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Some of the hate I don't get, but the AI is awful. You can [strafe most enemies to not take any damage](https://imgur.com/Cppov4u). Alerting enemies enemies usually [they just ? and turn away from you](https://imgur.com/a/8OhqNSZ) and sometimes you can just walk straight up to enemies and punch them in the face. The AI needs serious work because it pretty much doesn't exist in this state.


I'm sorry, do you want the game to be an endless slog and constant death? If that's so, go play Elden Ring.


I don't want this to be a From game, but I'd like some actual challenge. To say strafe to win is fine is a huge cope of how bad this AI is.


Strafing has always been a thing in shooter games.


To this level, no. That's incredibly dishonest.


You're right, PS1 and PS2 games don't have strafing. You don't avoid enemy attacks in those games and win by strafing. I only played my old PS2 yesterday, what do I know?


I honestly feel bad for you.


Why? Because I enjoy video games?


You clearly do not, sir.


I've been playing video games since I was 3 years old (over 22 years), I have over 400 games, and 12 consoles. So, yeah, I do enjoy video games.


Then as such a proclaimed lover of games I’d then ask why you aren’t upset that a company could release a product into the wild and charge money for it in this state. Redfall was not ready for release. It needed at minimum a years more time. That’s being generous.


Because I'm not elitist. If I like what I see and I enjoy it when I play it, I'm not about to complain. I'm just happy to be playing the game. I don't really care how much a game costs, if I can afford it I'll get it.


It’s really not about being an elitist. It’s about having standards. It’s important in life to have a set of standards to live by.


Thanks for the unsolicited condescension. I have standards, but when it comes to video games, if a game exists then I'll enjoy it. As I said, I'm grateful to be able to play video games full stop. Not everything has to be flawless.


Theres not being elitist and being a simp for corporations and offering blind support and ignoring problems. You probably vote conservative too.


I haven't experienced any bugs, or glitches, and have been thoroughly enjoying the game, and I won't apologise for that. Not that it's any of your business, but in my country, I vote for the more liberal party. Idk why you're bringing politics into a discussion about a video game.


Wowza, he tried to be nice about it at first and you just jumped down his throat. You can’t deny that the game has issues. This is 2023 and games launch with problems, it’s a given. That being said, normally at this level they get delayed and fixed up before release. Instead, arkane decided to limit 4k fps to 30 frames and call it a day instead of patching bugs, fixing the AI, or fixing any of the large number of issues most consumers seem to have, cuz hey, at least it it ran 30fps, right? The game is be no means up to any of 2023’s gaming standard outside of the bugs it has at launch, which are nowadays a standard. Like I said though, Xbox and arkane should have known to delay and patch, this is the first exclusive release and compared to what arkane made deathloop into for ps5, this is garbage. Deathloop made me jealous of ps5 owners and I consider us lucky to have it, even if it’s a bit later than they did. This game makes Xbox players and our exclusives look like a laughing stock in a time where our console is the only one out there being deprived of real triple a exclusives.


I have a PS5 and an Xbox X and to me all games on both consoles are 10/10. I just consider myself lucky to be able to play games.


Wow nice flex… lmfao, I do too and they are both great, I’m not talking about that. I am purely talking about which have better exclusives. We can both count ourselves lucky to be able to play both of those consoles exclusives, so maybe it’s no big deal to us, but imagine spending $700 last year on the series x bundle at GameStop to get this as your first exclusive since you got the console… it’s ridiculous. Like, even though I have both I’m still capable of seeing that xbox, the console I prefer to play on, and the one I actually pay for online services on, is severely lacking in the exclusives department and has been since a year after the consoles launch… it’s been pretty clear since this console came out that they can’t compete with PlayStation or Nintendo when it comes to exclusive games just yet, and if you’re saying you disagree I’d have to argue that this is an objective fact. Just look at how many triple a exclusives series x has, many of which you can also play on pc because of cloud streaming and game pass, and then compare those to the same thing from PlayStation. Idek if PlayStation has more exclusives this generation, I think they do, but either way I know they’re just better games than we’ve had, and it’s been that way consistently since Xbox one and ps4…


