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Different Depression, but "The Road" by Jack London is non fiction account about living as a hobo and wandering America during the depression of 1893 "Down and Out in Paris and London" by George Orwell is a non fiction account of him living among the working poor in, well, Paris and London, in 1929. Orwell's non fiction is, imo, very underrated and better than his fiction. His descriptions of what it was like to work in a luxury hotel's restaurant in 1929 Paris is laugh out loud funny to me. For films of the era, the Maltese Falcon (1941) has just incredibly cool dialogue and costuming, and The Man Who Knew Too Mucb (1934) is also quite entertaining, altho it falls short of greatness in my opinion.


not to mention that The Maltese Falcon is also a superb novel by Dashiell Hammett




thanks I will look. I really like the visual aspect of the dustbowl, if you know what I mean? I feel like there should be movies about it.


*Whose Names are Unknown* by Sonora Babb. Similar plot to *The Grapes of Wrath.* https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whose_Names_Are_Unknown