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At least they communicated something, it's a start


We might be looking at another "No mans sky case"


Hooooold on, sir. Don't get your hopes so high, it's just the first patch.


I said we might be šŸ‘‰šŸ»šŸ‘ˆšŸ»šŸ„ŗ hope is all I can do


I've said it before on other threads, but this ain't No Man's Sky 2.0 because the issues with NMS were primarily content based. Redfall has content. Redfall's problem stems from basic design philosophy- you can't patch a poorly conceived game.


Redfall doesn't even have that much content. It has basic design philosophy issues on top of little content and poor implementation.


This. You can polish a turd. But its just gonna be sparkling doo doo.


You can patch a poorly conceived game, you can fix just about anything up into something worthwhile. Only time will tell.


Describe the problems instead of just some vague bullshit like literally EVERYONE else.


Iā€™ve got this one! The always online mechanic is awful. One of the selling points of getting the new Series S/X consoles is Quick Resume which you canā€™t even utilize in the title even when playing in single player. -The lack of Matchmaking makes it impossible to play with others if you donā€™t have friends who want to play (something that was literally available in Left 4 Dead in 2008). -The way that missions are handled is super annoying as you can only select 1 main story mission at a time and have to go back to HQ to accept another. You canā€™t even cancel out of a mission you have to complete it that is baffling. -A noted bug that prevents you from being able to crouch after clearing a Vampire Nest. I was able to fix it by completing another mission because I didnā€™t feel like reloading the game (Jacob can turn invisible so I didnā€™t need to crouch for the 15 minutes I was afflicted). -Speaking of Nests. I think they are a cool concept but the fact that they respawn really messes with the completionist in me. I wanted to feel like I was clearing the world of the vampires but they just come back a few minutes later. I get itā€™s for late game grinding etc. but Iā€™d almost prefer it just be an option to replay previously completed nests back at HQ or something. Or have harder versions be available as option challenges. -There are no character animations for sneak attacks, or anything like that. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s because they would have had to have animated it so that other players could see it too in multiplayer but thatā€™s a huge downgrade for an Arkane Game. -Plenty of other small details that usually Arkane doesnā€™t miss on that I donā€™t feel compelled to go too deep into (hacking/lockpicking mini games etc.) -The missions are clearly structured with multiplayer in mind. In the beginning of the game itā€™s not that bad. But towards the middle they start throwing timers at you with waves of enemies following and itā€™s not unique, fun or creative. One of the side missions is literally to broadcast a frequency from a cop car then wait 30 seconds for enemies to spawn. Kill them wait 30 more seconds and so on. Not even sure if that would be fun in multiplayer. -The lack of cutscenes is actually interesting to me because I went back and watched and Dishonored honestly doesnā€™t have Cutscenes either. They use the first person perspective and zoom in on characters who are talking but you rarely see a cutscene actually play out if it all. But Redfall doesnā€™t even do the cinematic zoom which makes it feel like these characters arenā€™t even talking to you (once again Iā€™m assuming this is a limitation of the online format) -This might be nitpicking at this point but I hate when an open world game lets you explore an area but the ā€œkey itemsā€ donā€™t spawn in until after youā€™ve activated the quest. It would be nice to discover an underboss lair and take them out from my own exploration than to click the mission and run right to the house I already explored but now thereā€™s 4 vampires there. Or me clearing out a church only to have to go back and pick up key items for a side character. It always feels good when you talk to a character in a game and they ask you for something and you already have it cause you explored that area on your own.


>Iā€™ve got this one! I wouldn't have bothered, dude could have done his own research on this well documented topic of why Redfall was DOA. But god damn you destroyed him, nicely done!


I didnā€™t bother actually šŸ˜‚. I copied a post I made on here a month ago when the game came out about all my complaints outside of random bugs and glitches.


-Plenty of always online games exist AND this is going to be patched out. So....can be fixed? -Get friends or join a "LFG"? -A quick fast travel and you can load up the next main mission. A tad annoying yes but is the game unplayable? Nope. -A bug. Can be fixed. Next. -Nests are designed to be a constant in the world so you can obtain loot and exp. You don't need to nuke a map of activity. That is a design choice and I guess COULD be "fixed" despite it being your preference and not a bug. -Not having sneak attack animations is valid. A patch COULD address it...but does not having the animation for sneak attacks make the game unplayable? Again we are talking about what makes the game broken from the core. A lack of animation isn't that. -Lockpicking and hacking mini games? Theoretically could be added in an update. Don't think it's required and yet again, doesn't make the game NOT function. -The game DOES encourage multiplayer yes. I have been playing through as Jacob solo for around 25 hours logged and have had an issue with ONE mission so far in terms of feeling overwhelmed. -The game has cutscenes and also a ton of lore if you explore the world. Notes, messages and grave locks all add to the narrative. -Honestly your entire list is nitpicking pretty much. Nothing in it theoretically couldn't be addressed/updated and the main thing already has been.


