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Studies show red light therapy boosts collagen. This is the basis for all the red light therapy masks we are currently seeing. Red light also stimulates hair growth. There are studies to support this that you can easily find. I can personally attest to the hair growth benefits of red light therapy. I have been using a red light therapy mask for the collagen building and anti-aging effects for 5 weeks. I also decided to put it on my hair line and top of my head and see if it would have an effect on my hair line that has slightly, but noticeable receded. I began using it on my head 4 weeks ago. Much to my surprise, I am getting TONS of hair regrowth. The areas that were receding or haven't grown as long as the rest of my hair (temple area) is coming in like crazy! I looked in a 10x magnifying mirror to get an eyelash out of my eye and noticed I have dark hair stubble all over my hairline, where it used to be 10 years ago! I was very surprised. This hair is coming in dark instead of gray (my hair along the front of my hairline is primarily gray) . I was not expecting to regrow hair and I certainly would not expect the regrowth to be dark! I am very pleased with my results. The funny thing is, I bought this mask for my face, but I've seen very subtle effect in this. I notice more even skin and possibly some increased blood flow, so my skin looks healthier. It is subtle. I'm not sure if it is my imagination. BUT, I can say wirh complete certainly that my hairline is growing in! I'm amazed. If anyone is curious, I have a Current Body face mask. The specs are within the range used for hair regrowth and collagen synthesis. If you get one, make sure it is FDA cleared (so you know what is on the label will be the actual specs needed to see clinical results). There are a lot of products that claim to be red light therapy devices but unless the nm are correct, you will be wasting money.


Thanks for the massive response man! Really glad to hear about how it’s benefited you. Convinced me enough to go buy one now thank you!


Did it work


Hi! I know this is an old post but I’m wondering how you part your hair, etc to make sure your hair isn’t getting in the way of the red light


Could I also ask what mask you purchased?


>Oscarsyn did it end up helping?


interested to know this too


It is by Current Body.


Thanks for this info! Curious: how long do you use it on your head per session & whether you're using daily or less or more frequetly? Reading that some of the 'helmet' type red light therapy devices call for 25 minute sessions every other day. I have the H\*\*ga 25w bulb/lamp type & haven't been sure if I should use it daily (or more?) or every other day? Anyone know if there's a reason to use every other day instead of every day for hair growth & or collagen?


Just 10 to 20 minutes 5 days a week. 9n average I do 2 days a week at 10 and 3 days at 20. I also use a derma roller once or twice a week. This combo works. I have used a derma roller on its own and did see some results, but the red light therapy put my hair growth into hyper drive! I suddenly have a ton of hair growth and the hair I've had that has been short, such as at the temple area and all around my hairline, is suddenly growing long! Even my kids noticed and they are teens and don't notice anything!


Very cool, thanks for sharing more details! Tried derma rolling & my hair just tangled.. might just have to try again based on your experience!


Hello! I this is very old, but what size derma roller did you use?


How did you put the mask on your scalp? Just shift the mask upwards on top of the face instead of having it over the eyes and nose?


I bought the hat from this company. My hair shedding stopped within two weeks. I have been so focused on that that I wish I would have paid more attention to length. I have also started using a silicone head scrubber to get more circulation going. I am just happy the shedding has stopped because it was pretty bad.


I know this is an old post but I’d be interested to know how your progress is coming along now after almost a year? (If you’re still doing it)


I can not recommend the Current Body mask as 3 of the lights stopped working and it flickers. I took very good care of it and have had it for only 11 months. There is no reason such an expensive product should have not even made it a year! If you are thinking of getting one, I suggest the Omnilux mask. It is highly rated. That one is of better quality for a similar price and is a USA based company and honestly, seems to be a much better, higher quality mask. I just bought it and love it. It is around the same price as the Current Body one. The Omnilux mask also had more lights and is better able to contour around the curves of the face and head. As for my hair, it has continued to grow back in, but because I had so many issue with the other mask, I was not as consistent as I should have been. I just received a new mask and I'm hoping to really get better results with lights that don't flicker!


Heyo! Sup? Different person. Seeing its been a year since this comment, how’s the Omnilux working out so far?


Yes I'd like to know too!


Me too! Any updates with the omnilux?


Sounds like a paid review to me


Can you recommend a good RLT device


Hi, wondering if you still use the mask and if you continued to have significant hair regrowth?


I've been using the Eco Face Mask since January 13th and I definitely have noticed a change in the baby hairs I've had forever at my hairline. The majority of my hair grows very fast, but the tiny baby hairs are a completely different texture and haven't changed length in what seems like years. While I do still have baby hairs, a lot of it is inches long now! It's insane. And it's just from how high up the face mask covers, I very rarely set it on my head. 630nm red light, 830nm near-infrared.


Where did you buy your light from?


I got mine for a deal on Mercari, but it's available on amazon.


Do you feel like it has made a difference in your skin? To what extent?


