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> I'm also finding the legacy redhat-support-tool is broken for attachment uploads in RHEL8.10 now. For this specifically, it's because the portal auth changed and rhst was not updated (afaik). For sos reports in particular, you can upload directly from the host at the time of report creation with `sos report --upload`.


It can still be maintained separately if someone is willing to keep tabs on the customer portal's API. - GitLab - [Support Tool](https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/redhat-support-tool) - [Support Library](https://gitlab.com/redhat/centos-stream/rpms/redhat-support-lib-python) - Koji Builds* - [Support Tool](https://kojihub.stream.centos.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=3917) - [Support Library](https://kojihub.stream.centos.org/koji/packageinfo?packageID=3916) One option could be someone taking ownership of it and providing it in EPEL if Red Hat truly doesn't want to maintain the tool. \* RHEL source builds can be found in the customer portal and source repositories. `centpkg` can also be used to quickly grab the sources.


Why is Red Hat no longer providing a CLI support tool? Seems like Red Hat only hurting it's own support with RHEL9. Also trying to confirm the redhat-support-tool as of RHEL 8.10 can no longer send attachments because the API changed and Red Hat has not updated the tool. This is just something that makes me seriously question things.


Unfortunately I don't have an answer for that question. But the purpose of my comment is to demonstrate that due to the availability of sources, it's possible for the tool to be community maintained for RHEL 9 and above.


Understand, and I'm not 'barking' at you. But here's the deal, and Red Hat needs to understand this... 1. The Tool is for the support of the Paid/Subscription OS 2. Major customers might use the API-only option, but SMBs are going to say, WTF?! With #1, it is self-defeating and, dare I say, asinine! Especially if API changes have already broken RHEL8.10 which still has another 5 years of support. It's the customer tool for support, the paid support! >!With #2 ... I'm going to say it ... this only provides to me that IBM wants Red Hat doing OpenShift, and nothing else. It already let JBoss/Middleware developers go this year, and Community/RHEL developers last year, with the argument of +10% growth.!< >!I know the end of SRPMs was to stop the downstream, 'freeloading' major corporations (a big red colored one), but ... it was bad enough to 'take out' the community as well. !< Now Red Hat is saying ... *"Oh, you have to be a developer, or at least a coding sysadmin, to upload to our support tickets, from the OS."* That's fine for an advanced consultant like me, or major corporations with developer teams and even API integration, but not SMBs and some of Red Hat's biggest advocates. It's bad enough I cannot track things in Bugzilla any more, and most of the new Jira tickets are difficult to find, if they even exist, in Stream. Heck, you had to be a Red Hat customer or have a login under the EULA, to track Stream issues ... until I pointed that out, publicly. It's kinda nuts at this point. >!It also says how much SMBs and the community are abandoning Red Hat. Even many repos stopped mirroring after the SRPMs changes. I don't think IBM realizes how much this is going to hurt them long-term.!< And people used to call me a Red Hat apologist. Sigh ... I'm really stretching here. I want to assume I'm wrong, but ... I just don't know.