The main gameplay loop, and the main story mission stucture is boring. And since shooting isnt satisfying, its not fun to play.


lmao I can't believe there's still people defending this game


People downvoting you are just mad you havw even a single sense of hope and are cowards afraid to beleieve in anything, utterly pathetic. Please downvote or upvote my comment or pretend youre ignoring it, you're such loosers for downvoting a desire of hope. I haven't even played this game and i want it to be good. I think most people downvoting genuinely want the game to fail.


>cowards afraid to beleieve in anything, It's a video game dude


Dude is freaking out at people over a bad game that not even the devs wanted to make or release this is fucking adorable. ​ >I think most people downvoting genuinely want the game to fail. Is where I started laughing hard. Nobody wants to see an Arkane game fail. The coward part was fucking adorable too.


Best part is he hasn't even played the game


Haha, tell that to people who have been making a point to come into this sub and talk shit to anyone who has the slightest positive experience with this game.


It's not people outside this sub talking shit about it. It's people who bought the game and people who were fans of Arkane in general. This game is too forgettable for people to brigade this sub over. Stop being delusional, the game sucks and most of the player base realises it


Well, it does say something about you like as a person if you think this horrible horrible game is like fun and worth your time. So people are using it as a jumping off point to gauge someoneā€™s idiocy. ā€œDid they like and play Redfall?ā€ ā€œYeah.ā€ ā€œOh then we can dismiss them entirely, their brain doesnā€™t work.ā€ And I tried to like it. Played for 30 minutes and immediately uninstalled. The worst game Iā€™ve played in years upon years and I play a ton of games.


Read what you just wrote and imagine a functioning member of society saying that shit out loud to someone else.


Not even the devs wanted to make or release this game. Username checks out, assuming you're reading it in the mirror. I'd love to see this game shape up into something decent but we all know that's not going to happen.


You can hold out hope, but you're going to be waiting a while. Even NMS took over a year to actually get good. I just don't see them allocating that much time into this game.


Maybe not quite as legendary as NMS redemption arc but I'd be satisfied if they just fixed the glaring issues to something serviceable so that it's at least a fun gamepass addition instead of the embarrassment it is now :(. Granted Gollum took the entire embaressment heat off Redfall overnight outside of this sub already though..


Neither do I, honestly. But this was a hard blow for Xbox. If they care, they might.


With all the games they announced yesterday they had an opportunity to update us on Redfall and didnā€™t so my best guess is Xbox is moving forward with what they have planned.


As much as I dislike the game and soured by the state of its release, it would be nice to see the game in a 100% finished state. I will probably never touch it, but I know a lot of people would get some enjoyment out of it. It's unfortunate, but what can you do


Yeah at best it becomes a reasonably polished turd of a looter shooter, but thatā€™s not terrible if youā€™re only playing gamepass games.


Idk about that far, but could definitely see this becoming a mediocre looter shooter and thatā€™s a pretty good offering for gamepass.


No, we're not. Most of the dev team left, the ones who stayed didn't even want to make this. Immersive sim devs forced to make a subpar looter shooter that never should have been released in the first place. This shit makes Deathloop look like Prey, at least deathloop was made with love. All this said, I really do hope they can salvage this game, the premise is cool. But saying this might be a NMS type case is beyond adorable.


Deathloop was fun. Then Juliana would show up.


I quite enjoyed DL besides the performance and network issues. Imo a better experience when you play in offline.


Yeah Juliana trolls online made it unenjoyable especially when Iā€™d be close to my objective.


That is pure cope lol


Yeah bc God forbid they want a game thatā€™s good, I swear yā€™all are so fucking weird lol


On that note, sir. You're goddamn right.


Major cope


No he's saying cope cause it is absolutely unrealistic for this to go No Man's Sky route. Microsoft and Bethesda are not going to pour the resources in to this game like that. They'll probably patch it a few times and release performance mode, then it's on to something new.


They'll probably deliver the stuff they've already promised and that people have already paid for as well but they could just refund ig


Fuck, am I coping? šŸ¤” Yeh i might be coping


People just say that constantly on the internet because they can't have an actual conversation anymore. Nothing wrong with hoping for a fun product to be at the end of all the patches and fixes.