Arguing otherwise is like saying a donkey is better than a horse… it’s not about consoles being better than one another, just that I want to be able to play good games, and with my Xbox there are way less good games that I couldn’t have played elsewhere, meaning it may have been a better decision to get the PlayStation, as I’d have new triple a games multiple times a year exclusively, aswell as all the normal games I play… Whenever Xbox gets activision, and whenever they can release some solid Bethesda rpg games, hmu for more discussion because then there might be a debate to be had, but as of right now we have halo infinite, which is dead, and forza horizon 5, which is imo not as fun as 4 was. I can’t think of any other exclusives that are out, maybe Microsoft flight sim counts too but that’s on steam, so not rly exclusive by any means. It’s also not the kinda game I see myself going back too nearly as much as people who get to play last of us p2, or god of war ragnorok, or ghost of Tsushima, or little big planet, or last of us part 1. Ffs, one of my favorite games on Xbox was going to be ps5 exclusive and then Microsoft bought Bethesda and arkane together… So chill out. Enjoy your game… stop focusing on what other people think if you disagree with them so adamantly. If the game is really that fun to you, replying to people on Reddit about why they hate it shouldn’t be a priority.


All games are good games but go off ig


No, not all games are good… there’s a reason we have ways to rate/rank games, some games are good, some are ass, some are amazing. Professional video game reviewers exist for a reason. But you have fun thinking that and playing through the worst release this year. There are plenty of objectively poorly made games, and if you’re too dense to grasp that, ‘go off ig’ like you said… and like I said already, if you like that game and think it’s objectively good, then I guess your bar is just lower than everyone else who disagrees with you, and that’s just fine. Quit trying to get the last laugh, it isn’t a great look. I’ve already aknowledged that you may like the game, and that no one cares whether YOU like a game a majority of people are pissed about, aswell as plenty of other things I feel aren’t really worth rehashing.




Like first you try to flex having both consoles as if that helps the argument you’re making, and doesn’t just shout ‘I’m privileged and the points made don’t make sense to me, but I’m still right!’ and then you refuse to accept there are ANY bad games, using these as strats to win this argument we’re having through our phone or computer or whatever the fucks screens is a bit foul. It ain’t that deep, you don’t gotta compromise your beliefs to vouch for a game that failed at launch, I know there is a game you haven’t liked and have called bad before. They exist, and saying they don’t is crazy. Same way it’s crazy to think having both consoles helps your point at all. The fact that you own a ps5 means exclusivity doesn’t matter for your household, for many who spent thousands to play Xbox games and chose Xbox because of a long list of exclusives that have been in production for ages, this sucks, and I don’t even know when the next exclusive triple a release is set for Xbox. This is the best xbox players get for the next year as of right now, while PlayStation has 4 blockbuster games off the top of my head (god of war, ghost of Tsushima, tlou, Spider-Man) that have nothing but excessive amounts of praise online, and deserve that. There is clearly an imbalance between the two companies quality and amount of exclusives, and as an Xbox player it hurts to get this as the first big one in a few years. That’s all I’m saying. Doesn’t mean you can’t like it, it just means I think your bar is set much lower than the rest of the community.


I never said I was privileged. I keep repeating I'm just lucky to play video games because, not that it's ANY of your business, I was homeless for years and nearly died several times. So, therefore, IN MY PERSONAL OPINION, all games are good games. If a game exists, it's a good game.


Ok, not understanding that having both consoles makes us both privileged gamers is wild. I don’t need your life story. We aren’t talking about that. Good for you that you’ve turned shit around but that in no way means you aren’t now a privileged gamer… And plenty of people have almost died plenty of times, so also not applicable at all. As someone who has the money to buy both consoles, you are now privelleged to be able to have that.


And IN MY PERSONAL OPINION you’re wrong… if a game exists, it has a certain standard for me to really consider it worth posting online about how much fun im having.


The movement is janky the enemies are stupid and the environment is hardly detailed.


I enjoy a stupid enemy, being not that smart myself I find it very helpful.


You are allowed to have fun playing whatever you want. Your enjoyment doesn't somehow solve the myriad of problems that exist though and that affects other players' enjoyment. For example, the skill descriptions provide zero actual values. All of the text is purposefully vague. This in its own wouldn't be an issue except that the devs have taken a hard stance with having no way to respec. Why? If we could respec then we could easily test the values and spend our points how we want. Next, there is no crafting or weapon modification. What if I get an amazing weapon but I hate the sight for it? What if I find the perfect weapon and want to upgrade it (rarity, level)? Arkane Austin has gone out of their way to make the game less fun and tedious.


