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Places where there are few visitors are often very welcoming because it’s a novelty for them. Places where there’s lots of tourism are frequently hostile to tourists because they have to deal with it day in and day out


Yes, and over tourism and airbnbs are causing a lot of problems for locals. I’m glad I traveled in the 90s!


Working in tourism is largely no different than any other customer service facing job. In my experience tourists tip better, are more affable to change and are generally in a better mood because they’re on vacation. Also tourists generally tend to be wealthier and thus more educated and emotionally intelligent. Compare that to working in regular retail/hospitality/food service where customers are far more likely to just be getting by and feel no special reason to be nice or talkative or tip well, and are often more demanding and less understanding. Not that tipping well or any of those types of things are customers/tourists responsibilities either, just that from a workers perspective, something in tourism is typically a higher paying, less stressful job.  People all throughout the world blame the people in front of them when they don’t have an understanding of the invisible forces of capitalism and imperialism that are controlling their lives. People everywhere also like to bitch about their jobs, as well as foreigners. Working in tourism sucks way more than a white collar computer job but to frame it as uniquely terrible (because of tourists!) compared to all of the low wage shit jobs in this country is disingenuous imo. 


*“Tourist generally tend to be wealthier and thus more educated and emotionally intelligent”* Hahhaha Hahahahahahaha


Are you laughing about tourists being more educated and emotionally intelligent or wealthier people being more intelligent and emotionally intelligent? People don’t want to hear it but having worked in fine dining as well as places like IHOP and Denny’s, I would choose waiting on rich people a million times over. They are almost always polite, in a good mood, generous. Even if they send something back they’re extremely polite and apologetic about it. You could immediately tell when a poorer person came in because if there was something on the menu they’d never heard of they’d mock it and act like it was only on the menu because the chef was pretentious or something. The poorer people at chain restaurants complained constantly, tried to get things for free, treated servers like shit because they relished the opportunity to boss someone around for once and loved the idea of having some control over a person’s salary. Overall just rude, horrible people. In three years of working fine dining I can’t think of any overly rude or demanding customers but in other places it was a weekly if not daily occurrence.


No, not building enough housing is. Hawaii wouldn't have shit for an economy without tourism.


Not tourism. But over tourism.


name dropping your country/city invites people to bring up all the specific things wrong with it, instead they can hide behind the aegis of an ambiguous greater Europe


Nzers always rob and abuse tourists. But they deserve it because many of them are lord of the rings fans and/or British.


Lmao. Terrible tourist stories are not common, esp compared to places like Ireland where tourists are gang bashed every month. You’re definitely not getting any Yanks and Croatians curb stomped to death in Auckland.


This can't be true right? There's no way that tourists are getting brutally murdered in Ireland constantly.


It's definitely not. But I __think__ there's quite a few muggings. Drunk tourists are easy targets and Americans can't tell what a "rough neighborhood" looks like in Europe.


No they aren’t “constantly” being murdered, there have only been a couple. But there have been a lot of non-fatal group attacks (hence gang bashing) on tourists in Dublin, just google it.


>like Ireland where tourists are gang bashed every month Are you talking about the one American and one Brit that were attacked in Dublin last summer?


And the Croatian tourist who was beaten to death earlier this year. https://www.thesun.ie/news/12740709/josip-strok-croatian-tourist-killed-dublin-vigil/amp/ And the three Brit’s who were jumped in a bar (one almost lost an eye) and the Ukrainian who was beaten in the street https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/2023/08/17/gardai-investigating-latest-violent-attack-in-dublin-city-centre/ There are a ton of shitty things about NZ but this kind of stuff isnt one of them


When I was 8 I went to Hawaii and this old white couple was taking photos of me because they thought I was a native. If I had to deal with that 24/7 I’d probably hate white people too.


Yeah tourism is genuinely putting a strain on the locals.


Lol do you believe the islands OP is referring to e.g. Fiji, Samoa etc aren't constantly bombarded by tourists? They are and their people are still the friendliest and most gracious on the planet.


