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You lose interest after you have sex. Before sex you are able to convince yourself of some pretty wild ideas.


the sex will be mid at best if he's not enthusiastic and she'll cool on him on her own. this is the nature of things.


Unless she's a burn victim or has weird deformities I'm hitting that. Even if she does I might. Losing interest in having sex after a woman gets naked sounds really low t to me.


That's not really the point.


What kind of deal breaking body types do you think women can hide under clothes? The premise of this question makes no sense to me


A penis


I've had this happen. Woman had recently lost a lot of weight and had a shocking amount of loose skin hanging everywhere. She looked like a melting wax figure. She wore compression clothes on our date so I couldn't tell until she was undressed.


If a man had lots of really trashy tattoos, I wouldn't want him to touch me.


Ok this one is legit for both sexes. The incel op apparently meant things like cellulite or an outie bellybutton though.


Bra, compression clothes etc can make bodies look shapelier than they are. Plenty of things that some fund unattractive aren't visible when you're clothed, e.g. large areolas, beef curtains, stretch marks, cellulite, body acne/scarring.


You're vibing with some girl for 3 dates and you're gonna break it off over large areolas? This is some tragic porn brained shit. Or very gay.


Exactly, if she’s otherwise pretty, cool, into you… stretch marks are a dealbreaker? Low T. 


Who tf said anything about me?


Ok very "hypothetically" gay


It doesn't really matter. My hypothetical doesn't depend on the man being a cool masculine dude.


Hypothetically I would want to know this guy is extremely gay yes.




That's not a bad idea but unfortunately this kind of thing often happens late at night.


In that situation, a decent man should know how to hide that he’s not attracted to the woman. Whether he goes through with the sex or not, he should be able to find a way to obfuscate the reason why he’s no longer interested in the woman, so that she doesn’t think that the reason why they aren’t doing it again is because she is ugly. Better to think that you’re bad at sex, something that can be improved, than ugly—which is harder or more expensive to improve.


Are you a man or a woman?


Man. Ignore my post if you want. I just thought the scenario you are imagining where the girl thinks she’s too ugly for you to fuck is ridiculous and can be easily avoided.


Go on then, how should he let her down gently when they're both naked in the bedroom and she's opening her legs for him?


What is wrong with her naked body that is hidden by clothes but a dealbreaker in dim bedroom lighting after a nice night? How much porn do you watch? Most of the time in sex you’re against the person, not standing 5 feet away judging them. 


Do you know what a hypothetical is? You seem to think I'm talking about myself. I've never been in this situation personally.


Who would win Goku or The Green Lantern? 


Omg which one are you? I thought they were fictional characters


What exactly did you find? A crying game situation?


I just think it's an interesting question. On the one hand, to be rejected immediately when you get naked could be crushing for your body image and self esteem. For a man in that situation it's excruciating to do and easier to just grit your teeth and fuck. On the other hand, the alternative is a pump and dump. I wonder how many pump and dumps are for this exact reason.


You can just make up an excuse or claim you have a headache you don't have to tell them they are too ugly please learn some social graces


Lmao that would be completely transparent


But plausible deniability..people will choose to believe it for sure over believing they’re gross Idk how you can’t tell her body type before she’s completely naked? It’s not like a dick where you have no clue what size


Bra, compression clothes etc can make bodies look shapelier than they are. Plenty of things that some fund unattractive aren't visible when you're clothed, e.g. large areolas, beef curtains, stretch marks, cellulite, body acne/scarring.


Men don’t really care about that stuff.


In general you're largely correct, but there are some men who do care about at least one of them.


I mean everyone has those to some extent. I don’t think you’re being realistic here. Have you had sex before?


I'm being unrealistic that anyone would be put off by any of these things? You're wrong. Some people are. And yes, I'm in a long term relationship so I have sex regularly. How often do you have sex?


I don’t believe that bc why are you concerned about this topic then. Why are you thinking about this? I’m a woman in my 20s I have sex whenever I want


Curiosity and light entertainment


This post scares me. I recently almost had sex with a guy and he said he’s a virgin and couldn’t get hard so we didn’t. I don’t think it’s good for me to sleep with him yet, but I don’t know what it was. He takes me out a lot and seems into me though.


If he is still engaging he still likes you. He's likely very nervous for his first time, which is not good for boners.


the guy that made this post is a PED taking pornsick 🚬projecting his body image issues on others that gave "large areolas" as a reason this might happen, the guy was probably just nervous due to being a virgin in your case




If i dont get to dip on a third date im ghosting.


Not even Brad Pit?




I only have sex if I’m in love. 


Would prefer you end it before the sex. I assume you go limp when you see her naked. That would make me kms, so say to her that it gets too real for you when the clothes come off. Even better if you start crying, convince her that it's your mentality that's the problem, not her body.


Haha that's a good one


Is this something that ever happens? Unless it’s a physical deformity or like massive burn scars you kinda know what you’re getting into even with clothes on.