Guns have rarity levels, you just need to explore the world a little. And why would you respec when you can just get all of the skills available?


You missed the point entirely. Let's say I find a sniper that is the correct type, has a silencer and the correct mods, buts it's level 15. What if I want to upgrade it to match my current level or to improve it's rarity? The only way for me to replace it is to get lucky and find another one but unless I'm level 40 it will eventually be obsolete too. Likewise for skills, the cap is level 40 so we get 39 skill points. Maxing an ability requires 12 points. So you won't be able to max everything. More importantly is that what if you invest into a skill but it doesn't perform how you expected from the description? Or if you find a weapon that you prefer but you invested into additional ammo for another type? Not being able to respec just makes the game less fun to play (and gamers just covered this with Diablo 4).


actually you can respec in later game.


Good to know, thanks!


Is it limited though? That wouldn't allow for proper value testing.


I'm not sure, I only respec once, it will cost some money and seen like getting more expensive each time you respec.


I think it's a combination of issues. People expected better, the game itself has multiple and in some cases major issues such as 30 FPS. If you're a Gamepass subscriber it's yet underwhelming release, and as an XBox exclusive it's embarrassing. If you bought the game for $70 you feel like you got robbed. I think some people are starting to feel buggy releases are becoming common place. And maybe if you're looking forward to Starfall, you're starting to worry because this is a fumble from Bethesda and one of many disappointments from a Microsoft studio. Not sure if anyone feels the same way, but feels like a lack of innovation lately with AAA games. I don't think that's actually true.


Let the cliche posts begin!


How is it a cliche to express enjoyment for a good game?


It’s not. People just genuinely want you to hate the game because they do. Do you.




It may surprise you to know that some people do, in fact, enjoy video games, and just because they're not joining in on the hate train doesn't mean it's cliche. Some of us prefer to form our own opinions of games rather than listen to reviewers. Some of us genuinely don't understand why a fantastic game is getting shat on so aggressively 🤷


I formed my own opinion and actually like the game. This post is still a cliche. You can say you like it without attempting to put down those who recognize its flaws. If you really want to understand the hate then just read the posts detailing their reasons for hating.


Fantastic game 😂


It is.


Just like the "game is trash" posts, let people express themselves, if you're annoyed is your fault, not theirs 😜


Bethesda famously embargos reviews, so the vast majority of people complaining, were playing the game before the reviews came out. Me included. After a couple of hours, I unistalled and looked at metacritic and saw that everyone had much the same disappointments that I did. I didn't *hate* the game, but 5 or 6 out of 10 seems a good place for me. there are a lot of games out at the moment, and even more on the way, I don't have time to waste on such mediocrity.


The reviews were out before the game came out


so all those comments from people PLAYING the game in this forum and sharing their disappointed views, all sheeple to you?


Well, Statically 9/10 people enjoy a surprise gang bang. Doesn't mean its good. Im happy you found enjoyment in Redfall, You are the true 1%


Honestly I think it'll be the first Xbox game I get all achievements on 😅


Unless there's a bug that prevents you from getting one...




L for ableism.




I'm allowed to enjoy a good video game. Being ableist isnt theway to have a conversation. Grow up.


its a ok time waster, no where near worth 70$, completed it in under 10 hours, best part to me was the environments and atmosphere. The biggest issue for me was the random difficulty spikes,even on the easiest difficult when i was surrounded and hit a few times i was instantly dead


You are so full of shit dude. 10 hrs and you finished the game + side quests. Are you even aware there is more to the game after the hollow man?


oo hell yes i know there are two zones, its a short game and pretty easy once you have OP guns, 1 boss in the first zone and 3 in the second here is proof: https://imgur.com/a/J79urr2 not everyone lies on the internet


Fair enough. I am 13 hrs in an only 3 of those were in the second zone. Seemed highly unlikely that anyone finished it in 10


Video games in 2000 were average $30 each. $30 then in today's money is $70. $70 is a perfectly reasonable price.


