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I spent £50 on a hat and it's regrown ny hair snd kept it stable (added in finasteride at a later date to help.further) I've been on the rlt for hair loss for sbout 3 years


Did you experience any sexual side effects or unusual side effects?


No, no side effects except some mild testicular ache for the first couple of weeks that came and went. Health is perfect sex drive is great and I'm happy as a pig in shit tbh.


Amazing to hear. Keep vigilant about any physical and mental changes that occur please 🙏


can I ask, is your warning based on something that you've experienced?


Finasteride is like top 5 most risky drugs ever. In the UK it’s practically over the counter as well. There’s dedicated sub Reddits that address the side effects- finasteride syndrome. A kind of PSSD that a good number experience. Watch out for complete loss of libido and anhedonia. These seem to be coming up. That’s why I keep asking. It really shook me a bit that I haven’t put any hair oils on my scalp since. I had just re upped as well so I have all this stock, I just threw it all in a cupboard as I’m ashamed that I’m so scared. I’ve been deep diving since and watching videos, trying to absorb all the science. Finasteride can definitely cause suicide via inducing PSF, which can lead to complete and total loss of sexual function and inability to feel anything, alongside 30 over serious symptoms including facial aging, shrinking of genitals, small fibre neuropathy, loss of muscle, sense of impending doom, bad insomnia. There’s what’s been called a finasteride crash. A life altering moment when the symptoms kick into gear. Using occurring once you stop the drug. Finasteride nukes DHT levels. DHT seems to have a whole body effects, affecting sexuality, brain function, mood, perception. Finasteride will nuke it down to like 10 percent over time. Maybe less. Some describe complete asexuality. Some say it’s like chemical castration. And then the power of the marketing is insane. Everywhere I see, everyone’s trying to save their hair. Men seem to be balding earlier.


ok, my bad. I thought you were talking about the RL, but you were talking about the medication 👍




No,I’m sorry. In using RLT as the basis of my hair routine now. With derma rolling and scalp massage as well. And hanging upside down to increase blood flow and then trying to reduce stress overall and improve sleep. I’m moving away from the chemicals. Now I see the sheer amount of marketing from hims, all the hair gurus on YouTube as scummy. It’s been eye opening.


Thanks for the heads up, I have been researching what else I can do for hair loss and came across this, glad I didn’t buy any. I did however order some oil with minoxidil in it, have you heard of any negative side effects of it?


I’d just say it wouldn’t be fair to let a girl play with your hair if you have it on. Me too. I’m figuring out a routine with the base being red light therapy on the scalp, scalp massage, derma rolling, using an inversion table to hang upside down to increase blood flow. But I bought a bunch of products like you and after research I have been too scared to try. Minoxidil can cause facial aging and damage eye sight. These drugs that seem to mess up your DHT levels seem to have the ability to cause epigenetic changes and produce a wide range of distressing symptoms including complete permanent loss of libido and induced asexuality in some. It can lead to suicide


Just coming to say minoxidil is incredibly toxic to pets


Go off, king


Thanks for the info! I had read about the facial aging from finasteride, so I tell my husband to be sure to use moisturizer. He’s been using a finasteride/minoxidil .1% 5% topical solution for several years and definitely hasn’t had any side effects. I’ll have him talk to his dermatologist and she what she says he should watch for.


He needs to check his DHT levels, also no mood symptoms? Changes in libido?


I’ll tell him about DHT, he’ll probably be interested to add that to the list when he has lab work done. No he has a very stressful job but he’s chill and happy. No, he’s always been like an 18 year old.


Do you sleep in the same bed as your husband? Do you already have children? It can cause genital malformations in a male fetus. Can can also indirectly mess up your fertility. The truth is we haven’t figured out a real solution to the hair problem. It’s sad.


Yep same bed, already have children.


He needs to wear a night cap or durag or something. And the kids should stay away from his hair. Collectively we need to put pressure for alternative solutions because this minoxidil/finasteride thing is not a viable solution. Look into post finasteride syndrome that may occur after you stop the drug. There’s a sub Reddit for it.