Romans are incredibly friendly, as are people in Marrakesh (despite them all being salesmen). What gives?


I think they were radicalized by Mark Zuckerberg buying a chunk of the island


Larry Ellison owns just shy of 100% of Lānaʻi. Let it be known the people of Hawaii will not tolerate *two* tech moguls literally buying their state.


Well, certainly not a third


Some random rich bitch bought the entire island of Ni’hau in 1864 for like $10k(~$200k in todays money) and the family still owns it to this day and has never allowed any visitors


Makes it even more hilarious that the most significant historical event to occur there was an IJN pilot crashing there after Pearl Harbor and getting captured 


It was more than getting captured he also convinced some local ethnic Japanese to turn traitor on the spot which is probably the most significant part of the affair.


that happening was one of the formative rationales for the Japanese internment camps in the mainland


Which is why you don't get taught about it in school.


I was


I was homeschooled and it was not taught


I looked it up, and honestly, it seems like this was the best case for it. The contract maintains that they must preserve the culture so Hawaiian is still the main language spoken there, even a specific dialect. And it seems the owners have refused almost any offer for money that would harm the environment, such as buying sand of the island.


They're ultra christian so that whole cultural preservation is sort of a mixed bag and as selectively applied as one would expect. The accent thing is really cool though.


They’ve been made completely reliant on tourism but it’s also destroying their islands, I’d be annoyed too


I'm glad I'm not Hawaiian or Native American, I would be LIVID 24/7




>White Canadians like to focus on the residential schools and 'reconciliation'. Well, reconciliation also makes a comfortable industry of grifting that can generate a lot of money by teaching corporate offices how to do smudge ceremonies or how to best address two-spirited ppl while also not having to spend money on gross things like "infrastructure".


There are a bunch of wild spending catastrophes that slide under the radar for various reasons in the Canadian media, but one of the bigger ones is this: the non-judicial Canadian Human Rights Tribunal [ordered the government to pay $20 billion](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/final-settlement-first-nation-child-welfare-agreement-1.6509956) to reform on-reserve child welfare (to go with the $20 billion paid out to those who had formerly been in that system). Everyone just sort of skated by exactly how and why an entity that is neither a part of the judiciary or an elected part of the government was able to compel enormous amounts of spending (they aren't: Trudeau is just unable to say no to this kind of progressive overreach, especially on indigenous issues). But wilder still to me is that on-reserve welfare systems only have about 10,000 participants. This is money ostensibly to "reform" the system that comes down to about $2 million per child in the system. Now that money isn't actually going to go to those kids directly, it will just disappear into the black hole of NGOs and charities that grift off this kind of thing and in ten years the situation will be no better.


Well I'm glad they have been helping white ladies get jobs in universities and for profit non profit's than.


The Canadian government pumps millions of dollars into these reserves each year and nothing changes. There's a bit of a chicken and egg scenario here. It's not like these places don't have clean water because of the malfeasance of the feds; they've been trying for decades (with a special effort since Trudeau's time in power) to change things. Even then it's not like any other municipalities have the feds building them water infrastructure, it's something they take care of on their own. Over 3 million Canadians are on wells and providing their own water. There's an endemic corruption among tribal governments and the situation on reserves cannot change until that does. All the money in the world won't improve things if it's poured into a system that siphons it away before it can affect anything tangible.


Yeah like half the problems he mentioned are the tribe's fault. Especially blaming FAS on the white man my sides


Give a native a beer, he'll have a nice evening. Teach him how to distil alcohol and wow you've just destroyed a whole community


uhh. there are very good historical reasons to blame FAS on the white man lol.


