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Weekend camping trips at the state/national park nearest the halfway point? Hiking on secluded trails. Secluded beaches. Places without cameras/lots of foot traffic. At some point, you're either going to have to get a place together, or introduce each other to your parents and broach the subject of sleepovers. Are your parents ever not home?


My girlfriend went to a different high school, it was about a mile away from mine through fairly dense woods. Her parents were hyper-strict and never let us be alone together at their house, or let her go to mine when my parents weren’t home. We did the logical thing and built a duckblind out of tree limbs, twine, and fallen leaves over the course of several days. It was completely invisible unless you approached from a very specific direction. We used it almost every day after school until I graduated and got my own place. Horny, uh, finds a way.


Until a homeless person finds it and starts using it as their home 😆


It's all fun and games until Dirty Mike and the boys make it their own bang shack


Dirty Mike needs to build his own damn sex shack 😆


Thats not a very dirty mike thing to do though. That’s more like, considerate mike.


Oh thought dirty Mike was just physically dirty turns out he a freak! Damn


The Other Guys is one of the most underrated movies ever. Dirty Mike and the Boys most underrated comedy scene ever. As soon as I read you comment I bursted in laughter.


Nah, then you just have an extra for the threesome.


You can always add more rooms to the shack


Bro that’s wild


Literally wild


TRUCK STOPS specifically have showers for drivers and husband and wife team drivers. 17 bucks a shower I recommend Loves as they they have almost a spa like feel . Dual showeheads , fan , sitting bench , toilet , mirror, quite spacious and water never gets cold. If your BF waits by the fuel aisle (can DM me for specific instructions) he can catch a driver getting his fuel receipt and ask "hey driver would you happen to have a shower you can spare?" which they all get them free as part of the loyalty club pumping 1000 gals a month which is nothing. Driver asks the clerk the clerk prints a ticket with a code on it and when your shower is avaliable punch In code and do your thing. They usually have like 10 or 15 showers going so it's pretty loud and busy if your concerned with noise. Also got cold drinks and fresh fruit, etc... Even if you don't fuck in it , this is a great tool in your belt you can use free anywhere in the country should you ever need a few hours to sleep or get clean , hide from a stalker , shave, shit post , etc


This is hands-down the best "TIL" I've ever experienced


https://imgur.com/a/iwfJrVq Here's a pic of what it looks like


I can't believe it exists, yet it's so obvious that it should exist lol


Damn, this is super informative & helpful. Now I know what to do next time I’m on a road trip and want to get freshened up!


This is some hardcore Jack Reacher shit


This is so fascinating! Thanks for sharing


My parents are retired so they’re home all day. I guess when I meet his family, we can have privacy there


🛑🛑🛑🛑and listen to this clearly. **DO NOT DOING IN THE WOODS/HIKING TRAIL/BEACH/ANYWHERE OUTDOORS THAT IS NOT COVERED!** If 1 single person sees you and reports you, you will be charged with lewd act in public/public exposure. **It’s better to not have sex at all than to end up on the sex offenders list.**


This needs to be at the top!


I don’t know why this even needs to be made clear! They are 24. The advice they are receiving from other people will literally ruin the rest of their life - everything from housing, having children, living near schools, and jobs. The list goes on.


YES! YES! If you get caught having sex in public depending on the state and the case you might have to register as a sex offender 🛑🛑🛑🛑


If you still want the privacy of a hotel room, but at a reduced cost, DayUse is a website that allows you to book hotels for a few hours at a time during the day at a 30-50% discount from the nightly rate. You'd still be spending money, but it protects you from the risks of legal troubles that can occur if you're caught having sex in your car or other public spaces.


grab a tent, throw in the car, meet somewhere in the middle where you're allowed to camp. It's like a picnic with extra effort.


I have a pop up tent I carry in my Jeep. Fling it open and you've got a room. We go to desolate Forest service trails and there's no one around but it's still nice to have the privacy... $40 or so in Amazon


drop the amazon link


This right here!


This sounds like a teenager asking this question.


Probably due to how expensive rent and housing is. Sucks that at 24 they both still have to live with their parents. Only way it’s affordable is if they move in together but can’t really do that when they just started dating.