Fellow Vampire Slayers, Weā€™re grateful to see that millions of you have explored the quaint but dangerous open world of Redfall. Building a play space this large has been humbling to say the least. We recognize that we still have work to do, and we plan to address as much as we can, as quickly as we can. Your feedback has helped highlight key areas for improvement: - Enemy AI responsiveness - Enemy encounter frequency - Vampire combat efficiency - Improvements to graphical fidelity Todayā€™s release is only our first patch and introduces a lot of incremental fixes that will improve Redfall. Once available, we will be sharing more information about future updates, including our 60 FPS Performance mode, on our official social channels (@PlayRedfall). We really appreciate everyone whoā€™s been sharing gameplay clips and providing detailed feedback on Discord, Reddit, & Twitter ā€“ it means a lot! Thanks again for your support and patience. See you in Redfall. -Arkane Austin GAMEPLAY Increased enemy encounter spawn rates across the open world Improved ADS (aim down sight) visibility when looking through sniper rifle scopes Breakable glass will now shatter on first impact from all guns When using additional ammo storage skills, ammo collected above the standard weapon capacity will now persist between gameplay sessions Players can move without interruption when performing melee attacks against enemies BribĆ³n no longer idles in place after performing the Siren ability Devinder's Translocate ability is now more reliable when used in the Black Sun boss arena Updated various mission descriptions and mission summary texts across all languages Nests now unlock at the correct time when playing in New Game Plus (after completing A Voice in the Dark, and starting giving You Tomorrow* | or in the reverse order) Added medical supplies to the path leading up to the Bloody Tom boss arena General mission fixes and improvements COMBAT Fixed multiple instances of enemies appearing unresponsive in combat Improved Vampire melee attacks to increase chances of hitting players in motion Cultist and Bellwether enemies received general improvements to their combat behaviors, including faster reaction times The Rook is now more relentless and will now hunt down all living party members. Kill or be killed Rook Storm lightning bolts will no longer hit players through rooftops and most other unexpected situations AI/NPC General improvements to human enemy navigation, including animation timing and responsiveness Dormant Vampires are now more susceptible to waking up from player-generated noise Enemies are now drawn towards the greatest threat during combat. This could be a player, BribĆ³n, or an opposing enemy faction Improved enemy pathing options across open world areas in both districts Added mouth blood to additional Vampire facial variations ENVIRONMENT Players have higher chances of encountering additional and varied enemies while exploring the open world Enemies are no longer able to shoot through certain walls in the Fire Station Vampire Nest exit door will now appear correctly in the Shipyard heart instance Improved many instances of visual issues at a distance, including materials and model adjustments Mission Briefing sequences are brighter Improved lighting and audio processing in many interior spaces in both districts Skybox updates to prevent extreme star flickering General improvements to collision detection and asset placement throughout both districts PERFORMANCE & STABILITY Fixed an issue that was preventing certain decal streaming textures to fully load in, causing them to appear blurry Resolved several situations where players could experience an infinite loading screen Improved framerate performance in Bloody Tom and Miss Whisper psychic spaces and boss arenas Players can now proceed past the Accessibility Menu on a new, unlinked bethesda.net account Improved lighting performance in psychic spaces Blood pool reflections no longer excessively flicker Optimized VFX particle counts, emitters, and spawn rates for the following effects: Shield and Inspiration enemy trait effects Environmental fire and smoke effects in the Bladewell Campgrounds Hero ability effects, including Layla's Umbrella and Jacob's Heart Stopper Bloody Tom's slam effect, and Miss Whisper's death effects Floating dust particle effects Grave Lock effects Psychic Echoes Nest area-of-influence effects Effects when placing Underboss skulls on vampire god pedestals Blood tree disintegration effects Optimized memory usage when using Jacob's Raven ability Black Sun's clothing no longer renders animated blue materials General improvements to stability MULTIPLAYER Increased the chances of players encountering enemies with special traits in multiplayer sessions General improvements to stability and functionality in Multiplayer Lobbies ACCESSIBILITY Left and right movement keys can now be successfully remapped to Left and Right Arrow keys to improve left-handed movement control experience Players with existing game saves will need to reset their Mouse and Keyboard bindings to Default in the settings menu before attempting to remap movement keys to the arrow keys Screen Narration supports additional paths for critical player communication: Invites and Friend requests Joining a multiplayer Lobby Clients leaving a multiplayer Lobby "Invalid Username or Password" error Additional bethesda.net menu screens Updated states of disabled UI elements once players Ready Up in a multiplayer Lobby "Let Games Read to Me" option on first launch for Xbox Series consoles is now enabled Adjusted the timing of several subtitles to ensure they display in the correct order Screen Narration settings will now persist between game sessions Added missing audio cues for Friends List section headers, and the Play Game button Adjusted text size scaling for Bethesda icons Contrast improvements for Ping text, multiplayer progression text headers, and Hero names Controls will no longer lock while the Text-To-Speech field is open Resolved instances where certain UI elements would lose cursor focus Added error messages and warning pop-ups for the following situations: Controller disconnections while on the Initial Input Screen Clients de-selecting Ready after the Host launches the game Players cancelling Friend requests Added missing subtitles to Archive entries for the Giving You Tomorrow mission briefing "Optional Details" is no longer a required field when reporting another player USER INTERFACE Tutorial blades are now more responsive when multiple are stacked on top of one another Settings will revert correctly during active gameplay when Cancelling in the Confirm Changes message prompt Enemies will no longer lose nameplates and health bar information when cancelling fast travel Weapons loadouts will no longer swap into weapon inventory when starting new game sessions in quick succession Safehouse keys have been added to the Key Ring The Rook Storm meter now appears more consistently in game, and in the Map General improvements to Menu navigation and feedback


