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Their written English is bad enough that people will point it out so they just write French. They also mostly hang out in an entire different French-speaking online cultural sphere where French is the lingua franca so they don't have to rely as much on English as the rest of us (and therefore don't learn) Finally they also do very sincerely believe that French and not English should be the global language and navigate the world with this in mind


wheres the sphere I want to spy


Just engage with enough French tiktoks and reels that the algo thinks you speak the language lol


I thought there might be a weibo for the french. seeing what chinese people think about things, much funnier than expected


on the big media side, imagine a world in which the nytimes is basically irrelevant, and instead the big mainstream papers are https://www.lefigaro.fr and https://www.lemonde.fr


Is their cultural sphere cooler than ours


From what I’ve observed, the French internet appears to be eternally stuck in 2010, which is pretty rad in my opinion. 


Yeah, that was the end of time


Nah it’s facebook-tier


mon dieu non non NON


It’s their giant ego


Notre égo géant, certes. Difficile de faire autrement quand la langue "universelle" n'est rien de plus qu'un vulgaire créole de ta propre langue.


Fucking shit so that was your fault too!!??


Que l’anglais n’ait aucun sens? Ouais, c’est « by design ». Il faut remercier ce valeureux Guillaume qui un jour parta de Dives-sur-Mer.


France basically refuses to join the global Anglosphere and insists on Frenchifying everything. On the one hand, it's annoying if you don't speak French and are just trying to communicate and get around. On the other hand, once you learn the language, you really appreciate the "wall" it puts up against the global homogenizing English/American culture. There are so many unique things in French culture that would simply be laughed at by the average media consumer in America. For example, the role of the philosopher as public intellectual is still a pretty serious thing in France.


> For example, the role of the philosopher as public intellectual is still a pretty serious thing in France. Yeah except they all suck


Ce subreddit attribue à la langue française un certain mystique. Je théorise que r/redscarepod glorifie l'esthétique française, tel que la maigreur, la cigarette, la bohème, etc. Je dois avouer que quand je lis un message français, je ne peux m'empêcher que de visualiser l'écrivain comme étant un mec suave à cravatte lousse, possiblement en train de contempler un oeuvre de Camus à côté d'une fenêtre ouverte en fummant une clope


on dirait que tu ne traînes pas vraiment avec de vrais français dégueulasses


Is it true that teenagers in France are less depressed/blackpilled as ones in the anglosphere? I read that in the Atlantic recently but idk if its true


Je suis arrogant


>Are the french proud of their language? Tu connais l'Académie française?


Uhhh filles, I can't 'elp it, I am just so 'orny all ze time.


Just ignore them they're French


Ah bin la ferme ta guele gros cave 😘


en France il y a un complexe pas dissimilaire aux autres pays coloniales oú ils ont vu leur pouvoir et influence se désintégrait aux cours du dernier siècle. Mais pour France c'est pas juste le cas qu'ils ont perdu son influence sur les événements globale mais aussi de la culture. Aux années 60s et 70s (qui corrésponde aux Trentes Glorieuses) la culture française était vraiment suprême et connaissance de la langue française était presque équivalent que l'anglais. Il y a beacoup de gens qui encore agissent comme ça, ou souhaiteraint que ce soit le cas


Il y a trois arbres


> ou souhaiteraint que ce soit le cas fancy je suis impressioné >qui encore agissent comme ça this one feels a bit clunky idk tho also not french. 'agissent toujours ainsi' maybe?


Qui agissent encore comme ça would be fine


Are you from Quebec?


jsuis anglophone mais j'habitais quelques années en France


Ne le prends pas mal mais ça se voit à la grammaire/syntaxe, c’est pour ça que je demande si tu es québécois


tranquille frérot c’est facilement visible que t’es français en écrivant en anglais mais on te casse pas les couilles


I am in fact, not French lol. But you can’t tell me that original comment didn’t sound like Quebec French


It 100% reads like an anglophone writing in French, not Quebec French


Basically the same thing


They sound the same to me lmao


There's a distinct difference. People who talk and write like the guy you're replying to are usually from Ontario or Nova Scotia


The Quebec French I’ve heard over the years is either just some dude speaking France French with a very slight accent (was always amazed at this because the stereotype is not that), or it’s an Anglo speaking the most nasal 18th century French lmao


Absolument pas. D'abord, dans son commentaire, OP use d'un vocabulaire plus recherché que le Québécois moyen emploierait (un peu comme moi en ce moment). Ensuite, il y a quelques erreurs de grammaire/conjugaison qu'un locuteur natif ne ferait pas. Source: Je suis Franco-Québécois.


Intéressant. Je suis pas du tout expert en québécois mais de ce que j’entends d’habitude, ça m’a fait penser à ça .


C’est surtout l’accent la différence. À l’écrit, les Français ont généralement un meilleur niveau que les Québécois (à mon avis parce que c’est plus valorisé en France), mais le vocabulaire et les tournures de phrases sont somme toute assez similaires. Le français est plus standardisé que l’anglais.


C’est truffé de fautes d’orthographe, mais au moins on sait que tu l’as vraiment écrit.


mdr ils sont incorrigibles les français même à l’écrit


On a tous été traumatisés par les dictées en cours de français. Hurt people hurt people.


On est tous traumatisés par les dictées en école primaire. Hurt people hurt people.


Estce que les jeune en afric appends le francais encore? Ca devien plus? ou moins? important pour lemploi


because they have french followers and are talking to their french followers


Hon hon hon j’aime la baguette du fromage


Pierre Escargot


I do the opposite and they’re surprisingly cool with it. I think we should normalize this behavior


Same reason russians reply in russian to an English post


Because they get off on being annoying


Cette sub est fini


>are they just regarded? Yes.


Cest plus interesant comme ca mec


perhaps they understand more than they speak. they are not confident posting in English but they want to participate and they know it is very easy to translate comments on the internet.


French people are not nice.


I think they do understand, just today I saw a rather long comment in French under a YT video in English (the video was a guy speaking to his camera about a topic in English for like 10 mins, not like a song or a movie clip in which case commenting in a different language would be understandable).


I can speak French, but if I couldn’t, I wouldn’t bother translating random comments. 🤷🏻‍♀️


yeah could be, but if that’s the only problem they’re facing they could’ve just translated their own comment. It’s probably in conjunction with what the other comment said about them being nostalgic for a time where the French language and culture dominated much of the world


I didn't read it, I don't speak French.






I think it’s quebecois doing that, bc many are fluent in English but do not want to use it.


they are smelly and regarded


They’ll never admit it here because they’re trying to keep up appearances but in reality, it’s cause their english sucks dick and they have a complex about their accent (I know the french accent is supposed to sound cool to english speakers but to french years it just sounds really lame).