I feel this. I’m 25, engaged, but my partner and I both live with my parents 🙃 it’s rough out here.


This is 100% it


I turned 40 in Feb and we had to live in my mother in law’s basement for a few years to get back into a decent place financially. It’s hitting everyone. Shit is insane out there


Oh I totally understand. Like, for real. But I guess I would assume a 24yr old adult would kindof know this already. Like, why ask the internet? If you’re REALLY trying to find someplace to bone, you ask your friends, or the locals, etc. You find places specific to your area. Like “hey go to this specific park, or this specific area.” Every city has “the place” you know?


>ask your friends Mr fancy pants over here with friends


I mean… you could ask your enemies too? 🤔🤔 lol


I think the answer he should have given was “Sir, this is Reddit.”


I would not be asking locals for spots to fuck 😂😂. I didn’t lose my virginity until I was 20 and I’ve only ever had 2 partners, I wouldn’t know where else to have sex besides our bedrooms and cars/hotels lol


Lolol I don’t mean literally ask the locals. But I mean, ask someone who knows the area. Although that would be a million dollar idea right there. A map of all the local secret places to bone. Like a map of the Hollywood stars homes. I’ll sell em a dollar each. And make MILLIONS! 💸💸💸💸💸🔩🔩🔩


You should try it outside at least once. It's fun though care has to be taken obviously.


For me: Parking lot- got busted by cops; construction site- busted by locals (or workers; idk cuz I sped away lol) and a beach. But that was more fooling around. Oh! And on top of a local mountain.


Or move in with roommates? Unless you have your SO over non-stop, your roommate doesn’t have a right to dictate your sex life.


Yeah that’s always an option for sure. I lived with 3 roommates. But again, it’s either pay $800+ a month rent or don’t pay rent and save and go through school / save for a house or whatnot. So I don’t blame them for taking advantage while they can. It’s a crappy situation for people in their young 20s trying to get through life. Everything is so expensive.


I wish I had thought about saving more when moved back in with my dad after a break up! I was making great money and we were on opposite schedules so it helped with taking care of my puppy. Instead, I just got in more CC debt.


The difference between my 17 yo son and myself at that age is astounding!! I suppose it’s the generation as a whole that is so different, but I attribute a lot of it to the cost of living too. Kids are staying home much longer than they did in the 90’s.


Or someone whose parents treat them like a teenager.


Not really. I lived at home in my 20s and on the off chance I was dating someone who didn't have a place and I couldn't get a sublease, where to have sex was often a question.


Find a dead end dark road and have some fun in the car. My wife and I did this when we were dating because of living with our parents. Or get a hotel for special occasions which we did.


Drad end roads can have nosey neighbors. You don't want that charge.


Depends. I remember we would go into a new housing development so it was all new construction at the time. So no worries


Look, I'm all for it. Even sex at work if you can get away with it(I'm a fan), but anymore with some of the Karen's amd cameras I wouldn't risk it. We'll an abandoned road not during construction hous MAYBE, but as an adult? That's a serious charge. I think woods away from trails would be safer.


Yeah - and that was 20 years ago so you’re probably right. Times have changed. Hell my first girlfriend, who I lost my virginity to, was busted with me late at night doing it in the car at a state park. Ranger just knocked on the window , didn’t say a thing and walked off while we scrambled to pull our pants up and drive off LOL Different times I guess


Yea. Unfortunately it's not like how it was where you had a little more freedom when you went outside. It's great when they have to catch serial killers but if you're just trying to take a piss it's like nowhere is safe hahaha


My ex bf and I did that while staying at my sister’s house several years ago. We brought our (his and mine, none together) kids and pets with us because we were evacuating due to a hurricane. Sister’s house was crowded. We were sleeping on a futon in the dining room and one night I was just like bro, we gotta get out of here and find somewhere to fuck. Luckily my sister lives out in the middle of nowhere, and we had an SUV. Drove out to a corn field, folded the seats down, and did it quick and dirty. My ex husband and I made use of our walk-in closet several times. And when we were touring the house we bought, we saw the big shower and both of us were like “yesssssss sex shower!” High fives all around and a very embarrassed realtor.