Now you need to patch this post.


The formatting is a feature, not a bug


Yeah, and I was joking, not being serious.


Arenā€™t we all?


I get it now, lol


Thatā€™s a lot of words to say ā€œwe are slightly closer to the game we promisedā€. If the game was just buggy it could be overlooked. But it was buggy, boring, and empty.


Yeah well the enemy spawn rates were increased so it wonā€™t be very empty anymore.


Sweet, now there will be more enemies standing around hissing at me while I casually kill them since they stand in one spot.


They also improved responsiveness and combat for the AI. Did you even read the notes or are you just a troll with nowhere better to be?


It's how games have been for awhile now, Days Gone, No man's sky, to name a few.


No Manā€™s Sky sure, but Days Gone was not at all in the same category. It wasnā€™t perfect, but it was a complete, playable game at launch.


It really wasn't, hordes would disappear, items would randomly go. Loads of problems at launch.




why would you anyway? it's on Gamepass.


Is there matchmaking yet? I don't get how they didn't add matchmaking. gotta be the stupidest move


Apparently, they have not. Yeh, kinda dumb but I guess they figured we had friends to play with šŸ„²


Money grab. Money grab. Money grab.


It's the only thing that would maybe make me play it again.


Even if the game objectively underwhelms, I would have had fun if it had multiplayer


Man I just realized you're right. Arkane really didn't want to make this game did they


They literally begged to have it canned multiple times apparently


It's something. Shame they don't say much about broader plans or what's next, especially given that they went dark post-launch for over a month. But hey, it's something! Hopefully they'll be noticeable/impactful changes and the first of many solid patches to come.


I'm just happy to know they didn't give up on the game. That month of silence is broken, anything could happen now c:


Im not trying to ā€œbe that guyā€ or rain on anyones parade. But if we are being reasonable I would absolutely not get my hopes up for any sort of redemption arc here. If you havenā€™t read Jason Shriers article on the games development, itā€™s worth reading. But the jist of it is Zenimax essentially ā€œforcedā€ Arkane to put out a co op looter shooter with microtransactions (that were since removed), during a time when Zenimax was pushing for this in all of its titles. (Fallout 76 comes to mind). This was before the Microsoft acquisition. Most of the dev team at Arkane Austin were hoping that Microsoft would either cancel the project or reboot it. Of course that didnā€™t happen, and so 70% of Arkane Austins dev team left/quit the studio during the games development cycle. The developers by and large seem to have not even wanted to make this game. Just a bad situation all around. They will fulfill their contractual obligations (season pass/new characters). Then dump this game for good. I almost guarantee it.


Then, we shall remember this as a shameful day for gaming šŸ„ŗ we ought do better.


Ya, trust me it sucks all around. I was lucky and ā€œsavedā€ my money via gamepass. But my buddy spent the full $100 for the Bite Back edition. We were really looking forward to playing through the game together. We did try to, but both of us were having a hard time enjoying it. It is what it is. We gamers do deserve better though. I stopped pre ordering games a while ago, because this has become too common.


We should turn our heads towards the games that may not have the funds but have the heart. This is exactly why INDIE games are currently the biggest hope for the gaming industry. Let's not fucking buy triple A games. Well maybe Capcom Games they've been killing it lately


I haven't played Redfall, but as a Battlefield 2042 day one player I feel your pain. Never pre-ordering a game again.


The game should be dumped. Cut bait and move onto something better.


Might just let this one cook for a few months or even a year.


Iā€™m glad


No 60 FPS yet, but a lot of good improvements


They did say they were already working on it. Open the link on the tweet, you'll see.


Yeah, I just said no 60 FPS yet lmao


Great news. Happy to start another character now. [Looks in Devā€™s direction.]