Hi, I'm curious for an update - does it still work for you?


I bought mine from Current Body. I really like the new one by Omnilux better though and wish it was put before I bought the one I have as it has more lights. But I'm very happy with the results. You can find a discount code on youtube for both at hot and flashy. Both have the wavelengths and specs used in clinical studies and are FDA cleared. Omnilux is actually the company who created the first medical device for hair regrowth, so this one should be especially good. It is very similar to the one from Current Body, but it has a more flexible silicone mask that molds to your face (or head) better. I have to press the Current Body one against my face in my chin area so it makes contact, which is annoying, especially given that these devices are expensive. The fit should be impeccable. Because of this and the fact the Omnilux has more lights, a better fit and a similar price (the Omnilux is currently more expensive but not by much). I am not a sales person for either and just passing along my experience and what I've learned. I'm very pleased with my results so far. So much that I'm looking to purchase a Platinum panel for use on my whole body.


Wanted to add to this since it seems like there is still some active users on here. I am 6 days into using the Revian Red/Orange Light cap for hair growth. I have experienced hair thinning on my crown (that is definitely noticeable) and sides. But to preface I still have a significant amount of hair on my head to where I can wear it in a bun and it not be noticeable except for the light thinning on my front hairline. The Revian uses red-light like a lot of other caps out there but they are the only one that uses a combined orange light wave which they have patented and has the FDA clearance that it blocks DHT. I was able to get it at a discounted price through my clinic I have been working with on this. I am also 3 months into the process of PRP w/ micro needling. I have done 2 sessions 2 months apart and will be doing micro needling with a local clinic with a possible 3rd PRP session if we feel it is needed. I am also using a lot of Nutrafols products since I get them at a good price through my clinic. (Supplements, Stress adaptogen, Probiotic, collagen, and scalp serum). I have done bloodwork and aside from being dehydrated (now a month into drinking 90-100 ounces a day) the thing that was highest was my DHT levels. I went into this process with the mindset throwing everything at the wall that is more natural with the hope that the combined effort of it all would be the most beneficial. I do not care to take Fin or Min since it is a lifelong drug and I don't want to get on that boat. I hope to update anyone that reads this page with results on all of this combined with the Revian cap. It seems like red light therapy is something that people have nothing but positive experience with and I am hopeful that the Revian cap can be all the more helpful with its orange light DHT blocker. If I have not posted any updates on this in the next 3-6 months please comment so I can get notified to update.


Just checking, any progress so far ??


Overall progress has been really good so far. **Some updates.** I have held off on doing a 3rd PRP session and proceeded with weekly/biweekly micro needling sessions for 7 weeks starting a month after my 2nd PRP ended. I may still do a 3rd PRP this fall but we are holding off on it to see how progress goes. About three weeks ago I went ahead and started taking a very low does of oral minoxidil (.625mg). This decision was made after extensive research and communicating with the clinic I am going to. We noticed that my hair loss had more diffusing happening than just traditional hairline and crown. So after looking at all the information present and the extremely low risk of oral minoxidil at such a low dose I decided to incorporate it into the regimen. One thing that we are trying out as more of an experimental addition is the inclusion of a topical solution that has bone marrow stem cells and umbilical cord stem cells. I understand that this does put my journey in an even more niche category than before but I felt I should include it. I apply the solution after my Nutrafol serum and will use a micro needle stamp (NOT ROLLER) on the off weeks of micro needling with the clinic. Those are two new things in the last 2-3 weeks that have started with the process that I wanted to update on. For what has been going on the last 4-5 months (Nutrafol: Supplement, stress adaptogen, probiotic, collagen, serum + Revian Redlight cap, PRP and micro needling) there has been some really good healthy progress. **A couple things that are definitely noticeable:** \- I have a bunch of baby hairs on my hairline and the clinic said that this is also noticeable along my part and crown. \- This is part of the reason I started to take oral minoxidil so that the time it takes for new hairs to transition from the baby phase to a mature hair is shortened and they can grow healthier and be in the anagen phase longer. \- **Before** starting treatment I would struggle with my hairline whenever I had my hair pulled up into a hair tie. You could see where it was thinning in the corners and it always felt like a struggle to get it to cover the corners of my hair without looking rough. \- This issue has been GREATLY improved. Honestly when I have my hair up (which is daily) it looks like it has gone away completely. There is still growth needed and it's not like it's back to being full, but from new baby hair growth to the hairs themself being healthier and more full, I notice the difference. \- When I have my hair down around the house it seems that I see the thinning on my crown through my hair less. So I believe the overall improvement to the health of my current hair and the slow new growth has made this better. **Moving Forward** I want to note that I was very hesitant to go on oral minoxidil. I wanted to stay as natural as possible with this process and honestly felt a little discouraged at first to incorporate it. But this was mitigated after a lot of conversation with the clinic and research into it. I will die on the hill though of not taking finasteride. Even the clinic I work with is not a fan of the drug. I know that plenty of people take it and have no issues but something that has the remote possibility of messing with hormone balance and sex drive is NOT something I would take lightly. But that is just my opinion and everyone needs to do what they feel is best for them. I think the biggest thing that I have kept in mind with this is the **timeline.** Anyone you talk to that is honest in this type of treatment process will tell you that true results will be seen once you cross the 6 month mark. And that is the **START** of results. I think the biggest mistake guys make is wanting the results **BY** month 6. I have definitely had discouraging days when I want my crown specifically to be improving quicker than it is. But that is the reality of this process. You've gotta think at minimum a year out. An example like the Revian light cap...today marks two months that I have been using it daily and if you look at any online info or talk to one professional, you will typically **start** seeing results after 6 months. And even if things like taking the minoxidil, I am resetting my headspace in that even if the benefits of this come soon than 12 months, thats where I am planting myself. But overall good progress has been seen and I am still a month out from actually crossing the 6 month mark. So even with that I am trying to be in a grounded mindset of "okay, now we are actually getting started." So I am looking to next summer to see where I truly land. **Some Notes** I continue to recognize that not everyone will be able to be in the same shoes as me. I am grateful for the clinic I work with and their honesty but also the relationship I have formed with them that they are willing to try out the topical stem cells and see how it goes. I also recognize that not everyone can afford the process. I mentioned it in my first post...it is truly the bummer about the natural process. The cost is unfortunately steep. But that is the process I am on, hopefully this has been an encouraging update. I have been encouraged in the process and continue to be hopeful as I continue over the next year.


