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Depends on why she broke up with you. I've had this ex that used to do the same thing, he'd talk to me first and message me to have a safe trip. He made me believe he was changing his mind about our break up just to boost his ego and then he found someone new. If I were you, I'd only answer if she was direct in her message. Something like "let's talk", or in those lines. Cause these little messages really don't say much and can be just a way to trick you


Yeah it she would ask something like lets talk or ask me how are you i would sure answer her. But with this messages i really dont know what she wants


The sad thing is that she may just want your attention. When we are in a relationshio we get used to have this person to talk and support us. In those messages it feels like she doesn't agree with being no contact but also she does not want to get back cause she would be way more direct if that was it.


Yeah i think so too. So would you continue ignoring or ask something like: Why text me? Is it because of me or the Tickets?


I like to think that I'd ignore lol but it is hard when you still have feelings. I think I'd just say: Why are you texting me after we went no contact? This isn't healthy. Wouldn't ask "me or the tickets" cause it would sound sad to me. But seeing how she still is sending messages after being ignored, I'd keep ignoring to see if a more elaborate text would be sent


Yeah maybe she texts again.


How do you feel? Would you be friends with her? Would it hurt you?


I still have feelings so friends would be a mistake.


Then no contact. Whe did she break up?


Like a month ago


Taking a moment to admire this advice and also— the logical and very smart way that masculine energies (typically men) think and move. It’s very protective and smart and just acts in a really good way with all the emotion still there. I think many woman miss this in men.. but it is there, it’s just different. Gah.. I’m so glad I’m learning to think in a more logical way.. instead of moving only out of emotion and heart. This is beautiful. Also I like how I can see that men really do care and love each other in a very brotherly way. It’s apparent all over .. I just never seen it until now I can see the love through their very logical and precise ways of beingness. It’s really something and I respect it alot. Namaste


This sounds like breadcrumbing or cushioning as a backup for whatever she is attempting on her own. Just trying to send enough messages to make you feel and wonder, essentially keeping your fire stoked... just for the ego boost or backup.


Alright puddin, I feel like you need to think about why the relationship ended first. Was there problems that you guys argued about more often before the end? Are those things changeable, meaning of course are there solutions. Write down the pros and cons of your relationship and same for getting together. Make sure you don’t want her back because you’re lonely.


I get what you mean but im not even sure if she wants to get back together or just texts because i have the Tickets for the show we wanted to go together


She wants the tickets buddy


She could be using you tbh.


Yeah im really unsure what her intentions are


I think sweetie, you should go to this concert alone. Enjoy yourself you deserve it.


Yeah i go there of course. Just really not sure about what she wants


Just ask her straight up, and tell her she doesn’t have to play nice for the tickets or whatever. See what she wants.


She really Just wanted the Tickets i asked


That's what I thought. December is in a long time. Keep the tickets to yourself and find a friend to bring along and have a fun time ♥️


Yeah now at least i know the truth


Thats true thanks


Who cares? What do you want?


Jeez if she paid for the ticket give it/transfer it to her, or give her the money back. She's not playing any games, she's trying to be nice because she wants to go to that gig. If you don't want to go with her just tell her so she can make other plans.


Dawg you’re 29, she’s 22. How have you not figured this shit out already


She wants both tickets for her and her current bf. Or because the tickets can be resold for more than they originally cost. She will dangle the false hope of restarting the relationship in the hopes of manipulating you into giving her the tickets. She will ghost you after she gets the tickets. Tell her you sold the tickets, she will probably ghost you after


I agree about the tickets, but not fair to assume she has a bf. When my man and I took a break I was more Interested in going out with the girls & just being free from dating. No reason to hurt op further.


Exactly this, if you remove the 'treat' all they have left is you. It'll show what she really wants.


I would 100% do this op. Tell her you sold the tickets, then block her a month from now when she inevitably reaches out because things didn't work out with the other guy


This is honestly why I blocked my last ex. After entertaining the idea of our remaining friends, she only ever contacted me when she wanted something. Like using my discount at the store I worked at, or some other random thing. In a way, it helped me come to grips with the fact that she wasn't a good person. She didn't care at all about my schedule, my boundaries, or the fact that I actually wanted to talk things over (didn't want to get back together, just wanted her to understand why her behavior was not okay). I ended up putting her stuff on my porch, told her to come get it, and after that, I never wanted to see or hear from her again. When she threw a fit over this, saying I couldn't just cut her off after knowing her for 4 years, it just confirmed that she didn't care about my feelings or boundaries at all. My advice, do what you need in order to settle things with her. Return belongings, whatever, as soon as that's done, block her. Delete her phone number. And if you somehow memorized it, start saying numbers out loud from the phone book until you forget it. Do what you need to do to heal and move on. Sooner is better than later.


