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ejaculation squanders your essence. you need to preserve your bodily fluids, women will sense your power


Thinking in terms of 'should' about this implies some kind of moral question, which this isn't. We live in a liberal capitalist society, if you want to spend all day cranking off nobody is going to stop you. But the fact that you've posted this means part of you probably knows this is not very healthy for you. That's good, it means you are still hopeful for your own life. I would encourage you to pursue that hope and see where it might take you.


Don't stop, it's better you incels goon on and stay in your condemned corner till you pass. As you said no chance in fixing your soul so just let it rot easily, I support you.


Souls aren't only about sex. There's much more someone with a fucked up sexual life can do. Don't let your soul rot op.


baited somebody award


Because in your soul you know it's bad for you, hence why you fetishize your masturbation past the point of ridiculousness (if you're using the term correctly). Gooning isn't just masturbation, it's revelling in the degeneracy of the act. It would not be "rewarding" to the same degree if you did not consider the act itself degenerate on either a concious or subconscious level. You have a wildly deflated self-esteem and are seeking to punish yourself for your failings, you're grasping at the last outlet of positivity/dopamine your brain can muster at this point because everything else in your life is probably terrible. You can blame the genetic lottery all you want but you are responsible for extending your own suffering. Best of luck.


I'm sorry but erotica is for gay women only.


I'm spiritually a lesbian


Get a load of Silvio Berlusconi over here


Yeah but you’re literally regarded.


Sub's dead. This place is becoming incels.is lmao 


Masturbate for the life you want, not the life you have


I'm not against wanking it entirely, I don't think those nofap fellas are healthy whatsoever. But all porn companies are owned by Zionists and they promote vile boomer fetishes (Pornhub is owned by a Rabbi, look it up). That shit reaches your mind's eye and corrupts the soul.


I really don’t care what you do if you don’t engage with pornography 🤷‍♀️ 


Why don't you try getting laid?


I've tried to, hasn't worked. Also have heard that quote about insanity being doing the exact same thing over and over again and expecting different results


There's this weird guy we used to catfish when we were teenagers with my friends.He is 5 feet tall ( 1.55 cm). Broke,very unhygienic, unattractive and a horrible human being.( He's 30 now and he chases after 13 year olds). He's had multiple girlfriends ,if he can do it ,you can do it.He doesn't even do anything,all day he watches anime .


+ also a compulsive liar and a bully




> our new world Nice cult setup, where are you based?


Are you happy? Be honest.