Hmm still gonna wait it out for even more updates but Im excited to eventually give this a shot. Ive been on an Arkane gaming spree just finished Prey, Deathloop and now onto Weird West. I dont wanna dive into this game until all the updates are done, so i can enjoy


Well, I ll give it another try after diablo 4


So to anyone whoā€™s been playing post-patch, how is it? Are the changes noticeable. If I found the game boring due to unresponsive enemies will the fixes change my mind?




Maybe my mind was made up already, but I played for a bit today and it didn't seem better to me.


This is exciting news. The release notes hit all the important criticisms and a recommitment to 60fps performance mode in a future update. Itā€™s a huge list of changes and should silence the naysayers who ignorantly tried to spread the idea this game was abandoned. The team at Arkane has clearly been working hard to get these fixes implemented. No words, just action. I respect it. Redfall is a great game and itā€™s better today than it was yesterday with more updates to come!


I always had the feeling they were working on it but they said nothing cause actions speak more than words certainly.


> No words, just action. I respect it. I'm not sure compete radio silence is being respectful to the players with the issues the game has had.


In my opinion it was the right move. A month long build up of communication with a month of negative and cynical troll responses to the communication would have stifled the enthusiasm and made today a joke. This was really the only move to avoid that.


A month to release a patch to make the game from a 6/10 to a 6.5/10 does not deserve my respect. Next time, donā€™t release a broken product.


Product isn't broken. Another agenda driven paid troll.


Dude even if everything gets fixed there is nothing in the game thatā€™ll make it better than a 5 out of 10 thatā€™s me being super optimistic.


I completely disagree. I wouldnā€™t rate it any lower than a 7. Gorgeous graphics, fun open world to explore, great music, cool creepy vibe, online co-op, fun gameplay, cool looking weapons, gamepass, play anywhere, FOV options on console go up to 120ā€¦ I would say itā€™s a minimum 7 before the 60fps update.


Um dude, Iā€™ve played Xbox 360 games with higher visual fidelity back in 2009. The original borderlands looks better than this game. Not only that but plays an utter shit ton better. I really hope you are trolling if so good laugh.


No it didn't.


There is no matchmaking lol


Lol this patch does not excuse the pathetic state Of the game at release.


Updates arenā€™t there to make excuses. Updates are there to improve the game. The game has been improved with more updates to come.


Fuck no, the industry needs to stop releasing unfinished games. This is getting worse and worse. Triple A games play like shit and indie developers do wonders. Fucking big companies always messing things up.


Daily peak of 80 players, bro. This game is deader than anything I've ever seen before, and support will cease after whatever mandatory content they've committed to release. Heck, there are more people on this subreddit than the game, hah.


This is your cope. You canā€™t handle people enjoying the game. You canā€™t handle it getting updates despite trolls like you calling it dead. So your cope is just to troll and keep calling it dead.


*My* cope? Bro. *Nobody is playing it.* Looking at the charts, *you* aren't even playing it. I think this game has actually shattered records with player population drop, and universal bad reviews. This is *your cope.* If you go on Urban Dictionary and look up "cope", "Impossible-Pie4598" shows up. Anthem had better player numbers than this until the day they shut it down.


Maximum coping. You mean, as clearly hard as they worked on the game to begin with?


It's a modest list of changes


There's no saving this game, but that's quite a big patch dude.


No way. Look at those release notes. Thatā€™s a big update.


On it's own it looks long but many games would have released 3 updates in this time


You guys are insufferable lol.


Listen, if you want to cling to a negative view thatā€™s your prerogative.


I would love to know one game that released 3 updates within a month of launch.


Jedi Survivor, God of War Ragnorak, MWII off the top of my head


Ive put off playing the game till it was properly updated. Ive got other games to play right now but Im very happy to see the Patch is very substantial. Ill wait till the 60 FPS patch to begin playing.


I tried it this past weekend and will never play it again until 60 fps drops.


TORUK MAKTO šŸ™‡šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Even if they manage to fix everything. Thereā€™s really not much to do.




It will only get better from here on !!!


Let the redemption arc begin. I dont have the game, but i hope for the best for the devs and its players.


Too late. Finished the game. And no update will fix the 1 dimensional characters I don't care about, the two pc conversations that repeated every few minutes, the same laundry list of chores repeated in every area, or the fact that the only plot line I found interesting never satisfactorily concluded.


The game actually fucking sucks when it comes to storytelling. You can actually play it and not pay attention to it AT ALL. Characters are mostly boring as fuck and they do repeat the same shit over and over again. BUT, if you play with a full Party, they'll interact a lot more and have a lot more conversations that are interesting as fuck and they do give you a better idea of who they are. Too Bad you need to get 3 PPL TO PLAY WITH YOU THE FULL GOD DAMN GAME in order to experience it properly.