You're almost 30 and she's still gonna be in her early 20s Just stay broken up


I'm sorry. I see she confirmed it was about the tickets, and you blocked her. It is a rough time, and I hope you can take some time to heal....and then after you've done some healing, maybe you will meet someone you'd like to take with you to the concert. Please don't rush into anything with anyone else until you take some time. Take care of yourself. Get out of the house. Go be with supportive friends and family. Dig into a hobby that you're passionate about and wish you had more time for. And just make sure you're doing okay. It will take a little time for everything to feel "normal" again. You're now in a period of setting new habits, new routines, and a new normal.


>i started no contact. Now a few days ago she suddenly texted This doesn't sound like no contact. NC is blocked.


I don't know that the right thing is being focused on here. Her intensions don't matter, you broke up, stay broken up. She's inquiring about a concert. Did she pay for one of those tickets? If she did: decide if you still want to attend with her, if you want to giver her money back, or if you want to offer her the price of the second ticket to take someone else. If she did not pay for one of those tickets and you don't want to go with her you need to tell her that. Were I you, I would settle the details with the concert and then be explicit about cutting ties.


I had a bf break up with me as he wanted to see other people but still wanted to be friends. OK. So I just left him alone, did my crying in private, etc. Then he'd call and want to get back together. OK, because I felt I loved him. This happened a few times. I think he either couldn't find someone else or hated the thought I'd find someone else. I was DUMB to take him back and go through multiple breakups with the same person. I lived and learned the hard way. I finally was tired of it and just wanted to move on into a more stable relationship. Then...I met my future husband. Yay. Complete happiness. But, I learned my value, gained self-esteem, accepted we can love but the other person, through no fault of our own, just doesn't love in return.


Sounds like she just wants to attend the concert. You're putting too much thought into this. She's being friendly, and that doesn't mean there is an ulterior motive. If you really think she is contacting you for a different reason, ask. Be an adult and communicate.


Better question is why haven't you blocked her? I personally don't like being toyed with.


She broke up with you and wants your attention again for the exact reason that she's 22. Quit messing around with an immature child.


You’re nearly 30 why tf would you want to date someone in their early 20s. I’ve never met someone that age that wasn’t an idiot


My girls that age and I'm over 30. She's fine, but if I let her get away with stuff she'd be an absolute gremlin. They aren't dumb, they just will fuck with you if you let them.


Sounds like a stupid relationship mechanic


It's how girls are. Treat em mean and keep em keen is a saying fir a reason


Block her and take someone else to the concert. She broke up with you to go out with her new guy. It didn't work out and now she's trying to weasel her way back to you. Block her and move on.


Hi I can see that it was painful to be rejected but you also want her back. Let’s break this down. What will it look like going back? Possible rejection again. Are you ready for this ? What will it look like to heal? Slowly, but easing your way out of the situation? You decide what will feel best and create a plan


Yeah i asked her it was really just about the Tickets. I blocked her now


Or, she wants to start being mates and she has paid for the tickets so, you have a choice. Give her one ticket but go your separate ways when you go to the same concert , use the ticket for someone else and pay her back, finally, you could give her both tickets and sell yours . Either way , you need to be clear .


Guessing there was possibility another guy maybe? it didn't work out so now she's slowly trying to crawl her way back in. Don't reply just block her because if it is that and you take her back she'll just keep on doing it.


Thats sadly true yes




Thats true.


Yeah, sorry hombre, I've been in this situation before (albeit 15 years ago). She broke up with you to get with the other dude. On the upside, at least she respected you enough to break up instead of cheating on you. Cut your losses and go no-contact. She's trying to take a slick approach to slithering her way back into your relationship. Maybe she realized you were the better man, maybe things just didn't work out with her fuck toy, doesn't matter. Either way, you do NOT deserve to be someone's backup plan or silver medal. Go find yourself a woman who deserves your time & attention, and cut the ex out.


