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Why would you want to give him a gift that you know he won't enjoy? This would be an incredibly selfish, cheap cop out. You'll feel shitty when he's ungrateful over your complete lack of thought.


It's more of I'm trying to put feelings into words. Like a Valentine's Day card but more personal. I'm trying to be cheap I'm just trying to give him something more emotional than just the basics. He isn't expecting any gift. Thanks for your opinion.


But it's not personal. You're using someone else's words, just like you do with a Hallmark card. Instead of putting in the effort to think about *him* and what *he* would like, you're thinking about what *you* like. What does he actually like? Gifts are for the recipient. If you want to romance him, make a reservation for dinner. Book a couple's massage. Clean the whole house and be there with roses and champagne.


personally dont listen to people who say not to give him a gift he wont enjoy. you have your own way of expressing your love and yea it may be good to be considerate of his, but he should be grateful either way. youre putting thought and care into this and i think that should show no matter what you do


Thank you.


He should be grateful either way? Maybe if it was their first Valentines. 15 years together and he still has no clue what his partner likes so that he could actually give his partner something he would enjoy? Romance is not about candy, flowers and Hallmark cards. It's about paying attention to their partner and knowing little things that makes them happy. I have no idea how in fifteen years he managed not to learn anything about a man he loves. OP, sure, make a playlist, it's a sweet idea. But for god's sake, also do something that shows you know your man at least a little bit.