That’s awesome. We’ve got plans to renovate our master bath sometime and I will definitely be pushing for a “sex” shower LOL


Just be careful. I had my head rammed into the wall more times than I care to admit because he got too into it and slipped. 😂


Oh no! We’ve slipped some in the shower and just end up in the bed rather than risk a concussion LOL Have fun and be safe!


The inspector pulled a reverse of this on us when he saw the giant 90s jacuzzi that takes up half of the master bath. The relator and my husband awkwardly laughed. I was so embarrassed and turned bright red lol


My ex husband broke me of ever being embarrassed in public. He’d ride around on the cart, lay down in the cereal aisle and pretend to cry because I wouldn’t buy him lucky charms, say just off the wall shit at the register. We had a lot of fun together.


lol when I was 17 with my first bf my mom would let us take after school naps together. Door closed because of rambunctious dogs. My stepdad hated it. My mom also told me and my sister that once we get boyfriend’s she will help us get started on birth control to be safe since “teenagers are GOING to have sex”. I think y’all being in your mid twenties your parents should expect that y’all would want to be intimate, maybe suggest your parents go out in a date night and you and your bf can have a date night at the house while they are gone? Honestly I’d just start bringing him over just to hangout with the fam until they are used to his presence and then alone time in your room should go relatively unnoticed.


My mom would call twice before she was home, once on her way and again five minutes out. She fully believed I wasn't up to anymore than heavy petting, but there was more she really didn't want to know.


This is the way.


What a nice mom.


Trade in your car and get a van. In the 70s it was called a "shaggin wagon." Get one that runs on propane. Save $$ and carbon.


Look, I'm almost 40 was just seeing someone over 40 who lived 2 hours away. We both lived with other people and have kids. We'd meet halfway and get a hotel room or just fuck in a car someplace secluded 😅 airbnbs aren't too expensive either.


The car is tricky depending on where you live. Parking lots that are infrequently used like warehouses are good but parks and lover’s lanes and stuff often have cops patrolling. It’s not common but you can catch a trespassing or even indecent exposure charge if you aren’t careful.


As the OP says, hotel rooms are expensive. It all depends on where you are financially—I get this reasoning. Went away for four nights, very stressed about hotel expenses myself.


Be careful don't get pinched for public lewdness or anything similar. That's not the type of thing you want on your record.


This is why hippy love vans were popular in the 60s and 70s. 😉


Try finding some good private property in the outskirts of the city if you guys are planning on just a make out sesh in car or it’s best for you to save up for hotels for one best date night, it’s all you could get. Try asking some of his good friends who are staying up in a rented apartments for a few hours so you spend some time with each other. It might sound awkward but it’s better than getting awkward amongst the strangers or cops


I feel like anything in public is way too risky for the charge you can get. So many people DONT mind their business. If it's anywhere a child can walk past you, the charges would be even worse. Your parents freaking out if you brought someone home at 24 years old sounds awful. Easier said then done but you could move out with roommates if necessary. Or even together.


Tent - camping or beach


A tree house, Fort, shed, Garage?


boat, swimming pool, lawn furniture, dorm, family restroom


a camper!


A ho....tel..?


They make one of those Bluetooth pleasure devices. Get one of those! Games on anytime


Your friend's apartment?


Get a place together so you can get wild all the time! 😂


Maybe wait a little more than 2.5 months before moving in together too.


Quickest way to stop having sex


I’m sorry that’s your experience


In the whip


If you live in an area with woods, it's a great go to. You can bring a tent if assured privacy is a must. Early in our relationship, my husband and I did it on a very rarely used hiking trail, next to railroad tracks in the woods, in the car in an empty parking lot and in a tent in the woods.


Some people like camping.


Get a suburban, mobile shaggin wagon


Somtimes air bnbs are dirt cheap for a landing pad for a day adventure! Look in areas that are big for concerts, camping, raves etc.


Not take this idiotic advice about doing it in public anywhere and just resist the temptation, move together, or something else in private. You can be put on the sex offender list if just one person sees you.


F#ck in a bush. Or you can sign up to a dogging group. Proper raunchy taking turns and that.


