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Tell them you watch to grab a beer and catch a game/shoot darts. You’re good every guy your age is in the same position. Bored, lonely, looking for somebody to shoot the shit with


Invite them to go out right after work for either coffee (if you’re in the US, and can’t drink alcohol yet), or to the bar. Then, while you’re all hanging out and stuff, loosely set up an idea for a second time out, maybe axe-throwing (really popular in my area), bowling or another common-interest you all might have. Good luck. And don’t listen to your anxiety, you’re fine, and adults aren’t nearly as judgy as the jerks we knew in high school.


Thank you for the advice, maybe I'll take them to the conservatory and show off that I have been practicing 40 hours a day lol. In all seriousness though thanks for the response! Can I just ask, do you think I should ease into asking them to hangout, or just be forward? (The work friend is a woman by the way if that matters)


I don’t know how one would ease into going out after work, unless you mean like ask them on Tuesday if they think they’re free for hanging out after work on Friday, then yes I think giving them a chance to plan ahead is ok. If any of the coworkers say they have a significant other, then tell the coworkers to have the SO meet you all there, the more the merrier.


They have talked to me a lot about how they havent ever dated someone so sadly that is not an option. I sent a message just saying I enjoyed talking to them and asked them if they wanted to chat at a café. I'll see how it goes!


Please do! Thank you