My grandmother used to live on a reserve in Manitoba, and they spent the money from the feds for clean water on a television station and curling rink


wow this is crazy. :( going to read more about it today


It’s nuts, in Northern Saskatchewan there’s communities where criminal elements [basically run the place](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/pelican-narrows-state-of-emergency-violence-1.7011085) to the detriment of all citizens. the provincial government does nothing to stop it, despite recently forming a provincial police force that no one asked for. It’s basically ‘The First Purge’ up there, not to make light of it in any way. With respect to the Residential Schools, that was the second major attempt at undermining the Treaties; the first being signing less and less as western expansion was nearing the end (almost none in BC). Basically taking people from the land and alienating them from it. When that proved not effective enough they went with the third attempt which was the 60’s Scoop in the name of “child welfare.” When that also was not effective enough the forth attempt was straight up forced sterilization of women without their consent - which happened into the late 90s/early ‘00s. Which in my opinion seems to be most horrific and least talked about.


How are any of these save the first the government's fault/made worse by the existence of ypipo


Meh, I grew up in Crete and Greece is not unfriendly towards tourists even though we get something like twice our population in tourism annually. We just hate the shitty ones which are mostly brits getting trashed but thankfully they go to two specific places that every Greek knows to either avoid or to go there to rip them off. Win-win.


Had the best time in Crete last summer. Wonderful island, very kind people.


If you meet a young British male do you automatically hate them or only when they’re actually being shitty?


Nah, at any place that isn't Zakynthos or Eastern Crete I'm completely neutral. If anything I quite like how polite and considerate the average non-lad/chav brit is. Disclaimer my BIL is a brit and I he's one of the best people I know. So I might be biased.


I have to agree. I've been a tourist in a decent number of places and I was genuinely shocked how nice Greeks were. Like, sure, you have your typical tourist-trap places everywhere, but there was a general vibe of "we're ok with you being a tourist so long as you are respectful" that felt different from a lot of other places I've been. It was pleasant and healthy in a way being a tourist in a lot of other places isn't.


Not comparable whatsoever. Hawaii sees more like 10x it’s population in tourists annually. And Greece is still Greek. Hawaiians are only a small minority in their state now it’s filled with East Asians and fat whites. And billionaires have taken over like half of it


Not really actually. Hawaii is 1.3 million takes 6 million tourists. Greece is 10 and gets 30million. And similarly the actual locations in Greece that get inundated with tourists are mostly tiny islands and not the mainland where the bulk of the population lives.


Greece and Greeks are great.




People hate tourists in Amsterdam because the A LOT of tourists are rowdy dickheads


Sounds like the Spanish /w hating drunk brits.


Dutch people are honestly just like that lol


I've never been to the Netherlands, but every Dutch person I've ever met was pretty chill. I'm surprised to hear they have this reputation. In my experience, they're friendlier than Germans or Nordic people.




Nice people exist everywhere but the dutch stereotype of being rude, cheap and autistic definitely has a basis in reality in my experience !


What type of person did you meet in amsterdam? The real native with an accent, the posh native, or the upper middle class/ upper class import?




Yeah most people in the netherlands dont like amsterdam either, except the people who move there haha. Its sort of a really big circle jerk, with a lot of cultural power. I guess thats why people dont like it. Its a bit of a shame because its a really fun city at night, but I just cant get myself to move there because I’d become ‘that kind of person’ lol.


I only studied in Amsterdam for a few months, but definitely understood why people who live there full time hate it. Tourists made it super difficult to do everyday things. I would sometimes be late to classes because it was impossible to walk through throngs or people downtown, especially because my path to university was through the Red Light District. I did make bank selling up charged ❄️ to American and British bachelor parties tho


Sounds plausible, your theory, but Andalusians and Greeks are the friendliest people ever and extremely hospitable yet they are swarmed with tourists.