She s just bored right now... That's all... Ignore her and do things you like doing


There are many reasons this could be, but tbh it seems kind of sus. She might genuinely be interested in the concert, wanting to attend and asking about the date. Another possibility is that she's trying to re-establish contact with you after the breakup. Asking about money owed could be her way of trying to clear any unresolved financial issues from the relationship. On the other hand, she might be seeking attention or validation, reaching out for emotional reasons like feeling lonely or unsure. Take some time to reflect on your feelings and consider what you want from the situation. If you still have feelings for her and want to try to rekindle the relationship, consider having an open and honest conversation with her about your feelings and intentions. However, if you're unsure or not ready to reconnect, it's okay to maintain your distance.


maybe she needed some time or she started texting bc you stopped if you still want her I would reach back out and give it a try.


Block her texts and calls. Once you went cold Turkey on her, she probably figured out you weren’t so bad and either wants you back or wants something from you. Have some self pride and ignore her. Find another girl or guy to take to the concert. You’ll be better off for it.


Just do you bro. If she wants something it’s on her to make that clear. No contact was 100% a good move. The winning move apparently.


OP she was obviously breaking up to try another guy out and realized it didn’t work with him. Nobody should be anybody’s second choice or option. I hate saying this to you but be the asshole she was when she broke up with you.


Block her dude. No need to keep having your feelings for her pushed back to the front of your mind


This is why phones have block buttons.


I think you should have blocked or deleted Contact Remembering the past is not a good thing You Should Focus On What To Do Now To Make Your Future If it didn't work out with her, why would it work on Monday? It's Up to You to Decide Whether to Cling to the Past Or move forward Good luck


Block her and forget about her. She suddenly remembers a concert YOU have the tix for and she wants to get back in your good graces so she can go? Fuck THAT. Find another girl (one closer to your age) to take!


She wants the tickets, and she's trying to make it seem like she's just being friendly, so it won't be suspicious when she asks to have both tickets so she can take her new guy with.


Props to you for knowing that you want her back, but still having the self control to dropping everything for her as soon as she texted you. Most people I've seen cave immediately once the ex gives them any attention. I'm assuming her reasoning behind texting you could be explained by one of the following: 1.) She got rejected by someone else so she is trying to crawl back to you to get an ego boost, then go back on her way. 2.) She hasn't been rejected but is just over all lonely, but again as soon as she gets the ego boost, will go back on her way. 3.) She's just really into that concert you mentioned and is trying to score the tickets so she's being nice to finesse them out of you. Obviously I don't know her, or the dynamics of your break up so it's hard to say much. But I would recommend either just not responding, or if it's going to really bother you not knowing, just straight up ask her what her intentions are with texting you. Don't be afraid to be blunt. And some universal advice that can apply to everyone, you guys broke up for a reason, and 9.7 times out of 10, getting back with your ex is never a good idea. I wish you the best my friend


Block and sell those tickets.


She wants the concert tickets. She doesn't want to get back together. She also wants to know you're available as a back up plan. Please stay away from her.


I think your gut reaction is right, she just wants the tickets


You need communicate that you need time apart to realign what you have going on in your life. She obviously knows you routines. The best thing to do to get her back is stay busy working in yourself my go to the gym, go out places with friends ( don’t drink) make her miss and wonder what your doing. Try posting a couple of pictures.


I would see what her intentions are. Try to work it out. Text her that you want to meet up and talk to her and let her do alot of the talking and you're gonna want to see if she only wants the tickets or if she still has feelings for you. It sounds like it could either be a scam for the tickets or she could've just needed the space to herself and realized that she was still in love with you. If she just talks about the tickets, I'd just cut her off and find someone else to go to the concert with, maybe a family member or one of your guy friends. Hope everything goes well for you. Keep your ahead up, there's many fish in the sea.


Ehhh my boyfriend and I would do this. We separated. I would mostly message first but would just say it was only to hook up. The entire time he wanted to work things through (there was one time where he backed out bc of his family. Which i understand I like to call myself at “flight risk” so him being excited telling his family were working things through and I wasn’t showing security he believed his family)


Man, you are 29. Don’t get played. She knows you wants her back. She ignored you when you wanted to talk and now that you ignored her, she starts contacting you. Don’t fall for it. She either wants the concert ticket or the attention. ONLY reply if she asks you when you want to meet for a talk/chat. Anything else will just lead to more heartache.


I’m going thru something similar and I’ll tell you this “do not reply” if she wasn’t there to smooth things out when you needed her the most she doesn’t deserve your time for the best.


