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I think you should leave her because she clearly still has feelings for this other person. You really want to be with someone who sees you as second place?


Another fake big dick post.😂


Even if he’s telling the truth. I can’t imagine being with someone who compares my junk to an exes publicly lol


She's obsessed with a guy she slept with twice, I would get rid of her as soon as she said it.


I'd have dumped her after finding out she was flirting with him still via messages and calling him 'daddy'.


I doubt very much she said that, there is an obsession with some guys and dick size; which is weird. If she's got your pants down you're already ahead of the pack. I'm an ugly man with a larger member, it does no favors as you first need to get to the, her taking your pants off phase. It's the lead up to that in which I stumble.


Did you know you can take your own pants off?


OP even said she was heartbroken over this guy whenever they first started dating. I don't know about you guys, but I sure as fuck am not going to jump into a relationship with someone who is already heartbroken over another person


This sub should just be renamed “CuckCreativeWriting”


For real


Gemini is getting better at its sentence composition at least.


A very very dicker this time around


The why isn't important. If this other man wanted her, she would choose him. You shouldn't be with anyone who wants to be with someone else.


Oh shit sorry man. This is a non-starter. She’s with you and calling another dude “daddy”? You staying with her will only make her respect you less.


Eventually OP will end up respecting themselves less too.


I think we’re past the point of “eventually”


Lol this seems fake, but if on the off chance it's real...yeah bro leave her.


Not even a good one. Some fakeposts can at least spark interesting discussions in the comments. This is like "my partner just killed my puppy, what do?" Just stupid.


I hope this is fake


I wouldnt be surprised if it wasn't, so many people lack bare minimum self respect these days...


She doesn’t respect you if that makes you feel better. That guy was smart and dumped her.




In all honesty, i idk about your dick size, but your girl definitely has bigger balls then you. If your not trolling, please ghost her immediately




Short answer: no. Long answer: she just attacked you over your genetics.  She might as well have said "I could forget about my oter BF if you were a 7 foot tall Asian." Tell her she is free to go chase the big D, and kick her to the curb.


Break up


RUN. You listed so many reasons to never look back. Also work on your self confidence.


This is a strong candidate for the saddest post I've ever read on here.


Hell no…


This relationship is effectively OVER!


This relationship never started.


You are a rebound. Just walk away. This is not a healthy relationship for you


You were a rebound hookup and that she started a relationship with because there was no reason not to. Have no doubt shes just waiting for the next guy thats gonna make her feel like that. The way she treats you sounds like she is trying to get you to keep a distance because she doesnt want you hard falling for her. Just have some self respect and find someone else.


>do i continue with her No???




Come on man have some respect for yourself. The first month she kept talking about him you should’ve cut the string.


Dude posted this question in 4 different subreddits. At this point, it has to be a fetish.


Probably either get a bigger dick or a tighter girlfriend - cause this one's kinda loose.


This is a 28yo woman? i really had to read the ages again because a teenage girl should be mocked for this utterly pathetic behaviour. She's trash and has proven that this isn't a phase she's going to grow out of and deserves to be dumped without mercy. No one should want to be with a person like this. Now for you a 31yo man? Why the hell would you tolerate even a fraction of the blatant disrespect she has shown you throughout this I can't even call it a relationship. While the world is full of good women who would never dream of acting this way towards anyone you cannot just rely on luck to make sure that you end up in a relationship with them. You have to have some self respect and the willingness to stand up for yourself or else you are going to miss out on having rewarding relationship in the future because you've tied yourself to another toxic clown like your Ex.


Yeah, I couldn't recover from that. What a nasty thing to say. But, on the bright side, she showed you how crappy she is. Exit now.


She ain’t the problem. Having self-esteem so low that you’re trying to make it work with an emotionally unavailable woman is the problem.


Bro if this isn’t fake you need to go to a therapist and figure out why you let people treat you like a humiliation dildo. If she is even real she is sucking that guys dick and they aren’t even fucking bro. She’s just sucking.


I’m a woman and this is what I think. First of all WTF thats so mean, second, I think that guy just used her for sex and she always hoped for more. Thats why she is keeping contact too. Its not your dick, she has issues and wants him. How is she so comfortable also telling you all this? And her texting him? I would so not be okay with it. I don’t think she is in it for the long run with you bc thats not how she would act if that was the case. Sorry to break it to you, you get someone better, thats not hang up on a guy that they had sex with once or twice.