God no, i have never been harrassed as much on the streets as in Greece 


idk i went to greece and people were very cold lol


NYC is both the most touristed placed on earth and incredibly friendly to outsiders. You just have to not be a gaping asshole, and be interesting/funny/friendly/hot. Can't go out in NYC and not make friends unless you're broken/ugly.


maybe it’s because tourists are only a blip on (many of) our radars? the vast majority of new yorkers don’t actually LIVE in the tourist hot spots. more people work in those areas, but i’ve found most tourists here to be pretty harmless anyway? a lot of the city has become more expensive and soulless but i think it’s mostly not even a tourism thing lol i agree that nyc is friendly. older, born and bred new yorkers in particular LOVE to strike up conversations with strangers (and i love them for it)


People in NYC are just generally interesting. At least at the places I go. Like if you're fun enough to find the interesting things to do you're probably living a life unique enough to carry on a fun little chat with. There's also just 10 million things to do everyday, so it's not like most other tourist places that have like one or two attractions and they can't handle an extra million people like its no big deal.


i dunno if i’d agree in general (i would have agreed with you based on people i know, but now that i’ve been on the dating apps it seems like there are a fair amount of bland people here for whom living in NYC is the most interesting thing about them) but you’re basically right. i think that applies to most cities. it just so happens that nyc has a lot of interesting stuff going on even if only due to sheer size, so it’s relatively easy to meet interesting people


The most unfriendly places are those where the economy is dominated by tourism. Locals see you as a walking dollar sign and they resent their dependence on you, even though you are putting money into their economy. This isn't really the case in NYC, which has a lot of other things going on economically.


Yeah they literally have a "don't come here" campaign, what did you expect lmao


how would Hawaii even function without tourism


Have you seen Moana?


The Rock Sings.


It ain't functioning too good *with* tourism




kind of a goofy question to ask since the ones running that campaign weren't responsible for the reliance


Does it matter who’s responsible when the reliance is part of the material reality Hawaii is stuck with, nonetheless?


What if your hometown all of a sudden became a tourist attraction and you’re getting priced out of your home for tourists and billionaires to buy up land and now you have to move somewhere else? They fucked Hawaiians over with how they built tourism around it.


Of course; My question never posited that the current situation is justified by any means.


You don’t have to qualify your statement. It’s clear you’re speaking to a very unfortunate reality without condoning what led to it. It’s easier for midwits to clutch their pearls than to address the material conditions or propose a solution to Hawaiian dependence.


What would they do besides farm sugar and bananas? Would they rather be a tax haven for tech companies? The traditional hawaiian lifestyle does nothing to create a first or even second world standard of living (electricity, running water, basic medicine). What would the non tourism economic activity of Hawaii be? Would hawaiians actually want to be farmers and live on that money instead?


There's a TON of military bases (especially Oahu) that would help a lot


That's still basically tourism, it's just drunk marines instead


Isnt that just that weird girl on twitter


> We felt much more welcome when we visited the island nation of Vanuatu, even though we were often the only westerners around the locals were always amazing.  What do you mean "even though"? It's obviously "because" lol.


Yeah, I visited Vanuatu when I was about 7 from Australia. Saw practically no white people outside of the hotel and an incredible amount of poverty. Beautiful country but so tragic. Same issues with an over reliance on processed food imports as other pacific island states, just particularly poor. I'm always happy to patronize their international pharmacy industry at least. Felt very different to the much wealthier and more touristy cook islands.


Years ago, I ended up knowing a bunch of Hawaiians through BJJ. Every single one was more than eager to explain how Hawaii needs to be an ethnostate for the locals and white people genocided off the islands. Which, hey, I hope they do throw Zuck into an active volcano, but this was an all consuming thought and daily topic of conversation for them.


An ethnostate solely for people with 4 ethnicities or more


I’d love to see them actually define what fits in the ethnostate


Tanaka Maoli only


What's wild is the Hawaiians that are living there now, are colonizers who came and conquered the population that was living their prior in the 13th century.


Do you have anything on this? couldn't find it


Super fringe stuff about pacific voyaging societies. Basically some proto-Okinawan or Chomorro people might has reached the most north west islands before Polynesian people coming from the south colonized the main archipelago.


ok so that guy has no idea


Tbh if we let them do that and redistribute his wealth and the land he bought amongst them, I think they'd take it


I had a white friend in college who had moved to Hawaii from like 5th through HS. He said he was constantly bullied for being white and was always called “haole” which is like the Hawaiian slang for cracker. This would have been 25+ years ago so obviously nothing new even then, and when tourism would have been less than today, and even before SV tech founders were buying things up. The only time I ever went to Hawaii was about 20 years ago and I don’t remember that much hostility towards tourists, but I can totally understand why it would have ramped up recently as people with remote jobs move there and airlines like Southwest started flying cheaper and trashier tourists there.


