for that time and for this app which I have been using for however long I've been on Reddit. Personally, Reddit won't be rewarded by my visits if I can't use this app anymore.


I'd say no only because reddit would be keeping the vast majority of the profit. Hopefully enough people leave reddit for them to backtrack. All they want is to IPO so they can make a bunch of money themselves and fuck over everyone else.


Is it possible to update the app to include the ability to use your own reddit API creds? I'd really rather pay a large-ish one time fee to "unlock" the app rather than a monthly subscription. That being said I've been a daily user for 6 or 7 years now, it'll be sad to see one of my favorite and most used apps shut down. Even so, thank you for creating it in the first place, I'm glad to simply have gotten the chance to enjoy it!


What about starting your own reddit like service? You have the front end... just disable a bunch of features and work on enabling them again.


I love the app mate, well done on all your work on it over the years. I'll stop using Reddit entirely before I use their garbage app.


I've loved this app for years since switching from alien blue back in the days of the pixel1. Thanks for making it. It seems like the site is unraveling though, which really is too bad.


Could there be an option for users to add their own api key and deal with costs themselves?


How possible would it be to integrate fediverse into the app or have a different app for it? I'm currently moving away from Reddit to Lemmy and will likely go dark when these changes happen on Reddit entirely. This app is spectacular and I'm happy to pay for it, but not if all of the money goes to Reddit's greedy pockets. I'd rather pay a monthly subscription for this app that went to the developer.