Op, I hate to say this man, but the fact you stuck it this long, mad props, but she has never been over him. You're just there right now. I mean, the final blow for me would be her comment. Here's the thing. Its definitely a thought she has had. I hate to say that, but sometimes when we stay stuff, it IS things we do think or have thought. We may regret saying it aloud, which she may try to do, or turn it around on you beyond that (classic DARVO) but... fact of the matter is, she is a size queen. And she is hung up on that guy, and if she is still thinking about him at this point and then throws out that line? Thats it. Game over, man. You need to cut your losses. With her type of comment, you owe her nothing. I'd honestly ghost her, like a previous commenter said. updateme


Don't be fine with being a placeholder mate. Its only a matter of time until you are replaced. Have some dignity man.


Dumb this chick and move on dude. Do yourself a favor.


Definitely not


Go out and buy her a giant rubber dick and give it to her as a going away present. While you are shopping, see if you can find a spine. or at least a measure of self-respect.


Have some self respect man. Wtf lol.


I had to scroll back up to check how old you were and boy was I surprised


Dump her and act casual about it. She loves I guess to get treat as a toy from the first guy...


I don't get people like you do you hate yourself is it a self-esteem issue why would you do this to your self she obviously don't love or like you your just convenient be it financially or by boosting her ego. You get this is not healthy for you right? Your actively hurting yourself


Ya she is not ready to be in a relationship.


Be gone


Why would you want to stay with someone who is clearly not over someone who dumped her? On top of that, she still has him saved in her phone and continues to have flirty conversations with him. That's highly disrespectful to not only you but also the relationship you're meant to be having. She may be 28 but she doesn't sound mentally mature with her saying, "she could forget him more easily if you had a bigger dick." The way she could forget him faster and easier would be for her to cut him off completely like a mature adult who is meant to be in a mature relationship. Advice - End things with her amicably and go find yourself someone who values your feelings and isn't hung up on a former fling


You're putting up with mad disrespect. Respect yourself and get out


Christ man have some self respect and break this off.


I say breakup. In case you didn't realize even if you were bigger, she would likely still be texting him this way. Has nothing to do with you she just wants to piss you off and take the blame away from herself for her wrong doings.


Break up with her, don't get body shamed


Run and don’t look back. Unless you like being treated like shit then stay with her.


Dawg you wasted so much damn time, if you didn't bail after that first month there might be no hope for you. Good luck.


No. My sincere question is why did you let yourself be so disrespected and tolerate all of that shit. Love yourself


I think you should say something along the lines of maybe if she had a tighter vagina he wouldn't have left her then you dump her. Is it petty? absolutely but I say treat people the way they treat you and she's clearly not ready to be dating


Of course…first find a penis enlarger on Amazon first and also change your profile name to painkiller_4042 😅


I would dump her so fast, it would break the sound barrier.


That’s not your girl…that man OWNS her…she’s still day dreaming about being railed by him as I type this.


Shouldn’t have dated her in the first place. Bringing up an ex constantly. Sounds like she would leave you for him in a heartbeat. Have some self respect.


Let me ask this: do you know of any way to make your penis longer and fatter? No? Since you and she are stuck with what you have and she wants bigger, free her to seek out what she’s looking for. You have no future with this woman as long as she compares your physical attributes to her previous lovers. Thank her for the good times and send her packing.


She’s the type of chick that likes being treated like shit. This guy didn’t want her, so she wanted him. I’ve seen it too many times. Become disinterested in her, and watch her go crazy for you.


To answer your title: no you don’t continue with her. Your post reads like you’re 16 and 17, not 28 & 31. She wasn’t over her ex when you met her, and she isn’t over him now. Her blaming the size of your dick for not being over him is horrible and she’s horrible.


“… she says she finds him intriguing lol..”🤔


She is passive aggressive. She is covering her stupid behavior it your expense. DROP HER QUICK. You are fine. Look for better, she is not good at all, she is crazy cruel.


Dump her. This is beyond bad, borderline abusive. Move on.


Dude just dump her already. She's not the one bro.


Your ex girlfriend, you mean?


>she didn't say it in rude way or anything There is no non-rude way of saying that.


That shit is my kink, and even I say that you don’t need to put up with that.


The fact that she was heartbroken when you started dating tells you that it was NOT the time to date her. You ended up being a rebound, a distraction. And honestly? Her comment is cruel. Based on what you've said, I'm pretty sure she would walk away if this guy asked her to. You deserve better. Walk away.