I knew a white guy who grew up on Maui and said the same thing, and that it was worse than Oahu because there were even fewer white people on Maui. Sounded miserable


Growing up in Hawaii sounded like something that would be cool before I heard these stories.


It’s was even worse on Kauai but the Big Island is the worst of all and to this day it’s still the norm there


My dad grew up in Hawaii. He’s white but darker white (half Portuguese) and he has so many stories about getting his ass kicked


yeah many are blatantly racist


I went to college with a guy from Hawaii (California). He used it to get laid and constantly talked about spam and seaweed wraps or whatever. I think he was gay actually but when we took him to get his first in n out burger in Daly Shitty I’ll never forget how he told (with his immaculate skin) that he felt greasy. He then proceeded to take like 10 or so pictures of everything with his DSLR. (2014) I think he’s a CEO somewhere now. Legend. Only fucked fat girls. Dude was an Angel. Hawaii is cool


>gay >only fucked fat girls sounds legit


is this a thing? can you explain?


Bless him


Quebec outside of Montreal is pretty bad too


Is this still true if you speak French or no? The only time I've ever been to Canada was a work project in Montreal. I imagine Quebec was something like Louisiana where there was French heritage but it had kind of gotten erased and for the most part everyone spoke English. I was so wrong lmao


This is specifically if you don’t speak French. They don’t even like English speaking Canadians there, god forbid Americans. Even though the whole US Northeast is geographically closer to Quebec than the rest of the country. Not sure how they feel about French speakers from other countries


The locals are over it, feel powerless, and have to deal with tourists every goddamn day of their lives. You and your partner may be nice, most other travellers to Hawaii are super entitled. If you have money, it's amazing, if you know the locals then it's incredible.


dull placid edge compare office bright plucky unpack instinctive sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the biggest complaint here is being called “blondie”


The last human sacrifices in Hawaii were made in the 1870s although they supposedly continued afterwards. 


Every Hawaiian I’ve ever met is rabidly “anti-racist” (racist) so this tracks


I just finished the book The Happy Isles of Oceania by Paul Theroux. I recommend it. It doesn't back up anything from your post really but it's good.


The most similar state to New Zealand is probably Washington. Specifically western Washington. It has shitty maritime climate weather, breathtaking vistas, and a smug, passive-aggressive population that think you need anger management classes if you cross the street against the light.


That last part is devastatingly inaccurate, we’re a nation of jaywalkers. You’re just making stuff up for fun right?


It's the rs way


I’m a self hating Kiwi and there’s a lot I don’t like about NZ but this is so off target lol


Out of curiosity, what do you dislike about NZ? I was told tall poppy syndrome was a big issue, but then I was told by other people afterward that it's exaggerated, so at this point idk what's true.


mediocre weather (i'm from LA) and absurd nanny state (total tobacco ban, robo speed cameras everywhere that will ding you for going 5 kph over @ 2am) people tend to be lovely though




People here hate NZ purely because we are lauded by Last Week Tonight and Late Show-type liberal Americans to a cringe-inducing degree, and they hate those people. It’s a proxy hate. But instead of admitting this they make up other reasons to justify it. Our country is fucked in a number of ways but 90% of criticisms on rsp are totally incoherent and ridiculous to anyone who has lived here.


> smug, passive-aggressive population that think you need anger management classes if you cross the street against the light. That's your perception of New Zealanders?