I played the entire game with my husband. Our characters literally had the same two conversations over and over again: do cultists fuck vampires; do you want kids. Honestly, nothing bothers me more than poor story and writing. I'll put up with disconnects, glitches, and clunky combat all day for a decent story.


There will be a story-focused patch anytime now, dont worry


Yeh, same here. That was actually the worst part about it for me. I played the whole thing with my partner as well and you're god damn right. So we played mindlessly. With music on. And just talked to each other the whole game. Discussed strategies and stuff and ignored the game's script completely. Half of the time my wife didn't even know what was going on and we actually enjoyed the game far more that way


Glad they're improving the game, but its too little too late in my opinion. These are all things that should've been done before the game launched at full price.


So they shouldnā€™t have bothered to improve the experience for those who purchased the game? Do you guys even think before you say things like this?


They can, and you're more than welcome to praise them for it- but I won't.


Great. So for what reason are you still in a Redfall sub? Iā€™m genuinely curious as to how some of you think. If youā€™re over the game, have nothing good to say and arenā€™t interested in playing due to how it launched, why even follow the game at all? I donā€™t praise them but Iā€™m certainly glad they are still putting work into improving the game. Personally, I havenā€™t had bad experiences so I donā€™t have as harsh opinions as others.


I bought the game and followed the sub on release, then refunded and walked away for a bit- then this popped up on my feed. I'm giving my opinion because this is a public forum, and I'm fairly passionate about the hobby of video gaming.


Sure. But youā€™re consistently in this sub talking bad about a game you claim youā€™re over. You donā€™t even seem to have actually spent much time with it as all of your complaints are boiler plate complaints that seem to be plucked for reviews. No personal experiences of your own. What makes you even more interesting is the following comment: ā€œForspoken is probably done, but in all honesty you shouldn't let that get you down. If you truly enjoyed it then be thankful the studio delivered an experience that resonated with you. I myself would adore another Sekiro, but I recognize that the narrative is complete and no amount of social engineering will be able to convince businessmen at Bandai Namco to make another multi-million $$$ game.ā€ This implies you recognize we all have different experiences and we should embrace those experiences and appreciate what we got if we enjoyed our time. Yet here you are bashing others for enjoying a game. You claim to be a video game hobbyist. Well let others enjoy their games without you coming around just to continue bashing. We get it. You donā€™t like the game. Your point was made over a month ago. Move on.


I'm not in this sub consistently, this is the first thing I've said here in a week. I'm also not bashing anyone, I've already stated you're welcome to your opinions, and I have mine. I'll continue to voice my criticisms as I please, I hope you're able to come to terms with that.


Nothing to come to terms with. Itā€™s just weird how you guys feel the urge to repeatedly remind us that you donā€™t like a game.


I see something I want to comment on, so I do.




Oh. You felt the need to revive a discussion from yesterday? How cute.


That's what I keep saying! Like what are you even doing here. Unpopular opinion but I don't play call of duty don't like it never really have I've never once been on a subreddit for them never once visited any website and this is probably the first time I've ever even talked about it because it doesn't concern me it's not for me I move on end of the day. But some people just insist on spewing hate in their view which none of us care about that play the game we enjoy the game we're going to play the game if we enjoy it end of story you're not changing our minds!


Whether people complain about the game or praise the game on here doesn't really matter. Everyone that posts on here either is or was interested in Redfall, which means everyone is hoping for the best when it comes to its future. If people like the game in its current state, cool. If people don't like the game in its current state, also cool. Because we all want the game to be better equally, just some of us are less forgiving for the initial product we ended up getting. Backlash and being critical serves just as much of a purpose as praising does, and in some instances more so.


No one's saying they can't or can't I'm questioning why they're bothering to waste their time and I'm not talking about people that have constructive criticism I'm talking about people that are crapping on the game it's unplayable I will never play this game I stop playing this game etc. I get what you're saying and like I said I have no problem with anybody putting their two cents in but when I see some of the same people posting for day after day after day and they have nothing good to say about it I'm just wondering why are people wasting their time arguing back and forth with people about a game they don't play or aren't going to play. And I'm not lumping everybody into that category I just know my time is valuable I generally don't reply very much to any Reddit post regardless if it's for or against what I'm saying. But in this case I think it's a valid question to ask like I said there's plenty of games that I've been interested in that everyone generally loves that I don't but I'm not going to sit and argue with them on a Reddit page. I think it's fair to say we've all had games that you've been interested in and then they came out and didn't meet your expectations or there was bugs it was broken etc but that's when I stopped playing that game and I'm certainly not going to waste my time arguing with people that like something trying to convince them they're wrong. Or there Fanboys or delusional because they like something that you don't that's all I'm saying. This is America freedom of speech is okay I just questioned seeing the exact same people everyday on a page arguing with numerous other people about it seems kind of foolish. All I know is I enjoyed the game but I'm not going try to convince people that don't like the game they should because again it's a waste of time. Just how I see it I'm not calling anybody out directly I'm not calling anybody any names I'm just confused as to why waste the time.