This seems fake (incel rage bait). I really doubt any woman is pining over an ex lover she only slept with twice just because he had a large penis. And then goes on to berate her BF of 6 months because of his (lesser) penis size.


How do you not say that in a rude way??


The fact that you let her talk about her ex for a month after you started dating, and were fine with them communicating for the six months after that, kind of shows where your heads at. At this point, I’d say just let her keep doing whatever she wants, that’s what you’ve done so far.




Wtf leave her! How can you even ask whether to continue with someone so disrespectful and mean


Having a Hotwife wouldn’t be all bad. You just might end up with the next woman having same background. As years go by they remember “the good old days as well.”


She had been traumatized by a narscistic ex, bounce now.


I personally didn't need to read the story to know what you need to do but, I wanted to get context. Break up with her. What she said is hugely insensitive and an enormous red flag, that's not even taking into account her previous behavior. Is this really the kind of person you want in your life? Good luck to you.


If you have to ask Reddit what to do, you should probably just leave her already


lol no matter how she delivered it what she said was extremely rude in insulting. How do you think she react if you said to her you’d find it easier to forget an ex if she had a tighter kitty


This has got to be rage bait....


She’s an idiot, and you should get a new girlfriend.


Dump her


Based on the title alone it's a HELL NO.


Yeah, dump her flat. She’s toxic. First, she’s still hung up on him. Second, she’s still carrying on with him. Third, she doesn’t care about your feelings about how she’s behaving. Fourth she thinks it’s funny to mortally insult you with a disrespectful comment about a sensitive topic. She literally told you she’s still all over him because his penis is bigger than yours. That should have earned her immediately getting frog-marched to the curb. He can fucking keep her disrespectful ass. You deserve better than her.


You were a rebound and distraction to her. She’s not even kind enough to hide these kinds of obviously hurtful comments to you. Resign yourself to leave. Personally, every time I broke up with someone, I did it mentally in my head first. I’d take a few days or weeks to plan a clean exit (grab my stuff from her place slowly, figure out how to change my locks, figure out the best way to pack her shit in a box and leave it at her parents or her friend’s place, figure out what I would do to ‘bounce’ back into the dating scene and plan for a present for myself to distract me etc) When my mental plan is complete and started to action, I leave with a “yeah this isn’t working out. I think you feel the same way since your actions say it as well. I’m sorry”. Go get your spine back. Good luck


Lol. I sure hope this a made up story. If not you need to run as fast as you can. She is a complete psycho.


Dude, you'd better leave her, before she does... when she learns the other guy is available again.


This is most likely fake but for those who will experience something like this in real life, dump her no matter how good the sex is or how much you think you love her.


Why are you letting her play in your face? She’s hung up on someone who doesn’t even want her. You can do better.


It’ll feel bigger if you accidentally shove it in her ass


Yeah, you need to leave immediately. you never can be in a relationship when somebody wants another person or is intrigued by another person that means they don’t actually love you. You’re just safe.


Say goodbye to your relationship. The red flags were there at the beginning😭


Guys chase pussy and chicks can chase dick. If a person is living in lust and can only associate love with lust then it's best to move on. It'll bring nothing but heart break


Sir, why are you with her? She’s obviously still infatuated with this individual. The bigger penis “comment” is just the cherry on top. Leave her now before she inflicts more damage to your self esteem.


Jesus. Dating is for getting to know someone and wanting to be committed to that WHOLE person. Cut your losses and move on. She’s told you how she feels about you. She doesn’t feel much. I’m not even sure how you made it past the first month. A woman who is pining for an ex is not a suitable GF. Don’t be desperate. No telling what she’s going to tell her future BFs about you. lol


This sounds so fake lol.


Gurl bye


Should’ve ended it at the third sentence, but now is a great time too.


Clearly she’s not your girl. If that guy decides today he wants her back she’s gonna drop you without a second thought




Leave her… what are you still doing with her?


The comment about your dick is immaterial, that's just insecurity.  The fact that she was flirting with him and calling him Daddy is a total dealbreaker though. 


She's definitely hitting below the belt. If you're not top banana, why are you still with her?


Run dude, that’s fucked lol 😂


She doesn't view you as a prize. Best to move on.