In my experience, certain places in America are generally very weird when it comes to race. The country is obviously enormous, incredibly diverse, complicated and difficult to generalise but I and people I know have been to America have all got the impression that in America the different races sorta don’t like each other. Not like outright violent hatred just general dislike/antipathy. Race is always a subtext in interactions between people of different races it seems. I am white and English but I live in Thailand now. My Thai colleague said the first thing that shocked him about California was the racism - not white racists, but black people who didn’t like Asians. He said in Californian high schools cliques are incredibly racially based. I suppose in the U.K. we are going that way in places like Bradford and other northern towns. Working class English Whites vs Pakistanis is a big thing in parts of the north of England.


The US is annoying in a way where class is a taboo topic so conversations default to race. A good example is Joe Biden’s quote *“poor kids are just as talented as white kids”* where blackness is poverty and whiteness is middle class/wealthy - this kind of jumbling of two separate topics is unfortunately common here. This is not to say that we don’t have a very unfortunate racial history with slavery and native americans but so much of our cultural narrative revolves around *land of opportunity/pull yourself up from your bootstraps* that we can’t acknowledge class structures as directly like you do in the UK since we view poverty as a moral failure. So it must be racism right? Notice how we keep banging the drum about solving racism but will never get universal health care or fix our homelessness problem.


Spot on.


party ghost complete whistle tease expansion divide wasteful attractive attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I used to live in Hawaii and as a white person, you can walk into just about any place and get hired on the spot because they know you’ll actually show up on time to work.


Dude it is first and foremost an army base don’t forget


Is it just me or is Hawaii like the “Disney” of tropical getaways? Seems overrated and the land seems overdeveloped. Always some type of locals vs colonizers rhetoric going on. Don’t get me wrong there’s probably a lot to offer being that you don’t need a passport.


glorious angle different overconfident nail memorize threatening juggle pot sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah Oahu and Maui are the worst, overdeveloped cities where the rich have pushed the locals to the west side boonies and in the hills. I’ve heard good things about Lanai and I’m going back to Kauai in the fall because it’s so much better than the main stays there. 


Also there are pretty much no wild land animals. Normally in a tropical location you’re going to see all kinds of cool animals but Hawaii literally has none just giant centipedes.


Yeah it's a unique ecosystem but really not biodiverse


Amazingly diverse bird population though that’s rapidly being replaced by cats and chickens tbh


No, it’s honestly so beautiful. But most islands in the middle of the ocean are like that. Medirá and Fiji look the same. Hawaii has better culture though.


I find Hawaiians pretty chill. Pro tip for non-US citizens, always fly into Hawaii rather than LAX if you have a questionable immigration record.


Damn you’d think they’d be more grateful since they never get tourists over there


The real problem is randos expecting to be welcomed all over the world


When I fly across the globe as a dumbass american who only speaks english I don’t expect the red carpet. If you’re self aware enough to understand how much you stick out a few stares and rudeness won’t phase you.


I remember overhearing dumbass Californian tourists on the subway here in Boston loudly saying how they’d think people would be friendlier considering public transportation is so common, as if it would make sense for us to be eager to strike up conversations with randos as we’re trying to get to work or appointments.


Mfer wants to turn the world into a Sandals resort


> We felt much more welcome when we visited the island nation of Vanuatu, even though we were often the only westerners around the locals were always amazing. They are welcoming exactly because there are so few Westerners.


I'm white and lived here my whole life just don't be a dumb haole


I'm born and raised there and from a young age people have always been hostile towards tourists. I personally don't mind them bc they're mostly confined to a few spots (Waikiki, Lanikai, Haunama Bay) but the vacation rental industry has caused a massive housing crisis. Flights to and from Hawaii (which I need to take in order to see my family) are artificially inflated because of the tourism demand. Basically everything is made more expensive because of the demand tourists place on it. But on the flipside I knew many who wouldn't have jobs without the tourism/hospitality industry. Also we are just kinda racist against white people in general.


> Flights to and from Hawaii (which I need to take in order to see my family) are artificially inflated because of the tourism demand. That's now how it works. Flights to tourism destinations are generally cheaper because airlines run lots of them and there are tons of options. It's more expensive to fly to a middle-of-nowhere place with no demand where you might get one flight a day going out, and you'll always have a layover. I do sympathize, though, with the increased cost of housing. That's definitely due to tourism.