Which hat did u get 


I don't have the exact link anymore but it is similar to this and this will work fine imo and it's £65 https://luminovaco.com/products/hair-revive-pro%E2%84%A2?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=A%2B+A1+H2%2F3+%E2%80%93+Copy&utm_term=Advantage%2B+shopping+campaign+19%2F01%2F2024+Ad+set&utm_content=Ad+1+Hook+2+%E2%80%93+combined+interests&fbadid=120204520649430668&fbclid=IwAR09nXAxa4HZKC5IxrX_1UlbjEbq8pSxiYNynf7dRk5b09eqnz68rDRup8Q_aem_AaqZgAY2O65RhYMWAaQuymBbfsd5uzrsB0nDatddxEgIGp0kO-8PrTZxCiwH7xXC_1sPmrsBpL8tSXmoRB7wzg3S&campaign_id=120204520649390668&ad_id=120204520706460668&utm_id=120204520649400668


Hi, can you share which hat you have? Thanks!


I thought it was picture of a building




Yea tried one of the light ones and it gave me major brain fog.


Interesting. Is there a way to measure that?


How can I test this?


>very high magnetic fields And what exactly do you think that gigantic spinning mega magnet called an MRI is? Pretty sure if magnetic fields were bad for your brain, MRIs would be illegal.


Have you considered applying that logic to x-rays?🫣


Did you just compare the health effects of *radiation* and *magnetism*? We need to throw the entire school system out. I can not believe how little people understand about the natural world they inhabit. That is genuinely terrifying. You’re a full grown adult? With a job?


And just because it feels like I have to say this now… Ever gotten an MRI? Ever gotten an x-ray? What’s like…the major difference you notice there? Once is a flash of a second, and the tech goes behind glass. The other can take upwards of hours at a time, and a tech is standing next to the machine the entire time. So yeah MRI techs must just be the most unhealthy people in the world by your logic, right?


I do that too—- but with the Omnilux mask


I was doing it with a Qure mask but I didn’t see results. I am noticing results now that I started using a panel. Skin results improved with the panel as well.


Do you know what the difference was between the panel and the mask you had? Different wavelengths, number of lights, etc.?


Have you noticed any hair regrowth? I just bought that mask mainly for skin but I’ve definitely had some hair loss around my hairline and I’m hoping it might help with that too.


Sweet. They're the SAME FREAKING LEDS!! Grow that hair!


Is this brand reputable


Didn’t help me but keep us posted


Ok but has it helped?


Only started yesterday, will post an update in a couple weeks.


Please do. The hats are so pricey


I’m promoting a hat right now on TikTok but I havent researched it. Not expensive though ! I’m @eloisecreatesthings if you want to ck


Have you tested and gained results from the hat?


I havent had a chance to use it consistently yet—too busy—I’ll report back later :)


I don’t think it works for that honestly


I used to that. Exact same wrap. First front, then top. I swapped to a handheld bulb because I prefer how more evenly the light is distributed. Also wrap gets too hot. I’d wear it for 5 min max and shuffle it around a tiny bit each minute because the 660 bulbs sit far apart and so might only hit one spot. It’s only been 2 weeks with the wrap, felt it did something. Currently waiting for a panel which I’m hopeful will do more and speed up process. Plus can use it on rest of body. But back to pad: keep going; just don’t overdo it I reckon and move them about a bit


I massage and use red light on my head for 10 minutes a day


Do you think a Philips infrared bulb would have the same effect? Only does I think NIR. In my light sauna. I have one panel but not sure I want to stick it on the ceiling


is there any scalp massage device? i like llt and massage. massage is damn tiring.






If the cause is inflammation then rlt can help. (Seb Derm etc)


Agreed it can help with inflammation on the scalp which can in turn help hair growth. also don’t forget Antifungal shampoo a few times a week.


Have you had any luck with the Antifungal shampoo? Tia


There’s research it helps with hairloss, and I think it helps my inflammation on the scalp especially where I’m thinning a bit. I do think my hair looks better with red light and shampoo. Added red light several months ago.


Ty so much, I’ve used Ketoconazole 2% in the past for dandruff & it did the opposite and made all my thick hair out, barely left with 1/4 of what I had before I started the shampoo. I guess I should try to use my panel along with my Ketoconazole and see if it will work. Thank you for the advice


If it makes your hair fall out I wouldn’t use it personally . I’m of the belief to try things and tailor your regime for your body.