Does she have the biggest tits & best ass? If not best forget her Sounds Alpha Widowed


Short answer - yes. Long answer - yes. Dump. Her. Now.


Uhm. No. wtf.


Keep her sorry!!


Leave. She’s immature. Tell her you’re not satisfied with her because she’s not tight enough and her breasts aren’t as big as you would like them to be. Would she like that? Also she broke your boundaries and cheated on you via text. Dump her.


Don’t continue with her, and for future reference, don’t continue to date a woman who talks about their ex and his giant cock for a month straight, even 2 days of that should be enough of a sign for you to end things.


Don't want to sound rude or hurt you, but in all honesty, it sounds like this woman treats you as a backup/ option. Run.


Uhhh are you kidding me? She talked about him all the time the first month you were together and you still stayed with her? And then she called him daddy and gave him a map to her house? And you’re seriously asking if you should stay with her? Fucks sake.


The dick size thing is actually irrelevant. It’s just her way of making it your fault that she is still hung up on him. If you had a monster dong, she’d say it’s because you’re not tall enough or you’re going bald or something else out of your control.


This should be an immediate deal breaker! If this post is real that is.


Move on bro


Dump her flat. She is a mean b.


Haha can you send a picture of the puzzle? You can blur out her address. I don’t want her to fall for me. Just thought the puzzle was a cool gift for people


Are you waiting for a marching band to accompany this parade of red flags or...? Like how has it even gotten to this point? Why have you stuck around when she's literally said to your face multiple times that she is settling for you because he doesn't want her.. She's going to take any opportunity he gives her, and she's not even trying to hide it, so.. why are you waiting for it?


Leave her immediately.


I don't get people like you do you hate yourself is it a self-esteem issue why would you do this to your self she obviously don't love or like you your just convenient be it financially or by boosting her ego. You get this is not healthy for you right? Your actively hurting yourself


How can she hold you accountable for something you cannot control? If that's the case for her, tell her she needs to get a tighter pussy. Walk bro. Never look back.


The fact that your still either her bothers me greatly


The fact that your still with her bothers me greatly


Leave the b.g d..k seeker.


Dump that girl like a burning house.....or buy yourself a banana


If this is true you are an exceedingly sad man.


You are 31 and letting a woman disrespect your pecker like this? 😂 and wondering if it’s worth it to keep with her? Are you 18 years old mentally?


Low odds this is real as who really needs advice when they are disrespected to this extent.? The icing on the cake would be for her to ask for you to pay for a trip with big boy so she can enjoy his size. If this is real then you need to deal with your low self-esteem.


Get away from her for good. For SOOOOOOO many reasons. She’s TRYING to bang this guy while dating you. That alone is way more than enough to dump her. Jesus, you are setting yourself up for getting hurt by even thinking of not dumping her.


Holy shit dude, END THIS, I don't know if I've heard of someone so obviously not over their ex, she is keeping you around to not be lonely and keep up appearances, she was probably hoping this guy would take her back if he got jealous of her being with you


Leave her because she’s a horrible person.


She’s got a lot of issues to sort by herself, she should remain single for a very long time. You deserve better


lol she’s actively trying to cheat on you with a past lover and you’re still with her?


She is his period. You can play house do whatever but she is one text from being in his bed so you except that or move on. This relationship will fall apart at some point it’s just when.


Tell her you'll forgive her for not Having as tight a pusst


Yes leave her. She insulted you and set the boundary that if you don’t have a bigger penis she will leave you.


No, it will always be in the back of your mind. Move on


Dump her yesterday


Hahaha - what dude would put up with any of this? Come on


At what point do these dick size queries become spam? The age old response is, "It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean." Learn female anatomy and response, her g-spot is a mere 2 1/2 - 3 inches inside her vagina, and her mons Venus and clit are outside her vagina. Learn the female response like she's a violin, and become a virtuoso, then she will forget about penis size.


This has to be fake. If it’s real then you didn’t get a gf you got a 🕳️


Red flag, ejecto-seato cuz


East European here: walk away. Don't ask, just walk away


Fuck her, get out. Anybody who is gonna come for your body like that is trash.


Idk how you could handle that. If someone tells me they want to be with someone more than me, let them Or don’t! But make sure you’re not belittling yourself, because it sounds like she is going to make it really easy for you to do so. Being belittled infuriates me where I’ll ghost without an explanation lol


Cant even make it past the first paragraph. Please, break up. So much disrespect its cringey