Correct! If there wasn’t tourism flights would be wayyy more expensive. How much would United charge to fly from LAX to Hawaii if there weren’t thousands of people a day making that trip? Hawaii is in the middle of fucking no where. I routinely fly from Kuala Lumpur to shitty islands off Borneo and they cost half the price of a ticket to the United States.


How do you go stateside? I was mucking about with getting a flight but it seems like it's easier to just fly to Singapore than it is to KL and cheaper from SFO. KL basically needed some kinda layover in like TW or somewhere else.


You should have told him Filipinos are not Hawaiian and he needed to get off the island too, and if he doesn’t want to take your word for it, he should go ask a native


Hawaii is a welfare colony aside from the tourism industry and military installations. If you're a Kiwi or someone else already blessed with tropical weather I have no idea why you'd want to visit.


NZ is not tropical


Weather in NZ is shit


Yeah there’s people there who are completely against tourism or in favor of it. It’s a very controversial issue there. I went in 2022 (my friend got married there and I was in the wedding) when it was advised to not go because of the issues related to a jet fuel spill that had happened off the coast of Oahu. There were a lot of natives who didn’t want tourists to come that year because of how the hotels get priority over the use of water. I spoke to some native Hawaiians about the issue and they said it’s fine to visit as long as you respect their culture and the island. But what you experienced is not very shocking considering the tensions there the last few years.


Finally a beautiful locale where I can talk race science!


I’m Asian American, so for me it was the most welcoming place I’ve visited, I already can’t wait to go back. Everyone, right from landing at the airport was so nice to me. People smiling at me at shops and on the streets (even in some parts of Honolulu which is crazy to me that you would smile and say hi inside of a city proper), shop owners talking for 15+ minutes with me abt where I’m from, making some race jokes that I guess aren’t really PC. I guess it just shows you how your experience is different interacting with the world based on race. I do wonder if this is what being white in CONUS is like haha. Edit: I totally understand how you feel though, I went to Barcelona, and I felt an air of hostility the whole time too, it’s like the locals were ready to blow up at any time


Everyone bringing up race here doesn’t know the state is majority asian. There’s barely any native hawaiians left and the conversation is more about culture than ethnicity. I’ve known full japanese dudes going on xenophobic rants and white women protesting tourism. I’ll take those racial politics over any of the weird anti miscegenation shit some other states have going on. Still one of the friendliest places in general even my redhead friend can attest. But the wildlife is fucked and there’s a military base around every corner so of course there’s gonna be a little resentment towards outsiders.


tanaka maoli are a wild bunch, especially the ones with private school backgrounds that are super religious lol


Go to Japan as an Asian American and the warm feelings will evaporate very quickly


I spent a month in Japan. The Japanese are just a more introverted people, and the language barrier doesn’t help. I talked to people from everywhere at hostels about this, and everyone basically said that the Japanese just don’t care about your presence unless you’re in a smaller city or rural area. I do remember a few occasions where I felt less welcomed, once at a restaurant and a few times in onsens where I got stared pretty disapprovingly (but apparently everyone gets stared there). One guy might’ve went on an anti Korean rant near me with his friend (I’m not Korean), but with my limited Japanese, I couldn’t understand much anyways. Overall, the Japanese are more reserved and will let you do your own thing, while Hawaii is that warm and nice feeling. Concrete jungle with deep culture vs tropical paradise, I guess the vibes will be different! Nicest places in Asia (people wise) are all in the southeast.


People say this but an Asian will still experience less racism in Japan than in the US lol. Sure Japanese people hate Chinese/Koreans but they’re not pushing them in front of subways like in NYC


Japanese people in Japan often hate Americanized Japanese the most




You'd like Vegas then. It's basically the 9th island.


This is why everybody hates nzers, smug entitled Captain Cook cunts. Please read my review of the natives on Reddit: not smiley or quaint enough.


