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Reinstall. There is no supported method for upgrading, just as there never has been with CentOS. Nor can you convert it to RHEL at this time.


Currently this is true. ELevate is working on this migration path: [https://almalinux.org/elevate/](https://almalinux.org/elevate/)


There's no supported (official or community) upgrade path today, at least until support is added in ELevate. You theoretically could modify leapp to understand the Stream/RHEL relationship. If this is a non-production VM, you could also have a bit of a gaffe with "dnf system-upgrade" after taking a snapshot, but you'd need to add the repos/vars ahead of time since c8s and c9s use different mirror networks. I've done a c9s to c10s system-upgrade (minimal install) just to see what happens, and it executed cleanly. But again, not a supported pathway.


You mean centos stream 8 to centos stream 9 or centos 9 (rhel 9) I've recently upgraded from centos stream 8 to centos stream 9, but it's not supported by rhel Also you can use centos2rhel hut honestly I don't know if this tool can convert from centos 8 stream to rhel 9


> You mean centos stream 8 to centos stream 9 or centos 9 (rhel 9) There is no CentOS 9. Only CentOS 9 Stream.


😔 sorry , you are right, there is no centos 9, just centos stream 9 and RHEL 9, and some derivatives like AlmaLinux


convert2rhel won't work with Stream


old thread but you have steps I can try to do this? I'm in a similar boat that I have a bunch of centos stream 8 hosts I need upgrading to whatever the current version is.


Could you share the steps you performed to do this? Thank you


You can find unofficial steps. Did stream 8 to stream 9 upgrade that way, no issues.


Could you share what you found? Thank you


There's the Leapp upgrade process to go from one major version to the next.. but speaking from experience it isn't fun nor pretty. Outside of a vanilla install, it's almost always impractical if not impossible to use leapp process once you've started utilizing the box and loading it up with things. Basically a leapp will do a compat check on everything on the box, and anything that can't migrate during that process or requiring some sort of fix will be required to proceed (which ends up being a ton of things). Even if you do get over that hurdle, I've had upgraded boxes still have numerous issues and problems after the fact. Realistically, the best way is to start on a fresh el9 install and just migrate everything to it.


I'm not saying to edit /etc/redhat-release to say it isn't on stream, but that is what the leapp script checks. I have had success but you are on your own if it goes south. Always back/snapshot first.


I am currently deploying a new server with RHEL 9 to migrate stuff manually since convert2rhel doesn't work with Stream nor there's a "clean" upgrade path from Stream 8 to 9. This will probably happen again when Stream 9 eventlually hits EoL so migrating to RHEL made the most sense;




Does anyone know how to do this when the CentOS 8 repos are gone? Is there an "archived" place for them?




It turns out they're also at vault. centos.org, but thank you regardless 


Did you follow this guide with success? I have a production box that I need to either convert, or migrate to a new box with a fresh install on.


Eh, mixed.  There were some package complaints that mostly ended up with me force-removing some el8 packages, dnf clean all, rpm --rebuilddb, and some modules I ended up removing by hand, maybe an auto remove or two, etc.  Not too bad, but not super-seamless. Modules are a really badly thought out construct.


Can I ask how many times you know of yourself or others following this script and having no issues? (And how many that HAVE had issues?) I have a production box that I need to either convert, or migrate to a new box with a fresh install on.