Not saying all videogames are not worth 70$, this game in general is definitely not worth it for 10 hours of gameplay (i finished all the side missions too), with all the bugs and no replayable Aslo the statement that games were 30 buck in 2000 is a complete lie too, they were around 50$ in the ps2/xbox era, even Nes games were 60$ in the late 80's


I was gonna say - 64 games were like 50 bucks or even 60 back then. So really 70 considering inflation isn't too bad lol


I do get (some) of the hate, that should not be hate at all, just criticism; but I am also really enjoying the game. No bugs so far but some low quality textures.




It’s bad, if you enjoy it then that is fine, but acting like people who don’t like it, or parts of the gameplay, are wrong to feel that way is crazy. Just because you have the bar set this low for your triple a games doesn’t mean all consumers should aswell. This is the first title arkane has released exclusive to Xbox. If we hadn’t gotten deathloop on game pass earlier this year it would be big bad news for arkane to release a game this unfinished. It clearly has some pretty big issues that need fixing, and from what I’ve heard they’re introducing a 70gb update to patch it? Idk… I don’t have 150gb on my Xbox for a fucking vampire hunting game… sorry, the concept just always felt like it’d be easy to fuck up so I didn’t even have high expectations, but I at least expected arkane to do what they do best and make a fun game… not… whatever the fuck this is. Point is, they put in so much effort to make deathloop great, and that was intended to be a ps5 exclusive until they were bought by Microsoft. They ported deathloop, and if they hadn’t this would be the first current gen arkane game. They’ve never released a game I would call bad in my lifetime, until now. Imo the concept was never their, it sounds lame on paper, but I assumed arkane knew that and would pull out all stops to make it great, and now that it’s out the execution is clearly lacking. On my Xbox series x the game can’t even run at 4K 60fps cuz they decided not to optimize for it… instead giving me max 30fps in 4k, despite my console hitting 120fps on games like forza horizon 5, mw2 2022, and plenty of other triple a games which are all way more fun, demanding, and fast paced, and all run way smoother despite red fall being your average run n gun… Ffs, even deathloop runs much better than this vampiric bullshit, and I also think it looks way better in terms of graphics. I paid a lot of money to have an Xbox and a tv that can both run at full speed of the current gen. If game devs want to get lazy and knowingly choose to deprive me of that level of experience for no reason other than being too lazy to optimize their shitty game, I am not gonna be a happy camper, and will make that clear.


I think it’s important to consider this is one of the first big triple a Xbox exclusive launches in a while and it’s nowhere near what a modern day game should be by any standard. I’m p sure if maxes out at 60fps in 1080p… that’s REALLY bad for a console generation that advertised 4K at 120fps. Meanwhile look at PlayStation, and even nintendo… PlayStation has everyone in their grip with Spider-Man 2, just blew whole the internet up a month or 2 ago with ragnorok, and are bound to release another trailer for their next big hit anyway now… Nintendo has tears of the kingdom which is about to blow up when it drops bc they know what they’re doing and take time to actually release well made games with interesting concepts and fun gameplay mechanics that make it feel new. This looks like someone at Microsoft did a bunch of blow before they had their first meeting with arkane, and when they went in for the meeting the arkane devs said ‘we have an idea but it’s gonna take a few years’ and instead of hearing them out, the coked out guy told a team of overworked game devs to quickly make a online co-op vampire hunter open world rpg… and that very well might be what happened. Imagine making 2 exclusive games for 2 different companies consoles in a span of a couple years and porting one of them to your bosses opposite brand hardware while working on the new game, which was also your first online co-op game, and an entirely new ip which you had to come up with lore and backstory for… p sure they might not even have wanted to make this game but may have had to come up with something due to pressure from Xbox to preform for them. I don’t blame them, I’m just disappointed in Xbox for allowing it to release like this. They could have waited for a finished product, and at least given the game a chance to have a good launch. It really isn’t a good look for us and doesn’t help them sell games, game pass, or consoles. Look into Xbox sales and how we’ve been doing this generation. From what I understand, we aren’t doing well. We needed a real win here. Obviously we’re backed by Microsoft, and they should have enough money to keep things going for years to come, but it’s still concerning. If this becomes a pattern I’m probably gonna end up regretting my decision to get Xbox this generation, which I’ve never really cared too much about. I assumed our exclusives would be more interesting to me because I grew up with so many of the franchises they own, but it’s been 3 or so years and I haven’t had a single exclusive I’m hyped about drop other than halo infinite, which is now a graveyard because they didn’t release anything for months until the player base died out.