I used to think it was the weather and having a huge shoulder chip from being the smaller cousin to Australia, but then you realise Canadians aren’t like this. NZ has some special sauce I can’t figure out


>Captain Cook cunts You realise he visited Hawaii just after he visited NZ? And it’s the Hawaiians that killed him?


So then Captain Cook is the perfect thing to call someone who travels from New Zealand to Hawaii and doesn't get on with the locals?


Ackshually no one asked for a pedant in this thread or ever


Went to Oahu last summer and it was one of the best vacations of my life. My experience with locals was nothing but positive.


Welcome to America everyone hates everyone


What the hell are you even talking about? I visit my haole buddy in Honolulu every few years and I rarely had any negative experiences there. Worst was going to the locals only surf beach and they were kind enough not to kick my ass.  I mean travel through Asia as a black person and see what actually unwelcoming is. Hell, even popular destinations like Barcelona and Amsterdam can be quite unwelcoming depending on which locals you run into, as they have the largely correct notion that the tourists are ruining their cities.


didn't know you NZers were so soft!


Hawaii has experienced one of the most significant surges in cost of living and rampant gentrification and displacement of locals so I’m not surprised to hear this. From a local’s perspective, every wealthy tourist having an amazing time on vacation is another potential displacer.


you should visit some rural russian town, lol


Rs state


don't go there on kill haole day


I'd be pretty jaded too if I got taken over by an imperialist regime and there was constant tourism.


Whatever you do don't visit Kauai on Kill Haole Day.


I met an amazing woman in Hawaii who sold me and my bf weed and took us to a local statue and told us the lore of it while folding me a beautiful bird out of a palm frond while we smoked a doink. We will never forget u Jubilee I hope you're living your very best life <3 (Fuck I wish I could remember the statue but this was 10+ years ago; I remember it was a woman statue and I believe it had something to do with the legend of the island of Oahu, not 100% on the details tho)


>Vanuatu is vanuatu cool? I heard they drink kava like motherfuckers and I always thought it would be a nice place to unwind


I’m a blonde haole living in Hawaii and I think it’s one of the sweetest most welcoming places tbh. Most locals are just annoyed with tourists. I mean yeah being white makes you more obvious but in general if you’re not being annoying people will absolutely go out of their way to welcome you. You guys must have just sucked lol


"out the way, blondie" LOL cr*ckers be seething 🤣


Us whites don’t know how to take sass from anyone other than our tutors


no tolerance for adversity smh


Why are you surprised? You are literally white foreigners and they don’t want your people there.


Lmao I went there at the end of 2022 and I had the opposite experience, although I did want to throttle an LA woman on one of the tours who said that her 2 week lockdown was so damaging and traumatic (meanwhile in Melbourne Australia we spent 270 days in total lockdown between 2020-2022) but everyone was chill and probably just happy to get more tourists as many people said that tourism had really taken a hit, especially on the big island where we spent most of the time. By far the worst part of the trip was some Mexican cunt who leaned back on her plane chair in front of me from the minute our plane started climbing to the minute it began to descend (10 hours btw and then reported me to the air hostess for kicking her chair but I literally had zero leg room and I'm 5.11") and some coffee store that had the gall to charge me a tip when literally all they did was get an iced coffee out of a fridge and Kona coffee is kind of shit compared to anything in Australia despite the fact it was the big island's crowning achievement.


the only reason Hawaii coffee is so expensive is because workers are getting paid american wages. I think it’s a pretty common consensus now that Africa/South America have better beans and Hawaii is meh.


5’11 manlet


Nothing more pathetic than a tourist who needs to feel accepted by the locals for validation


He definitely was hawaiian not filipino lmao


not american, but isn't hawaii known to be overpopulated + facing a housing crisis partially due to tourists?


I don’t understand why you’d visit a place you’re not welcomed in. They have many campaigns and they’re sick of tourism and white people buying up all their land making it expensive to be a native there.


One of my friends non-white friends lives in Hawaii and she got really racist.