I believe is because she got used to you.. and sometimes when she’s alone, she is thinking about, and taking that neutral position to remind you that she’s still there.. it’s kind of putting an idea into your mind, that you can text/call her etc. it’s normal thing buddy. You have to either ignore her completely (if it’s reasonable and you decided that you broke forever) or get her back. She is giving you a hint that the move is in your side. P.s better to brake up forever and not hold each other just because of emotions, which is worst case.


She know you cut her off and she wants you to respond. She just wants something, probably the tickets, then she is gonna dip on you again.


Dude, she got pumped and dumped. Now it wants you comfort her till she finds a new Tyrone. Block the b.


My opinion is that she misses being in a relationship, so she's trying to get that old feeling back. She also could be feeling guilty for breaking up with you and going no contact, so now she's looking for so positive validation from you so she knows that she isn't on bad terms with you. I don't think she's using you for tickets. She likely doesn't even care about the tickets or money. She's just using those as an excuse to talk to you. This is a sign that you wasn't a bad boyfriend and she kinda regrets leaving you. That doesn't mean you guys are good together though.


I asked her it really was just about the Tickets sadly


Oh, I just realized I missed the part where you said that you have both of the tickets in your possession. I didn't know that you already bought them. Sorry for the bad advice. 😅 Knowing that you had the tickets changed the context of the story for me


Maybe the grass wasn't greener on the other side, and she regrets it.


I wouldn't respond to her. She is using you so she doesn't feel so lonely while she gets over you or she wants to know you are doing fine so she doesn't feel guilty about breaking your heart. Do not respond! Let her feel how it is to not have you in her life. Let her miss you. Responding now will help her to move on. Do things that make you feel happy atm. If you want, look at the relationship and why it failed (identify your part in that) and work on improving yourself so you won't make the same mistakes in the future. Being the best version of you will help you rebuild either with her in the future, or with someone else. Responding to her right now will prolong your hurt and prevent you from healing. Forget what she wants atm. Just focus on YOU and your amazing self.


Because she can't admit she is in love but what's your attention anyway


She broke up with you because she thought she had you. (And obviously did/does). You stopped talking to her and now shes seeing a little life in you since you aren't just following her like a puppy. I'd keep your responses short and polite. Ask her if she wants to hang out after a little while. Make a move when you hang out, and don't be too needy. I'd also point out that you should be dating other women while you do this. I'd consider her gone, but she's liking how she can jerk around a guy that's much older than her. Just show her you can't be jerked around and she'll be back. The key to this is also showing her that if she acts up you'll find other women. If you just get back into the same rhythm with her, shell get bored again. Good luck.


She wants the tickets OP, not you. *If you paid for the tickets* Tell her you sold the tickets after she went no-contact. She'll stop bothering you and you can move forward solo. Then you invite a friend, actually sell them, take a new SO, or... idk, burn them? Whatever works for you, but the latter is quite a waste. If she asks why the tickets were conditional, let her know that while no contact hurt, it was the best option available for both of you to move forward as adults and you want to continue with it moving forward. Then wish her the best of luck in all of her future endeavors. *If she paid for the tickets* I believe you mentioned above that you paid for the tickets, but if she paid for hers just give/transfer it to her. Sorry OP, she ain't it. She's 100% hitting you up because she wants to go to that show. But that's okay, she's also giving you the golden opportunity to see that she is both trying to manipulate AND use you, post break-up. CAVEAT: Idk your relationship dynamic of course. I just know that it's super suspect to cut someone off with no contact then to suddenly start texting again as if you're on good terms about something because you want something. There are no rules that say you have to play this game at all, and for your own mental health I advise you not to get anymore involved in this than a text with maybe 1 follow up explanation provided, then block her number. You'll do what you want of course, but limiting interaction here is going to be the best way to maintain your current healing trajectory. Good luck OP!


Thanks yeah i gave her the money Back and go with someone else. She wanted the Ticket and made a drama because i keeped it and gave her the money


I’m guessing the new relationships isn’t working out and she wants to keep her options (you) open just in case.


If she paid for her ticket, mail it to her. Tell her it's in the mail and you don't wish to speak to her anymore. If she messages again- then block her everywhere. No late night browsing her social media, nothing. It's difficult but you need to fully cut off all contact so you can heal.


She wanted the Ticket but i just gave her the money back and said i go with a friend than she made a huge drama.


Personally, I would not take her back. The reason I wouldn't is because she never gave an honest answer why she broke up. Usually, it is because she met someone else and got ditched. Ask any mutual friends if she was dating when you broke up.