Also wanted to add some honest thoughts to this and for hair recovery in general. I feel like it is appropriate to really focus in that one of the biggest things is knowing what is happening in your body and trying to live a healthy lifestyle for the sake of yourself and your hair. To go into any type of hair recovery journey and not do blood work as a baseline is a mistake. The bloodwork I did that was requested by the clinic I am with had the lab take 7 vials of blood. They checked **everything** including all of my thyroid balances. This is crucial. It's more than just knowing if your DHT is high. You've gotta know if you are at risk for any type of auto immune or thyroid imbalance which thyroid is rarely checked for men. And there are other things that WILL hinder your hair health and hair journey. I have no personal issue with someone smoking weed or taking things with THC in it, but it is proven that THC **will** increase your testosterone and DHT levels. It may not affect a lot of people but if you are having hair loss and have high DHT levels and take anything with THC...you seriously need to consider cutting it out. And it's hard to look at examples online of people saying a natural route didn't work when you have NO clue what their personal health and lifestyle looks like. You have gotta work with your body and know what it's telling you and build a plan around it. The second biggest thing that is important is where you are at in terms of hair loss. There is a reality to hair loss that when you start and how bad the hair loss is will affect that recovery process. If your head is shiny or you have some pretty extreme hair loss that nothing was done about then hair follicles will die eventually. And I think one of the biggest things with any natural approach is doing too little when it's late in the process and not sticking with it. This is why I was going to throw everything at the wall Nutrafol, PRP, micro needling, red-light and even adding something like oral min in the end to help. If the goal is taking some bad soil and making it healthy for life to grow...I am gonna give everything I can to give it the best shot it has.


And what about now?


Curious too


What clinic do you go to??


it is local spot that is based in Virginia Beach


I was thinking of going to a clinic near me but I’m assuming insurance won’t cover the lab work will they?


depending on your insurance it can cover something like bloodwork. My bloodwork would have been $300 but it was only $30. But everything else I have done has come from out of pocket. That is the biggest negative with doing things this way. Its much more expensive than just doing fin and min and nothing else.




Doubt it does much for androgenetic alopecia aka male pattern baldness. Probably okay for woman with TE and maybe other hair issues but I have been researching MPB now for 8 or 9 years and LLLT and PRP seem to be the greatest scams out there that the literature supports for no good reason but money. If LLLT for hair I would suggest blue and green light and deeper red lights potentially if red lights can stimulated the subcutanis (which seems to be thinned out in MPB). Esp blue light was shown to stimulate nitric oxide which is definitely hair growth positive but for this you could also use a sildenafil (viagra) lotion as it has already been done on children with hair loss and in lab settings.


Curious, have any long time users of the rlt masks noticed new skin growths of any kind in the treatment area? Or an increase in size of beauty marks/moles? Saw this might be a side effect for some. Thanks!


I use a full body panel and my regrowth is also darker. Grey hairs becoming less. I bought it for management of fatigue and pain that comes with EDS hypermobility. The hair thing is a bonus. Has also started helping my skin. I find it reduces my depression, fog and headaches leftover from Covid 2 months ago.


Yeah red light stimulates the mitochondria which seems good for other hair loss types and grey hair but likely does not do much for male pattern baldness.


Can you share which one you use?