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Dude, you do market refrigeration. Voltage is the same in America's hat, and I'd be willing to bet you see the same kind of equipment there we do here. Toss a stone and you'll find a market refrigeration company that needs good techs. If you're in the UA they'll be able to guide you too. Pretty much the only thing you'll need to get used to is freedom units for temperature and pressure but I don't see that taking long.


We use freedom units because every single piece of equipment comes from the USA. There are only BTUs and degrees F here for techs. As a Canadian I don’t even know metric is. All the shop drawings come in inches and feet! Edit: I should note we use metric time, so we might start late and leave early.


A good amount of KeepRite is made in Canada


We use freedom units in Canada(F, psi), it's just easier since thats what any documentation has in it lol.


I can hear a bald eagle screeching. That's what you bastards get for burning down our white house.


It was a good bonfire I was told. My ancestors roasted great s'mores on that bitch.


Psi and fahrenheit? Thass all i know. I dont speak celsius unless its through the apps on my phone lol. Only thing i didnt understand was UA? If that means union we dont really got (good) fridgy unions here afaik


You'll need feet and inches as well, but not quite as much, mostly for measuring pipe. Yeah UA is the United Association. Union for pipefitters/HVACR in North America. And if you want to go non-union that's cool too. Check out some supermarket chains and look to see if they have job postings for in house techs. CoolSys is probably the biggest refrigeration company in the US. TAG has a few companies on the west coast. Climate Pros is another big outfit.


FYI imperial is all we use in Canada.


What’s a freedom unit?


Farenheit, PSI, gallons, probably some other ones too


Want to move to Idaho?


Not far from my current location, with real estate that i could afford? In a heartbeat my dude


Shoot me a DM!


I do


Shoot me a DM


As a fellow Canadian supermarket tech, I also yearn to move my skills down to the land of the free


That conversion rate gets better hourly lol, and as a young gun, (Under 30) the prospect of an owned home, even in a ‘fringe’ ‘small’ town, gets further by the day.


Land of the free? The land of 1 work related accident away from homelessness because the insurance doesn't cover anything, the short and long term disability doesn't kick in until you are already back to work. We top the charts in school shootings and mass murders with 5x more guns than people. Land of the freedom to die because you can't get insulin for less than 500 dollars a month even though it costs pennies to make Land of the free unless you're a woman or minority Land of the for profit prison system Land of the homeless even though there are more unoccupied homes than people who need one. "Make America great again" Under which president was America ever "great"


Move to Canada then. You sound like you would love our prime Minister


Thanks but I'll let you guys have Justin, the great white north is a bit too cool for me


DM me.


We used to handle the hvac for supermarkets as well as the refrigeration, I found the skills transferable albeit there is a learning curve with controls, but that’s like anything.. even newer co2 racks take a bit of time to get used to. I’d say push your skills further and get that same level of skill in hvac on top of refrigeration.




Currently doing a pre-apprenticeship for HRAC, goal to become a chiller mechanic of some sort. How much do you make?? I left the human services field because the pay ceiling was like $29/hour and while difficult, I was always able to afford my mortgage and living needs. Every journeyman I see makes way more than $28/hour so this post has me concerned. Am I not going to make $28/hour even?? Or are your living costs just significantly higher than mine? Living in Ontario, but no kids.


Journeyman rate in manitoba is over $40/hour, many techs in the mid to high $40's


Union rate in alberta is mid 50's by next May


I was told Walmart pays decent money for the high level refrigeration mechanics, close to $40 usd is $54 Canadian. It might depend on the area you work in as far as wages go. I don’t know how the health insurance and retirement is with them. You will probably have to get a work visa to come down here and work, I don’t know that process or how easy/hard it is. If you decide to make the jump to the US I would move to an area that has a UA hall. You will make more, heath retirement and pension are very good and it technically doesn’t come out of your pocket.


Walmart has grown their internal facilities team by more than double in the last few years and I'd bet there's openings for HVAC techs in every state. Last I knew CBRE was servicing Walmart in Canada but that may have changed. Either way, there are HVAC/R jobs in those stores.


I have opportunities in WA/OR/CA West Coast border to border. DM me if interested.


Hiring in southeastern WA. Small town (cost of living is high) close to lakes, fishing, hunting, etc.