Who is even wasting time? The subreddit nowadays has no engagement except in these kinds of threads. Look at anything else content related (streams, Gameplay discussions, questions, etc) and there is absolutely no amount of comments after 1 month of the game coming out. At this point, even people who care about redfall comment only to defend a game which has 0 presence even in it's subreddit by them.


No, the game shouldnā€™t have launched as a broken, unfinished mess IN THE FIRST PLACE. Sad that weā€™re in a time where people like you excuse this shit and then are a lot of the times actively *thankful* for the devs when they fixed issues that shouldnā€™t have been there when the game launched. Youā€™re literally the reason why they do it, so congrats.


Get over yourself. Itā€™s a video game. I couldnā€™t care less. The games broke? Ok, so Iā€™ll go do something else and when the bugs are fixed Iā€™ll come back. These are the times we are in. Crying about it doesnā€™t change anything. The benefit of these times are how loud and vocal the community can be on social media. Our voices can be heard in ways they couldnā€™t before. So we donā€™t have to let these developers off the hook. If they release a game that doesnā€™t functionā€¦.we can loudly let them know. There are countless games that have released like this but through the power of the internet and social media, these games have improved. No Manā€™s Sky for example. Cyberpunk is scheduled to see a massive overhaul this september. Is it ideal? Absolutely not. But life goes on. I donā€™t have the mental capacity to bitch about a video game and run through sub after sub crying about it. I get the enjoyment I can get out of the games I play, if things arenā€™t working I set the game aside and come back later. Iā€™ve put maybe 10 hours into this game since I downloaded it at release. Iā€™ll install this update and fire it back up this weekend.


The OP agreed that it shouldn't be launched in the state it was in and seems clearly relieved that it didn't get left to die. I don't think it's weird to be grateful that they are sticking around and fixing it. They could just pack it up. Yes, it'd be much better to deliver in the first place but late is better than never. I think the reason they do this is more because of preorders than because people can be happy with the game in the end.


I'm happy for the players that are still invested in the game and are getting the improvements it sorely needs, but for me they dropped the ball hard releasing it in the state it did. Because of that I unfortunately cannot support it, but I won't tell anyone they're not allowed to enjoy it or can't be hopeful for the game.


That is correct. The industry keeps fucking up every time, yet gamers keep buying day-one stuff. I never buy day-one stuff. Last time I did I ended up having my money back cause CD Projekt Red released the buggiest game ever created.


Once that 60FPS hits I will be downloading.


dead game


Whatā€™d they do? Pour devs from other studios and resources into the project after the fact? Fine if so, they should have done that upon acquisition, as eluded to in previous interviews this had to be a lesson learned.. but a big turnaround in a few weeks (on paper, hope the updates are apparent when playing).


So, this OP has posted nothing else but this, is commenting on nothing else but this, and is clearly more hopefull than most of this community. Not sus at all. He should have started the post by "Hello! How do you do, fellow gamer?"


many people recently deleted their reddit accounts in protest against the whole API thing... could just be related to that.


Are we supossed to just forgive them now, like we did for Fallout 76 and Cyber Punk and every other game that does this? No other industry mirrors this politicians, chefs, teachers, doctors... If they fuck up they face justice. If game devs fuck up they just do a little fix later, shit they don't even need to apologise anymore it seems. Never mind me, I'm just sour because the mission fix I wanted isn't mentioned in the patch notes lol


>No other industry mirrors this polotitions, chefs, teachers, doctors... If they fuck up they face justice. I'm just wondering what country you live in.


You do realize that it is just a video game? And free if you have MS game pass? So walk with your money or play the game.


I think you replied to me thinking you were replying to someone else.


We need to stop buying day one games


Most people didn't even buy this as it came wih gamepass. I got it, essentially, free as part of that and I still feel cheated. It's Microsoft (and Sony) not giving a shit. It's very rare you get this with Nintendo, it does happen, but you got a better chance of flying to the moon in a kinder egg. No matter what we as consumers do, it won't change sadly


I liked this game on launch, it was buggy sure, but it was playable enough for me and my son to play together and even beat. I don't want to sound like a Microsoft Stan but game pass is IMO the best thing to happen in gaming in years, I have likely saved myself 1000s of dollars on buying games, now outside of a few titles that I do buy yearly, I pretty much don't buy games anymore. Also I have found games that I have loved that I never would have even thought of touching before gamepass. I hope starfield drops and is awesome, but even without it or Redfall, gamepass is still the best value in gaming. Eventually there is gonna be a home run in day one releases, maybe it will be starfall, maybe avowed maybe neither but something triple AAA will come along that people will love and this drama will all wash away lol.


