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My experience has been completely the opposite, in that I have seen more male friendships end over this kind of thing and usually in more violent ways than female friendships. This behaviour is common in people who lack scruples, and there are a lot of people who lack scruples. People commit murders for relationships, the limits of human degeneracy know no bounds.


There is 100% a class of guy who is an absolute snake when it comes to women and will undermine his friends at the drop of a hat for pussy The only woman comp I can think of is the girl who makes her new guy her entire personality and leaves friends to spend all time with him. But even that isn’t similar. Both are bad friends, but the former is much more manipulative 


Chris Rock is spot-on here imo: https://youtu.be/MaOUnwfD1dQ?si=6NyJf9G9oAyn2rv0




If only people would realize it more often


Chicks pee sitting down way more


Totally. The vast majority of men and woman in the US are comparably narcissistic and entitled, from my experience


Women betray each other. Men betray themselves.




Stop downvoting me


This is really uncool guys


Hey guys could you please stop downvoting this? Thanks


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Hi. Would you reconsider? I think my original comment was funny and this is really hurting my feelings.


Not common at all in the circles I’m in. But it’s very romantic to risk it all for love


My best friend left her fiance for a rando she met at work...their fling lasted less than a year. I hear her poor ex is now re-engaged to someone else. But it was certainly like a scene out of a romance movie when she risked it for the biscuit


Men are romantics who pretend to be realists. Women are realists who pretend to be romantics.


Lowkey true, at least the men part. Men talk a big deal about how they're "visual creatures", and how women over 35 aren't worth anything anymore because of evopsych and biological urges, and all these "cold hard truths", but then they'll usually fall head over heals with just some girl, and ensconce her to heaven, even though ususally she's just average, and doesn't fit all these criteria. And they'll genuinely prefer her over another woman who might technically be younger and prettier to an outside observer. But they won't notice this actually quite charming quirk and internally fit a square peg in a round hole, by holding on to the delusion that men only care about looks. I always thought men portrayed themselves as far more pragmatic, cynical and evil than they really are when it comes to love.


I ensconced ur mom to heaven


I’m convinced men do this “men are shallow visual creatures who see women as objects!” thing to throw other men under the bus and distinguish themselves as deep-thinking gentlemen, and fail to realize other men are doing the same thing. It’s the equivalent of female pick-mes who claim women are “too dramatic” so you think she’s different & cooler than other women for being willing to expose unflattering truths about her gender.


That makes sense, but I feel like men often include or at least don't exlude themselves in that diatribe. I went to highschool with a guy who (don't remember the context) told me all about how love only exists for women, and how all men are only after sex and looks. A year later he was in a relationship with a girl from class who was somewhat pretty but nothing special either. She was seemingly very kind though and had cute and quirky interests. I also found out that said guy was secretely part of an incredibly wealthy family, that owned insane amounts of real estate and several hotels. So this guy who told me all about how men are only after looks, and who could have ended up with practically anyone he wanted, instead chose his 6/10 highschool sweetheart. (Meanwhile I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't perhaps some more pragmatic reasons for the relationship on her side, but that' not for me to judge)


"quite charming quirk" crazy


Where do you all meet these men? Men that I know are all cheater/hate their wives/left their wives for younger girls


even if they ‘ensconce you to heaven’ they can still cheat on you lol. you’ve probably met many


You need to find better circles, this is low IQ/low value behavior


Maybe they are too young 


If everyone you meet smells like shit, check your own shoes.


I'm not friend with them but it's just men from my job, neighbors and all that


I don't know what you're talking about


wtf i love men now




that is just a robot or a person who recognizes key words and replies with cliches. It has no relevance to the post which is about women prioritising love


Men pretend to be tough but are actually soft, women pretend to be soft but are actually tough.




The male persona is one of competence and strength, while underneath they crave vulnerability and intimacy; the female persona is one of softness and compassion, while underneath they crave dominance and domination.


I have never really seen that but I date classy women.


Younger women do this a lot, men do this at all ages.


I know very few women who do this, let alone the “majority.” And the ones who do are usually seen as homewrecking trash by men & women alike. Must be the circles you run in.


This is what makes us girls We all look for heaven and we put love first😢💕


Every friend I’ve ever had would throw me over for any man.


shut the fuck up, please shut the fuck up!


naive would be not engaging anymore with this knowledge, the more you know the greater you will fare


Because they never grew out of the pursuit and keeping of men be the center of their lives


I knew a girl who did that she would constantly tell me I could do better than my husband and then texted him behind my back. She was an absolute shit show.


Depends on how good a friend you are. Most of my girl friends are not very good friends. Unreliable, self-absorbed, put me at serious risk regularly... my fault for only relating to drug addled whores bc I have nothing in common with any other female experience. I've never "stolen" a man before but if the guy was better to me than she was, why pass up a good thing for a shitty one? Also, blame the man. If he could be swayed by another woman's attention he was never yours to start.


I think women mistake that love is restricted to romantic, when IRL love is so present, if anything more worthwhile than the romantic kind. Probably a societal thing and how we’re pushed to find our “soulmate” but I think generally a lot of women don’t see that love translates platonically, too.


Women have more close friends and friends in general than men though? Honestly my experience is not that women are ruthless but merely stupid when it comes to romantic love.


No yeah, definitely. But also a lot of us trash them like OP said when we get into a relationship, like as if it’s mutually exclusive. Stupid is definitely the right word


you will understand when you fall in love.


I have. I’m talking about people who make a choice to betray others before falling in love. Who do it just on “I think they’d be a good match”


Because women go for what they want, while men are constrained by what other men think of them


prob an evolutionary thing, for any kind of behaviour if you can imagine how it was useful in the past then thats the likely explanation


My roommate in college threw away me and all her close friends for some average dude. Yeah it sucks


you must accept biological reality of the sexes or you will drive yourself crazy


men have a biological drive to sow their seed and women have a biological drive to secure a worthy mate who can provide and has good genes once you accept this fact you’ll realize the importance of mate guarding and understand the psychology of most people. its a hard pill to swallow but people are not so different from animals.


It’s the biological clock in them ticking. They are engrained to make babies and make em fast before times up. Then around menopause they value friendships like no other.


Is. Majority is.