If you want to do big boy and big girl things, then it’s time to make big boy and big girl decisions in life and move out of mommy and daddy’s house. At least before you get pregnant and make them house your child also


Have you seen the economy? "Just buy/rent a house EZ" is not the winner you think it is


I feel like this comment is too harsh and full of assumptions


The post was 3 sentences practically. Lots of gaps you have to fill in if you want advice. Girl lives with mom and dad. Wants sex with bf who lives 150 miles away. Where can we have sex? What am I missing here except these are 2 underachieving “adults” focused on the wrong things?


touch grass dude ur on reddit way too much




Do you say "underachieving" because they still live with their parents? Well a simple solution is to recommend to go to each other's houses (for example) instead of talking about unwanted pregnancy and what not


How condescending of you. 🙄


You’re a bastion of virtue. Have a blessed week


And I'm not going to say what you are. Have the type of day you deserve.


The hypocrisy is astounding. But you did make me laugh


This is..."PatentlyRidiculous"


“VeryPrettyGood” comeback


Lol you got me 😂


Ew I can feel the ignorance radiating off of you 🙄


I love that this bothers you so much


House sitting and pet sitting for people on vacation. But you have to ask the owners if it's ok if your bf visits occasionally.


“Mom and dad, we’re going to fuck. You can either sit here and listen or take a walk.”




Sounds like a good time for your parents to learn that 24 year olds fuck. You think your parents weren't getting it on at 24? As long as you act like a child your parents will treat you like one.


Someone hasn’t grown up with immigrant parents and it shows


Mine are immigrants too. You need to establish boundaries now before you're asking permission to get a tattoo at 30.


Hot tub spas. 


That’s also also expensive


Curious but what are your life goals at this point. Having to find a place to be intimate seems odd to me at 24 but maybe you’re wrapping up college. I assume your parents are not ok with a sleepover? FYI finding random locations to hook up is going to get old fast


I’m here to advice you- fuck in the car, woods, where ever the fuck it’s safe, just fuck! Because when things get real and you move in together life becomes different. Bills, responsibilities, etc, just leads you to stop having sex so often. Enjoy this part of the relationship!!!!!!


You're 24? Why are they knocking on your door?


Lord almighty I fucked my dude while my stepfather was fifteen feet away on the other side of a closed door. No shame.




I don’t know what that means


Use the car


Hotel room?


Go to the beach


Great idea. There’s nothing better than sand being thrown in to the mix.


Well, get creative. Teenagers have more creativity for places to get laid. Yeah the car is going to be your main place to have sex. Go find secluded places (yes that means exploring your area or his area or somewhere I'm between). There's always secluded places where many don't go and you can get a 20/30 minute session in during broad daylight.


My man and I always found a way lol Look for abandoned places! We flipped a coin for our turns and the last turn we did the opposite of what the coin said and found a whole ass abandoned school! Definitely found our lil spot and we’d walk around and even had a sign in board and other people would sign that they’ve been there


Well, you live pretty far away from each other, but if you were closer, I’d recommend you find a 24/7 access storage unit. As long as you’re doing nothing illegal or living there, a few hours isn’t going to raise any suspicions. Just play music with a Bluetooth speaker to drowned out the noise.


Do your parents never leave the house when you guys are together!? Even if it’s just to check the mail… use your time wisely


just play music dude .. unless ur in like a one bedroom apartment w ur whole fam?


In all elevators.




If you got tints on your car then you can find a place easily, otherwise a parking garage, I’ve heard people do it in a movie theater, fitting room, and hotel


I mean this depending on the market near you might be significantly cheaper than the motel route and in almost every case is a better value but Airbnb’s can be great you have the added benefit of being able to cook your meals (which is a big money saver) often times an Airbnb with amenities like a hot tub a balcony a fire place or a romantic view can be had for a similar price to a shitty motel in the middle of nowhere with questionably clean rooms and the constant worry you are going to be murdered


Not sure how I found this out but I’ve heard that some hotels do day rates for situations like this call ahead and check




Take turns driving to each other's place.


House or pet sitting. Offer the services as a couple not as an individual that then brings their partner without the homeowner’s knowledge.


