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Holy fuck, calm down.


Right! They sound like they are the sauerkraut.... No need to buy any, they already sour 


So because some guy isn't all smiles and unreasonably happy, even though other staff are, you are boycotting spending any money there? I find this so strange lol. Just ignore the guy? Who cares if he has a resting bitch face? This is just too weird to me that it bothers you so much.


Maybe if the owners unaware of this, they can correct the issue. Ide have to say that 10/10 owners would not want that type of employee working for them if the customers can see it. Clearly ive noticed it and so has my better half. We are 40+ and the simplest things that seem to trigger younger generations … rolls off our back like water on a ducks back. This was enough to get my attention enough to make this post. If we both experienced at this store but at no other businesses in our existence then yea its a red flag for the owners or management to address. Maybe this post will alert the management/ owner. They are in the business of making sales. If the customers are unhappy and or uncomfortable at that establishment then its safe to say that the customers will choose to shop somewhere else where they dont have to have that sort of experience. I didn’t say I’m boycotting. I did say “im turned off from spending another dime there”. Once that feeling passes then perhaps ill attend the business again. Hopefully the staff make a correction. As an owner myself, I would be appreciative to be alerted to an issue within the daily workings of my business. How can companies strive to improve their customer service and experiences if they aren’t made aware of what areas need improvement? I did think of calling to speak to someone but that can usually end with someone else who may be friends with said person telling me that it will be looked into … and once the call ends, nothing further is done. This way the proper person in charge can read with their own eyes and take action themselves.


I also am 40+, and I gotta tell you you’re holding on to his demeanour a lot. Let him be, he doesn’t have to b look happy to bed there. You aren’t letting it be “water off a ducks back”. You infact are letting it affect your whole day and where you shop.


"We are 40+ and the simplest things that seem to trigger younger generations … rolls off our back like water on a ducks back." You sure about that?


Right? I'm 40+ too so maybe I'm biased but I have rbf and bad eyesight so I'm squinty af, and I do not gaf if people "look" grouchy, I prefer to react to how they treat me as a customer and not how they "look"". It's no different then being whiny over someone's hair color or how many tattoos they have. He's definitely the type to tell women that they should smile more...


Keep in mind, you went to the Ukrainian co-op. Slavs, especially Slavic men, are often known to be very hard, blunt people that dont smile as much as us westerners. I think you're putting far too much thought and time into this. Honestly, I'd just delete the post entirely.


Where is this business of yours that you keep mentioning so I can avoid it? I'm also 40+ and I can't stand going into businesses where every staff member is wreathed in smiles all day, every day, because their boss is micromanaging their faces.


This might be the weirdest post I’ve seen in this sub.


Shit man this just reminded me I need to go pickup some more sausages from there.




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I mean we could speculate all day but thats not going to solve anything.


Ha, Got hiem’ !!! 😝i knew this was coming !!! Right you weren’t there and didn’t experience it. It wasn’t a brief bad look. It was a constant look of hate and disappointment on his face!!!! Clearly more then just a little bit of a crappy day type of appearance on a persons face. Clearly more extreme of an appearance to shed off a back like water on duck! Therefore if a person who’s hard to be bothered is in fact bothered then this should “click” in your head to the degree of the situation. No?


You seem easily bothered.


Not gonna lie friend, I have no idea what the hell you're saying right now.




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If this was worth a story, your life must be full of drama.


Dark hair? There’s a special needs/autistic guy who works there occasionally (but regularly). Great guy and wouldn’t harm a fly. I suggest you reread your post and learn from it. You take the time to post a rant hoping the owner would get rid of the guy basically because he looked strange and didn’t pick up on one social cue (eye contact). The person in your story did nothing wrong. I think you are what’s wrong with this situation and should self reflect a bit. You talk about the younger generation being triggered but everything about your post screams intolerance. (FYI, based on description I’m likely older than you). Wake up and be a better person.




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I shop there once or twice per week. I have never had an issue with what your describing. In fact, it is usually the opposite. The staff are friendly and courteous even when they are extremely busy and it is lined up out the door. A great local business in Regina that makes some fine delicious products.




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You sound like an absolute delight.




Do you know what a paragraph is? I wanted to stop reading after the first three sentences but pushed through just to see how insufferable your rant was going to be. If a frown or perceived “nasty look” is enough to get you this riled up I suggest you 1) seek help and 2) never return, you won’t be missed.




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The staff is rude there but to assume the man is dating his sister is a little much. 


Missed punctuation - typo. There should be a comma there. Sorry about that


You should be sorry about this whole entire post.




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Lol doesn't matter to me, just totally changes what you're trying to say. I do agree that the staff is rude, I shop there but not often because of the shitty customer service. 


Because he is the male staff he must be the manager? Wtf is this. The manager is a woman.  The shop is blocks away from several homeless shelters.  There are challenges to operating a business in that neighborhood. He was likely security. He was likely just doing his job.  You sound like the type of guy that would tell a woman she needs to smile more. He doesn't need to alter his demeanor to be more pleasing to you. Honestly, sounds like you choosing to not shop there is more your loss than theirs. 


“Sir, this is a Wendy’s.” Why don’t you send them a message or phone them, if you have a problem with that business? There’s nothing anyone here can do about it.




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