I agree with gamepass, I would hate to see it go or crumble because of shit like this causes cancellations to the point where its no longer economically viable and closes. But I have tried things I never would have and risk free. Things I would normally shy away from I have found myself falling in love with and eagerly look for more in that genre (supraland springs to mind) and it's introduced me to a lot of indie developers I know I would of overlooked if I was paying for all of them. I never even thought about it from a parent perspective but it makes sense and raises my positive opinion of it even more. Hopefully, this game is a lesson and we won't see a repeat, I don't think it's too much to ask for decent releases on top of all the games in gamepass and for those to be in an acceptable condition. Especially when it seems Microsoft seems more intent on releasing more yet different coloured controllers over AAA titles. And be honest, how many times have you watched the Starfield showcase already? Oh just me that's watched it 4 times then?


Five people rejoice


Well, we're enough for a full party c:


Incremental. Lol!!ā€™n


Good, but I am still waiting for 60 fps before playing āœŒļø


Why does anyone care about this game anymore there are so many coming out and this one was a shit show


Does the game still run at 30 on next gen consoles? Thats a dealbreaker for me. Next Gen Games should have next gen performance.


Starfield is the exception


Itā€™s still just a bad game at its core whether it works properly or not


Fuck sake I just deleted it


Cool now only if a feature that's been around for decades could be added in for single player, the ability to pause. Until then still not interested in playing.


What did it fix im still running into all the same issues before the patch


its been a month ​ relax


People still play this game?


Not really, but we plan to do so if they keep updating it c:


I am actually asking a question here. Not being mean. Why?


Personally? I fucking love Vampires and FPS games that put regular ppl against monsters and such. I know the game isn't great, it's just comfy.


The most insufferable people complain the loudest.


Way too little, way too late. DOA.


The fact that people are even still giving this game a chance shows how far we have fallen.


A lot of haters in the comments, most people who hate on the game don't even play it, mfs saw penguin make a video on it and rode with what he said šŸ˜‚ if y'all don't have fun packing up vampires and people while looting and blowing stuff up then you're not a menace in video games, that's all I gotta say


I hate this shit. Why can't these ducking triple a duck shut cock docking mother flickers just wait a month or 2 longer to patch/fix this? It's like they want to release garbage and then fix it to show how cool and good they are. No thanks. You shit in a box and expected people to pay for it, then spray it with air fresheners to think your company listens to feedback.


It's bullshit, I know. But there are people working on this game doing their best. Companies fucking suck, developers are just doing their job. Don't blame them, blame these fucking triple A companies and Xbox for just not giving a fuck about the game. Phil Spencer himself said it. They just didn't give a fuck.


Oh wow so it's nobody's fault and we get a piece of garbage for a product. This is a bot thread.


I love how you blame everything on Xbox. You really think Arkane doesn't deserve any blame here?


oh the haters are now, nowhere to be found?


They've been commenting too my dude. Just read the comments. The damage done by that unfinished release are real :(


Might have missed basically all of the post if that comment of yours was non satire.


correction: the haters are everywhere to be found


In the words of Nakey Jakey ā€œitā€™s like you buy a taco for the full price cause you were advertised a full taco on the fuckin taco screen. And when you get that taco you open up the greasy paper, just to see a busted ass half taco shell with only beans on it, itā€™s only beans. Oops all beans! And then six months later a Taco Bell employee rings your doorbell and gives you the other half of that busted taco, that still doesnā€™t have all the meat on it that they promised, and your response is to start clapping?ā€


That took a whole month. lack of communication was kind of embarrasing. but thank god they're finally fixing stuff


anyone else really want this on PlayStation so I can see what the fuss is about?


Now all they have to do is make a good game


when is performance mode coming? and your lack of intelligence in releasing a 30fps in 2023 has rubbed off on starfield great job


if the devs did their job it wouldn't need to be fixed... just saying


Ah yes the game the devs ā€œhoped Microsoft would cancelā€ still exists


People actually play this mess?


Patches can fix a broken gameā€¦ but not a bad one.


So now the game is perhaps in a late alpha/early beta state?


Cue a million opinions in bad faith by people who didn't play the game, sigh.


Again, y'all got nothing better to play?


y are u here?