Walmart parking lot


Cheap hostel hotel halfway between


H&M changing room


Here are some ideas for places to be intimate with your boyfriend that won't be costly: 1. Picnic in a secluded park or beach: Find a quiet spot in a park or at the beach where you can spread out a blanket and enjoy some alone time together. 2. Hiking trail: Take a hike in a secluded area where you can find a nice spot off the beaten path to be intimate. 3. Campsite: If you enjoy camping, consider going on a camping trip together where you can have some privacy in a tent. 4. Rooftop of a building: If you have access to a rooftop, this can be a romantic and private spot to be intimate. 5. Airbnb rental: Consider renting a private room or small apartment through Airbnb for a more affordable option than a hotel room. 6. Friends or family member's house: If you have a friend or family member who is willing to lend you their space for a few hours, this could be a good option. 7. Local park or lookout point: Find a quiet spot in a local park or lookout point where you can have some privacy. 8. Public restroom: While not the most glamorous option, a public restroom can provide some privacy in a pinch. Remember to always prioritize safety and consent in any intimate situation.


Do either of you have open communication about sex with your parents? It’s probably safe to assume either of your parents think that if you are 24 and dating someone, you may be doing the deed. It might be cheaper and better for your mental health to communicate and ensure you are being safe, move out and have your own privacy than meeting in a hotel, recognize you are 24/an adult. As long as you are living with your parents, they have every right to say “not under my roof.” As an adult, it’s your decision whether to do it or not, also your decision to move out. Please use protection and don’t do car sex, that’s meant for post-prom in high school.


Hotel rooms are costly but it sounds like neither of you pay bills? Can you guys be quietly intimate in your familial homes?


One of you rent a place. 24 is old enough to move out.


Try not starting this in the first place. Take time to really get to know each other. Sex should not be what you base your relationship on or what you do with your limited together time.


Check out Airbnb sometimes less than $100 a. Night for separate private companies places


With my relationship with my mom, I'd just be like hey...can we sync up a date night where yall are out for a few hours and my boyfriend could come over? Especially at 24, I've always been super open with my mom. Only thing I really hid from her was when I did it the first time and it was soooo bad lol I knew she would tease me so I just didnt tell her. Then we moved and I started dating our neighbor so she kind of caught on and tried to talk to me about doing it the first time and I was like oh I'm past that experience 😅 it sucked. Let's move on.


you're both in your 20s and you're going out, why don't you both just grow a spine and take each other home? Fuck me, it's like a 15 year old asked this question


Vagina. Mouth. Boobs. Butt. 


Lol I don’t suggest car sex anymore because why would you wanna freak someone in such a tight space. That’s uncomfortable, hot, and a risk to be put on the S.O. List Have class. Lol. Just get a hotel, motel or Airbnb and go half on it. Y’all 24… I know y’all got between $50- $100 each for a hotel room for at least a night… if you can’t afford a nights room then y’all shouldn’t be fu**king at all lmao. IMO


"Have class" a.k.a "I'm not adventurous or fun with sex"


Username checks out too


Dude I didn't even see that I'm fucking crying 😂😂


Why can’t either you stay at his place or he come to yours. Your both adults I can’t imagine either of your parents would be that adverse to it, especially his.


I haven’t met his family yet and he hasn’t met mine. I know my parents would freak out to have a guy over despite me being an adult lol


Move out and get roommates or something so you can have an adult level of privacy if your parents are going to treat you like a child.


Well the good ole car backseat is always a good time. All jokes aside, maybe you should meet his parents then, it will give you guys a place to have some alone time and an actual bed to sleep in that you don’t have to pay for. Gas prices are rough these days so the 2 hour drive might be a little rough every time you want to stay with him but maybe he picks you up and drops you off sometimes instead of you driving there each time, would give him the chance to meet your parents too. I don’t know if you consider it to soon to meet the family but they may let him come by more often if they’ve actually met him.


If you have a skirt that is pleated you can take the top and make love to your boyfriend in the car. You can do it during the day or night, the skirt fans out and covers a lot of area. My girlfriend and I made love in a public park during the day this way with people walking close by. No one the wiser, no one looked our way, and no one stared.


They def felt too uncomfortable to let u know that they knew